Step by step, inch by inch, Doug in the lead, two flashlights piercing the darkness, the intrepid group made their way down the hall and to the door of room 19. Each door had at one time been painted a different color, this one blood red, and though the paint was peeling and faded, it still looked rather ominous.
Doug looked at Will as they came to a halt outside the door and gave him a small nervous smile.
"We should just go..." Will whispered, as if he were afraid being loud would summon up a ghost or spirit.
"Not yet," Doug said, trying to keep his voice at a normal level, though there was definitely some uncertainty in those words.
"Guys, are we going in or not?" Jamie asked impatiently.
"Sure, you wanna go first?" Doug teased.
"No way, it was your idea," Jamie said moving behind Dickie now and grabbing him as if to use him for a shield.
"Hey, let go, shit-head," Dickie laughed, "I ain't your protector."
"Nothing to worry about, boys," Doug said as he gripped the door knob only to jerk his hand back quickly.
"What?" Will yelped.
"It's cold, ice cold...weird," Doug said shaking his arm as if to throw off the icy feeling.
"Let is, super cold," Will said after having given it a try, "how is that possible?"
"I heard ghosts cause super cold," Jamie said from behind the two.
Neither boy answered, nor moved for what seemed like forever, then grabbing the hem of his tee shirt, Doug wrapped it around the doorknob to shield his hand from the cold and quickly turned the knob and threw the door open.
A roaring sound hit the four as the door banged open and hit the wall behind it, then a blinding orb of light flew out of the room, just missing the group before heading down the hall and eventually down the stairs.
"What the holy fudge cakes was that?" Jamie said, his eyes as big as saucers.
"I dunno," Doug said, "but whatever it was, it was in a hurry to get out of there."
"You don't think..." Will said looking nervous, "that it was locked up here for a reason and...we just set it free?"
"The door wasn't even locked, and besides, whatever it was it looked like pure energy, and how could a door hold it back?'
"Can we go now?" Dickie pleaded.
"Just a minute. We've gone this far, let's check out the room while, thing is gone, whatever it was."
"You're taking this awfully well," Will noted, "aren't you the least bit freaked?'
"Truthfully, I think I peed myself a little when the thing came rushing out, but so far no fudge in my Fruits," Doug chuckled.
"Shit," Jamie said, "I think I did fudge mine," he said looking serious, then grinning he added, "nope, false alarm."
"Come on, flashlights strait ahead," Doug said stepping through the doorway.
The others followed reluctantly, but no one wanted to be left alone in the hallway and they were sticking to Doug like glue now. As soon as they were all four inside something changed, however. Suddenly the darkness was replaced by a soft steady glow, and as heads swiveled around for the source, they saw that two old fashioned kerosene lamps were now burning on bedside tables on either side of a big brass bed.
But it was not the lamps or the light they emitted that caused the boys to jump back. Laying atop an intricate quilt on the huge bed lay a girl and boy about Doug and Wills age, naked as the day they were born.
The boy had soft brown eyes, hair to match, and a spattering of pubic hairs that were a shade darker. He was uncut, and his balls, the size of cherry tomatoes rested on one thigh as he lay with his leg slightly splayed open.
The girl was blond, blue-eyed and pretty, with a dusting of blond pubic hairs so light in color they were barely visible. Her girl parts, the first for all the boys to see, were healthy and pink looking, but not open for inspection as she lay with her legs together.
"Hello," Doug said in a squeaky voice, "we didn't know anyone was here..."
The two on the bed seemed to ignore Doug and suddenly they came together and began kissing. It was not a fervent or frantic kiss, but rather one of love and tenderness that caused the four observers to experience some tender feelings of their own.
"We shouldn't be watching this," Will whispered, but the tent in his jeans said otherwise.
"Wow, naked people," Dickie gasped, "I never seen a real live naked girl before."
"No duh," Jamie said shoving him playfully, his eyes darting back and forth between the boy and the girl.
"Can you hear us?" Doug insisted then, though he had already decided they could not. And in fact he thought they might not exist at all, or at least not in this time line. This was weird thinking, yes, but he'd watched enough movies and read enough books to inspire such thoughts.
The action on the bed had become more brazen now, the boy now covering the girl's small breasts with kisses as she rolled her head back and moaned softly.
Four hands went down then to push down the burgeoning erections in their jeans as they watched the scene play out.
"Are they gonna do it?" Jamie wondered aloud for them all.
"We shouldn't watch if they do," Will protested weakly, hoping he'd be overruled.
"Guys, I don't think they're real...or at least not really here...right now," Doug said, it suddenly all making sense to him, even though it made no sense at all if one really thought about it.
The action on the bed ramped up a bit, the girl being the passive one as the boy explored her body, finally moving down until his face was at her crotch. At this point the girl finally opened her legs a bit and four horny boys watched as her healthy pink girl parts came into full view.
"Oh...MY...GOD," Jamie gasped, his hand moving to the bulge in his jeans once more.
"Guys..." Will said softly, "we should go...really?"
"No way," Dickie chimed in, "I wanna see em do it. I've waited all my life to see some real life sex..."
"Yeah, me too," Jamie agreed.
"Doug?" Will almost begged.
"Wait, I want to try something," Doug said then, and moving closer to the bed he reached down as the others watched in horror as he brought his hand down to touch the boy on the bed.
However, instead of coming into contact with warm living flesh, Doug once again felt the cold as his hand passed through the leg of the boy and came to rest on the mattress.
"Holy poopsicles," Jamie exclaimed, "that was weird, your hand passed right through him."
"Yeah, and it was cold again, like the doorknob," Doug said rubbing his hand, which still tingled a little from the cold.
"So...they're what?...Ghosts?" Will said sounding agitated now.
"I don't know," Doug confessed, "I guess that's as good an answer as any, or maybe..."
"What, what?" Will demanded.
"Maybe we're just seeing some kind of...umm, image of them, and they're actually somewhere else like far away."
"You mean like TV?" Jamie offered.
"Ever hear of holograms?" Doug said then and the others nodded.
"But who has that kind of...umm, what's the word, smarts? No, that's not it..." Will said wrinkling his cute face.
"Technology?" Jamie offered. Being an avid fan of Sci-fi he knew all about that kind of stuff.
"Yeah, yeah, that. We don't have that stuff yet," Will added, glancing at the couple on the bed again, who had now moved on to more intimate things.
"Holy shit, what's he...oh man, he's licking her..." Jamie gasped.
"We definitely need to go. You guys are too young for this," Will muttered, though the throbbing between his legs said he wanted to see more.
"It's like a...a movie or something," Doug said, "it's not real...well, at least they're not really here," Doug said, not really sure he understood what he meant anymore than the others did.
One thing was for sure though, he was enjoying the little sex show before him, even if he did feel a bit guilty about the two younger boys witnessing it as well. Dickie, especially, since he was so young. At least Jamie was older and from their frequent talks he was quite the horn-dog now that he started going into puberty. Then again, for all he knew, Dickie might have started into puberty as well. After all, he had begun his own journey into manhood when he was that age.
No one had time to say more or even move as suddenly the boy on the bed took things to the ultimate conclusion by mounting the girl, and placing his stiff boyhood at her opening.
"Slowly," the girl gasped, "you are so big."
Doug almost laughed, wasn't that what every boy or man wanted to hear? He found it especially interesting that the boy really wasn't all that big down there. His own penis was bigger, and his testicles were bigger, but he guessed to a girl anything looked big when it was about to go inside them.
"He's...he's doin' it," Jamie moaned, "God I can't believe I'm seeing this...up close and real...I mean as real as this is..."
Unaware they had done so, the four had moved into positions now that offered a better view as they watched the moment of penetration began. Slowly, inch by inch, till all five inches were buried inside the young girl, the boys held their breath, their hands pushing at their arousal till it was almost unbearable.
"I think I'm gonna blow," Jamie gasped.
Doug laughed, "Don't, you'll make a mess in your undies and have to walk around like that the rest of the night.
"Then I'm gonna have to pull it out," Jamie said blushing.
"Doug?" Will almost pleaded, "if we've got to watch this anymore, I'm gonna cream my jeans too..."
"The action had intensified, and now the boy was alternating between kissing the girl's lips and her breasts and everywhere in between. His hips were pumping slowly, the rise and fall of his shapely behind as erotic as the act itself. All four boys had at times experimented with other boys and found the male form as pleasing as the female, especially given the fact that they were more familiar with it and thought penises were more interesting than vaginas.
"He has a nice ass," Jamie giggled and the others laughed nervously, aware that they'd been caught looking at the boy's shapely buttocks.
"He's getting close, I can tell," Doug moaned, his hand gripping the hard rod in his pants as if to control it.
"I can't...stand it no more," Jamie said, and with that he quickly unzipped his jeans and pulled out his stiff penis.
The others were shocked at first, but upon seeing his stiff four-incher they quickly joined him, pulling out their own puds to join him in a mutual masturbation session.
The familiar sounds and smells of boys pleasuring themselves soon filled the room, their stroking now matching the rhythm of the copulating couple on the bed.
"Uh...uh...uh," the phantom boy grunted, "take my seed, Isabelle, he cried out, then with one more downward thrust, his body stiffened and he became as still as a statue as he apparently began to unload into his lover.
Four stiff pricks felt the orgasm simultaneously and three of them began to spew forth their own seed, while the fourth pulsed with the most intense dry orgasm of the younger boy's life. Knees buckled, but somehow the four managed to stay standing as the orgasm went on and on, their vision fading even as the two young lovers on the bed also began to fade until there was nothing left but an indentation in the dusty duvet.
"Holy shit, what just happened?" Will gasped.
"We came, dummy," Dickie giggled, "and it was the best ever. Hey, where'd they go?" he added, having noticed the bed was now empty.
"I don't think they were ever really there," Doug said, staring down at his wilting prick and the mess he'd made on the floor. His hand was slimy with his cum, and he slung some off onto the floor before returning his hand to his prick to clean off as much as possible, then again flinging it onto the dirty floor.
The other two followed suit and soon they had their now soft members stowed away, three still a bit sticky, while the fourth was relatively dry.
"We should go," Will said, feeling guilty now that he'd come.
"Yeah, but we need to check out some of the other places," Doug insisted.
"Why, after seeing that, what more proof do you need that this place is haunted, or whatever?" Will whined.
"I don't know, I have a feeling, that's all. I think someone or something lured us here to this room see that little show, but I'm not sure why...yet."
"You're scaring me," Will said, edging away from his best friend now.
"You think there are more sexy ghosts here?" Dickie joked, "I'm in if there are."
Jamie giggled, "Yeah, me too, maybe I can find a nice ghost girl who'll let me do it with her."
"You'd freeze your pecker off," Will laughed.
"Oh, yeah...forgot about that," the younger boy said frowning, "well, watching is fun too."
"And jerking off," Dickie giggled and it was contagious.
"That was pretty intense," Will said once the four were back outside, "I mean, we've jerked together before, but it was never that good."
"Yeah, I been thinking about that," Will said looking thoughtful, "it was like someone or something wanted us to all come together like that. Like they got power from it, or something," he sighed.
The night air was still and humid, and the full moon was now partially covered by gauzy black clouds. Despite the lingering clouds here and there in the night sky, a million stars could be seen out here away from the city lights, and one might have mistaken this for a barren landscape on some uninhabited planet if they didn't know better.
Will, who had been digesting Doug's last statement as they approached the Jeep, finally found his voice, "What do you mean? Like someone got off on our getting off?"
"Exactly. I know it don't make sense, but that's just how I feel about it. I've been getting feelings or messages or something ever since we got here. I don't have all the answers, but I don't think we're in any danger. If I did I'd be the first to tell you guys to load up and get us out of here."
"I wanna see what else we can find," Jamie said then.
"Me too," Dickie agreed, "this kicks ass."
"Better not let mom and dad hear you say that," Doug laughed.
"I know,'s just us guys, right?" the younger boy said grinning.
Doug ruffled his little bro's hair playfully, "Yeah, just us guys. Now, let's see what the Branch Water Saloon has to offer..."
"Whisky, I hope," Will laughed nervously.
"I bet it's smooth after a hundred years," Doug chuckled.
The doors to the saloon, as had been the door to the hotel, were partially off their hinges, however two shorter cafe doors, were still on their hinges and opened with a creak as Doug pushed them aside. These were the typical saloon door with hinges that swung both ways (cafe door hinges, Doug remembered they were called) and these were louvered and had once been a dark shade of green.
As in the hotel, there was some clutter, mostly broken tables or chairs, but there was no trash, nor was there any significant damaged to the rest of the saloon. Even the huge mirror that ran the length of the bar was still intact, though it had blackened around the edges and in some spots along it's ten or twelve foot length. A flight of stairs led upwards to a balcony that overlooked the saloon, and Doug could imagine dance hall girls standing up there, watching the crowd below, and occasionally motioning for one of the men to come join her for a little fun, which of course resulted in money changing hands.
He'd always watched those old westerns on TV, and every time there were saloon and dance hall girls, he'd get a little boned up. He wondered why they didn't tell the truth about what the girls really were, but he supposed that kind of stuff was too much for TV.
"Howdy boys," a voice came out of the darkness to the left, and suddenly a tall red-haired woman appeared.
Her dress was long and flowing, colorful, but not flashy, and she had a sash and bustle at her waist just like those gals in the old TV shows. She looked real enough at first, but as the boys watched she seemed to take on a shine, and instead of walking she seemed to levitate across the floor till she was leaning against the bar in front of them.
"New in town, boys?" she said with a smile, her painted red lips in sharp contrast to her pale powdered face.
"Just got here," Doug stammered.
"Drinks are on the house," she said motioning to a bartender who a moment again hadn't been there.
Slightly overweight and dark haired with a day's growth on his chubby cheeks, the barkeep nonetheless looked harmless, indeed jovial as he grabbed a glass and began to fill it from a tap, a tap that had no doubt been completely dry a moment ago.
"How...?" Will began, but the woman spoke before he could finish his thoughts.
"Don't get many strangers in here since the railroad moved on, you boys plannin' on stayin' awhile?'
"No ma'am," Doug answered, "we were just curious, that's all, and wanted to look around."
"Well, depending on what you're lookin' for, you might or might not find it here. Lots of...variety here, if you know what I mean?"
They didn't know what she meant, but no one was brave enough to say so.
"We were...uh, at the hotel..." Doug said, not sure what to say next.
"Yeah, any action over there?" the redhead laughed, her voice high and piercing, "Were Isabelle and Frank goin' at it again?"
" did you know?" Doug sputtered.
"Oh, everyone knows about those two. They been doing that stuff since they was nine or ten. It's a wonder Issy never got with child, but I guess old Frank must be shootin' blanks," she laughed, "coulda repopulated the whole town if she'd of had a kid every time they did it."
Doug was blushing now, but he knew this woman, this specter, or whatever she was, wasn't real, and that he had no need to feel shame.
The heavy glass mugs were slid in front of the boys, but none dared to drink the foamy brew put before them. Doug, however, being the leader, did grab his mug and immediately pulled back his hand, bone-chilling cold once again radiating into his flesh.
"Ice cold," Doug said for the other boys' sake, then to the Redhead, "what's up there?" he said motioning to the stairs and the balcony above.
"Just a few private rooms," she said grinning, "why, you boys in need of some female company?"
"Yeah!" Jamie said enthusiastically before he could stop himself.
The redhead laughed, "You're a bit young for that, don't you think?" she asked, but before Jamie could answer she went on, "Oh, hell...I reckon boys will be boys at any age, even this little cutie," she said nodding at Dickie, who blushed and gave her a shy grin.
"I don't think we're looking for that kind of action right now," Doug said for all of them, "but we'd be curious to see what goes on up there."
The redhead laughed, "Like to watch, huh? Well, no harm in that, I reckon. I got things to do down here, but you boys feel free to go on up and look around. Just don't disturb nobody, okay? Some of those fellas get mighty riled when they're...interrupted," she laughed.
"Let's just go," Will pleaded, but he knew he was outnumbered and he certainly wasn't going to get separated from the others.
Doug led the way up the stairs, and once they reached the carpeted balcony above, they could see a number of doors along a darkened hallway. As had been the doors in the hotel, each was painted a different color, though the paint was chipped and faded after all these years.
Without hesitation, Doug led them to the nearest door, and using his tee shirt again to shield his hand from the expected cold, he quickly turned the knob and pushed the door open. The door yielded reluctantly and the resulting creaking of the hinges unnerved the four boys, almost as if it were crying out at being disturbed.
"This room, however, was empty. No couple lay upon the bed, and in fact the bed was stripped of a mattress and bed covers, leaving only the rails and springs.
"It stinks in here," Jamie said wrinkling his nose.
And indeed it did stink, but the boys couldn't quite put their finger on what the odor might be. And worse, the odor seemed to thicken and become stronger after a few seconds, forcing the boys back out the door and into the hallway.
The air in the hallway was less than fresh, but it was much more pleasant than the stench in the room and they stood there for a few minutes just clearing their noses of the foul odor before moving on to the next door.
Since these doors were not numbered, as those in the hotel had been, Doug assumed that color coding each door made it easier to tell the customer which room to go to. The first door had been green, the next a yellow, and unlike the first door, this one was partially open.
As soon as the four boys stood before the slightly open door, the sounds from within could be clearly heard.
"Oh Mandy, you got the sweetest cooter in town, mmm...and those boobies are like pillows."
"What the...?" Jamie whispered.
"Sounds like some guy talking to a girl," Dickie offered, his voice barely audible.
"No duh," Will laughed nervously.
"Shall we?" Doug asked as he pushed the door open a bit more.
Four boys slowly entered the room, but to their complete surprise there was no one laying upon the bed, nor anywhere in the room as far as they could see. The voice they'd heard before had grown silent as well, and now only silence filled the dusty room.
"Where'd they go?" Dickie wondered as he boldly approached the bed and patted the dusty duvet, only to have it emit a cloud of dust, which hung in the air for a moment like a tiny dust storm.
"I dunno, maybe what we heard was an echo of something that happened a long time ago," Doug offered.
"But how?" Will asked in confusion.
"I dunno that either. just feels right," Come on, there are four more rooms."
The third room was on the other side of the hall, and as had been the first room, it was empty, though this one smelled better. It was, however, dusty and musky smelling, but still had the mattress and duvet, though both looked rotted and ready to fall apart at any moment.
They proceeded down the hall, going from room to room, but it was not till they had entered the last room that they found anything of interest. Nestled on the bed together, as if in deep slumber were two young men, both naked, their faces handsome and their bodies works of art.
They were a tangle of arms and legs and their faces were very close as if their last act before slumber overtook them was a kiss. Their uncut penises and balls lay dormant on their thighs, nested in a patch of dark pubes that extended down between their legs to places unseen at the moment.
"Wow, they're naked..." Dickie whispered, "his eyes darting up and down their youthful athletic bodies before coming to rest on their manhood.
"They look kinda cozy, like lovers, maybe," Will offered.
"Yeah, I wonder if they had sex before they fell asleep?" Jamie giggled.
"No spooge on them," Dickie noted, "but maybe they swallowed it," he added grinning.
"And how would you know about such things?" Will asked.
Dickie shrugged, "I ain't stupid, big bro. I know what boys do, and some girls too."
"Oh, come on, Will, you know me and Dickie mess around, just like you and Doug."
"Yeah, bad," Will said turning his eyes to the two boys on the bed now.
"How old do you think they are...or were?" Doug asked to no one in particular.
"A little older than Jamie, but not much, maybe our age, maybe older."
"If they were hard we could tell better," Jamie laughed.
"Why don't you try blowing one of them and see if he gets hard?' Dickie joked, "but it might freeze your lips off."
"Wait, they're waking up," Doug said then as all eyes went to the boys on the bed who had begun to stir now.
A stretch, a yawn, a bright smile and a soft 'hey', and the boy closest to them came fully awake. The other boy seemed to pout a bit, resisting being awakened but eventually he too seemed to come out of his slumber and greet the world with a smile.
They kissed then, coming together as easily as lovers do, and the kiss continued for quite some time. As was natural, the kiss had awakened their sleeping cocks and they began to rise, finally growing to full size by the time the kiss had ended.
"Mmm, I'm hungry," the first boy said softly.
"I have something you can eat, or at least suck on," the other boy joked.
"I will have that first, but I need some real food too," the boy laughed, "but first, a piss..."
"Too far to the outhouse, just piss out the window," the second boy laughed, "I will, if you will."
"You're on, Malachi," the first boy said, and the four boys who'd been watching this little drama unfold had to scatter to allow the two 'ghost' boys to rise.
"Evan, watch this," the second boy said as he threw open a window and peered into the darkness beyond. Then without further ado, he grabbed his cock and began pissing out the window. The other boy, Malachi, followed suit and soon the four observers could hear the splash of piss below the window, no doubt wetting the awning or sidewalk.
When the two had drained their bladders they bounded back to the bed, and this time Malachi straddled Evan as they kissed. Their hard bodies pressed together then, and once again the four bystanders felt their own erections call out for attention.
"Oh, man, are they gonna do it?" Jamie moaned.
"It?" Will chuckled, "if you mean sex, yeah...probably."
"Is he gonna stick it in his hiney?" Dickie chuckled.
"Hiney, what are you, six?" Jamie teased.
"Okay, ass, then," Dickie corrected.
The two were silenced then when Malachi made his move, sliding down till his face was even with the other boy's crotch. Then looking up at his lover with a wicked smile, Malachi grabbed Evan's cock and began licking it all up and down like a candy stick.
"Oh, oh, oh, that's so good," the other boy moaned as he reached down to run his fingers through his lover's hair.
Suddenly, with a loud boom the door was kicked open, and as the four observers jumped back in surprise and fear, two men dressed in typical cowboy attire entered the room.
"Well, well, well," one of the cowboys said as he stared at the two boys on the bed with an evil grin, "we finally caught you two little rump bandits, red handed, or should I say, red peckered?"
"That ain't natural," the other man said as he pulled a knife from his belt, "maybe we oughta cut off their peckers so they can't forneecate no more, he said with an evil leer.
"This is none of your business. Leave us alone," Evan cried out in fear.
"You have no business tellin' us how to live or love. You fuck the saloon girls and you don't even love them. We love each other and we don't leave no babies behind to be took care of when we're done," Malachi hissed.
"Man and woman, that's natural...boy," the first cowboy said, hocking up a brown glob of tobacco and spit and depositing it on the floor. "I ain't one for cruelty, but you boys got to pay for your sins. How you want it, by knife, gun, or rope?"
"Pay for our sins," Malachi scoffed, "when was the last time you set foot in a church or read the good book? You're as big a sinner as they ever was. The Bible says...let God do the judgin' not man. And what about fornicating with women you ain't married to? That's a sin too."
"You shut your little pecker-sucking face up," the second cowboy said, waving the knife around menacingly now, "Come on, Carl, let me cut their peckers off."
"No, Jack, they're gonna die clean, knife to the heart, bullet to the brain, or a rope around their sinful necks. Your choice, boys," the one called Carl said.
"Stop this!" Doug screamed, but he knew before he'd spoken that they could not hear him, and in fact that what they were seeing and hearing were only echoes of the past. With dread they realized that these events had happened long ago, and that they had no power to change them, no matter how dreadful the outcome might be.
"Let's go, I don't wanna see this," Will begged.
"Yeah, let's go," Dickie said through tears, "they weren't hurtin' no one..."
Doug nodded, "We've seen enough," but as he turned to the door, the others close behind, it suddenly closed with such force that the walls shook.
Even before he tried the knob, Doug knew what he would find, the door was locked, and they weren't going anywhere until whatever happened with the two boys and the cowboys had run it's course.
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