This was getting boring.
It was getting annoying now.
"Okay, you win - I did!"
"Yes, yes, yes," he repeated, turning his right hand into a fist and extending his arm in that I-am-superior-to-you way and punching at the air.
I didn't care. By the time we'd gone through "Did/Didn't" a hundred times, I had forgotten what it was I was supposed to have done or not done. I didn't care, anymore.
"I knew you would back out first," he smiled. "You always do."
"No I don't!
It was happening again.
He was right, I do! I agreed with him. The air-punching thing again. I didn't care. I sat back in my seat and stared through the window. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining high in a clear blue sky and nothing - and no one - was going to get me down today.
I was on a bus travelling to the nearest coastal resort. It was too good an opportunity to miss. It was school holidays and if I could get a tan by lying in the sun, then I sure as hell wasn't going to miss the opportunity. Six weeks of freedom and only two where I would have to trail along with my parents as they took me somewhere I wouldn't want to go. This was my idea of a holiday - being able to take off and do what I wanted. No adult telling me what I could, or couldn't do. The "family holiday thing" was not for another two weeks and I was going to make the most of this time I had to myself - with Simon, my best friend.
Mum and Dad had no objections to my taking the bus to the beach, especially as I was going with Simon. They liked Simon, though not half as much as I did. I liked Simon very much, everything about him. His hypnotic blue eyes, his silly grin, his cute button nose, his blonde hair, even lighter, now, thanks to the sun we had been having over the past few weeks. I stared out of the window of the bus. Yes, indeed, it was going to be a good day.
"Hey, dreamy! You with us?"
"I said, 'you with us?' - you were miles away."
"Sorry, I was just thinking about the next six weeks."
"Jesus, Paul, can't you just concentrate on today? What we gonna do when we get there?"
"I dunno, just lay in the sun on the beach, I suppose."
"Maybe a swim, too, eh?"
"Yeah, I don't see why not."
"I've brought a beach ball, we could have a kick around."
"Yeah, I guess. Why don't we just play it by ear?"
"I think we'd do better using our feet."
I gave him my best Paddington stare.
"Sorry," he said.
The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful and it wasn't long before the breach was in sight. Unfortunately, as we disembarked, we had the sudden realisation that the whole county had had the same idea as us. The beach was crowded and it wasn't even 9.30.
"Holidaymakers," said Simon.
"Can't all be holidaymakers, surely? Where we gonna sit?"
"Not here, that's for sure."
We edged closer to the beach and glanced all along it as far as we could see. There was barely an empty space to be had. That's the thing about British weather - as soon as the sun pokes it head out, the whole of Britain heads for the coast. Today was one of those days.
"Lets walk a bit further down, maybe it won't be so crowded away from the fast food vendors and the amusement arcades," suggested Simon.
I agreed. Somewhere there had to be a place where we could place our towels and soak up the sun.
We didn't exactly rush. For one, it wasn't possible with all the people milling around and for two, I was looking at all the boys on the beach, lying in the sun, splashing in the sea, playing with their balls - cricket, tennis, football, that is. All white, pasty bodies just like mine. Not for long, though, I hoped.
We walked for about half an hour and were quite a way from the main beach and the crowding had begun to lessen. At last, we would be able to place our towels, lie in the sun and catch those rays. Simon, however seemed intent on going further along the beach and I followed.
"Where are we going?"
"Not much further - we must have walked a mile already."
"But where are we going? What's wrong with here?"
"Nothing, it's just that ... Yes, I thought so."
"Look, over there. What can you see?"
"There, ahead of you. What can you see?"
"The beach, the sea, people playing football, building sandcastles, lying in the sun."
"Anything else?"
"I don't know what it is I'm supposed to be looking at."
"You're not trying. Take a proper look."
"I am taking a proper -oh, my God!"
"I knew it couldn't be too far away, I mean, we must have walked a mile."
"Oh, my God!"
"What do you reckon?"
"Reckon? Reckon to what?"
"Pitching camp down there?"
"Down there - on that part of the beach?"
"Yeah! What do you reckon?"
"You're having a laugh, right?"
"You serious?"
"Why not?"
"Why not? It's a bloody nudist beach, that's why not."
"I know - great, isn't it? I knew it was along here somewhere, I'd heard Mum talking to one of our neighbours about it."
"We can't go on a nudist beach!"
"We can. It's owned by the Council - it's not private. It's well signposted, so anyone who doesn't want to go on can stay away, but if you want to go on, you can and if you get there accidentally - well, there's no reason why you should, it is well signposted."
"Is it? I haven't seen any signs."
"See the rocks by the see - the big ones," Simon pointed, I followed the direction with my eyes and there, on the rocks by the edge of the sea in big letters was painted: Warning. Nudist Beach 200 yards" and as I followed the line of the rocks, I saw: Warning: Nudist Beach 100 yards. Then: Warning: Nudist Beach 50 Yards.
"I'm not sure about this, Simon."
"Look, the regular beach is crowded. At least we'll get to sit on the sand and splash in the sea and have room to play with the beach ball. Come on, just think about an all over tan."
"Will I have to, I mean, do I have to if I don't want to, do I have to take everything off if I go on it?"
"No, not if you don't want to, but it's pointless going on a nudist beach if you're not going to be nude."
"I don't think I want to be nude."
"Well, I'd like you to be nude, but you don't have to be, if you don't want to be, but you are coming on, aren't you?"
I hesitated and then nodded.
"Excellent. Come on, then." Simon quickened his step and I followed. I would follow him anywhere. We had become good friends, Simon and I - close friends. Yes, I would have followed him anywhere.
My heart was pounding. I could feel it in my chest and felt sure that people would hear it, as we got closer to where the nudist beach began. A nudist beach. What on earth were we doing? We walked quite a way in and I didn't dare to look anywhere except in front of me, but even that didn't stop me from seeing naked bodies running in the sand as they headed for the sea, or just those lying on their towels soaking up the sun. There were all sorts of people there. Fat; thin, tall, short, male female, boys, girls and us - Simon and me.
We found a spot not central on the beach but near a cliff edge and sat down. We rolled out our beach towels, put our bags underneath to form a sort of pillow and to aid security of our belongings as our heads would be on top of them and looked around.
"Amazing, or what?" said Simon. "I wasn't sure there'd be so many people."
"I can't believe it, myself," I said.
"Well, I don't know about you, but when in Rome and all that."
And at that, Simon stood up and pulled off his trainers, removed his t-shirt and then pulled down his shorts and stood before me completely naked. In public. Naked. On a beach, in public, naked. Simon. My best friend was naked on a public beach. I was amazed that he did that. I was amazed that I was amazed that he did that. I couldn't do that. I knew I couldn't do that. I looked around, almost afraid that someone would see, but if they did, it would be me they were looking at, me because I wasn't naked and everyone else was. Me, clothed on a beach. I was going to remove my t-shirt and trainers and lie in the sun with my shorts on. I'd even put a pair of swimming trunks on underneath in case I wanted to go in the sea. Simon hadn't even worn swimming trunks under his shorts and now he wasn't even wearing his shorts. He was naked. On a public beach. Naked. Simon - my best friend. I was amazed. He was gorgeous - already the signs of a tan from the good weather we'd been having since before school broke up. His body glistened in the sunlight; a halo surrounded him, an aura - a bit like those kids in old Ready Brek commercials. God, he was gorgeous.
"You going to strip?" he asked.
"No, way!"
"Suit yourself."
I suddenly felt nervous. I removed my t-shirt and trainers, lay back on my beach towel and closed my eyes.
"You going to sleep?" asked Simon.
"No, just resting."
"Wanna go in the water?"
"No, not yet."
"Okay. I'm going in, though, not be long."
With that he was gone. I sat up to watch him go. I could not believe that he was running into the sea naked. I had seen Simon naked before - lots of times - in private, we'd even fooled around, experimenting, you know the sort of thing, but I had never seen him naked in public, not on a beach with a lot of other people about.
While he was gone I took a look around the beach, in a discreet way. There were children running around, toddlers - it was okay for them; they were too young to care. There were older people, their parents, I guessed. My God, imagine my parents being here with me. How embarrassing would that be? There were other people, too - a couple of older boys that were playing with a Frisbee about 50 yards away. They were tall, tanned boys with larger dicks than Simon or I had and bushes of public hair all on display. Pubic hair! My God, what was I staring at them for? These were boys about 17-years old, all tanned, muscles and with their bits jigging about as they played their game and I was staring at them. I averted my gaze, closed my eyes and lay back on my towel. Dear God, let me get through today. I suddenly needed to pee. There were no public lavatories at this end of the beach and I was suddenly desperate to pee.
"Great, that's all I need," I said aloud, but to no one in general.
I scanned the sea for Simon and spotted him splashing about. I stood up, removed my shorts and then, in my swimming trunks, I ran to the water.
"Thought you weren't coming in," he smiled, as I approached.
"I needed to pee," I half-whispered. There's nowhere else to go.
"You're not going to pee in your swimming trunks, are you?"
"I already did." The relief was immense. I felt the warmth as the water that exited my dick and seeped through the material of my swimming trunks and into the sea. It gave me a tingling sensation down my spine and I gave a shudder.
"Cold?" asked Simon.
"Actually, no. The water's quite warm."
"Even more so where you're standing," he said.
I gave him another Paddington stare.
"I'm going back to the beach," I said.
"Why not stay in a while, have a swim or a splash around?"
I considered this for a moment and thought - 'Why not! I was already wet, so I may as well enjoy it."
Simon and I splashed around and threw water at each other, laughing as the waves came and knocked us off our feet in the water. I emerged, but I couldn't see Simon anywhere. I looked around for him, but he was gone. He'd disappeared.
"Simon," I heard the word. I startled myself as I called his name. "Simon?"
No answer. I began to panic. Where was he? Suddenly, another wave struck and I was knocked off balance and as I fell under the waves, I felt something beside me, tugging at me and I struck out, splashing in the water until, after what seemed an eternity, but in reality had been only a few seconds, I emerged to see Simon grinning at me.
"Whatcha!" he said, a big grin across his face.
"Where were you, you disappeared."
"It was me you were splashing out at," he laughed.
"I panicked. That wave caught me by surprise when I was shouting for you."
"Well, I'm okay. How about you?"
I nodded. I was. At least, I think I was. "I'm going back to the beach," I called, as another wave headed towards us.
"I'll come with you. A nice lay in the sun to dry off, I think."
We had managed to get quite a way out into the sea and it meant swimming a short distance back to the beach, but it didn't take long. Simon emerged first, his naked form glistening as the sun caught the beads of water trickling down his body. I noticed them run down his chest and towards his dick, then watched, as the water had nowhere to go but straight over the edge and to the beach below. I felt myself getting exited as I looked at him, as brief as it was and I emerged from the sea, hoping that my excitement wasn't going to be too obvious inside my swimming trunks. My swimming trunks! They were gone! I was naked. My dick was taking on a life of its own and I wasn't even wearing my swimming trunks.
I heard Simon laughing and glanced towards him.
"Lost something?" he asked and I saw him waving my swimming trunks in the air.
"They're my trunks!" I stated the obvious and he laughed even more, running up the beach to where we had placed our towels.
"Give them back," I called. I had no option but to follow. Me on a public beach, naked. Not only that, but as the cool breeze hit my body as I left the sea, my dick - that independent member of my body - decided to become a flagpole. Oh, dear God, take me now! I prayed - and I ran as fast as I could, following Simon back to our towels.
"You bastard, " I screamed as I reached my towel and grabbed it from the ground, wrapping it quickly around me.
"I got them off you in the water when you were splashing about trying to find me," he said.
"I knew I'd felt something tugging at me," I said. I had. I didn't know it was Simon, though, let alone that he was removing my trunks as I was splashing around in confusion. How could I not have noticed that? I hadn't. But how hadn't I?
He threw the swimming trunks at me and I caught them with one hand.
"I knew it wouldn't be long before you were on the beach naked, " he laughed.
"Not by bloody choice. God, Simon, it was so embarrassing."
"Still is, I'd say." He indicated towards my towel and I looked down. The damned thing looked like a tent. I sat, quickly.
"Jesus, Simon, I've got a hard on."
"I know, I saw - so did half the beach, I reckon."
"No way!" I panicked. He laughed.
"What can I do? It won't go down."
"Have a wank!" he said, still laughing.
"I can't have a wank on a public beach, Jesus, Simon, what the hell do you think I am?"
"They won't see you under your towel."
"I can't have a wank on a public beach."
"Well, lay on your stomach, then, no one will see it then."
"It'll hurt. I'll feel it pressing in to me."
"Well think of people watching that's bound to make it go down."
I tried. It didn't. If anything the thought of being watched as I wanked on a public beach made it worse.
"It's not working," I said.
More laughter. "Jesus, Paul, I don't know what else to suggest."
"Well try. I can't stay like this all day."
"Well, I suppose - nah, that wouldn't work, either."
"No, you wouldn't go for it."
"For what? If it hides this bloody hard on, I'll go for anything."
"Okay, give me a minute."
Simon began to scrabble around in the sand and I watched in bewilderment. Here was I with a hard on on a public beach; a towel wrapped around me and tenting out and my best friend was making sandcastles.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Just another few minutes."
He continued digging around in the beach and then announced he was finished.
"Finished? Finished what?"
"The hole."
"The hole? I can see you've dug a hole, but why?"
"So you can lay across it on your stomach, with your dick in it and then it won't hurt you and no one will know you got a hard on."
"You are joking?"
"No." He seemed to be put out.
"I'm sorry, Simon, but that won't work."
"Well, it's either that, or a wank."
I considered the alternatives. He was right. It was either the hole, or a wank - and there was no way I was wanking on a public beach.
I shuffled forward to where Simon had dug his hole. It was a deep hole, deeper than I was going to need and I slowly moved the towel, so I could lie on my stomach and then shuffled into place. My dick found the hole and, to be honest, it did seem to work.
Simon was still laughing, but agreed that I looked like any other person sunbathing on a nudist beach. Oh, God - a sudden though. I was still naked. With all that had happened, I hadn't put my shorts on! Oh, what the hell - An all over tan sounded good to me.
I think I must have fallen asleep as I lay there, the sun beating down on my body, drying it out after that splash in the sea. I felt comfortable and warm and contented. Even if I was laid across a hole to hide a hard on. I felt the sun caress my shoulders and work its way down my back. I felt its warmth as it ran across the back of my legs and to my thighs. I felt its soft touch as it beat its rays onto my buttocks. I felt excited and woke suddenly as though I'd just slapped myself from a sleep.
"You okay?" It was Simon.
I couldn't answer.
"Paul? You okay?"
I was. I knew I was. It took a moment.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm okay. I was dreaming and something woke me up."
"I think I know what?"
"Has your hard on gone?"
I was reminded of my predicament, but I eased myself up slowly. It had gone. Everything was back to normal.
"Amazing what a sleep can do," I said.
"You haven't been to sleep."
"I have?"
"No, you haven't. We've only back on the beach for five-minutes."
"But I must have been asleep, I remember feeling so peaceful and comfortable with the sun bathing my body with softness and warmth and it felt so good and then I seemed to be startled by something and I woke up.
"The warmth of the sun may have been there, but all that caressing was me," laughed Simon. "I didn't want you to burn so I got some lotion and was rubbing it into you, I was working my hand over your backside when you suddenly bucked and startled me."
Realisation dawned. Simon - caressing my body as he rubbed sun lotion into my skin! In public! My, God! I had bucked suddenly, hadn't I? I looked down at my dick. It was covered in sand - sand sticking to me.
"Simon, " I said. "I didn't need to wank. You made me cum. I've just ejaculated into your hole. My dick's all sticky and the sand's stuck to it."
"Better get into the sea and wash it up, then, eh?"
"Is that all you can say?"
"Well, how about when we get home we can have a go at filling another hole of mine?" As he spoke he stood up and headed to the sea. "Race you," he called. I followed - what the hell!
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