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After the Ghetto

Part 1

by N Fourbois

This is a 'what happened next' tale, scarcely a story for it has no plot and almost constitutes a soap opera in prose. It is divided into five parts for the ease of the reader and of publication only.

"What does it mean to be adopted?" asked another child.

"It means," said the girl, "that you grew in your mummy's heart instead of her tummy!"

* * *

As he sat back in the taxi, Adam thought back over his short stay in the orphanage. He had been one of the lucky ones. Many of those boys were condemned to live out their childhood unloved in an impersonal atmosphere. Now instead of asking the question why he had been chosen to lose his parents, it had changed to why he had been chosen to be taken out of the orphanage and placed in a family. He could not get away from the idea that at the root of the answer was the fact that he was gay. Had he not been gay he would still be in the orphanage. His mind wandered to his new life. If he were honest he had not given it much logical thought. It had been based on an emotional decision, his love, desire, infatuation with a boy he had met once and scarcely knew. The only justification had been that that boy felt the same about him, and through his family circumstances was powerful and wealthy enough to engineer not only another meeting, but a complete change in both boys' lives.

He thought back to the first night they had spent together. On the Saturday afternoon after a second 'interview' he learnt that the van den Berg family had accepted his 'application' to join their family. Mr van den Berg arranged with the orphanage that he could spend the night with them. He had just climbed into bed, naked as he had brought no overnight gear with him, when the door to the bathroom opened and Simon appeared equally naked and climbed into the kingsize bed beside him. They slept the sleep of the innocent simply entwined around one another. With the sunlight streaming in they awoke in each other's arms. Simon drew back the duvet to inspect for the first time the prize he had won. Both boys were sporting wood which made them burst into laughter and continue in an uncontrollable fit of the giggles. They sorted themselves out in the bathroom, cleaned their teeth and returned to Adam's room where they could admire one another. It was all too much for Adam. He stood by the bed while Simon knelt on it and he kissed him. In the taxicab Adam could in his mind still taste the Colgate, whose flavour would eventually be doused by the taste of Simon's boy juice.

The sound of tyres on gravel brought Adam out of his reverie and back to the reality of the moment with an erection tenting his trousers. Simon was waving from an upstairs window. He could not come down and greet his new partner personally. Brabazon, the butler, would never have approved. The correct etiquette had to be followed. Adam climbed out of the taxi carrying one large suitcase. The driver deposited the other items at the front door while he rang the bell. Brabazon opened.

"Good morning, Master Neave."

"Good morning, Brabazon." The butler paid the cab driver and Adam went inside and was shown into the library.

"I'll summon Master Simon. Mr van den Berg will arrive in ten minutes' time." Master Simon was obviously waiting outside in the hall. He burst into the room, without noticing Brabazon's disapproving look, and took Adam into a tight hug, so tight that Simon's incipient erection could feel the softening of Adam's.

While Adam was waiting for Brabazon to summon Simon's father, Mrs Green the housekeeper appeared in the library, drying her hands on her pinafore, to introduce herself. While rejoicing in the title of housekeeper she was in fact maid of all work and took care of all the domestic affairs that Brabazon didn't. She didn't live in and usually worked five days a week, deputising for Brabazon on his free days. He had selected her too which ensured a harmonious relationship.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Master Adam. I hope you'll be happy with us and if you have any problems, you can always talk to me." Brabazon gave a slight clearing of the throat which was a signal for Mrs Green to disappear. Mr van den Berg was without. Brabazon announced him and then discreetly stood outside the open door.

"Hallo, Adam. I just want to welcome you to our family. We hope you will enjoy being part of us and you are to treat this house as your own home." He still had a trace of a South African accent. "Simon will explain any little house rules as we go along. While we hope you will be happy, you are free to leave us at any time. We just ask you not to run away, but to talk to us so that the correct arrangements can be made. I have to fly to South Africa this afternoon and so I must leave within the hour. Simon and Brabazon will look after you. I want to be back in time to introduce you to your new school, but I may have to ask Brabazon to do that. Welcome, Adam."

"Thank you, Mr van den Berg. I'm so pleased to be here."

"Ah, yes," said Mr van den Berg. "If you are to be one of the family, I think 'mister' would not be appropriate. I've given this some thought and also sought advice from Brabazon. Stepfather is ugly and not accurate until an official adoption, father would an affront to your late father, uncle is old fashioned and so I have decided that you should call me Philip if you feel comfortable with that." Adam noticed the stress on 'I' whereas up to then the family had been accounted for with 'we'. Brabazon outside gave one of those throat clearings which indicated he was not fully in favour.

"Thank you, Mr van... er... Philip." It would take Adam time to become comfortable with calling an adult, a comparative stranger as yet, by his Christian name. Philip shook his hand and gave him a hug. Then he hugged Simon and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll see you two in a few days' time and you can tell me all about what you've got up to and how you are settling in together."

"Not all, Dad," replied Simon with a twinkle in his eye. "Have a good trip." He hugged his father and kissed him on the cheek.

"Master Simon, Master Adam, lunch will be at one o'clock in my pantry and over lunch I must trouble you with some domestic matters," Brabazon announced before accompanying his master to arrange things for his departure.

"Good old Brabazon," said Simon when he had gone. "He insisted on calling Dad Master Philip all the time my grandfather was alive and when he died he changed it to Mister Philip."

"And what did he call your mother?"

"Always Ma'am, rhyming with jam. Still, I expect you'll want to sort out all your stuff," and the two went up to Adam's room where he found his luggage had been deposited.

In Adam's room Simon helped him to unpack his few belongings.

"Are these all the clothes you have?"

"All that fit me. I had a lot more when Mum and Dad were al... when I was still living at home, but I've outgrown them now and in the orphanage they provide you with only what you need. It always seemed too much fuss to go to the trustees and get money out of my trust fund. I suppose I haven't really had much interest in clothes over the past few months."

"We'll talk to Brabazon over lunch. I think we might have to organise a shopping expedition. And now I really must show you around. First of all, you haven't been in my room." Simon took Adam through the connecting doors in the shared bathroom.

"This is a funny arrangement," said Adam.

"Yes, I think it dates from the time when husband and wife didn't always sleep together, but it made it easy for when they wanted to have some fun without having to go out onto the landing and draw attention to themselves. And I hope that's exactly what we can do," at which Simon kissed Adam on the cheek and stroked his bottom. That was enough to give Adam a stiffie and he gasped as it pressed against the inside of his trousers. "I can see I'm not going to get any sense out of you until we deal with that. Go and lie on my bed," said Simon. Adam leaned back leaving his legs dangling down to the floor. Simon loosened Adam's belt and started to unzip his trousers. Adam gazed into his eyes and said

"A gentleman always kisses before he makes love." Their lips met and Simon buried his tongue in Adam's mouth.

"Does that mean you want to make love? Properly I mean... you know... putting our dicks inside... "

"That's what I want eventually, but not until you want it as well... and not until we can take our time and do it slowly and love each other properly."

"And do you want to do it to me or me to do it to you?"

"Oh, both. I dearly want to feel you inside me, but then I want to shoot my spunk deep inside you so that you have my very essence within you." This talk had made them both so hard that it hurt. Simon pulled down Adam's trousers and his dick sprang through the slit of his boxers. He started to lick it. Adam groaned. "Not that. I need something quicker. Rub it." Simon made a fist round Adam's shaft and slowly moved his foreskin back and forth. "Faster!" Simon obeyed and within a minute he saw Adam's balls start to contract and he just had time to pull his handkerchief out of his pocket to catch the spunk and prevent it shooting everywhere. Once Adam had stopped spasming, Simon took the handkerchief away, put it to his face and licked some of Adam's still warm spunk.

"I'm so flipping hard you've got to do me now," and Simon unbuttoned his Levi's and pulled his dick out of his slip. "Get the tissues before you start."

After this light recreation both boys felt better able to get on with the business of the morning. After Simon's quickie they pulled up their trousers and fastened their belts. Simon put the soiled handkerchief into the linen basket and fetched a clean one from a drawer. As Adam looked around he noticed that apart from being personalised, Simon's room was furnished the same as his. He found it encouraging to think that he was being treated an equal. It was time for the alternative tour of the house. As they left the upper floor, Simon pointed out his father's bedroom. Downstairs he showed Adam the various rooms.

"That's Dad's study. No entry unless specifically invited and that usually means bad news." He opened another door. "That's my, now our study." They went in. Two large working desks each with a computer, leather executive chairs and bookshelves of encyclopædias, dictionaries and other reference books. "You can telephone here and there are extensions in our rooms. I must get Brabazon to attach a phone in yours. It's a separate line from the main house phone. Dad doesn't like the idea of me blocking the main house phone - calls from South Africa and such like." They carried on. "This is the dining room. We only use it now when Dad's at home, but if there's just the two of us we'll be eating in Brabazon's pantry." Adam remembered the sitting room and the media room. They went downstairs to the basement. "You saw the swimming pool. Two rules - we have to let Brabazon or Mrs Green know that we're using it and no skinny-dipping if Mrs Green or her helpers are in the house or we have family guests. Our friends don't count as guests, I'm pleased to say," and he gave Adam a knowing look. They went into the games room. It contained a full size snooker table and there was still room for a rowing machine, exercise bike, treadmill and weights machine. "We're not allowed to use the weights machine until we're sixteen. Something about our muscles not being developed enough yet. I'm not sure I will then. I'm not that fond of beefcake," and he gave Adam another knowing look.

He took some keys off a hook and they went back up to the ground floor. He opened the French doors and they went into the back garden. He pointed to the granny flat at the end.

"That's where Brabazon lives when he's not on duty." They walked across to the shed. As well as a mower and gardening tools there were two bicycles. "That one's yours, Adam," he said pointing to the newer one. Outside he pointed out a triple garage. "Dad and Brabazon keep their cars there, and also the big ride-on motor mower. We have a gardener who comes in." They walked across to the summerhouse and through the open door came Lucy wagging her tail and pleased to see her young master and his new companion. "So this completes the circle. This is where you became my adopted brother, my companion and my boyfriend and it began with a hug." At that Simon put his arms round Adam and they kissed. In the distance they heard the sound of a gong coming from the house. "We'd better go. That's Brabazon's way of telling us to get ready for lunch."

Brabazon ran an orderly household. That's the way Simon's father had been brought up and in his turn Simon. Adam had been institutionalised during his months in the orphanage and so there was no dissent, just tacit assent. In the pantry lunch had been set at the long scrubbed wooden table. Brabazon sat at the head and on his right the housekeeper, Mrs Green. On his left sat Simon and on his left Adam. Order reigned supreme. Brabazon served. The whole affair was animated for Mrs Green was a lively soul who offset the staid Brabazon. She plied the boys with questions about what they had been doing, what they were going to do and how Adam was settling in. After she had cleared the two courses, Brabazon put a pot of tea on the table to brew.

"Now, young gentlemen, we have some business to attend to. I'd be grateful if you would remain for this Mrs Green. I have Mister Philip's financial arrangements to communicate. Master Adam, you will receive a monthly allowance as discussed at your interview." He passed Adam a folded slip of paper. He raised his eyebrows when he saw the amount. "That is for your personal expenses and to be used at your discretion. The account is arranged. You will need to go to the bank to give a specimen signature and eventually you will receive a card for withdrawing cash. In the meantime here is a cash advance to tide you over until the arrangements are complete." He passed Adam a sealed envelope. "Mr Philip will also transfer a monthly sum into a savings account. He would like you to consult him before you withdraw any money from that account. We now come on to domestic arrangements. If you require any domestic articles or school requisites, I should be grateful if you would give me the list by Friday breakfast. They will go onto my weekly order and be delivered on Monday. If you should miss the deadline, you will receive them the following week."

"Brabazon means things like soap, paper handkerchiefs, shoe polish."

"You are expected to keep your room tidy. Mrs Green will clean it, but only if it is tidy. Similarly on Tuesdays you are to strip your bed and put the dirty linen in the linen basket. Mrs Green will make it up with fresh linen. On the other six days you are expected to make your own bed before breakfast. If you find it difficult because of the size, Master Simon will help you, I am sure. Dirty clothes you put into the linen basket in your room. They will be laundered and laid out on your bed for you to put away. If you are feeling unwell, you should inform me or Mrs Green immediately, or ask Master Simon to do it for you." All this information seemed a lot to take in all at one go and under the table Simon stroked Adam's thigh reassuringly.

"Now there is one other thing I must tax you with, Master Adam. We must order your new school clothes and for that I shall need your measurements. Perhaps, Master Simon, you will write them down for me." This signalled the end of the meal and Mrs Green got up and cleared away. Brabazon fetched a tape measure from a drawer in the Welsh dresser and handed Simon a notepad. "Neck 15 inches... " and so it went on as he passed down the body. Adam thought Brabazon held the tape measure to his crotch a tad longer than necessary when he took his inside leg measurement, but he didn't object. If Brabazon was family, it might smooth both his and Simon's existence in the household.

"Brabazon, Adam needs some new casual clothes as well. He's only got what they provided in the orphanage."

"I think we'd better organise a shopping expedition to London over the next few days." Adam was amazed at the attention he was receiving as a newcomer and comparative stranger in the house. "Master Simon, have you talked to Master Adam about your school?" Simon shook his head.

"Not yet, Brabazon."

"That might be a good idea for this afternoon."

"We'll cycle over there and if the office is open I'll ask if I can show him around. Do you need us for anything else, Brabazon?"

"I don't think so, Master Simon."

On the way out to the shed Adam told Simon how strange he found the domestic arrangements. He had never had servants before and he thought it odd that the chief servant was telling them what to do and what not to do.

"You'll get used to it, Adam. Oh, one other thing. If we want to go out, we're allowed to, but we have to tell either Brabazon or Mrs Green, or leave a note and tell them what time we expect to be back. That counts for school, as well, unless it's normal time." Simon unlocked the bikes and gave Adam the key to his. Hanging on the handlebars was a brand new skid lid. "You'll have to use the padding to make it fit."

"How do we get to school?"

"Normally we cycle, but if it's raining Brabazon will drive us there and pick us up."

"What about if it's raining after school?"

"You get wet! It's all right. You'll have Day-Glo waterproofs among your school kit and at least we can change when we get home. Dad's very keen for me... I mean us... not to become couch potatoes. That's why he chose the school."

"What do you mean?" asked Adam. Meanwhile they had arrived at the school. It was set back from the main road in its own grounds, a mixture of a few old and a lot of modern buildings. They locked their cycles up in the bicycle shed and Simon took Adam to reception. Fortunately there was someone there, despite its being the holidays. Simon said who he was and introduced Adam as a new pupil. The receptionist checked the names on her computer.

"Yes, that's fine. You'll need to sign in and sign out and wear these visitor badges. The door code has been changed for the holidays," and she wrote it down on a card for Simon. He took Adam through the quadrangle and out to the fields.

"I hope you're going to like our school. I think you will, but it's a little different. We start earlier and go through to one o'clock. That way we can do all our classroom lessons in the morning. We have a light lunch before an afternoon of activities. That's sports basically. Mondays and Wednesdays we train for the major sport of the term. That's rugby, hockey and cricket. Then on the other afternoons we do PE which is compulsory and basically fitness and gymnastics and for the other things we can choose - squash, tennis, swimming, rowing, athletics and running according to the season, music, dance... "

"Dance? In a boys' school?"

"Don't knock it until you tried it. I do dance. There's a lot of ballet and that's hard work, but then there's also the bonus."

"What's that?"

"We have to dress in tights and just imagine a room full of fit hotties in tights... and you get to hold them."

"Mmm... I see what you mean. I might try that."

"Then on Saturday there is no school, but you're expected to turn out if you're picked for a school team. If you have a morning rugby or hockey fixture at home, that's no problem, but an away cricket match can go on for a bit."

"Are you in a team, Simon?"

"I was in the U14 A hockey team and B rugby team, but in the summer I prefer to do athletics and perhaps play tennis if I can fit it in. How about you?"

"I played rugby for the school - a bit borderline. That's why I'm here." Adam's faced saddened and he became distant."

"What do you mean exactly?"

"I was called out at the last minute to sub for someone in a school rugby match. Otherwise I would have been in that accident with my parents."

"I'm so sorry, Adam," and Simon put his arm round his shoulder and pulled him into a hug. They quietly walked round the sports grounds, hand in hand as there was nobody else around. It had dampened the atmosphere of the afternoon, but Simon was quickly learning what it meant to be a boyfriend, lover and partner, and he knew Adam would be there for him during the inevitable moments when he thought back to his own mother's death. As they recovered he continued to point out the various facilities.

"What's in there, Simon?"

"It's called the fives court, though no one ever uses it to play fives. Officially it's for knocking a tennis ball around or kicking a football."

"And unofficially?"

"Because of the high walls and because it's out of the way it's mainly used for... what shall I say? ... assignations of a romantic nature. Rule 1 is that if someone else is already in there, you quietly go away. There's an understanding that even the prefects don't patrol it - apart from the risk that they might find another prefect there... making use of the facilities as it were," and Simon giggled.

"Is there a lot of that in the school?"

"Was there a lot of that at the orphanage?"

"Well... I s'pose there was... not a lot, about a half dozen of us, maybe ten were gay."

"Out of how many?"


"Well, just think. Here you've five or six hundred boys together just like us... no, I don't mean exactly like us... who have needs - I think that's the euphemism - and unlike us cannot satisfy them at home. Multiply your half dozen up and see how many you get."

"And is it accepted?"

"This is a very tolerant school with a live and let live attitude. No one feels the need to change it. Some of the masters are gay, but I'm not going to tell you who. I'll let you find out for yourself, then we can compare notes. By the way I forgot to tell you. After activities, when we've showered and changed, we have a cup of tea and a bun, then go to our form rooms and do our prep - that's what we call homework. We leave at six, but it means the rest of the evening's free. It can be a bit of a bitch in the winter, going to school in the dark and coming home in the dark, but with it being an independent school most of the boys and their parents must like it or they'd go elsewhere. I think it's the pay off for having such good sporting facilities and they miss the normal school run." The boys made their way back to reception, handed in their visitor badges, signed out and fetched their cycles.

Back at home Brabazon announced over tea that he had arranged a shopping expedition for Thursday and that the train went just after nine.

"Train?" queried Adam.

"Oh, yes," replied Simon. "For major shopping we go to London."

"Oh, I remember you saying, Brabazon." Adam was beginning to realise why Simon was so well dressed. Tea over Simon suggested "Let's take Lucy for a walk." And so ended Adam's first day as a member of the van den Berg family and household.

The days of the school holidays sped past. Adam was amazed at the way Brabazon organised the trip, putting them into taxis to go to the best shops. They started at Lillywhite's in Piccadilly Circus. The two boys passed from floor to floor with Brabazon following at a discreet distance with the corporate credit card and Simon always ready with advice.

"Do you always wear boxers?" asked Simon. Adam nodded. "If you can take a little advice, I suggest you get yourself a set of briefs or slips. The way the school trousers are cut, there's little to hide the instant boner. I get them all the time. In fact it's a little game we play at school - Spot the Boner." As they shopped Simon stocked up on clothes as well. In some cases they deliberately bought the same things to show their togetherness. "Brabazon, will you take us to the Tommy Hilfiger shop, please? We need some new undies."

"I assume that means underwear," Brabazon corrected pedantically. Adam found it odd to see him out of his butler's uniform. Finally the three of them overburdened with packets and carrier bags arrived at the station for the train journey home. Adam had lost count of the total cost, but it was obvious it was but a trifle to the van den Berg family.

"Just make sure you give any receipts to Brabazon for Dad's accountant." Once home Brabazon instructed the boys to leave their goodies in separate piles on the kitchen table and Mrs Green would put name tags on them so that they knew what belonged to whom. Lucy had heard what was going on and bounded up to greet her master and his new friend.

The school holidays continued and Simon found that with his new companion and boyfriend he had never been so busy. Life in that huge house, with just the butler, the other domestics and occasionally, it seemed, his father, was lonely, empty and boring. Perhaps that's why he had thrown himself into school life so thoroughly. Now there was always something to do and if he and Adam thought they could be idle for a few moments Lucy would always be at hand to remind them that perhaps a walkies might be in order. Their favourite walk was through the woods on the hill in the park where Lucy could enjoy all the sylvan smells, even flush out the occasional bird or rabbit, while the boys found that privacy where they could be alone, indulge themselves in those deep and important conversations that adolescents have, and just hold hands, giving them the occasional squeeze and each other a peck on the cheek. They had learnt to walk side by side with a hand in the other's pocket giving the various sensations they enjoyed. Adam had already come to appreciate the advice Simon had given him as regards his underwear. One of their conversations had already touched on when they were going to make love properly, but neither was in a hurry and they would know when the moment was right. From what they had been told by their school mates and Adam's house mates at the orphanage they knew it would not be easy at first and it would require a certain amount of preparation. Back at home Simon began to use the facilities simply because Adam was there: the swimming pool, the snooker table, the gymnastic apparatus. They enjoyed the physical activities and after only two weeks felt better in themselves for them. Simon had been blessed with a natural sixpack, but now Adam was starting to develop his abdominal muscles. He realised that under his old life, even when his parents were alive, he had not had the opportunity to develop his physique. As has been said elsewhere he wa s not one of the top sportsmen in his year, but an also-ran who was useful for making up a shortfall, but as such did not receive the attention he would at his new school. As they were so busy, they found they had little time to watch television or play computer games, especially now the light evenings were here.

At last the final days of the holidays had arrived. They had passed so quickly because the boys were together and so happy with each other. As they sat side by side in the sunlounger on the patio, a thought struck Simon.

"You know, Adam, you really ought to get to know some boys from school before we go back." Adam nodded his agreement. "It's odd. I've only just realised this, but I always used to have lots of friends in, but when Mum got ill and died they stopped coming, just at the time you need them, and it never really got going again. I think they were embarrassed. They didn't know what to say or what to do. Even at school they didn't know what to say. Did you find that?"

"I had no home for them to come to. I was whisked off to the orphanage by social services and there you're all equal - no parents, or parents that didn't want you or couldn't cope with you. And so you have company in the home. Though now you come to mention it one or two did act strangely at school." At that moment Mrs Green came out with a tray of her home made lemonade and cake.

"Adam, a whole lot of boxes have arrived for you. I think it's your school uniform. If you'll permit, I'll unpack it, sew the nametapes in and when it's ready I'll lay it out on your bed for you. You had better try the blazer and trousers on first to make sure they fit. If they do, I think everything else will."

"Mrs Green," said Simon "is it all right if we invite some friends over tomorrow afternoon?"

"It's all right by me, but you'd better ask Mr Brabazon. It'll be nice to see your friends here again. It's been a long time and so quiet without them, Simon." Simon made to get up. "No rush. Have your elevenses first and bring the tray with you when you come, there's a dear."

When they'd finished, they took the tray into the kitchen where Brabazon was polishing the silver.

"Brabazon," said Simon "do you mind if we invite some friends over for the afternoon tomorrow? We've nothing else on, have we?"

"That will be quite in order, Master Simon. Football and swimming?"

"I think so."

"Would you ask the young gentlemen to shower off the mud before they swim?"

Mrs Green handed Adam a pair of light grey trousers and a navy blue barathea blazer with a red badge on the breast pocket.

"You can try the blazer here. Yes, I think that's fine. Just do the button up and raise your arms. Mmm yes, a good fit. Go upstairs and try the trousers on and come down and show me." The boys disappeared together. In his room Adam changed into his trousers.

"Wow!" said Simon. "If I hadn't been here I would have said you'd sprayed those on." Adam looked in the full length mirror of his wardrobe and they were a perfect fit following the contours of his bum and, better still, those of this package. "Do they feel all right, not too tight?"

"Yeah, fine. They're made of a kinda stretchy material." Simon went up to him, gently slid his hands up between his legs and kissed him on the lips. Adam reacted immediately.

"You'd better let that go down before you show Mrs Green," laughed Simon.

"What about yours?" said Adam giving Simon's half stiffie a quick tweak.

"Don't worry about me. I'm not having my trousers inspected." They went downstairs again followed by Lucy.

"Yes," said Mrs Green "I'll have to take the legs up a bit, but I can let them down again as you grow."

"What about the hips?" giggled Simon.

"That will do, young man," said Mrs Green with a knowing look as she tucked the trouser legs up to the right length and pinned them. Brabazon looked up from polishing the silver and glared his disapproval at Simon. Adam was doing his best to keep a str8 face. Simon blushed. Adam went off to change his trousers and Simon went into the downstairs study to telephone. When they met again, Simon said

"There's eight of them coming over for two o'clock."

"I'd better do some baking," said Mrs Green. "They're bound to be hungry." Brabazon had changed from polishing silver to polishing shoes. Trying his luck and feeling he had little to lose after his last remark, Simon asked

"Brabazon, why don't you clean our shoes?" There was a silence before Brabazon replied.

"Master Simon, I am butler to your father, Mr Philip. I am not the personal valet of his son, Master Simon. When you are twenty-one and should, Heaven forbid, your father have passed on, I shall consider it part of my duties to clean your shoes, if you decide to retain me." The temperature in the kitchen dropped palpably by ten degrees.

"I think you'd better pop along and do whatever it was you were doing," said Mrs Green in a conciliatory tone. Simon quickly scuttled off followed by Lucy and Adam in that order.

They went back out onto the patio and sat on the lounger, but not so intimately as before because Lucy had decided to curl up and go to sleep snuggled up between them. Adam was silent, staring into the distance.

"A penny for them," said Simon.


"Your thoughts?"

"They're not worth that much." More silence. "I'm just thinking about meeting your friends."

"Your new classmates. They're cool. They won't eat you."

"No, it's just that... no, it doesn't matter."

"Go on. There aren't any secrets between us."

"It's just... well, you know... it's what they say about public school boys."

"What do they say about public school boys?"

"That they're stuck up and got posh accents."

"Am I stuck up with a posh accent?"

"No, but you're different."

"How many public school boys do you know apart from me?" Adam hesitated.

"Well, I don't."

"There you go. We're not all Billy Bunters and Flashmans. Perhaps more Tom Browns."

"But you've got to be rich to go to a school like yours... I mean ours."

"Not necessarily. We're lucky. We have a large house, property and staff, but only because Dad works hard as did his father and grandfather, and they knew how to invest their wealth. When I leave university I shall be expected to work hard and keep myself whatever I do, whether I join the family business or not. When you meet the other boys you'll find that some are there on scholarships or bursaries, some are paid for by charities and others can only be there because both their father and mother work, or the grandparents help with fees and they don't go on holiday."

"Are any of them gay?"

"I'm not going to tell you. Not yet anyway. You'll soon find out when school starts, if only because I'm out and they'll probably assume you are too as you're my companion."

"That's a funny word, companion, at least for people our age. It makes me think of old people."

"Originally all it meant was people who broke bread together, Latin panis, French pain, Italian panini- little bread or rolls."

"They don't mind you being out and gay."

"No, of course not. Okay, I get teased, especially in the changing rooms. On the other hand I do get boys tarting in front of me. If they refuse to shower with me that's when I'll begin to get worried." From the inside of the house they heard the dinner gong. "Time to wash our hands. I hope Brabazon's in a better mood."

The mood was light over lunch. The boys had hoped to go for a run and take Lucy with them later in the afternoon. Adam was keen to try out some of his new sports gear, but the sky had clouded over and there was already rain in the wind. Lucy sighed as she realised there would be no walkies that afternoon and went off to sleep in her basket. As they left the kitchen Adam said

"Simon, I want to go and have a lie down... " It wasn't until they were halfway up the stairs that he completed the sentence. "... on your bed."

"Sounds good to me."

"Do you know, there's something I want to do. You might think it's weird, but I want to look at your body."

"I don't mind, but the payback is that I get to look at yours."

"That's fine by me. It's just that we've slept together naked since I arrived, but I don't really know what you look like."

"What you really mean is you want to look at my dick."

"That as well as the rest. And I want to see it limp. It's always stiff when I see it."

"Well, we all know whose fault that is, don't we?" and they both broke out in a fit of the giggles. Simon hung a 'Do not disturb - Asleep' tag on his bedroom door and locked it. Adam went through the bathroom, put a similar sign on the handle of his bedroom door and locked it, bringing his digital camera back with him.

"Take your clothes off, but leave your undies on, Si." Simon did as he was told and lay on the bed in his Calvin Klein's. Adam had meanwhile stripped down to his Tommy Hilfiger's. Adam straddled his body and knelt over him.

"Adam, I'm getting hard already." Adam knelt down so that his buttocks could feel the throb of Simon's package.

"It'll have to be patient and wait its turn." Adam fingered Simon's nipples, dark brown against his white skin, and watched as they filled with blood and became erect. He bent forward to lick and kiss them. It made Simon groan. He stroked back his hair, looked into his blue eyes, ran his finger over his nose and lips.

"Kiss me, Adam."

"There'll be time for that later." He got off Simon and stood at the side of the bed, bent over him and dribbled saliva into his innie of a navel. Then he spent time licking it out with the tip of his tongue. "Do you like that?"

"Mmmm." Half groan, half yes.

"Next time I do that to you, I'll be licking out spunk, either yours or mine... or a mixture of both." Simon's cock visibly moved inside his Calvin Klein's at the very thought. Adam got him to roll over and slid down his undies. He stood there staring at his buttocks. No way did he have a bubble butt; his buns curved gracefully down in the form of two pears. He stroked the cheeks, started to knead them and then gently pulled them apart, almost imperceptibly sliding his courting finger first into the crack and then into his hole.

"Adam, you've got to do me properly. I want something more than your finger in there."

"Not yet, my love, but before we go back to school, I promise." Adam withdrew his finger, parted his cheeks and admired the pink rosebud contrasted against Simon's white hairless skin.

"Kneel up and spread your cheeks." Adam took his camera and snapped a picture of the entrance to Simon's inner sanctum. Finally he got him to stand so that he could study his equipment. Since joining secondary school Adam had been fascinated by the different shapes and sizes boys' tackle came in. Simon's was different from his. While Simon's dick was slightly longer, it was thinner with the foreskin just covering the glans, and his balls hung lower, large and hairless begging any full blooded gayboy to suck them one at a time into his mouth and roll them around with his tongue. His pubic hair was as black as the hair on his head and formed in a neat triangle above his dick.

"I'm waiting for you to calm down," said Adam. "Then I want a photo of you flaccid for the wallpaper on my computer." Simon went across to his dressing table, took a comb and dragged it through his pubes. Now he was ready. Photo taken and approved, Simon said

"Now I want one of you." Adam peeled off his undies and revealed he was in much better control. His dick, though shorter, was noticeably thicker and the foreskin covered only two thirds of his glans showing his pee hole clearly. His balls were the same size as Simon's, but closer to his body, tighter, forcing his dick to stand out even when limp. His pubic hair was light brown, short, sporting a round tuft with the makings of a treasure trail just above it. Picture taken, honour was satisfied. They climbed back onto the bed, cuddled together and kissed. The serious business over, the fun could begin.

"I meant what I said," remarked Simon "about having you inside me. I'm ready for it - no, I'm gagging for it."

"And I meant what I promised about doing it before we go back to school." Adam kissed Simon then with his tongue gradually worked his way down Simon's body and licked his throbbing cock. Before you do that, try this. Out of the drawer of his bedside table he hauled out a box, a selection pack of condoms. He took one out of its foil, a red one, and slipped it over his rampant dick.

"Isn't that going to taste rubbery?"

"Try it."

"Mmm. Tastes like strawberry jam."

"That's right. You can get them in different flavours." Adam finished off the job and the boys lay back in each other's arms and fell asleep. When they woke they went and showered, then as a wheeze they got dressed in each other's clothes. They could feel the damp patch on the undies caused by the other's precum that had oozed out as they got excited, but that added to the thrill.

"Why have you got jonnies by your bed?"

"Because I don't want to make you pregnant," grinned Simon.

"Mmm, pity. Imagine the gorgeous sons we could produce."

"Haven't you looked in your bedside table?" Adam went through to this room and checked. To his surprised he found a selection pack of condoms, three dozen extra strong ones and a tube of K-Y gel.

"You're right. Why?"

"Just after I came out, Dad sat me down and talked about diseases, about how they say that in South Africa one in four has got AIDS or is HIV positive - that's women as well as men - and that it's getting worse, with it being spread round in families and babies being born with it. He said he didn't want to know what I got up to, but made me promise to use them if I had full sex. He'd talked to Brabazon about it and I wasn't to be shy about putting them on his weekly shopping list. Then when arrangements were being made for you to come and live here he said we were to use them for six months and if during that time neither of us did anything with anyone else we could stop using them if we wanted. But if either of us did do anything with anybody else the six months started again from scratch." It gave Adam something to think about. In PHSE lessons at school he had been told this, but hadn't taken much notice. It didn't apply then. "Dad's company pays for some charity work with AIDS in South Africa, but he says it can never be enough." The two boys went and took the 'Do not disturb' signs off their doors. Adam shuddered as he heard the rain lashing against the windows.

"Did you ever shag your last boyfriend, Adam? Or did he shag you?"

"Why don't you say 'fuck'?"

"It's a horrible word because it's become a swear word and it's so common and a violent word. 'Penetrate' is too official and technical. 'Make love' is fine when it really means love and I hope we shall always make love, but otherwise, unless you want 'screw' or 'stuff', 'shag' is the best I can come up with. But answer my question."


"No, what? No, you won't answer my question?"

"No, silly. No, we never had full sex. We jerked off, gave one another blowjobs, snogged of course. I caught one of my worst colds from snogging Jack. Fingered each other, but never had the full Monty. I don't think we were romantic enough. It was always the physical thrill we were after."

"Are we romantic?" Adam thought for a while.

"I think so. It's hard to explain. I feel different about you than I did about Jack."

"How do mean?"

"I'm thinking out aloud here, but I'll try to explain. Bear with me. Jack and I grew up together, we both discovered we liked boys. So we talked about it and experimented. Yes, we were best mates, same school, but we were never emotionally involved. We had sex, but we never made love. Then things were made difficult by Jack's parents, and then, coincidentally, I met you. That was all so different. A chance encounter during a run, an exchange of names and the throw away remark that I lived in the nearby orphanage. But during that first encounter I fell in love with you, or more precisely with my vision of you because despite all hope, we never met again, well not until my second interview and then I realised the effort you must have put into the arrangements. I believe that even if we didn't have sex together I would still be in love with you. Oddly I think it was the way you were dressed that made me fall in love."

"If you want I'll put the same clothes on and you can see me, photograph me."

"No need. I have the real thing now. I just wonder what would have happened if we had told each other what our wishes were that day," continued Adam. He was quiet for a few moments. Simon got up and booted up his computer.

"I've got something I want you to see on the internet."

"Going back to what we were talking about, have you ever had full sex?"

"No. Just the quick knee trembler at school or with my mates. That's all. Until you came along the only boyfriend I ever had was my computer screen."

"But you've hardly turned it on since I've been here."

"Doesn't that tell you something?" said Simon. The computer was ready. Simon clicked on Firefox and typed in ><.

"Topology? What's that?" asked Adam.

"Read it."

"'How to make love to a man'. You mean it gives you all the details?"

"Sure, and it's worth reading through, especially on how not to hurt your partner and how to use rubbers properly."

"How did you find this?"

"Just surfing."

The time melted away when the boys' interest was interrupted by a ring on the house phone in Simon's room.

"Master Simon, your tea is growing colder by the minute."

"Sorry, Brabazon. We'll be down str8away." As they looked out of the window, they saw the rain clouds clearing away. "I hope it dries up enough for us to be able to play football on the lawn tomorrow. Otherwise we'll have to go down to the paddock."

Tea was a light meal presided over by Brabazon except on his day off when Mrs Green deputised. Mrs Green was a widow and provided she could pursue her interests in the Women's Institute was flexible with her hours. She also had a bevy of daughters and nieces she could draft in anytime the house needed extra staff or to help her with the cleaning. The absentee employer looked after his domestic staff, not only financially. They had been superb during his wife's illness, not only caring for her, but in looking after Simon before and after his mother's death.

"And what are you two young gentlemen planning to do this evening?" Brabazon enquired. Simon looked at Adam before answering.

"What we planned to do this afternoon before it came on to rain. Go for a run and take Lucy with us."

"Be careful to let your tea go down first and make sure you are back by dusk." Adam looked at his watch and said

"We've plenty of time yet. We're going to run up to the wishing well at the top of the hill in the park." At seven the food was judged by Brabazon to have been digested and the boys went up to change. Adam put on his new running shorts, vest and trainers and went through to Simon's room. He was amazed to see him in hockey shirt, shorts and stockings over his white lycra and cotton long sleeved tee shirt and tight fitting black jogpants, exactly as he had seen him on that first occasion. He took Simon into a hug and kissed his neck. Lucy's bark reminded them that this was her walkies.

As runners the two boys were pretty well matched. From time to time the male adolescent, testosterone fuelled desire for competition made one of them break away, but his partner soon caught him up. They took the long way round the wooded hill and the lake, then through the park. Above the trees planted in the park Adam could see the top floor and roof of the orphanage he had left not so long ago. For him it was a humbling experience to realise that out of misfortune he had been given an opportunity to live such a privileged lifestyle. He tried to convey his feelings, feelings of luck, of gratitude, to Simon and succeeded on the basis of the shared experience of losing parents at a young age. He gave a thought to the boys he had left behind when he moved out. They were happy, or at least most of them were. Some had never known their parents, a few like him had lost them at some stage in childhood and had their memories, however vague. The less fortunate ones had suffered cruel abuse from their own kin and had only bad memories of their former homes. But why, oh why could they too not be fostered or adopted like him? Why was he so special? But he couldn't find the answer. Except... if he hadn't been gay, he would still be in the orphanage. Was there a divine force which compensated those beings who had been created outside the norm? Was being gay one of life's privileges, but like all privileges it had a hidden cost attached, a price tag as it were? Simon on the other hand wanted to argue that Adam's good fortune had come from their falling in love. He was treading on difficult terrain. He did not want any implication that Adam had been adopted as a form of charity. Indeed it could be viewed as such and would sound patronising, but he knew, perhaps he was the only person who could know, that had one of them not been gay, or had one of them been unattractive, ugly even, their coming together would not have happened. Simon had no illu sions about having exploited power over Adam, the power of wealth, but it was important he should never communicate that to Adam. One day Adam would come to that conclusion himself. Simon was lucky that his father understood such matters and was able to explain them to him before the move was settled.

"Race you to the wishing well," said Simon using his advantage to pull away. But Adam was onto him and caught up. They ran most of the path up the hill through the wood and it was only by a supreme final effort that Simon could touch the well first, thanks to his fitness from school. With the regular training Adam was to receive the following term, such contests would become frequent and more competitive. The state of the well had not improved - under the grill covering were still the leaves from the previous autumn, the cigarette ends and the odd copper coin. Of course the true winner of the race had been Lucy as she sat by the well wagging her tail waiting for the arrival of her master and his companion.

"Let's sit for a minute," said Adam.

"Too out of breath to continue?" teased Simon.

"No. It's just for sentimental reasons. The scene of our first meeting." Adam stood just looking at Simon full of admiration and affection for his new companion whose cheeks were glowing red with the extra effort he had made running up through the woodland. Perfection of human form, thought Adam. Suddenly he felt a cold wet nose touch his right buttock, just as he had all those weeks ago. Simon burst out laughing.

"You know I trained her to that?"

"What for?"

"Exactly the reason I got her to do it to you the first time." Adam still looked puzzled. "It's a good way to strike up a conversation with someone. We had a gardener once and he told me he trained his labrador to do that to women he saw in the pub. And of course he had to apologise to them and that meant he could chat them up." Adam was learning more and more about this remarkable boy. It was beginning to get noticeably dark. "We'd better get back. I don't feel like upsetting Brabazon."

On their return they told the family retainer that they were home safe.

"If you young gentlemen would care to shower and change, I'll prepare cocoa and biscuits." The boys went upstairs carrying their trainers. Lucy stayed in her basket in the kitchen. The boys stripped off their gear. Simon was sweating after wearing his winter kit to impress Adam. Adam had goose bumps now that he'd stopped running for the spring temperatures were nowhere near those of summer and the intimate parts of their anatomies testified to the state of their bodies. They quickly got under the shower and cleaned themselves up. As they dried themselves Simon called out

"If you look in the bottom of the airing cupboard, you'll find some loin cloths. Get two out."

"Loin cloths?"



"That's right." Adam took the two garments into Simon's room. They were made of white towelling, the size of very short miniskirts and were held round the waist by elastic and velcro. Simon put his on and showed Adam how to do his.

"Oh my god, that makes you look sexier than when you're naked," exclaimed Adam and went to hug Simon.

"You'll have to wait, you randy little rabbit. My hair's still wet and I don't want you messing it up." He struck a camp pose with his knees bent and one hand on hip. "Put your dressing gown on and we'll go and get our cocoa."

Back in the kitchen they sat round the table with Brabazon.

"I understand your friends will be here tomorrow afternoon and so I have taken the liberty of making hair appointments for you both at ten. At eleven you have a dental check up, Master Simon, and it will be an opportunity to register you, Master Adam, and again I have taken the liberty of registering you with the family doctor. If there are things you need for school either put them on my weekly order or buy them while you are in town. There won't be time after Saturday. Mr Philip had hoped to introduce you at school personally, Master Adam, but he won't be returning until Monday evening. He's asked you to do that, Master Simon. The Headmaster will expect you at 7.45." Adam crinkled his brow. "A M, Master Adam." It was no surprise to Simon. He gave Lucy her five dog biscuits, making her shake paws, beg and bark 'please' for them. He gave her a pat and a stroke, sent her to her basket and the two boys said good night to Brabazon.

Back in Simon's room they booted up his computer, took off their dressing gowns and sat around in their 'loin cloths'. They'd soon got the topology site on the screen, skimmed over the bits they had read before and studied some new bits.

"I think," said Adam "it's time for some finger exercises." He took Simon's hand and led him though to his bedroom. They had worked out a system of sleeping alternate nights in each room as security so that the beds were seen to get equal use. He took off Simon's loin cloth and got him to lie face down on the bed. Fetching the K-Y gel from his bedside cabinet he smarmed some onto his finger and started to massage Simon's crack. Putting some more on he made for his hole. Simon jumped a bit as he felt the cold gel on the entrance to his inner sanctum. Adam played around there, slowly applying a little more pressure against his hole until it gave and his finger slid in.

"Did that hurt, Si?"

"No. Keep it there. It's lovely."

"Wait a minute." Adam withdrew his finger and applied some more gel, then repeating the procedure worked his courting finger, then his index finger back in and as the website had said, he tried to revolve them. Simon exhaled a gasped of pleasure and said

"Keep going." Without warning he went "Aaaargh!", then a sudden intake of breath and the writhings of his body forced Adam's fingers out. As he relaxed Simon whispered "I'm sorry, Adam, but I've wet your bed."

"It doesn't matter. It's not your first time and it's on your side anyway," Adam giggled.

"Oh my goodness. If you can do that to me with your fingers, just imagine what it'll be like with your dick in there." Adam scooped up some of Simon's boy juice with the fingers of his left hand and licked it off, but instead of being grossed out, Simon just rolled over and instantly went to sleep.

The following morning the boys went through the pre-school routine. Brabazon organised lunch early in view of the afternoon's activities. About two o'clock eight fourteen year olds turned up in dribs and drabs, some on cycles, some in their parents' cars. As they rang the front door bell Brabazon showed them in and down to the games room where Simon was to greet them. His introduced his friends to Adam and they were keen to know all about him - did he play soccer or rugby at his last school, was he good at sport, why was he coming to their school? He felt overwhelmed by the interest they took in him. Once they were all assembled Simon picked up a soccer ball and led the group down the paddock. The gardener had said it was still too wet to play on the lawn and that he didn't want it cut up. On reaching the paddock, they took off their tracksuits and made piles at each end to form the goals. When Simon divided the boys into teams Adam thought it was just a random choice. He kept Adam on his own side. It was not until he ordered the other team to play in skins that Adam realised that there was a hidden agenda and that the Skins consisted of five fabulously well put together teenagers with upper bodies to die for and for boywatchers, at least, lacking the inconvenience of having their shirts covering their shorts. Adam held his breath. Were these to be his future classmates? He had to concentrate hard on his game for at this stage it was important to give a good account of himself and establish his sporting credentials. After an hour or so it was time to go and cool down and have a swim. Simon led them back to the games room and announced that everyone had to shower the mud off before swimming. One of the guests, Tony, piped up

"Can we go skinny-dipping?"

"No," replied Simon and there was a general 'Oh!' "We're not allowed to while there are women staff in the house and Mrs Green the housekeeper is here."

"I haven't got my swimming costume with me," continued Tony.

"That's all right. We keep spares for house guests. What size are you?"


"That's a women's size."

"Inches." At this there was a great hoot of laughter.

"Centimetres," called out Johnny.

"Millimetres," shouted out someone else. Over the merriment Simon said

"And now give us your waist size." Simon went and fetched a pair of speedos. Meanwhile everyone else was under the showers with the usual fun and frolics a group of burgeoning and naked adolescent boys have together. Finally showers over and swimming costumes on the boys dived into the pool and continued their afternoon of fun. At four o'clock Mrs Green came into the pool area and after Simon had called for quiet she announced that she had placed a trolley of drinks and snacks for them in the games room. They got out, showered off the chlorinated water and changed back into their tracksuits. By five the party had broken up naturally and the last one left as his father arrived to pick him up. Adam and Simon were finally alone again. They went up to their rooms and changed into casual clothes and then went down to the kitchen where MrsGreen was presiding over tea.

They thanked Mrs Green for the homemade cakes she had provided for the hungry horde. While they were eating their tea Lucy came out of her basket and gave Simon a mournful look.

"I think someone is trying to tell you she hasn't been taken for her walkies today, Simon," said Mrs Green.

"We'd better do something about that after tea," he replied.

After tea the boys took Lucy out and walked towards the park. As they reached the lake she ran forward, stopped and started giving little barks at the ducks while wagging her tail. She hadn't been trained to do that, it was part of her nature, what spaniels had been bred to do, flush out wildfowl and animals, but not to touch them.

"We'd better put her on the lead along the shore," said Simon. "Tell me, Adam, what did you think of this afternoon?"

"Great bunch of guys. Are they all like that?"

"Well, not all, but a lot of them are. I've got to confess I did ring round the... what shall I say? ... the more... er... dishy ones. There! I've said it now, but 'dishy' is such a girly word. The cuter ones? But what I'd hoped you'd notice was that they were just normal lads like us. Not stuck up or with posh accents."

"I see what you mean," said Adam remembering a previous conversation. "And when you say they are just like us, do you mean they really are like us... gay?"

"Goodness, no. Just think of it statistically, or do you think all public schoolboys are poofs?"

"Unfortunately no," answered Adam with a cheeky grin.

"Two of them are."

"What? Poofs?"

"No, gay like us. I always think of poofs as effeminate. Are we effeminate, or were any of them?"


"More importantly, did you spot them?"

"No. Who were they?"

"You'll find out soon enough at school. I'm going to keep you guessing."

"Are they an item?"

"No, though I think one of them has a boyfriend." Adam felt relaxed about what he had just been told, but curious. Past the area where the wildfowl were Simon let Lucy off the lead again and they walked on. Since there was nobody about, they held hands.

"I'm looking forward to tonight," said Simon, giving Adam's hand a squeeze, "and if all goes well I want to do it to you tomorrow night." Adam felt a swelling in the trouser department. He took Simon's hand and rubbed it across his crotch.

On their return they told Mrs Green they were back. She said

"Adam, all your school clothes are ready and I've laid them out on your bed. Make sure everything's okay and tidy them away so that you know where they are." He said thank you.

"Mrs Green," said Simon "we've had a bit of a busy day. We're going to turn in early." He winked at Adam.

"All right, dear. When you've sorted yourselves out and got changed, I'll have your cocoa ready."

The boys disappeared upstairs and arriving at his room Adam was absolutely amazed at the amount of kit there.

"Will I really need all this?"

"Probably." There was at least two of everything - two blazers, two pairs of trousers, two ties, six blue short sleeved shirts, two long sleeved ones and a white one.

"That's for special occasions like Speech Day and Founder's Day."

"Have you got the same?"

"Oh, yes. More in fact because I've got the winter wear. You'll get that in September."

"And all the activities gear: cricket kit including pullover, jock and box, a one-piece... "

"You use that for athletics or rowing."

"And what's this?"

"It's called a soft cup. It's like a cricket box, but not so hard. You use it if you don't want your tackle to be too obvious in say your swimming costume or one-piece."

"Oh, I won't have any use for that then," giggled Adam.

"Oh yes, you will. We have to wear them on so called public days - we call them Boxing Days - such as Sports Day or the Swimming Gala, or if you're in a dance piece with parents in the audience." Adam saw two pairs of tights with dance belts laid out on top of them.

"What's this?"

"That's PE kit for gymnastics - shorts and a competition top. Girls call them leotards." Adam just stared at it all, set out there so neatly and in the school colours of red and blue with a white trim and he could see it was all good quality stuff. Even the speedos were the school's own design and he liked the way it naturally led the eye to the groin or the backside.

"Only a gay man could have designed those," remarked Adam. In addition to the school kit were a formal two-piece suit in dark blue and two pairs of 501s. Apart from feeling overwhelmed and grateful he felt really horny at the thought of wearing the skintight kit.

"C'mon, Adam, let's get it all put away. Then we can get changed for bed."

"Are we showering?"

"No way. We showered this afternoon and I want to take in your natural body aroma - all those pheromones - they're a real turn-on." After tidying up Adam's room, they changed into their 'loin cloths' and dressing gowns and went down to the kitchen.

Cocoa and biscuits was a hurried affair that night. When told to slow down by Mrs Green, Simon answered that they had had such a busy day that they were tired and needed an early night. By the knowing look in her eyes she was not in the least fooled and added

"Don't forget to clean your teeth," which remark went over the boys' head. Lucy was given her biscuits and sent off to her basket. A quick good night and they scampered off upstairs.

Once in their rooms they locked their respective doors and ended up on Simon's bed. They had taken off their dressing gowns, pulled back the duvet and were lying side by side in their towelling loin cloths already engaged in deep kissing.

"Are you ready," Adam whispered in Simon's ear. He nodded, crawled across the bed to his bedside cabinet, got out the K-Y and a condom, which he took out of its foil and left ready and discarded his loincloth, kneeling on the edge of the bed in readiness. Adam spread the K-Y over his fingers and lubed up Simon's crack as he had done in the dummy run the night before. "Okay, Si?"

"I think so." Adam slipped off his tented loincloth, unrolled the waiting rubber over his rampant cock and added some more lube, spread Simon's butt cheeks to ascertain his target and apprehensively lined up his cock with Simon's rosebud. He gave a little push and felt some pressure against his glans. He withdrew and pushed a little harder, withdrew again and pushed harder still against Simon's sphincter which gave and he slowly slid in. Simon drew in his breath.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, it's okay now it's in. It feels good." Adam pumped gently. Suddenly he pulled out.

"What's up, Adam?" Simon cried.

"This is no good. Lie on your back." Simon shifted to the centre of the bed. "Now try and raise your legs over your shoulders. That's right," he said kneeling between them. "Now rest your legs on my shoulders." He went down holding his cock and aiming for Simon's hole. He found it first time and pushed in. "That's better. I can see your beautiful face and kiss you." Adam felt the heat of Simon's boner against his abdomen. He lay there, both boys content, until Simon begged him to start pumping again. Finally their excitement climaxed together after which they just lay there relishing the wet sticky warmth between their bodies until Adam's cock finally relented and slipped out of its own accord.

When they were recovered from the sheer physical passion they rolled apart and cleaned themselves up with the towelling loincloths.

"Where did you learn that trick?" asked Simon.

"Two places. When I was with Jack, although we never got as far as shagging, we talked about doing it that way after seeing it on Queer as Folk, and when us two were doing it doggy fashion just now it just didn't mean anything humping you that way. It could have been a pillow shag. So I risked the whole business and got you into the missionary position."

"I'm glad you did. It was far more intimate that way."

"We must remember this date as the day we lost our cherries, the day we were no longer virgins. And tomorrow night I want you inside me which means tomorrow morning you've got to do some finger exercises on my butt." They pulled the duvet over themselves and cuddled together until they fell asleep.

Saturday morning the boys were allowed to sleep in unless they had a school match or something special to attend to. Brabazon put on a buffet brunch and they could help themselves to whatever they wanted and there would be sufficient for lunchtime too. Simon and Adam woke up wrapped round each other. They smiled thinking back to the previous night's activity. As they scratched their balls they felt how Simon's seed had dried into and matted their pubes and laughed at the idea.

"How do you feel, Si?"

"Great. Really good."

"Is your bum okay?"

"Yeah. I've got this funny feeling like a slight dull ache, but it feels good rather than pain. Like the one you get if you've wanked too much in one day. Remember I've got a job to do, Adam."

"I haven't forgotten. I'm rather looking forward to it. Do you want to do it now?"

"Why not? After that I want you in the shower."

"By the way, what happened to that condom? We mustn't be too obvious. I'm sure they know we sleep together, but what we do is none of their business."

The following night was an equal success. Adam was a natural bottom. His sphincter needed little encouragement to open and he felt no ache the following morning. On the other hand he was the chunkier of the two and Simon had to be stretched more to let him in. Sunday was a busy day, particularly as they had to get ready for school the following day with, for Adam at least, an early start. At twenty to eight Adam and Simon arrived at the bicycle sheds and after locking up their cycles Simon conducted him to the Headmaster's study and introduced him. It was a brief interview, a simple welcome, more PR than of practical use and Simon was instructed to take Adam along to his own tutor group where he would be provided with a timetable, locker, books and exercise books. The only immediate problem was that Adam had done no Latin, but that could be replaced with another subject. He found it a great help that he had already met eight of the boys in his year group and they helped to make him feel welcome. He then appreciated how Simon had selected good-looking ones, but they were not the only Adonises in the school, although for Adam none of them came up to Simon's standard. Seven lessons and two breaks later it was a quarter past one and lunchtime. In a morning the school had achieved seven academic lessons, more than the average school in a whole day and at two o'clock it was time for activities, cricket since it was Monday. Because Simon did not put himself forward for a school team and Adam did not consider himself a cricketer they joined the 'also-rans' group. Prep done they arrived back home by six thirty with a free evening in front of them. Brabazon announced that as Mr Philip had arrived back, dinner would be at seven thirty in the dining room. The boys had time to change out of their school uniform and give Lucy a run. Brabazon did not fully approve, but Mr van den Berg had no objection to the boys appearing for dinner in cargo s horts and tee shirt. When he appeared at seven twenty-five he gave both boys a hug and over dinner asked them how they had got on at school. Afterwards the three of them watched television for the remaining part of the evening. By nine o'clock after an early start and a full day the boys were ready for bed. As they discovered that evening, after a school day Monday to Thursday there would be little time or inclination for intimacies under the remorseless call of the alarm clock and they were under instruction from Brabazon not to lock their bedroom doors on those nights. That didn't prevent them from spending the nights together.

As they climbed into Adam's bed and put the light out Simon said

"Now you can tell me what you really thought of your first day at school."

"Rather overwhelming, but I think I'm going to like the school. A bit different from my last one. No girls for a start and the way they seem to insist on everything being done 'properly'."

"What do you mean by properly?"

"Well, correct uniform for a start and proper sports kit. At my last school you could turn up in any old tracksuit or shorts. And things seem to flow better here for it."

"You wait for the rest of the week."


"Tomorrow afternoon it's dance, followed by gym, Wednesday it's cricket again, Thursday gym and tennis and Friday athletics and swimming."

"Do we ever get to do any rowing?"

"If you want to, yes, but you have to start that in September and commit to a whole year and cut out rugby, hockey and cricket."

"Oh, I don't want to miss out on rugby."

"Same for me with hockey," said Simon. "I don't want to miss out on that and I do enjoy rugby even though I'm unlikely to make any of the teams. What else?"

"The friendliness of the place. I think that's because everyone seems to know everyone else. At my last school you only got to know the people you had lessons with, it was so big. And of course there are so many cute boys. Is that an admission requirement?"

"Not really, but even the str8 ones are cute and if you really want to see cute boys, wait until the dance class or gym or athletics. I warn you. They will have to be 'boxing days' for you. Still we'd better get some sleep if we want to enjoy all those things," and Simon leaned over and kissed Adam good night.

On the Tuesday Adam was already into the routine. Lessons at eight, over by one, lunch and then just before two Simon took him to the dance studio in the sports centre. The class was popular and numbered about thirty. The two boys had fun changing into their dance belts, tights and sleeveless vests and Simon had to help Adam smooth out the wrinkles in his tights. He'd wished he'd tried them on at home first. He also took his advice and wore his soft cup. Despite what Simon had told him he had not really prepared him for the class. They walked into the dance studio itself and Adam found it to be a large room with full length mirrors along three of the walls that could be covered by curtains and in front of the mirrors were sets of barres for the practice of certain movements. In one corner was a piano and in another a CD player. The class was taken by a young lady teacher who, Simon told Adam, was a dance specialist, a male teacher from the PE department, known as the Maestro, and another lady who played the piano and helped with the dancing. Simon introduced Adam, but Adam's mind - and his eyes - were elsewhere. He just could not stop checking out the eye candy that surrounded him and soon discovered that it was better to do it in the mirrors if he didn't want to get busted and he was pleased he'd heeded Simon's advice as he felt his stiffening cock fighting against the materials of his dance belt and cup. And naturally as the newcomer he was himself the object of checking out by others. Not infrequently did he feel a friendly hand stroking or patting his butt, although he was usually too slow to see who'd done it and more than half the class were strangers to him anyway. Despite being surrounded by cuties he made one unexpected discovery, that however much he had admired Simon's butt in the flesh, in tights with his crevice emphasised by their clinging fit it looked a thousand times more attractive.

How he got through that lesson he did not know. Fortunately because it was the first lesson after the Easter break the lesson consisted largely of aerobic exercises to bring the limbs up to fitness and a few simple routines to get the class back into the swing of things.

Straight from the dance class to the gym for a quick change of kit and gymnastics as the boys put on their school patterned competition tops and white shorts. Adam had not foreseen the logistics and again wished he'd had a dummy run at home. Firstly you had to take all your clothes off before putting the comp top on. Nothing wrong with that except that because of the mentally aroused state he was in, he was scared stiff he might get stiff before getting his equipment under control, not the best impression to give during his first time in the class. As he pulled up his shorts he felt a freedom and confidence he'd never felt before when doing gym in a pair of baggy shorts and a loose tee shirt. He was going to enjoy gym.

When the class was over there was more checking out in the shower and back into school uniform for tea and prep. Back home by six thirty, change, a walk for Lucy and dinner in the dining room with Simon's father, all under the watchful eye of Brabazon.

"How was school today, boys?" asked Mr Philip.

"Great," said Simon.

"How about you, Adam?"

"I felt more part of it today. Some cool boys there and things are different... better organised than at my last school."

"And the other boys are treating you okay?"

"Yeah, fine. It seems they want to get to know you and include you in everything."

"It's only because Adam's so cute."

"Of course I wouldn't know anything about that," said Mr Philip with a knowing smile. In the background Brabazon could be heard deliberately clearing his throat. "Now I've got to go up to town and spend a few days there, but I'll be back Friday evening, probably late. Then I want to fix something up for the weekend for us to do as a family. So don't go organising anything."

"What are we going to do, Dad?"

"You'll find out soon enough. It's going to be a surprise. At the moment it's a surprise for me. I'll ask Brabazon to pack the clothes you'll need."

"Wicked," said Simon. After dinner the boys went down into the games room to play snooker. It turned out that they were pretty evenly matched. Adam had profited from his time in the orphanage and Simon had always had the time and opportunity to practise.

"You know, Si, I've been feeling really horny with all those cool guys at school. I'm all right during lessons, but they really distract me during activities, even cricket when you see someone bend over, say at slip, and you can see his butt and his jock through his whites, and while I know the bulge is his box, it's still so sexy."

"Anyone you particularly fancy?"

"I haven't got to know their names yet. They're all so gorgeous. Wait a minute. There is one who sticks out in the crowd."

"Oh, yes?" Simon had suddenly become interested.

"It's hard to describe him because everyone wears the same kit. He's about your height, black hair, certainly not long, but not short either, blue eyes, ruddy complexion and the most gorgeous butt and legs." Simon was beginning to get worried that he had a rival and it showed on his face.

"And you've no idea what his name is?"

"Mmm. Hold on. It's coming to me. It's... " At that moment the door opened and Brabazon came in with a tray of cocoa and biscuits.

"Master Simon, Master Adam, I have to attend to Mr Philip before he goes back to town. So I have made your drinks early." He placed the drinks on a table.

"Thank you, Brabazon," said both boys and the butler retired wishing them good night. Adam continued to play his shots.

"Hey, Adam, you didn't answer my question."

"Simon, you know it's against the etiquette of the game to interrupt a player when he's taking his shots... and to finger his crevice when he's bending over the table." Simon was frustrated, especially as Adam was in the middle of a big break. Finally he'd potted what he could and stood away from the table.

"Hey, you've snookered me, you sod." Adam grinned and both boys went to drink their cocoa before it went cold.

"Does that mean you're conceding the frame?"

"Certainly not, and as we've stopped you now can answer my question. Who is this cute kid with the black hair, blue eyes, red face and gorgeous butt and legs?"

"Didn't I tell you?"

"You know you didn't."

"Oh, his name's Si... er, Simon van den Berg," Adam replied with a big grin across his face.

"You big wind-up merchant," shouted Simon, now realising the joke was on him, and went across to Adam and took him in a bear hug, almost knocking the cocoa over and out of sheer defiance slipped his hand down inside Adam's jog pants and briefs and started fingering his crevice properly until he felt Adam pop a boner.

"This no sex on schooldays isn't going to work," said Adam. "I'm not going to get through the week with just a quick jerk off in the shower in the morning."

"How did you manage in the orphanage?"

"In the orphanage I wasn't in love with anyone and hot school mates, apart from Jack, were few and far between... " Adam suddenly realised what he had said and blushed, but Simon let it ride even though his face was a little redder than usual. "And I hadn't had full sex then. Now that we've gone all the way together I feel randier than ever."

"Do you feel like making love tonight?"

"Yeah, you?"

"A girl likes to be seduced rather than taken for granted."

"We're not talking about a girl," but Adam took the point. Or did he? "Winner of the next frame tops."

"Okay, I'm happy with that." Simon gave four away and Adam cleared the table and set it up for the final frame. It didn't take long. Simon was not at his competitive edge. Was he making a statement? Was this their relationship in the midst of being forged?

Game over the boys took the tray back to the kitchen and gave Lucy her five dog biscuits. They went to Philip's study to say good night. He told them he was travelling up to town that night when there was no traffic, staying at his club and making an early start in the morning. He would see them on Friday. He kissed Simon on the cheek and Adam on the forehead and sent them off to bed with a pat on Simon's bottom.

Once upstairs the boys shucked off their trainers and socks, pulled back the duvet on Adam's bed and fetched their bath towels to catch any mess.

"Don't clean your teeth, Adam. I want you as you are." Adam put the tissues, lube and an unwrapped condom ready on his bedside table. Simon chose a CD and put it on as background music.

"Just in case you scream out in the frenzy of an orgasm."

"Moi?" protested Adam. It was his turn to be teased. They climbed onto the bed and lying side-by-side Adam leant over and gave Simon a long and satisfying French kiss.

In the morning Adam woke up before the alarm was due to go off, fortunately so because he had forgotten to set it. It was already light, but not yet time to get up. Their early night had done them both good and neither boy had woken up during the night. He switched the CD player off on his way to the bathroom. Bladder empty he set the alarm, climbed back into bed and snuggled up against the still sleeping Simon. As he lay there spooned into Simon's back he felt his cock stiffen as it was pressed hot along Simon's crevice. Simon stirred.

"That feels good, Adam. Leave it there," and Adam twisted himself round to kiss his neck. The kissing became more passionate and as it did his dick throbbed more and more. Simon adjusted his position so that he could feel the tip against his hole. Suddenly both of them shifted. Involuntarily Simon moved his hole down on Adam's shaft and involuntarily Adam pushed his shaft in until Simon's butt met his pubes. His dick slipped in so easily helped by the remains of previous evening's lube. He did not withdraw until his cock went limp some minutes after his orgasm. He looked at his boy juice seeping out of Simon's crevice.

"Lie on your tummy a moment, my love." He bent down and licked Simon's butt cheeks clean, then placed himself beside him to give him a French kiss and share the issue. Suddenly they were jolted fully awake by the alarm clock. "You know what we've done, Si, or rather haven't done? We didn't use a condom."

Over breakfast when Brabazon was out of earshot Adam said

"Do you think it matters not using one?"

"I don't know. I did promise Dad, but you said you'd never done it with anyone else and I've never done it with anyone else, so it should be all right." At that moment Lucy gave a warning woof to let them know Brabazon was coming back. On the way to school Simon turned to Adam and said "This morning I can sit on this saddle quite comfortably. You must have broken me in properly last night."

"Or this morning," and they both giggled like schoolboys do when they share something mildly naughty that they've done together.

After lunch it came on to rain and so Wednesday's cricket session had to be held in the indoor cricket school. There were nets, a bowling machine and a cricket cradle, but it meant a lot of hanging around waiting for a turn. Tony, the boy who during the holidays had wanted to skinny dip in the van den Berg's pool, pointed at Simon's neck and said

"What's that?" Everybody looked round. There was a purple mark there which had been covered all the time Simon had worn his school uniform shirt with the collar done up, but now it was completely exposed in his open-necked cricket shirt. Without thinking Adam saw it and blurted out

"It's a lovebi... " and suddenly realised what he was saying. A great cheer went up, Adam blushed and Simon blushed even deeper as a chant of 'Van den Berg's got a hickey' until a call of

"Quieten down, you boys over there," from one of the cricket masters was sufficient to restore normal order. It didn't worry Adam for he was made of stern stuff and had been through the mill of his state comprehensive school. Simon shrugged his shoulders and said

"We'll have to hang some garlic and crucifixes in our rooms," emphasising the plural. Luckily the rain had stopped by the time the boys had to cycle home. When he changed, Simon put on a white polo-necked pullover to forestall any raised eyebrows from Brabazon or Mrs Green.

The rest of the week went in a more or less smooth manner. Adam was getting used to his new world and its distractions. Now they had abandoned the idea of remaining chaste on schooldays they were both, but Adam in particular, able to concentrate better on their schoolwork and activities in the afternoon brought their own little delights, one of which was that Tony was obviously looking to become friendlier with the pair. Another was that on Friday Adam had the opportunity to try out for the first time his lycra athletics one-piece. Simon was obviously trying his luck when he said

"You don't need a jock under that. The lycra's strong enough to give you enough support." Adam did wonder when he saw other boys putting their speedos on underneath, but he thought that they were just being lazy since the next session was swimming. It wasn't long into the period that he realised that he was the butt of Simon's little wind-up. He did after all owe him one. For with all the eye candy around it was not long until Adam popped a boner and the lycra did little to disguise or compress it. All he could do was fiddle around from the outside to make it point north and so be less prominent. Fortunately he felt no embarrassment whatsoever, probably a result of communal life in the orphanage. Tony was the first to point at it and Adam simply said

"You can touch it if you want," and Tony called his bluff. But if Adam were honest with himself he enjoyed feeling his hot dick pressed against his tummy and his balls neatly supported, one either side of the crotch, by the lycra. Then the damp patch caused by his precum brought about too much disruption to the point that the athletics master realised that his class was not paying his coaching the full attention due. However, to save Adam's face the other boys automatically surrounded him so that master wouldn't spot his little local difficulty.

© N Fourbois 2009
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