I went to my Creative Writing class which was in the Computer Lab again. It was so quiet and I pulled up the story I had been trying to write all week about Timmy's Angel. Once I got started, it was easy to write because it was based on what had been happening since I found Timmy in the park. I simply changed everyone's name and wrote in the third person.
I finished before the period ended, and after I read through it one more time and spell checked it, I made a copy and was surprised that it turned out to be seven pages. 'I'll probably get into trouble because it has too many words.'
I took the paper to Mr. Peters, went back to my seat, sat down and looked at the clock. I still had fifteen minutes before the dismissal bell would ring. I forwarded the story to my home email address and deleted the file on the computer so no one would find it easily.
I was loading my back pack when Mr. Peters approached me. "Brian, this is an overwhelming piece. It almost seems to be too real to be fiction. The feelings that you have described are so realistic that I could feel them. Why don't you read the story to the class? I think there is just enough time."
Mr. Peters got the class's attention, "Class, I have asked Brian to read his new story. I will be interested to see what your reaction is."
I read the story and was getting nervous because it was too quiet and no one was moving. When I finished the last paragraph, "Timmy and his Angel are going to Paris this weekend to visit the art galleries. Timmy is going to try and get his Angel drunk. The End.
When I read the last paragraph, the class started to laugh. A young lady, whom I didn't know, raised her hand. Mr. Peters acknowledged her, "Yes Monica, do you have a comment?"
Monica looked at me, "Brian, you had me thinking that this was a real story until you ended it with that silly last paragraph. At first I thought how hokey, but then I realized how clever it was. You have left the reader or listener wondering, 'Is this a true story or isn't it a true story.'"
Mr. Peters laughed, "Monica, I felt the same way when I read it. I think this is a clever device that Brian used to make you want to know more."
The bell sounded and Mr. Peters, handed me the my paper with big red A+ at the top.
After that experience, I needed to go to bathroom so I walked into the men's room across from the Computer Lab. I was standing at the urinal relieving the jitters I had felt while I was reading my story when the door opened. I wasn't paying any attention to who had entered until I heard, "Well lookee who's here, it's The Wild One. Come on guys let's take care of him once and for all and make so he will never come to this school again. We don't need heathens like him in our school."
The three guys started toward me and I was trapped. I was trying to decide what to do. 'If I disappeared, I would never be able to explain what had happened and I couldn't return.' I decided to send out a message and see if anyone would be able to hear it other than Ben and Grant. 'Brian Benson is in trouble in the Men's Room across from the computer lab, room 327."
I hoped that worked, and if it didn't I would vanish to save my parents and friends from being humiliated. The three thugs grabbed me and the leader said, "Let's see what he was hiding the other night when he humiliated our Pastor. There sure was nothing showing when he was posing."
Two of the guys had me pinned against the wall and the third was starting to remove my slacks when Todd Messing, Mr. Peters and John came running into the bathroom with a security guard. The guard got on his transmitter. Sexual harassment incident in the Men's Room across from room 327. The three offenders have been immobilized and the victim appears to be unharmed. The room has been secured, but someone may need to cover Mr. Peters' class until the incident has been resolved."
It wasn't long before two policemen and the acting principal, Mr. Flynn, arrived. I was starting to get myself straightened up so I looked presentable. The lead police officer asked, "Sir, would you identify yourself and describe what happened."
I gave the particulars. The three guys who had started to undress me began to look very nervous when John, Todd, Mr. Peters and the security guard described what they had seen.
The lead officer looked at me, "Mr. Benson, what would you like us to do with the three gentlemen?"
I took a deep breath, "Sir, I think that you should take them to the station and book them for sexual harassment. I think that they should also be suspended from school until they realize that I am not a threat to them. I am not going to press charges against them this time, but if I ever hear that they are harassing anybody again, I will bring charges and I have four credible witnesses to back me up. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get to my next class."
I just walked out the door.
This is John.
It was like Brian had had all he could take and I was really worried about him. When he left, I started to go after him. Todd stopped me, "John, I think Brian needs time to get over what has happened without our intervention. If he isn't at lunch, then we know we need to do something. We really need him for tonight's game. Without him, we don't stand a chance of winning."
I was really relieved when Brain walked into the fourth period class. He looked like nothing strange had happened. When he walked in, he sat down beside me, "What's new, John? Any good gossip?"
I leaned over, "Yeah, I heard that some handsome stud was accosted in one of the men's bathrooms and he was saved by two of his teammates riding white stallions."
Brian started to laugh, "John, you heard the story all wrong. He was rescued by two blind men in wheel chairs throwing their false teeth."
I thought to myself, 'This guy is so resilient.'
Lindsey and Robbi were waiting for us as we exited the class. Lindsey started on Brian, "Bri, have you voted yet? We only have until two o'clock to vote. They want to announce the results at the assembly and pep rally during the seventh hour."
As we were walking to the cafeteria, we passed the polling place so Brian and Lindsey stopped and voted while Robbi and I went and got a table. When Brian slammed down his tray, I could tell he was upset.
He started, "This is ridiculous, I didn't recognize any of the names on the ballot other than mine. Why in the world was I even on the ballot? I don't know very many people and most the people I do know are because of my brother and sister."
Brian's monologue was interrupted when Todd came and sat down at the table, "Hey guys, don't forget to be at the gym during the assembly. The team is going to meet at the back of the gym and go in together. Our interim coach, Coach Henderson, will lead us in. John, I would like for you to be the first of the team to enter."
I was stunned, "Todd, you're the Captain, you should lead the team in."
Todd looked at Brian, "What do you think Brian."
Brian looked up, "Todd, I think it would be more effective if you and John walked in together as a show of solidarity between the defense and the offense. That would signify that the game is not about promoting one's self image, but rather, that the team is going to work together to win for the school."
Everyone at the table was listening to Brian. He stood, "I need to go get ready for art class. I have been preoccupied and haven't even thought about what we we're going to do in art class today. I'll see you later."
Todd looked at me, "John, you know Brian better than most of the rest of us. Is he going to be okay? He has been through a lot in his short tenure in high school."
I nodded, "Don't worry about Brian. You haven't heard the last of him yet."
When I got to the art room, Brian was standing waiting. When everyone was assembled, he announced, "We're going outside today and all you need is a couple of sharp pencils and your drawing pads. I think you will be surprised at what you can do with just a pencil and piece of paper."
He led us to a clump of trees and had us sit down. "I want you to just look at the different tones and colors you see. Some are light and some are dark and others are varying shades in between. With your pencils you can make it so anyone who sees you're work, will be able to see what you saw. Let me demonstrate. It's amazing what you can do with a pencil."
Brian started to sketch and everyone was watching. We were so drawn into what he was doing that no one said a word. He finished and turned around, "Does anyone have any questions?"
One of the other football team members looked at Brian, "Brian, you made that look so easy. How many times have you done that?"
"Randy, believe it or not, I don't usually work with pencils. I have seen some very fine artworks done in this medium, but I much prefer oils. I thought that this would be something that you could do on your own over the long weekend and to see what you could do. It is inexpensive, and all it takes is your imagination. There have been some wonderful portraits done in only pencil. We'll have to work on that when we get back next week. We need to go back to the building if we are going to be on time for our sixth hour classes."
As we were walking back to the school building, Brian came up to me and asked, "John, how did that lesson go? Did it make sense at all?"
I hugged Brian, "Brother, I doubt that even Mrs. Kinloch could have done a lesson as good as this. I'm sure that it isn't in any text. I felt that you were teaching from your heart. You weren't trying to impress anyone and you demonstrated how easy it is when you let your imagination go free as you do."
This is Brian.
After my sixth hour class, I started toward the gym and I realized that all of the Brian Benson for President signs had already been taken down and that the signs for the other candidates were still on the walls. I began to suspect that something weird was going on.
I went to the area where the football team was to assemble and was standing talking to some of the guys. The dean of students approached the microphone and got everyone's attention. "It is my honor to announce the winners of the election for the officers of the class of 2012. The President elect is Brian Benson with 92% of the votes. Congratulations Mr. Benson. Brian, would you please come forward and say a few words?"
I remember John pushing me toward the platform as the other officers were announced. I guess I regained my composure enough to stand and wave. The Dean handed me the microphone.
I was totally unprepared but somehow was able to get out, "Fellow freshmen, I am honored that you have selected me to be the President of the Class of 2012. I will do the best to insure that we received equal treatment with the other classes and that we are given a chance to express ourselves. Thank you for selecting me to be your President."
I handed the microphone to the Dean, "Thank you, ma'am for giving me the opportunity to speak."
The Dean turned the microphone over to the acting principal.
Mr. Flynn started, "Our interim head football coach, Mr. Justin Henderson will be leading his team in as the band and cheerleaders lead us in the our fight song."
The new coach was followed by John and Todd and the rest of the team. Since I was already on the platform, I joined them as they lined up. I stayed toward the back, on purpose, since I was one of the few freshmen on the team.
I was totally embarrassed when Mr. Henderson took the microphone, "As most of you know our starting quarterback, John Waters, was injured in an unfortunate incident. We were lucky to be able to find a young man who would be able to fill in for him. I would like to introduce the starting quarterback for tonight's game. He is the President of the Class of 2012, Mr. Brian Benson. Brian would you say a few words, please?"
The team stood aside and applauded as I approached the microphone, "Coach Henderson, I have only a couple things to say. It is not the quarterback who wins the games but the other 21 players who are on the field. The quarterback sometimes gets the glory, but there is no way the team can win without all the supporting players."
I turned and pointed to the team, "We're going to go out there tonight and attempt to beat our rivals, The Columbus Discovers. If we lose, it's not because we weren't trying, but because they are better prepared than we are and have a more experienced quarterback. We'll give it our best shot. I raised my fist and shouted, "Charge Tigers."
The team raised their fists and mimicked me. I turned to those in attendance and they almost lifted the roof off the rafters with their voices when they shouted, "Charge."
As we were walking off the platform, Todd punched me, "Brian, I don't know how you did it, but that is the most emotion and enthusiasm that I have seen in the four years I have been on the team. I just hope it carries over to the game tonight."
I looked at Todd, "Todd baby, I'll bring a time bomb and wake the team up tonight. We may not win, but we will sure have fun picking up the pieces."
Todd hugged me as were leaving to go to John's car. Chris, Lindsey and Robbi were waiting for us. After we left Lindsey and Robbi off at their houses, I reminded Chris, "You and your parents are having dinner with us tonight, so your parents can meet Angie and Chase's parents. We need to eat light. When you come for dinner, bring your suitcase and make sure that you have a jacket and tie."
When John and I walked into the house we were attacked by Timmy, "Daddy Angel and Uncle John, I missed you. Uncle John, Jason and Jeremy are waiting for you to come home. You won't forget us will you?"
John scooped Timmy up and hugged him, "Timmy, no one could ever forget you. When you get back from your trip, I'll make sure I come by and spank you butt every day to make sure you grow."
Timmy glared at John, "Try it Uncle John. I'll sic my new puppy on you."
John looked at me, "I didn't know you were going to get the monster a puppy?"
Timmy answered before I could, "Grandpa Beau said I could get a puppy when we get back from wherever we're going, but I had to take care of it and clean up any mess that he made."
John was laughing, "What happens if you get a girl puppy?"
Timmy had to stop and think, "I'll give her to Jason and Jeremy and they can train her to be their guard dog to make sure that you're good."
As John was leaving with his suitcases, I felt like part of my life was leaving. I loved him like I did Ben. I had known for a long time that Ben was going to be leaving, so I had time to prepare for his departure. But John was here for such a short time, and now he's gone. Please don't let the same thing happen to Timmy.
Editor's Notes:
In the spirit of football games, let's hear it for the author: "Yay, Ed! Yay, Ed! Yay Ed! Yay! Yay! Yay!" Will B.
Darryl's dutiful dottoring divergences, delivered directly in detail and dispensed dispassionately disgorging dire diatribes deepening due diligence, and didactic devotion: Now if Brian isn't careful he might just become famous. Oh how he reminds me of his father and of Jeff. Those two guys are and were a wonderful influence on him.
I wonder who actually heard Brian's cry for help. I also wonder if we will ever find out.
I sure hope it doesn't take too long for the next chapter to show up.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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