Simon shrugged. "Are you ready?"
"For what?"
"The Party in the Park - I thought you wanted to get there early."
I looked at him - it hadn't all been in my imagination - we really were going.
"Thanks for getting the tickets," I said, moving across my room towards him and planting a kiss on his lips.
"You're welcome," he smiled.
"We've plenty of time," I said and kissed him again.
"I know you're happy to be going to the biggest event our town has ever seen, but kissing me - well, that's more thanks that I actually needed, Paul."
"Oh, I'm sorry - I guess I'm just excited."
I turned away from his and busied myself with extracting the CD from the CD player and putting it away.
"Yes?" I said, without turning around.
"Are you gay?"
"What? Don't be ridiculous!"
"Well what was that kiss all about. I mean - one kiss, fair enough. Weird - but fair enough! But two? Come on, Paul, what gives?"
"Nothing - honest - I'm sorry, okay?"
"Well, actually, no, it isn't okay. We've known each other for years and you've never kissed me before."
"Look, forget it," I was facing him now. "It was nothing - just a silly reaction - I was so happy we were going to the Party in the Park."
"So what did you mean by 'we've plenty of time'?"
"It's what you said before you kissed me again."
"I dunno, I just wasn't ready, still had to clear up here first, that's all."
"I don't think so."
"Look, Simon, what are you trying to say?" I was getting angry, though my anger came from embarrassment.
"You know what I'm trying to say, I've already said it - are you gay?"
"And I've already said no!"
Simon looked at me without saying a word and then shrugged his shoulders. I knew it was an 'okay, whatever you say' kind of shrug and I would have been angry and attacked him verbally for it had it not been for the fact that it would have prolonged the conversation and led to me denying even more vehemently that I was gay.
I loved Simon - was in love with Simon - my best friend, the biggest sex god in school - Simon - my straight friend. I valued that friendship and I didn't want to lose it, but perhaps I had. Suddenly, I didn't want to go to the Party in the Park - I wanted to stay here in my room, alone, able to release the tears that I felt forming in my eyes, but if I did that then Simon would know for sure something was wrong and I didn't want to lose his friendship. If I told him I was gay, he would be gone - our friendship would be over. Kissing him was stupid - why had I done that? Why?
It had not been unpleasant - for me, that is. I had only brushed him lightly on his lips - but why did I do it for a second time - why did I say that we had plenty of time? Was I hoping for more? Was I hoping that Simon would respond in the same way? I knew I was and that I had been, but it was a spur of a moment thing and I knew now that I shouldn't have done it.
We walked from my room and left the house, heading towards the park - it was 3.15, the event began at 7.30 and I wanted to get a good place, up front near to the stage. Simon had suggested we got there about five, I wish I'd gone along with that, but it was too late now.
The walk to the park wasn't a long one - about half an hour, if that, but we strolled at a steady pace. There was no queue and we saw the banners and posters proclaiming "Party in the Park" - and what a party it was going to be. All the biggest boy bands were lined up to appear and it was going to be spectacular.
As Simon and I presented our tickets at the gate, we found a programme seller just inside and purchased one each before heading for the stage, where we found a great spot in which to place ourselves in order to get the best view of the bands as possible.
"Wanna burger, or something?" asked Simon.
"Yeah, that would be great - I've been too excited to eat."
"I know!"
It was a telling remark and I wished he hadn't made it, as he stood up and headed for a burger stand.
While he was gone, I studied my programme - It was amazing - I couldn't believe who was actually appearing, or that I was actually going to see them.
Hypertension had had two previous number one hits - "Love is a Miracle" and "The Gift of Love" and were currently on top of the chart with "Who Told You I Cared?" They were adorable - Marc was so cute, I just wanted to hold him, Dan's eyes were amazing, Kevin had a cheeky grin and Christian had the cutest dimples.
The J Squad were equally adorable - the two Johns, both had beautiful lips, Jimmy had sparkling eyes and Jay had the biggest biceps of anyone I had seen - relatively new to the boy band scene, they had managed a number three with "High Flying Woman".
High Density had had a number one with "Didn't Know" and a number five with "Chains of My Heart" - Lenny was amazing to look at and you could tell he had a great sense of humour. Neph was chilled out and had a cute pout that I almost melted, while "e" just made me want to die - everything about him emanated sex appeal and his vocals on their current number two, "Think Good Thoughts" were to die for.
As for Wee Willie Winkie Dot Com, well Jamie didn't look old enough to be in a band - he was a real sex god and I wanted to hold him so close to me and tell him as much. The other band members, Mike and Invincible were drop dead gorgeous and their song "Too Late To Tell You" was one of my favourites.
The Austins were Warren, the serious-looking member of the band, whose eyes were hypnotic, Ashdaw - beautiful beyond belief, sad, puppy-dog eyes that made me want to cry, Bob - always laughing - a stark contrast to Ashdaw. Stephen - the ruffled look that made him so adorable and Wim, sex on legs - and what legs! Their hit had been "Break It or Make It" - always a crowd pleaser.
Everyone's favourite soloist was Mihangel. "Loving You Is What I Was Created For" and "Don't Be A Stranger In My Heart" were his two big hits - the voice of an angel and he looked like one, too. Gorgeous.
Simon's return broke into my thoughts and handed me a cheeseburger and a can of Coke.
"Thanks - how much do I owe you?"
"You already paid me?"
"For the tickets - you already paid me."
"Paul, are you alright?"
"Of course I am, why?"
"You're acting a bit weird, that's all."
I looked at Simon, standing in my room and he was staring at me with a serious look on his face.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Nearly three - we'd best be going if you want to get a good spot, though I can't see it being particularly busy at this time."
"Thanks for getting the tickets," I said.
"You're welcome," he smiled. "Now let's go - and don't forget your autograph book."
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