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Breaking Through

Till death, one face
Akin to joy made flesh
Haunts my dreams.

Eyes alit in azul blaze;
Bearing smile contrast to lost loves sorrow.

Mystery lies withdrawn in aphotic depths.
As a mind content with mirror images feeds doubt,
And shame abides the seclusive nature of beast revered.

A current of air – carries scent,
Remembering long lost purity.
And in beholder’s eyes lie a beauty unique.

Tolerance comes at a price..
A debt to society is the tempter’s snare.

Fads will fade,
And dreams will die.
The barren landscape issues forth hope;
Illusory contentment?
Or realistic ambition?

The light beyond our tunnels depth
Springs forth like flame in harsh winters core.
Dreamers realization flourishing despite hearts of ice.

A window to the world is now ajar..
Light filters through a once blackened pane..
Truth breaks through like a rock thrown in anger.

Shattered lies litter an already cluttered floor
And gone are the days remembering salty-wet sorrow.

Now is the time to live.
Today as one - we start anew;
And tomorrow will now be all the brighter.

These thirsty souls welcome new zeal
These hearts embrace that lost art - love
Comprehension of new life’s potential bypasses understanding.

Contentment comes..
Air to breathe, and light by which to see.
Peace at last.
Beyond Death’s reaping.

This poem is © 2007 Byrjun, to whom comments may be sent.