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Discovering the Unknown


By Angel Love

Well, I guess most people would still call me a kid, and I guess I really am but in the last several months I have learned that things that happen to us have happened forever. There is no going back or changing what has happened. Every day that passes that day becomes a part of the history of our lives. Time goes by and if we are wise we learn from the things in our past. It is hard for me to believe that it has been almost a year and a half since our little adventure in the woods and swamps north of West Port. Steve and I agree we are living a dream and me marvel each day just how awesome life and true love can be. We are growing so close it is even hard for us to comprehend. Mom laughs and tells us if we get any closer we will be joined from head to toe.

When Mom brought us home from the hospital we were surprised and sad to find she had fixed us separate rooms. She explained that even though she had no problem with our love she needed time to adjust completely to our being in the same house together all the time. Also she felt it best that Steve and I come to a real grip of our future together, was this just our first fling at love or was it something that would last a lifetime? So through the rest of our junior year we slept in separate rooms, but not all the time...come on get real after all we were teens in love! When we start our senior year Mom called a family meeting. She was convinced we had much more than a passing first love and we agreed. That night Steve moved into my room. Even though we had not practiced complete celibacy for those months, and Mom knew that also, our nightly separation had really drawn us closer together and given us a real appreciation for what we how had.

Oh yes, Steve's injuries...his leg was not broken but his ankle was badly sprained. His hand was broken and he carried it in a cast for two months, it still is a little larger than his left but not noticeable unless you compare them side by side. He was on crutches for about a month, but I enjoyed it every step of the way. Not his pain, silly! The fact that I got to almost carry him everywhere he went. Even got to help him take baths, hehe (BIG GRIN)! You know I really think he could have gotten around on his own a lot sooner...(another big grin)...but why end a good thing before you have too?

And my hard head, yes it healed just fine so did my ribs. Steve always got the biggest thrill out of tickling me, he has all our lives, and while my ribs were healing he could hardly keep his hands to himself. Well he really didn't, not completely, not everyplace, not from...well I think you know what I am saying; do I need to paint you a picture? (chuckle)

And Justin, he is the greatest guy you could ever want to know. It is no wonder Rob is so head over heals for the guy. The first time Steve and I got to see him was about three months after we got out of the hospital. Rob and his Mother had found a rehab that suited Justin's particular need and had moved him to West Port. I am not going to lie to you I was shocked when Rod took Steve and me to meet him the first time. He was still confined to a bed, unable to move or speak, and he was so emaciated it startled me.

The only time Rob left his side was school and work. He even slept in Justin's room many nights each week. Rob just would not give up on him and the doctor told me one afternoon that it was Rob's love and intense work with Justin that had him out of bed and in a wheel chair in just four months. Rob took him everywhere in his wheel chair and his voice improved almost daily. Sometimes you still need to listen close to understand what he is saying but that too will improve with time. He is now walking short distances unassisted and the doctor say there is a good possibility he will be walking again in less than a year, and if Rob has anything to do with it it may be a lot sooner than that. Rob has already made the decision he is not going to college until Justin can go with him. Just this morning I found Rob curled beside Justin's bed weeping and praying for his full recovery. I was so moved by what I saw and heard I joined Rob and together we held each other and begged for Justin to be returned to normal, and I have no doubt that it will happen.

Billy, how there is one great dude! He still likes his girls, (smile), and that is fine but he has been our point man at school ever since all of this came out. Sure a few kids have turned away from us, can't change the whole world you know, but for the most part everyone had been marvelous. His favorite thing to tell someone who objects is, "Judge yourself first, and then judge Steve and Jamie." That almost always shuts everyone up. Yes, he broke off with Susie McGuire. He now has a wonderful girl and I think I can smell true love in the air. Steve and I are soooo excited for him. If anyone deserves a great romance it is Billy.

Steve and I graduate in just three weeks. Things are moving so fast sometime it makes me feel like my head is still swimming from the concussion. Rob's friend, the one who bought the tickets for the concert Rob took me to, who by the way is Justin's uncle, is also funding Steve's and my college. No, he is just not paying our way we have to pay it back when we graduate and get jobs, or whatever, but the money is interest free. This fall we will be leaving to begin our new lives as college freshmen and we can't wait. We took a trip to the college last weekend and found a great little two room apartment that we put a hold on. Just to think of having Steve alone in our own place almost makes we cry and get hard all at the same time. (BIG, BIG GRIN)

Now the sad part, Steve's parents; they were sentenced to three years imprisonment for child abuse and abandonment. Since Steve was not eighteen at the time punishment fell on the harsher sentence. When they get out they will be on probation and must receive counseling until they are judged safe to be around children. Mom was granted full custody of Steve before he and I were even out of the hospital, but because of his capacity for love and his love for his parents the past year and a half has been extremely hard for him. His Mother and Father has consistently refused to let him come and visit them while in the county jail, and now while they are imprisoned at the state penitentiary. I can not begin to tell you how many nights I have held him while he has cried himself to sleep longing to see his parents one more time.

And Rob; I left him for last because he has become such a strong and guiding factor in my life. Without him I never would have understood fully the importance of being faithful to just one person, well perhaps over time I may have learned it. But, thanks to Rob I truly believe Steve and I have managed to skip a lot of unneeded heart ache. And though Rob is not the god I once thought him to be, he will always be just that in my heart.

Well I have to be going, my Steve is honking the horn on our old pile of junk we call a car; he wants to go to Mickey Ds. Yep, we have a car now if you can call it that. Mom helped a little, Steve had a little money in savings, and with my meager savings we managed to get the wheels. OK, OK so we have to work on it more than we drive it, but it is wheels none the less and it is ours! It only broke down twice on our trip up to the college last week, not really that bad I don't think.


"OK Baby be right there..."

Sorry, I was just shouting to my Angel through the bedroom window. He really does get a little impatient at time but I still love him anyway. Yep, this is going to be a great life!

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