I drove the Garrisons home. Knock and I went to his bedroom and I pulled Grant onto the bed. He laid his head on my shoulder, "Ben, I'm so confused by everything that has been happening. Would you please just hold me for a few minutes? I want to do more, but my mind can't handle much more confusion right now. Please remember my friend; you've had 18 years to experience all these emotions that I have experienced in the last three days."
I pulled Grant close, "Knock, I apologize for pushing, but you have made my dreams come true. I so want us to be totally committed, but I will honor your request to proceed slowly. May I at least kiss you before I leave?"
Grant put his lips on mine and we exchanged a kiss. I could feel Grant expressing a deep love in his kiss. I pulled away and said good night. When I got home, I went straight to my room and took a shower and yes, as Brian would say, I jacked off.
I brushed my teeth and crawled into bed. I was lying there feeling sorry for myself when Brian came through the bathroom and crawled onto my bed with me. "Ben, is everything okay between you and Knock?"
I couldn't believe that Brian would even care. "Bri, Grant has had so many new things happen to him in the last three days that he is extremely confused. We are just going to need to proceed slowly. To be truthful with you, I am also scared by what is going to happen when and if we ever make love."
Brian started to laugh, "Ben, you ninny, I would be scared too. Remember, I have seen your weapons. Heck, Knock is right. If I had spent the first fourteen years of my life as a piece of wood, I would be overwhelmed."
I pulled Brian close, "Brian, I guess you are the sex expert in the family."
"Yeah, I probably know more about sex than you do." He started to giggle, "At least I've used a rubber."
I sat up, "Brian, what are you saying? Have you had sex with someone?"
Brian bent over from laughing, "Not hardly, bro, but I borrowed one of Dad's condoms to see if I could fill the tip with my jism."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "Well, did you fill the tip?"
Brian gave me a scornful look, "Of course; in fact, I blasted so hard that I stretched the tip of the rubber and the head of my cock was still covered with my warm cum. All of this talk is making me horny. I'm going to go jack off again."
I was shaking my head, "What do you mean, again?"
"I shot my wad while I was in the shower." Brian answered, as he started to leave. I could see a definite tent in his briefs.
I started to laugh, "You're going to be raw, from masturbating so often."
Brian looked at me with a disgusted smirk, "Ben, you are such a prude. Why can't you talk like everyone else? Is it so hard to say jerk off, and don't worry about my cock. Dad bought me some lube. Sweet dreams, bro."
I was laughing and thinking, `I wonder what Dad and Mother would say if they heard Brian talking like this?'
I had a difficult time getting to sleep. I kept thinking about everything that had happened and was going to happen. The next thing I remember was that I was being awakened by someone kissing my nipples and rubbing my enlarged penis. I looked up and Grant was laughing, "Wake up, stud; Dad wants you to stop by and pick us up so you can drive him to his eye appointment."
Knock leaned down and kissed me and vanished.
As we were eating breakfast, Brian announced, "I'll go with Ben to see what it is that I'm going to be doing when you all go to Ithaca next week."
Brian talked the entire way to the Garrison's house and to the store. We dropped Grant and Brian off, and I drove Mr. Garrison to his ophthalmologist's office. I escorted him into the office and we were the first to arrive. The Doctor was very prompt. When Mr. Garrison returned to the waiting room, he announced, "Okay Mr. Ben, let's get out of this joint. I'm fine, but I just can't lift anything that is too heavy for several days."
When we got back to the store, Grant and Brian were both busy. I watched Brian and it was very apparent that he was having a great time, helping the customers. I suddenly realized that he had the same type of personality that our Dad had. He was able to gain people's trust by his demeanor.
Mr. Garrison looked at me, "Ben, why don't you take Grant to get his learner's permit? Brian and I can take care of the store. You can stop and get us something to eat on your way back?"
Grant and I left. We got his permit and stopped at the Madison's Deli which was now under new management. Mrs. Madison continued to work a few hours a day to keep from growing old as she put it. Grant and I were greeted by Mrs. Madison, "Ben, you certainly are handsome. You look more and more like your father everyday. I don't think I know this handsome young man."
"Mrs. Madison, I would like to introduce Grant Garrison; he just arrived four days ago."
Mrs. Madison laughed, "Well it sure didn't take you two handsome young men long to get together. Now how may I assist you gorgeous hunks?"
I chuckled, "Mrs. Madison, you will say anything for a bigger tip. How about we get things that my brother would like? We'll have four cheeseburgers loaded, four orders of onion rings and four pieces of your apple/raisin crumb pie. Why don't you give us four spiced teas, also?"
"Coming right up, my handsome young men."
Hey, it's me Grant.
To say that I am overwhelmed by everything would be an understatement. I don't know how to express my feelings for Ben. I think I love him but I don't have any way of knowing. He is the only person my age that I have met. Who can I talk to? I think I'll check with Brian. He seems knowledgeable and friendly. I just hope I haven't hurt Ben too much.
Mrs. Madison brought our food and Ben paid the bill. I need to talk to Dad; Ben shouldn't always be paying for the food.
When we got to the store, we distributed the food. Brian started to complain, "How come you brought everything that I'm allergic to. I'll probably die before I get home."
I watched as Brian devoured the food, "I thought you said you were allergic to those things."
Brian didn't miss a beat, "So I lied. I just like to give you old men a hard time."
Ben and Dad were busy with customers. I turned to Brian, "Brian, can we please talk in private? I have some questions."
"Why would you want to talk to me? I'm just a fourteen year old sex fiend according to Ben." Brian giggled, "Let's go to the backroom and visit."
When we were alone, I started, "Brian, how will I know if the strong feelings I have for Ben are a sign of love. I have not met anyone else so I have no way of knowing."
Brian stood there with his mouth open, "Knock, I don't know how to answer you." Brian stood there obviously thinking. "Knock, I'll tell you what I'll do; I'll arrange a party for tomorrow night and you can meet some of Ben's friends. I don't know why, but I think you're going to be an instant hit."
We went back to the front of the store and Brian announced, "I'm out of here. I'll walk home and arrange a small party at our house tomorrow night. I'll see you after you finish working."
Ben looked confused, "What party?"
Brian was so calm, "Relax bro, Grant wants to meet your friends, so I'm going to arrange a small party at our house tomorrow night. I'll talk to you more about it later tonight. Have a great day."
Gees, I hope I haven't created problems between Ben and Brian, but I really need to make sure that what I am feeling for Ben is love. The afternoon went quickly and Ben dropped Dad and me off. I could see the confusion in Ben's beautiful green eyes.
This is Ben.
I was a lot upset with Grant and Brian. It was as if Grant was doing everything possible to not be alone with me. What did I do wrong? I helped with the dinner dishes and went to my room and was lying on my bed trying to figure out what was happening. There was a tap on the door. "Come in Bri."
Brian entered slowly, "Ben, please don't be angry with Knock and me. He came to me and was concerned that you and I were the only young people that he has really met, so I suggested that you should have a party to introduce him to some of your friends of both sexes. When I got home, I called Randy and Cindy and asked them to invite some of your friends. They have lined up eight females and six males so there will be an equal number of each sex."
"Brian, I am not upset with you. It's just that I'm so confused. I thought I had finally found someone that I could truly care for and now I feel as if I'm losing him." Tears were forming in my eyes and I looked away.
Brian sat down beside me and put his arms around me, "Ben, if I were a betting person, I would bet that after tomorrow night, Knock will realize that he doesn't need anyone else but you, so, please, just be patient."
Brian hugged me, "Ben, remember what we talked about last night. Everything will turn out fine, but give Grant some space." He stood to leave.
As Brian was leaving, I asked, "Brian, when did you get to be so smart?"
He shook his middle finger at me, "I've been taking lessons from Dad."
We started to laugh as he disappeared. For some reason, I was feeling much better about the situation. I realized that Brian was correct. I had assumed that Knock was mine and mine alone. I'm surprised that Dad hadn't called me on what has been happening.
I took a shower and turned on my computer and talked to some friends on the net. I switched to the iomfats site and printed off a couple of stories that I had been following to read. I had just finished printing when Brian tapped on the bathroom door.
I opened the door and Brian was standing there in his natural state, "Ben, I heard your printer, so I figured you were printing some gay stories. When you finish with them, just put them in your desk drawer and I'll get them tomorrow and use them for jack off materials."
"Brian, why would you want to read gay stories?" I was concerned.
"Ben, stop being such a prude. I know what kind of stories you usually read and I need to keep up with the story lines. Many of the stories, are well written and are not necessarily sex stories at all. Most of the stories you read have to do with guys loving each other which I think is cool, and besides I'm tired of digging through your trash cans to get the stories."
I threw up my hands, "Are you sure you don't want me to read them to you?"
"No thank you, you would probably put your own interpretation into the story and of the characters and I would rather create my own visual image of the characters." I watched as Brian went to his room.
I was on my bed reading when I felt a breeze. Knock materialized, "Ben, please don't be angry with me." He sat down on the bed and put his hand on my face.
I pulled away. Knock started to shake, "Ben, please don't hate me."
"Grant, I don't hate you. I am just confused as to why you aren't sure if you even like me."
"Ben, I'm sorry." Grant whispered, as he disappeared.
To say that Friday at the Toy Store was uncomfortable would be putting it mildly. I was glad that we were busy, so there wasn't much time to interact with Grant. Mr. Garrison seemed to realize that something wasn't right; he kept us busy stocking shelves when we weren't busy with customers. He even went to get us some lunch.
It was right after we had eaten that Brian stopped in, "Okay guys, everyone will be at the house at 7:00 in very casual clothes. They were told to bring their swimming suits. I'll put out two pairs of my Speedos for you, so don't tear them when you put them on."
Mr. Garrison was standing there laughing, "I wish I could see what you two look like in Brian's suits. Brian, you'd better make sure that they don't get arrested for indecent exposure."
Brian interjected, "I almost forgot, Mother wants both of you to join us for dinner. We're having shrimp kabobs on rice pilaf. Everything is all set. I'll see you at the house."
Before Brian could leave, Grant finally said something, "Guys, I don't have any idea of how to swim."
Brian threw up both his hands, "Knock, since you spent eighteen years as a piece of wood, you'll be just fine. Just lay on you back and you'll float."
Mr. Garrison and I started to laugh and Grant got a hurt look on his face.
Brian left, but Grant and I still avoided each other the rest of the afternoon. At closing time, Mr. Garrison spoke, "Ben, you go on home; Grant and I will be there as soon as we change clothes."
When we were eating dinner, my sister, Lauren who is sixteen, leaned over and whispered, "Grant is going to have some girls calling and chasing him."
When the meal was finished, I went to the pool area to make sure that everything was ready. Brian had disappeared upstairs and was coming down when I went back into the house. He was wearing a pair of black slacks with a white shirt and a black bow tie, "Your butler has arrived, Mr. Benson."
Everyone started to laugh. Finally I was able to speak, "James, we'll be in the gardens. Would you please direct our guests to the pool area? Come on Knock; let's change before the guests arrive."
We went to my room and changed into baggy board shorts over our super athletic supporters. We put on two tee shirts with team logos and flip flops
We went to the pool area where Dad had set up a bar with non alcoholic beverages. Mother had set up another table with snacks. I was to find out later that Brian had planned and orchestrated everything and had done most of the work.
It was as if all of the invitees arrived at the same time. The guys changed into their swim suits in my bedroom and the young ladies changed in the guest bedroom.
When everyone was assembled, I introduced Grant to the visitors. Most of us had started kindergarten together. Everyone was polite but nothing happened out of the ordinary. Most of the guests started to swim and Jonathan came over to me, "I'm glad that you and Grant wore your supporters or no one would be paying any attention to the rest of us guys."
I went to Knock, "At least get in the pool, so people won't think you are unfriendly." I took him to a spot where we could jump in and not be over our heads. I started to swim as Grant watched. It wasn't long before I felt a presence swimming beside me.
I looked and Grant was matching me stride per stride. "Brian was right, it's just like I'm floating on the water."
I started to laugh and whispered, "I'm surprised that we can even swim with our penises. I can feel the additional weight pulling me down."
We were interrupted by Brian, "Sir, you asked for the volleyball net. Just a reminder, the food will be arriving in forty five minutes. Is there anything else, sir?"
Everyone was watching the interplay between Brian and me, "No James, but don't go too far away in case one of our guests needs something."
Brian stuck out his tongue, "Whatever sir, but you will be paying big time, tomorrow."
I had no idea but Brian had Dad and Mother order beaucoup pizzas, chicken wings and bread sticks with marinara sauce. Everyone was sitting eating the food and I noticed that one of the young ladies had attached herself to Grant. I had a churning feeling in my stomach.
I was stunned when all of a sudden one of my male acquaintances came over and sat down beside me. It was relatively dark and he put his hand inside the leg of my shorts, "Ben, would you be interested in meeting me after the party?"
I couldn't believe that our star quarterback was propositioning me. I pulled his hand out and whispered, "Gary, what makes you think I would be interested?"
"Ben, I know that I'm gay, and I was just hoping that you might be also. You were sitting here by yourself and I took a chance. I can hardly wait to get out of Fremont and go to college. My parents will probably die when they find out about my sexual orientation."
I took a deep breath, "Gary, I'm going to tell you something, and if it comes back at me, I will know where it came from. I'm sure that I am gay, but I also think I have found someone I want to spend some time with."
Gary looked at me, "Is it Grant?"
I shook head, "No Comment."
Gary wasn't to be deterred, "Ben, could I meet with you and Grant sometime? I don't want to put the make on either of you. I would just like to visit with people who have similar interests as I have."
"Gary, I'll call you. I have no idea where my relationship with Grant is going. I know what I would like, but Grant is very confused. It is a long story. I'm sorry I never had an inkling of how you felt and that we had similar interests before now. I think we could have been very good friends instead of casual acquaintances."
Gary stood and said loud enough for people to hear, "I think it is time for me to leave, I have to be at work in the morning. Thanks for inviting us, Ben. I had a great time."
It was as if that was the signal for everyone to leave. After everyone had departed except Grant and me, Brian came out and sat down beside us. I attacked him, "Okay James, I hate to say this, but Brian, I love you. I do need to know why you thought to invite Gary, tonight?"
"Easy master, Gary's brother is one of my best friends. He told me that Gary was gay and was very frustrated because he didn't know if any of his friends were also gay. Now the important question is, 'Are the two of you going to kiss and make up?' I'm exhausted trying to get the two of to realize that you need each other. Oh, by the way, I had Dad put a pack of super magnum sized rubbers in your lube drawer, Ben. Now, will you two kiss and make up and figure out how you are going to make love to each other? I'm going to bed; you two are responsible for cleaning up this mess."
Will B's Notes:
Well, will Ben and Knock make up? I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens next. I just hope Ben will be able to get a handle on things - Will B.
Darryl's Notes: Once again, I think a little explanation might be in order here.
This story is not new. However, now it has a lovely new home. It has been on two major sites, for some time, now, but I am very glad to see it here. I got directly involved with the story after quite a few chapters had been posted. I was not the editor of the story, and was simply a reader. Like everyone else who reads E Walk's stories, I immediately fell in love with the people in this story. After a while, I asked E Walk to send me the chapters before he posted them. There were two reasons for that. One was that I wanted the chapters as soon as possible. I'm a bit greedy about chapters. The other was that I had noticed a couple of errors that somehow got missed, so from then on, I went over the chapters, to pick up any tell tale boo boos. Even after I started doing a final read through, I didn't put in any editor's notes on this story, because I was not the official editor. I had no desire to take away from Will B's editorship.
One other point that I want to mention is that, of course, I also know things that will happen, in the story, so I kind of felt that it would be rather unfair of me to make comments which are based on something that I already know. If I can add something to the enjoyment of the story, by putting in a comment, I will do so, but if all I am doing is telegraphing things to come, I will not say it.
I do however need to explain something. I was the one who suggested to both IOMFATS and to E Walk that this would be a wonderful situation for both the site and the story.
I also had an ulterior motive. You see, This story spawned a Spin Off. The Spin Off was written by another wonderful author, named Arli J. Arli's story is called "Second Time Around." It was posted elsewhere, and due to a disagreement, it was removed from circulation. It is a wonderful story, and I felt it deserved to have a home, so it could continue to be enjoyed. I knew, however, that it would have much more impact, if it were posted together with Pinochle, so I asked IOMFATS if he would be willing to post the stories together, and he agreed to do so. Both stories will be posted in the order that they appeared originally, and we will try to keep everything in sequence.
STA won't start for some time yet, so you will just have to wait for it. I will give you one small hint about STA. One of the people that the story revolves around is Mr. Garrison.
I think I have said enough for this chapter. I promise that if something comes up that I think I can add, and it doesn't spoil the story for you, I will mention it.
If you have read any of the other stories that I edit, you may already know that sometimes, things that are mentioned in a chapter of a story will set me into a rant that may, or should I say, almost always will, veer off from the story itself and onto the topic that was mentioned. Be prepared. I already know of a couple of rants that will surely occur. I didn't say them before, because it was not my place to do it then, but now I am officially editing this posting of the story, so you can expect the unexpected.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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