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I saw this picture...

I saw this picture last night
And it tore my heart out.
What future now for this young man,
In foreign parts, no mother, no father, no name?
No speech, no language, no future, no native land.
I saw this picture last night
And it tore my heart out.
Blond, blue eyes, fair skin,
Orphaned by fate and flood, identity undiscovered,
To be brought up in a culture foreign.
I saw this picture last night
And it tore my heart out.
Conceived and born in love,
Abandoned to a destiny unknown, unless…
I saw this picture last night
And it tore my heart out.
Conceived and born into material wealth
Which bought that luxurious, doom laden holiday.
Abandoned aged two to emotional poverty,
No name, no homeland, no culture.
No love, just pity, no love, just charity, cold cold charity…
I saw this picture last night
And it tore my heart out.

At the time this poem was written the news was as follows, complete with an appeal for assistance:
"This boy about 2 years old from Khoa Lak is missing his parents.
Nobody knows the country that he comes from.
If anyboy knows him please contact:
Telephone: +66 76-249400-4 ext 1336 or 1339
E- mail:"

We now understand that he has been reunited with his family, therefore I have not linked the email address as an html email link. The hospital has many better things to do with other lost people.

11 January 2005

© 2005 N Fourbois, to whom comments can be sent.