Ben here.
The store began to get busy, so there was no more time to discuss money; and better yet, my mind did not have time to think about my pain. It was definitely less uncomfortable than it had been earlier, but there was still a distinct ache. About eleven o'clock, Doctor Tommy Wilson stopped in.
Doctor Tommy came up to me and whispered, "Ben, I have some ointment for you. Is there anyplace where I can check to see how badly you might look, since there is no why Grant could penetrate you without causing some damage? Remember, I know what you both look like in your semi-hardened state."
I took Uncle Tommy to the back room. He had me shed my trousers, briefs and supporter. He had me get up on the sofa on my knees with my head on the sofa and had me use my hands to pull my buttocks apart. He put on a pair of latex gloves, "Ben, I am going to insert my finger in your anal opening. I will apply cream to ease the discomfort but it will still hurt. I'm sorry, but I want to check for traces of blood."
Tommy inserted his finger and moved it around. When he pulled it out, he showed it to me. "Ben, there may be a little blood. I'm going to give you two tubes of this antiseptic cream, one for you and one for Grant when you penetrate him. If you do penetrate him over the weekend, I want to see both of you in the office at 7:30 on Monday morning. I suggest that Grant not penetrate you again between now and then so any injuries will not be exacerbated."
I looked at Uncle Tommy, "What does that mean?"
Tommy laughed, "Ben, that is a term you will probably hear quite often in college. It simply means to make a situation worse or to irritate it more. Now get your butt back to work. I hope you can stop waddling."
"Uncle Tommy, you had to have talked to my Dad."
Uncle Tommy laughed again, "Actually, I was talking to Brian. He told me what your Dad said this morning."
"I'm going to cream Brian."
Uncle Tommy looked at me, "Ben, just be thankful that you have a brother who cares about you and loves you. He only told me after I stopped by your house to talk with you and give you the cream. You forgot to tell me where you were going to be."
Uncle Tommy gave me a hug, and we went to the front of the store. Mr. Garrison asked, "Tommy, would you like to join us for lunch?"
"Thanks Gregg, but I promised T.J. that I would meet him. He says it's important. Thanks anyway." Tommy waved as he left.
Mr. Garrison left and returned with some Subway sandwiches. We took turns eating, since there was a constant stream of customers until about 4:00. Mr. Garrison decided to close the store. We locked up and I got ready to leave.
Mr. Garrison looked at me, "Why don't you and Grant leave? I'll make up the bank deposit and take it to the drop box at the bank. Grant, I'll see you at home later. We have some things to discuss. Ben, why don't you plan to spend the night at our house tonight? Come over around 8 o'clock and maybe the two of you could go to a late movie if you feel like it."
Grant and I went to his house and when we went inside, he pulled me close, "Ben, I'm sorry if I hurt you. Please don't be upset with me."
"Knock, I'm not the least bit angry with you. What happened was my fault. I was over anxious to make you feel good and make you feel like you needed me." I kissed Grant and started to leave. I turned back and pointed my finger and poked him in the chest, "I'm so going to get even with you."
I kissed him again, "I'll be back about 8:00 tonight and make you pay."
When I got home, Dad and Mother were waiting for me. Dad didn't waste any time, "Ben, we know that you and Grant chose not to use any protection last night. Do you realize the significance of that?"
I looked at them, "I'm not sure what you are saying or asking, but Knock has been a piece of wood for eighteen years. So what is the problem?"
Dad was very firm, "Ben, you are our son, and we don't want anything to happen to you. All we are asking is that you and Grant not go out cruising."
"Dad and Mother, I refrained from having sex with anyone for eighteen years. Pardon me for being crass, but the only sex I have ever had is with my hand. I think I love Knock, but I am not sure what that kind of love is supposed to feel like. I know it is different than what I feel for the two of you, Brian and the two girls."
Mother came over and sat beside me, "Ben, we love and worry about you. We just don't want anything bad to happen to you. Now go get dressed, we've been invited to your Grandfather's and Granddad Ben's house for dinner. Uncle Jason and Aunt Cindy are going to be there with their children, Chris and Ginger."
This is Grant.
When Dad got home, it was evident that he had some things he wanted to talk about. He began immediately, "Grant, when you and Ben had sex last night, did you use any protection?"
"No Dad, we didn't. Ben said that he had never had intercourse with anyone before and I certainly haven't, so he didn't want me to use a condom."
Dad shook his head, "You do understand what that means, don't you? You can only do that as long as you remain loyal to each other. If either of you strays, then protection is a necessity."
Dad was scaring me, "Dad, I don't understand what the problem is. Why wouldn't Ben and I be loyal to each other?"
"Grant, you and Ben are both young. You will be meeting a number of people that you are going to be attracted to. You need to resist any temptations. Now, go get your learner's permit, and we'll get you driving in no time. We'll stop when we are finished and pick up some food and bring it home to eat. That way we will be here when Ben arrives."
I did as I was told and Dad drove to a vacant parking lot which I was to find out was at the high school. He had me take the wheel and within ten minutes, I was beginning to get that hang of what I was supposed to do. We practiced for another approximately forty five minutes and suddenly Dad announced, "Okay son, let's go get some food."
I almost peed my pants. "Dad, I've never driven on a highway or street."
He smiled, "Don't worry, son, you will do just fine. Just make sure that you don't go too fast or too slow. It's just like making love. You need to find the right pace."
I stopped the car before we exited the parking lot, "Dad, that was a weird analogy."
Dad was laughing, "Grant, I have no idea where it came from, but it is true."
Dad directed me to a restaurant that had prime rib dinners to go. We got the meals and were eating when the phone rang. Dad answered and when he sat down he shrugged, "We have been ordered to make a court appearance at the Benson/Jameson residence. Ben will be by to pick us up in thirty minutes."
Dad and I were finishing our meal. I was totally confused, "Dad, what do you mean by the Benson/Jameson house?"
"That's Ben's grandfather and his partner's house. They are wonderful people. It will be interesting to see who else is there." Dad stood and we did the cleanup up which was very easy.
Ben arrived and we were on our way to the court appearance.
This is Beau here.
I was appreciative that Becca recognized that we needed to have an all male meeting, so all of the females disappeared. I was a little concerned by Brian and Chris who were sitting there giggling. I was about to banish them, but decided that would serve no purpose. It would only create even more images in their over sexed fourteen year old minds.
When we got settled, it was Ben and Grant against the rest of us. The rest of us included Dad, Josh, Granddad Ben, Mr. Garrison, me, Jason and of course Brian and Chris.
I didn't know what to expect. Granddad Ben asked, "Would someone care to fill Josh and me in on everything that has been happening? We feel as if we are on the outside looking in. We have heard bits and pieces from here and there, but we really have no idea of what has been, or is happening."
Ben spoke up, "Granddad, I think we should have Brian tell everyone what has been happening. He knows just about everything, and besides, Knock and I would probably be too embarrassed to tell the story."
Brian told as much of the story as he knew and everyone was laughing. Brian added, "I know that something happened last night, because Ben was waddling this morning. Now if you will excuse Chris and me, we will disappear."
Granddad Ben looked at us, "I would like for Josh and me to talk to Ben and Grant in private. I think we can give them some helpful pointers. So if the rest of you will excuse us, the four of us will be in the den."
This is Ben.
Talk about being embarrassed. I was totally devastated. I felt like everyone was undressing Grant and me. When we got to the den, Grandfather Josh got us four beers, "Okay guys, tell us what happened last night to make Ben waddle this morning."
Grant took a deep breath and described in detail how we had made love last night. Grandfather Josh shook his head, "Guys, that is probably the worst way to begin to have sex, especially if you are as well endowed as Brian claims. While we are not experts in sex, we can speak from experience. The way to start is for someone to impale themselves slowly on their partner. That way they can control the rate and the amount of pain."
Granddad Ben got a serious look on his face, "Guys, you are going to think me weird, but would you please expose your penises, so we can evaluate why Ben is so uncomfortable. Remember, I am a Doctor."
"Grandpa and Granddad, I feel strange doing this, but if it will help I'll do it." I looked at Grant and we exposed our penises.
Grandfather Josh and Granddad Ben both gasped. My Grandfather was the first to speak, "Guys, with those weapons, I doubt that making love will ever be easy. Please be gentle in whatever you decide to do. No wonder Ben was waddling this morning."
We rejoined everyone else and I announced, "Grant and I are going to go to a movie. Thanks for an embarrassing, fun evening."
Knock and I left and went to a theatre to see a movie that everyone was talking about. It was so good to be alone with Knock.
I'm taking over. Yes, it's me Knock.
I was dumbfounded that two older gentlemen would be so openly honest with Ben and me. I almost lost my dinner when they suggested that we expose our family jewels. Well you know what happened.
Ben and I arrived at the movie theater and got some popcorn and a small coke. When the movie began, it became apparent that neither of us was interested. I motioned to Ben that I wanted to leave.
When we got to Ben's car, I asked, "Ben, can we please just go home so you can make love to me? I need to belong to only you."
Editor's Comments: So this might be an interesting night. What is going to happen? I guess we will just have to wait for the next chapter to find out. It's wonderful that Ben and Knock are finding each other, and are beginning to discover that loving brings responsibilities. Will B.
Other Editor's Comments: Honestly, I have very little to say about this chapter, except to mention that it was very nice of the grandfathers to give Ben and Grant as much information as they could.
I think we can already see that Brian is a wonderful person. He really loves Ben, and I think he loves Grant too. He is a cheeky youngster, but he doesn't have a mean bone in his body, or at least I don't think he does.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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