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The Ins and Outs of Love

Don't know how it happened, this feeling deep inside.
Wondering when, and if it will subside.
Do I want it to leave me? Or should I ask it to stay?
I wish I knew someone who could show me the way.
Her confusion hurts me, and her the same.
No-one understands, no-one, either, is to blame.
A feeling of completeness, from the depths of my existence
Make living life a story, set in future tense.
Always thinking, out loud and to myself.
Put all other emotions up high on the shelf.
The outcome unclear and tearing me inside
To aching pieces, throbbing and tried.
But these emotions, not perfect and yet so,
Are my life's one torture, and release from the same blow.
Though my soul is filled with turmoil and sorrow,
They seem the right feelings when I wake on the morrow.
Through the pain that feels right, and the wholeness of heart
Now I realize, love is a competition, not an art.
Beautiful at times, and brutal at others;
At the end of the race come fathers and mothers,
And daughters and sons to go through the same
Rat race of love, the torturous game.

This poem is © 2004 SpringSpaz, to whom comments may be sent.