This is Grant.
Ben and I took Maria and Inga to their dorm. We kissed them and said goodnight. Some of the same students who had seen us earlier were watching and I heard one of the young ladies quietly say, "Some people have all the luck."
As we started to leave, Ben reminded Maria and Inga, "You heard Dad say that breakfast was at 7:30. Do you want us to pick you up?"
Maria shook her head, "It is much less of a hassle if we just meet you at the Statler. We'll see you in the morning."
When we got to our room, Ben fell on the bed, "Grant, please come lie beside me. We need to talk."
I crawled onto the bed and looked at Ben, "What's on your mind, Benji?"
"Grant, I want you to hold me and assure me that you belong only to me."
I looked at Ben and he had tears in his eyes, "Ben, I am not going to abandon you. I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't here for me. Now come on, let's get our showers so you can make love to me. I am going to need all the strength that you can feed me to get through tomorrow."
I started to undress Ben, but he pushed me away and quickly shed the rest of his clothes as did I. We were both standing there with our penises standing at attention. Ben announced, "Last one into the shower gets a blow job." He left immediately and had the water running.
I took my time and meandered into the bathroom, "Does that mean I get to feel you slip sliding away inside me later?"
Ben was standing there is his glory. He laughed, "I'll think about it while I retrieve my dessert." He dropped to his knees and started to administer his attention to my not so little flagpole. I could feel my release approaching and I tried to pull away. Ben pulled me so there wasn't any way I could do anything but lose control.
Ben stood up and held me close, "Thanks, I needed that."
I started to whine, "You drained me. I'll never have enough energy to get through tomorrow."
He patted my backside, "Just get your body nice and clean. I am getting ready to fill you with high octane jet fuel so that you will be flying higher than a kite."
When I got into the bedroom, Ben was lying on the bed with a tube of lube in his hand. He pulled me onto the bed and started to kiss me all over. My body was quivering in anticipation. He applied a generous amount of lubricant to my anal area and his penis. He positioned himself carefully and I felt his penis penetrate. He held still until I gave him the signal to continue. There was nothing hurried and I felt like he was really making love to me rather than just having sex.
This is Ben.
I was trying my best to make Grant realize that I truly did love him. He pulled my face to his and began to give me a wonderful kiss. He whispered, "Benji, I feel so complete."
That did it. I lost control and erupted and fell against Grant. "Oh Grant, I hope it can always be like this."
I looked at the clock, "Grant, we need to get to sleep. It is already after midnight and morning is going to be arriving faster than we think."
We crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. We were lying in bed and I pushed back against Grant and he put his arm around me and pulled me close. I whispered, "I wish we could sleep like this forever."
The next thing I knew, it was beginning to get light. I was still wrapped in Grant's arms. I felt an aroused appendage at my backside opening. I pushed back and Grant's penis began to penetrate. I tried to relax and it gradually slipped in without any real pain. There was a little discomfort, but that was all.
Grant suddenly woke up when I started to move on his penis. He tried to pull away. I whispered, "Grant, just make me pregnant. I'm fine."
Grant didn't last long nor did I. I pulled away and went into the bathroom and was in the shower when Grant came in and pushed me against the wall, "That did it. Now you have to marry me."
I kissed him and started to laugh, "Honey, you can't afford me. We won't be able to buy enough lube to sustain us. Now move it. We have to meet everyone in less than half an hour."
We were standing in the lobby when Dad and Mother arrived. Dad went to see if there was a private area where we could eat. Mr. Gordon and Mr. Garrison arrived shortly, and they were followed by Maria and Inga. We were visiting when Mrs. Dolan and Ms. Lundgren arrived. Dad came back and announced, "We have arranged to have a private room, just behind the dining room, so we can go through the buffet line and take our meals to the room."
Mr. Cochran arrived. He looked confused.
Dad went to him, "Mr. Cochran, it's nice to see you again. We were just about to go through the buffet line. We will be eating in a private room just behind the dining room. Let me introduce you to everyone."
Mr. Cochran looked around, "I know everyone but the two young ladies. Hi, Mom Kate. Sally, it's good to see you again. The rest of you were there yesterday when I shot off my big mouth."
I looked at Mr. Cochran, "Sir, I would like to introduce Maria Montoya and Ingrid Sandberg. They were our hostesses yesterday on the tour of the campus."
We went through the buffet line and were seated in the private room. Dad started, "Mr. Cochran, you asked the guys to meet you for breakfast. Would you care to explain?"
Mr. Cochran was at a loss for words, "I called the two young men to apologize for my outburst yesterday. I have been severely chastised by the university officials, but I was lashing out for personal reasons. Guys, I apologize. I had no idea that you would be friends with two beautiful ladies so quickly."
I tried to remain calm, "Mr. Cochran, why were you lashing out at Grant and me? What are the personal reasons that could have caused you to act like that?"
Mr. Cochran took a deep breath, "Our youngest son, Sammy, came to my wife and me last week and told us he was gay."
Mrs. Dolan asked, "Bill, what's the problem with that?"
"Mom Kate, how would you feel if one of your sons had come to you and Dad Hal and told you they were gay?"
Mrs. Dolan didn't even blink, "William, who was your best friend all through school and who did you spend most weekends with?"
"Mom Kate, you know that Trent and I spent almost every waking minute together."
"And?" Mrs. Dolan questioned.
"Mrs. Dolan, what are you asking or saying?"
"Bill, I want you to think about Trenton. Why do you suppose he chose to go the University of Chicago, instead of staying close to home where we have many fine colleges and universities?"
Mr. Cochran was shaking his head, "Mom, I don't know."
Mrs. Dolan didn't relent, "Bill, you have met Trent's business partner, Scott.
Well, they are more than business associates. They have been partners since they started college their freshman year. So I guess that is almost twenty- two years. Yes they have a business; but more importantly they love each other."
Mr. Cochran was looking confused, "Mom Kate, you mean you don't have a problem with Trent being gay?"
"Bill, Trent came to his Dad and me when he was fourteen or fifteen and told us how he felt about his sexuality. We supported him and just asked that he control his hormones until he was 18, which he did. He would have been extremely unhappy if he were made to conform to the standards of the mainstream. I love both Trent and Scott, as do Trevor and Traci and their families. They don't think about the sexual relationship, but rather look at them as individuals. Both Trevor's and Traci's children adore their Uncle Trent and Uncle Scott."
This is Grant.
Everyone was watching Mrs. Dolan. Ben interrupted, "Mr. Cochran, your original thoughts were correct. Grant and I are more than just friends. Everyone else, who is here, knows that we are a couple so to speak. Now I have a suggestion. Why don't you have Sammy join us for lunch at the student union? Tell him to bring his tennis gear if he plays tennis and a change of clothes for the evening meal. I have no idea what it will be. Grant is being tested this afternoon."
He turned to Inga and Maria, "Why don't you join us for lunch and we can properly entertain the young man?"
The ladies agreed.
Mr. Benson looked at Mr. Cochran, "Bill, I have a question for you. If Mr. Garrison lived here in Ithaca, would Grant be required to live in the dorms?"
"No sir."
"Another question sir, if I or Ben owned a property here in Ithaca, would Ben be required to live in the student housing."
"That would depend what the property was like and if it was suitable for one of our students."
Mr. Benson was determined, "Mr. Cochran, I gather you spent a great deal of time at the Dolan house so you probably know it very well. Would it be acceptable if the guys lived there?"
"Heck I would live there now that they fixed up the kitchen. My wife would give her eye teeth to have a kitchen like that."
Ben interrupted again, "Dad, we need to be going, the young ladies have a class at nine and Grant and I are scheduled to have testing done then."
We stood; but Mrs. Dolan announced, "We will be going to the country club for dinner. They are having a pool party with a gala buffet. Everyone meet at my house at 6:00. Bill, have Sammy pack a swim suit."
Ms. Lundgren asked, "Mrs. Dolan, I have my nephew staying with me for several weeks. May I bring him?"
"Of course, Bill, you and Megan can bring the entire family. There won't be a problem."
Maria, Inga, Ben and I stood to leave. Mr. Cochran also stood, "I need to get back to campus. I have to be in President Skorton's office at ten for a meeting."
This is Beau.
I looked at everyone, "Sally, we need to get an independent appraiser to evaluate the building on the Commons and Mrs. Dolan's house and we need it done today. We need the informal evaluations by five o'clock this afternoon."
I turned my attention to Gregg and Harley, "I want you two gentlemen to go to the bank and see about securing a loan in case Gregg should decide to buy Mrs. Dolan's property on the Commons."
"Mrs. Dolan, do you know any reputable lawyers here in town, who could help us on such short notice?"
Mrs. Dolan shrugged her shoulders, "I'll call my brother-in-law. When do you want to meet with him?"
"Why don't you see if he can meet with us at 9:00 tomorrow morning? Hopefully we can have all of the pieces in place by then."
Becca pointed to her watch, "I'm sorry, we need to go to the meeting with President Skorton. Who is going with us?"
Mrs. Dolan looked at us, "I'll go with you. I might be able to help."
Mrs. Dolan, Becca and I walked to the President's office. We had just entered the reception area and the receptionist immediately took us to a small conference room.
When we entered, it was like everyone was at a military event. Mrs. Dolan looked around, "Good morning again, Bill, did you call Sammy yet?"
"Yes Mom Kate, Megan is bringing him to the campus at noon."
"Kent dear, it's good to see you again. How are the girls doing?"
Mr. Hubbell, the Dean of Students, looked stunned. "Ma'am, the girls are fine."
"It's good to see you again, Biddy. David, you look younger every time I see you. Are you dying your hair? Peter, I hope you are enjoying the thankless job you have. I was never so glad as I was when they made you the Chairman of the Board of Trustees."
There were several other people there, but Mrs. Dolan ignored them completely and we sat down.
I looked at President Skorton, "Sir, you asked us to come here, so you must have something on your mind. Would you care to explain?"
President Skorton was a little surprised at my abruptness but we had things to take care of.
Mr. Meinig started, "Mr. Benson, we would be more than pleased to honor your request to name the new Social Sciences Center the Tillison Social Sciences Center, if you choose to donate $10,000,000.00 to the University."
President Skorton took over, "We are having several problems with your other requests. We have a complete folder on Benjamin Benson but we can not find a folder on a Grant Garrison. Benjamin has a full scholarship but we have no record of Grant having a scholarship. We can not even find a record of him in our files."
Mrs. Dolan spoke up, "Alright, then put him in your files, and give him a full scholarship out of the Harold W. Dolan Endowment Fund."
President Skorton shook his head, "Kate, it's not that simple."
"David, if Grant doesn't get a scholarship, then I will stop the Endowment Fund. I have the power to do that, and believe me, that is exactly what I WILL do. You can count on it."
The University officials were at a loss, they had no idea what to say.
I looked at Mr. Skorton, "You mentioned that there were several problems. What's the next one?"
Ms. Martin took over, "Mr. and Mrs. Benson, the undergraduate dorms on the campus are two person rooms and they share a common bathroom facility with a number of other rooms."
Becca spoke up, "So, you are saying that the undergraduates are treated like plebeians? We talked to Mr. Cochran and we think that we have taken care of that problem. Mr. Garrison is thinking about moving here to Ithaca and Beau and Ben are looking at buying Mrs. Dolan's house so that is no longer an issue."
The phone rang and Mr. Skorton picked it up, "They what?... Why was it sitting on someone's desk?... I would like to visit with Mr. Elliott as soon as this meeting is over. I am not very happy about this."
President Skorton put down the phone and he looked around the room, "Mr. and Mrs. Benson, I apologize. Grant has been admitted to the University and has been offered a full scholarship. The only thing missing are his SAT scores."
"President Skorton, that is why he is scheduled to take them this afternoon. Grant is a very bright young man, as I am sure the testing this morning will demonstrate. We would like to have someone give us the results of the test this afternoon, so we know how to proceed. Now if you will excuse us, we have a thousand things to take care of before we leave at noon tomorrow."
Mrs. Dolan stood, "Kent, why don't you bring the results that are available when you and Jeanine and the girls join us for dinner at the club tonight. There will be two young men to keep your daughters company. Besides Ben, Grant, Maria and Inga will be there. It should be a lot of fun."
That did it. Everyone knew the meeting was over.
Editor's comments: What a great story! Love blooming in the evening and in the morning. The mystery of the missing papers solved, and a new possible mystery appears on the horizon. Will Sammy and Ms. Lundgren's nephew like each other? I am so pleased to be the editor of this story. Keep those chapters coming, Ed! Will B.
Other Editor's Notes: Yeah, What he said!
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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