This is Ben.
I couldn't believe what was happening. I felt my penis being manipulated. I opened my eyes and Grant was positioned to impale himself on my very aroused penis. He started to slowly let his body sink down until his buttocks were against my thighs.
Grant leaned forward and kissed me and began to maneuver his body so that his sphincter muscles were making my penis feel like it was inside a silk glove.
I began to actively participant in what was happening. I couldn't control myself and I started to spurt my life producing substance into his awaiting channel. I fell back on the pillows and pulled Grant as close as I could, "Oh my handsome knight, you are so wonderful."
I looked at Grant and pushed him away. "Studly, we need to get ready for breakfast. The parents would be a little more than ticked if we weren't there. Perhaps, we'll find out what Dad is planning."
Dad called right at 8:00 and Grant answered the phone as I finished adjusting my clothes. "We're on our way, Mr. Benson."
The hotel staff brought a very good breakfast which we very much enjoyed. There wasn't much talking because of the time crunch. Dad reminded everyone that we needed to be at Day Hall at 9:00 to meet with President Skorton.
This is Beau.
We arrived at President Skorton's office at 8:55. I approached the receptionist, "Good morning, Ma'am, I'm Beau Benson. We have an appointment with President Skorton."
The lady looked up, "Mr. Benson, please make yourselves comfortable. I'll advise the President that you are here. He is meeting with some of the staff members at the present time."
The receptionist picked up the phone, "The Benson party is here, sir."
A distinguished looking gentleman came out of the President's office almost immediately, "Good morning, I'm David Skorton."
I shook his hand, "I'm Beau Benson, sir."
Mr. Benson, if you and your party will follow me, I will introduce you to some of the key people here at Cornell."
President Skorton led us into a conference room, showed us to our seats at the end of an oblong table, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce Mr. Beau Benson."
I waved and Mr. Skorton asked, "Mr. Benson, would you please introduce the rest of your party?"
I stood, "I'd like you to meet my wife, Becca." Becca nodded and smiled.
I turned to Gregg, "The gentleman on my left is Mr. Gregg Garrison, the father of one of your prospective new students." Gregg raised his hand.
Next to Mr. Garrison is Mr. Harley Gordon. He has lived here in Ithaca most of his life and will be handling our business affairs in the Ithaca area." Harley looked a little puzzled but he waved his hand.
The young man to the right of my wife is our eldest son, Ben. He has decided to attend your esteemed university over some of the other universities from which he had also received scholarship offers. The other young man is Grant Garrison. He recently was granted admittance to Cornell, with a full scholarship." Grant nodded his head.
President Skorton stood and introduced the other people who were associated with the university. There were so many names and positions floating around that I had trouble remembering who was who. I did remember President Skorton, and Mr. Peter Meinig, who was President of the Board of Trustees. For some reason, I also remembered the name of the Ithaca Provost, Ms. Biddy Martin. I was to find out later that her name was Carolyn.
After the introductions were completed, President Skorton looked at me, "Mr. Benson, it is not every day that a parent of an incoming freshman demands to have a meeting with me and my staff; so would you please tell us why we are here?"
I thought to myself, "This is not going well."
I stood, "Dr. Skorton, and the rest of you who are present, I am prepared to make a donation of $10,000,000.00 to the University, if you can guarantee that certain things will happen. First, the new Social Sciences building will be named Tillison Hall. Second, Ben and Grant will be assigned to adjacent rooms which share a bath."
A Mr. Cochran, who was in charge of housing, spoke up. "Mr. Benson, why should we place two incoming freshmen into private rooms? Are they gay and are you condoning such activity?"
Before I could say anything, Ben spoke up, "Dad, it appears that this University is not the place for me to get my college education. Perhaps I should accept one of my other scholarship offers. Maybe when Grant and I are in the United Kingdom next week, we could look at attending Cambridge or Oxford."
Dr. Skorton looked at Mr. Cochran, "Bill, you have stepped over the line. I suggest you back off and apologize."
Ben stood as if to leave.
Ms. Martin asked, "Ben, would you tell us what other scholarship offers you have?"
Ben shrugged his shoulders, "Ma'am, I have scholarship offers from Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, M.I.T., Georgia Tech, Duke, The University of Chicago and Stanford. I also have offers from a number of other very good universities."
The entire table was looking at Ben. President Skorton asked, "Why did you decide you would come to Cornell, Ben?
Sir, I guess I am a little rebellious. My parents got their Bachelor's Degrees at Harvard, their Master's Degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and their Doctorates from Yale. Grams got her Doctorate Degree from The University of Chicago and a number of cousins and uncles got their degrees from Stanford. Quite frankly, sir, I wanted to go somewhere no one else in the family had ever gone, and I didn't want to be in a big city environment."
President Skorton stood, "Mr. Benson, we need time to assess your proposals. May I call you later today?"
I looked at the assembled group, "We are staying at the Statler Hotel. We are in room 111. We have meetings scheduled the rest of the afternoon. Perhaps you could leave a message for us, and we will get back to you."
The Dean of Students, Kent Hubbell, spoke as we were standing to depart, "I have two student aides standing by to show Ben and Grant around the campus. I understand that you have arranged for the two young men to be tested tomorrow. If there are any problems, please call me. I will escort you into the outer office and introduce you to the two aides."
This is Grant.
I was so proud of Ben. He let the hierarchy of Cornell University know that he would not cow tow to their high and mighty attitudes. We walked into the outer office and Mr. Hubbell took us toward two gorgeous ladies, "Ben and Grant, I would like to introduce Maria Montoya and Ingrid Sandberg. They will be showing you around the campus."
Maria was a dark haired, brown eyed woman with a wicked smile. Ingrid, or Inga as we would learn she preferred to be called, was a very fair blonde with blue eyes, from Sweden. Inga had a smile that indicated that she might be a little shy. Boy, was that ever a mistaken guess.
After all of the introductions were made, the four of us were getting ready to go when Mr. Benson reminded us, "Be in our suite at five thirty for refreshments before we go to dinner."
This is Becca.
This is very interesting. I watched as the four young people were leaving. The beautiful young woman with the dark hair and dark eyes latched on to Ben, and the young lady from Sweden took Grant's arm. I guess opposites do attract.
Beau and I paid our goodbyes to Gregg and Harley, since we had an appointment in Syracuse at 1:00. As we were driving, I looked at Beau, "Beau, is it just my imagination, or are the two young ladies using Ben and Grant as a cover for the fact that they might be having a relationship?"
Beau looked at me, "Becca, your imagination is even wilder than Brian's."
He thought for a minute, "Now that you mention it, I think you might be on to something. I must say that I was extremely proud of Ben and how he handled the comments of that Mr. Cochran person."
We stopped at a small roadside restaurant and had a sandwich before we went to our first appointment. Beau and I quickly surveyed the company and made arrangements to come back and visit, the following week. We told the President what we would like to have available when we arrived.
We went to the second appointment and after 15 minutes, we determined that the company was beyond our help. We recommended to the owners that they sell as soon as possible.
As we were driving back to Ithaca, Beau pulled over at a look out. He looked at me, put his arm around me and pulled me to his shoulder, "Becca, I love you. I think we have reared four wonderful children. I am so proud of the way that Ben handled himself today. Brian is already his own person, and I think that Lauren and Morgan are about to come into their own. I think it's time we let others take care of the running the business, and we can stay home and make sure that things are going smoothly."
We need to make sure that the children aren't neglected. Zack and Mark are more than capable of running the day to day operations. They, as of yet, don't have any family to tie them down. We just need to find some other key people in other parts of the country to assist them. I really think it would be good to look for some older citizens who would be willing to help operate the business. We have Harley in place here, if he chooses to accept our offer. I think we are ready to take on our next adventure." Beau stopped talking as we pulled back onto the highway.
My mind was working overtime, I looked at Beau, "Beau, what do you suppose is happening with Ben, Grant and the two young ladies. Gregg and Harley seem comfortable with each other. I guess we'll get a report of what has been happening over drinks and dinner."
This is Grant.
Ben and I left with Maria and Inga from President Skorton's office. They showed us around the different parts of the campus and we stopped for lunch at the student union building. We were sitting in a quiet area when Maria announced, "Gentlemen, please don't feel used, but Inga and I are more than acquaintances. Since we have started to room together when we arrived here, we have formed a special relationship."
Inga took over, "Unless I am way out of tune, I'm guessing that you two gentlemen might be more than just friends."
Ben and I almost dropped the utensils we were eating with. Ben recovered nicely, "You tell us your story, and then we will share ours."
Maria started, "I was raped by an older cousin when I was fifteen and I swore that no other man would ever touch my body again. When I arrived here to complete my conversational English classes in June, I met Inga and we rather just meshed together."
Inga spoke up. "I've known since I was very young that men didn't excite me. I had six older brothers and even though they did not try to do anything to me, I could not understand why a female would let a male use her body. The first time I saw Maria naked in our room I felt a very strong attraction."
Ben looked around, "Ladies, let's finish our lunch and move to a more secluded place outside and we will share our story with you."
We finished our lunch and placed our dishes on the conveyor belt. Ben led us outside and found a secluded picnic bench. Ben and I told the two young ladies the story of how I came to life. They were both laughing so hard that they had tears running down their cheeks.
Inga recovered first, "So Grant, you're saying that you have never been to school and yet have a full scholarship to attend Cornell?"
What is the University going to do when they find out that you have no formal education background?"
Ben held up his hands, "I guess that is why Dad arranged to have us both tested tomorrow. He has scheduled us for an IQ test and then aptitude tests and then Grant is scheduled to take the SATs."
Maria looked at Ben, "Why aren't you taking the SAT tests?"
Ben nonchalantly answered, "I have already maxed them and the ACTs, and besides, I need to be standing by to help Grant if he needs assistance, which I doubt he will."
Ben looked at me, "Ladies, we are to meet our parents at 5:30 in my parents' room at the Statler. We would like for you to join us. We have no idea where we will be eating so just wear something casual. If we are going somewhere with a dress code, it usually applies only to guys having to wear a coat anyway."
Maria started to laugh, "So you are saying that we could come naked and no one would say anything?"
I couldn't help myself, "Heck, everyone would be so busy ogling what they were seeing that they would be tongue tied."
That broke the four of us up. The rest of the afternoon the two ladies showed us around the rest of the campuses. It was almost four o'clock when we dropped the ladies at their dorm. It felt so weird, I kissed Inga and Ben kissed Maria in front of some other students. Ben turned, "We'll be back at 5:00 to pick you up."
Maria shook her head, "We'll meet you in the lobby of the Statler at 5:30. We know how to get there."
Ben I and I walked back to the Statler and stopped at the desk to pick up our keys. The clerk looked at us, "There have been several people here looking for you, this afternoon. We told them to leave voice messages on your phone."
When we got to our room, Ben punched the phone and put it on speaker and started to play the messages. The first message that started was from the bigot Mr. Cochran, "This is Steve Cochran, I want to apologize to you for my inappropriate behavior at the meeting today. Perhaps you could meet with me for breakfast in the morning before your tests?"
I shook my head, "Ben, I don't know about this. I think we should talk to your parents before we call him back."
Ben played the second message, "Hi guys, this is Harley. We have reservations at Madeline's at 6:00 and then we will be meeting with the Realtor and the owner of a building that Gregg is interested in buying. It has everything that he wants and more. If there is a problem, give me a call."
Ben called Mr. Gordon, "Hi Mr. Gordon, this is Ben.... Madeline's sounds great. However, we have asked our two lady escorts to join us. Will that be a problem?... We'll see you and Mr. Garrison in Dad and Mother's suite at
This is Beau.
When we walked past the desk on our way to the room, the desk clerk looked worried, "Mr. and Mrs. Benson, you have had a number of people asking for you this afternoon. I hope there isn't a problem."
Becca and I quickly went to our suite. I punched the message button on the phone. "This is David Skorton. Would it be possible to schedule a meeting for tomorrow morning at ten? Please call me first thing in the morning so I can arrange for the proper people to be there."
The message continued, "Mr. Cochran has left a message, apologizing to the two young men. I have double checked to make sure that the young men's testing is all set for nine. Ben should be finished with his testing in the morning, but Grant will be busy for the majority of the afternoon. I look forward to hearing from you."
The second message was from Harley. "Hi Beau and Becca, it's Harley.
We looked at the building on the Commons and Gregg thinks it might work. If you get back in time, we could meet the agent and perhaps the owner this afternoon. Sally, the real estate agent, said she could be there with about 15 minutes notice. Give us a call."
I called Harley's number, "Hi Harley.... We just got in.... Since it is already close to five, why don't you call Sally and see if she and the owner, who I believe you mentioned was an older lady, would like to join for dinner at Madeline's?... Great, see you in about thirty minutes."
I had just hung up when the phone began to ring. I put the phone on speaker, "This is Beau Benson."
Hi Dad, I have several things. First, we have invited Maria and Inga to have cocktails and dinner with us. Second, Mr. Cochran called and wants to meet us for breakfast. What should we do?
Becca was shaking her head, "Ben, call Mr. Cochran and invite him to join us in the hotel restaurant at 7:30. Your Dad and I will be joining you."
Thanks, we will see you as soon as Maria and Ingrid get here."
I wonder about this Mr. Cochran. Is he genuinely sorry, or is he up to no good? Now I'll definitely have to read the next chapter. Readers, I hope you are following Arli's story "The Second Time Around." It parallels this one nicely. Will B.
Darryl's notes: When this story first appeared, I was not editing it. As I read through the chapters, and enjoyed the story more and more, I began picking my way through it as I often do while reading, and found that there were a few commas missing here and there, so I asked E Walk if he minded if I went over the chapters as a final check. He agreed to my doing so, and from that point on, my hand was also on the story. I didn't start adding my own comments for quite some time. I felt that since I wasn't the primary editor, I should just keep my thoughts to myself. Eventually, however, I kinda forgot that this wasn't just like all the other stories I was editing, and I threw in my own comments, and E Walk told me to keep doing it, so I did.
In all honesty, as of right now, I don't know where I started putting in my notes, but when we get to that point, I suspect that they will become evident.
Meanwhile, I will be adding some notes as they come to mind while I am checking each chapter one last time, before sending it to IOMfAtS. Please let E Walk know how much you enjoy his story.
As Will B. said, Remember to read Second Time Around, by Arli J. which began here on IOMfAtS, and will continue to parallel this story.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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