This is Brian.
When I was awakened by the sound of the alarm clock, my right arm was numb. I couldn't seem to move it. I tried again and I realized that I had someone lying on it. I reached and turned the light on with my left hand and liked what I saw. Timmy was lying there with my tee shirt practically around his neck. I just want to hug him and give him a kiss. Instead I decided to be mean. I started to tickle him in his armpits and instantly he sat up, "Brian, please don't do that to me."
I pulled him as close as I could, "Then get your body out of bed so we can get ready for school. We don't want your Uncle John to have to wait for us two days in a row, do we?"
Instead of getting out of the bed on his side, he crawled over me probably wounding me for life so I will never be able to have children. We were the first persons to arrive in the kitchen so we started to fix breakfast. I put some sweet rolls in the oven and cut up a cantaloupe that was in the refrigerator while Timmy was setting the table and pouring the juice. He and I were eating some oatmeal with brown sugar when everyone else started to surface.
When we finished, we rinsed our dishes and went to get our book bags and the painting. Timmy hugged Mother and Dad and yelled, "You be good today."
John pulled up and we were on our way to school. Timmy was so busy talking to John, asking when his brothers could come play again. It was as if last night had never happened.
The day proved to be a normal day until we got to lunch. Everyone was giving me a difficult time because of the news broadcasts, but I just laughed it off. When I finished eating, I motioned for Robbie and John, "Come on, we need to get ready for art class."
Robbie looked at me, "Why do I need to be there again?"
I grinned, "So you can see how terrible you look."
I was putting the wrapped painting on an easel when the camera crews arrived. I thought to myself, 'Oh no, not again.'
The lead technician came to me, "Mr. Benson, the producer who is putting the show together was so impressed that he wanted us to come and film your class again today. He also wants to film your football game on Friday night."
I looked at the guy, "Gee thanks, now I'll be so nervous that I'll look like a complete idiot."
The young guy laughed, "I seriously doubt that, Brian. I think you must have ice water in your veins. Quite frankly, I have videotaped a large number of shows and I was amazed at how calm you seemed to be all day yesterday, even when you were under pressure to perform."
Fortunately I was spared from saying anything else because the bell rang. When class started I had John and Robbie resume the positions they had been in the day before. I turned to the class, "I want you to think about what I had done on the painting of these two beautiful people yesterday. I took it home last night and finished it."
I unwrapped the painting, "This is the final product, now that my little brother told me that the sparkle in John's eyes was missing, so I tried to fix it. I invite you to come and look at the painting and then compare it to the real thing. I would enjoy hearing your comments."
After everyone had a chance to peruse the picture, one of the students I didn't know very well stood, "Brian, I'm Ron Woodruff, my Mother is an artist, and when I told her about this class, she thought I was crazy for taking it. After what I have seen you do in the short time you have been teaching the class, I think I need to have her come to you for lessons. I don't know what else to say but 'Wow!' You have captured the true aura of John and Robbie."
The rest of the class stood and applauded. I was so overwhelmed that I didn't know what to say. I finally regained my composure, "It's too late to start anything new today, so you have free time to do some homework or visit. Just so you know, I'm going to be working your fingers raw tomorrow so make sure you wear old clothes."
I went and hugged Robbie and John and thanked them for being my models.
The lead technician approached me, "Brian, you don't know how to do anything halfway do you?"
I was confused, "Sir, I don't know what you're asking exactly, but my parents have instilled in us the idea that we should always try to do our best."
I was never so glad when the bell rang because I really needed to go to the bathroom. The rest of the day was a skate, since I had already given my speech. Even football practice was a breeze because both John and Todd were able to practice and the coach used me to relieve them from time to time. After practice, I went to get the painting I had done of Robbie and John so I could take it home.
Timmy and I were doing the dishes when Dad came in, "Timmy, John is on the phone."
Timmy took the phone, "Hi Uncle John. ... Okay, let me ask my parents."
Timmy turned to Dad, "Daddy, may I please go to Uncle John's house. His brothers want to show their new video games that they got."
Dad nodded, "Tell John, I'll drop you off as soon as you finish the dishes. You need to be home by eight o'clock."
"Uncle John, Daddy is going to drop me off as soon Brian and me finish the dishes. I have to be home by eight o'clock. ... I'll tell my Dad."
Timmy hung up the phone, "Daddy, Uncle John said he would bring me home."
After Timmy had gone, I went to our bedroom and opened the computer to see if I had email messages. There was a message from Uncle Hank telling that the carriage would be arriving at 10:30 on Friday night and that we were going to stop in Ithaca and pick up Ben, Grant, and Jack. We were going to be staying at Monsieur Lafontaine country house in Paris.
There was another message from Mr. Stewart.
You and Master Timmy only need to bring the very basics. I have arranged for your clothes while you are in Paris.
Reginald Stewart.
I printed a copy of the messages so I could show them to the parents. As I was walking by the phone, it started to ring so I answered it. "This is the Beau and Becca Benson residence. This is Brian speaking. How may I assist you?"
"Hi Brian, this is Ron Woodruff from your art class. My Mother would like to come see the painting that you did in art class after she read the big article about you that was in the Times tonight. Maybe she will realize that I wasn't exaggerating after she sees the painting."
"Ron, let me check with my parents to make there isn't a conflict."
I turned to my parents, "Dad and Mother, a Mrs. Woodruff and her son would like to come look at the painting I did yesterday, is it okay?"
Mother shrugged her shoulders, "Sure, why not."
"Ron, come on over. Do you know where we live? ... Yep, that's us. ... Okay see you in about ten minutes."
I handed my parents the two messages to read while I went to get the painting.
I was setting up a portable easel when the doorbell rang.
I went to get it and Ron was standing with an attractive lady, "Brian, this is my Mother, Margaret Woodruff."
I stuck out my hand, "I'm pleased to meet you ma'am. Please come in, and I'll introduce you to my parents."
I ushered them to the living room, "Dad and Mother, I'd like to introduce Mrs. Woodruff and her son, Ron."
Mother stood, "Hi Maggie, I believe you know Beau. Hi Ron, it's nice to meet you.
Mrs. Woodruff started to laugh, "It never dawned on me that Brian might be your son. If he's half as talented as Ron says, he must be very good. Now where is this fantastic picture that you've done. I must see it."
Ron spoke before I could, "Mom, you know both of the people in the picture personally, so it will be interesting to see if you can recognize them."
I went to get the picture and was carrying it so no one could see it, "Mrs. Woodruff, my parents haven't even the seen the painting and they also know both of the models."
I took the easel and placed in front of where the three adults were sitting. When I placed the painting on it, the faces on the three adults was priceless. Mrs. Woodruff was the first to speak. "Ron, I owe you an apology for ever doubting your word. Brian, it's as if John and Robbie are sitting there looking at us. How did you get John's eyes to sparkle like that."
I explained, "Our resident eight year old art critic critiqued the painting last night and told me that John's eyes were lacking the sparkle that they had, so I had to fix it."
Mrs. Woodruff looked at Dad and Mother, "Have you seen the lead article in today's Fremont Times? I'm surprised that your phone isn't ringing off the hook."
Dad nodded to me, "Brian, please get the Times for us. I think Timmy put it on the counter in the kitchen."
I went to get the paper and it still had the rubber band around it. I handed it to my parents and I was standing behind their shoulders so I could see what was in the article. It was the same article that had appeared in the London paper.
Mrs. Woodruff broke the silence. "Brian, I wish that I could go see the exhibit; it must be fantastic to get a review like this. Beau and Becca, you must be very proud of Brian."
Mother spoke for the two of them, "Maggie, we're proud of all five of our children. They are all unique."
The conversation was interrupted by Lauren, "Oh hi Ron. Brian there's a Mr. Johnson on the phone. He said he is calling from London and would like to speak to you."
I went to the kitchen to take the call, "Hi Mr. Johnson, how can I help you."
"Brian, I implore that if you and Chris have any more works that you could bring to Paris with you to please do so. The response to the showing has been absolutely phenomenal and the crowds show no signs of stopping. People have even been coming from the continent to see the show."
"Mr. Johnson, I'll go through what I have and pick out the better ones that I have and I've already told Chris to be going through his photographs to pick out the best ones."
"Brian, just bring anything that you have and let us, or I should say, let Kelly decide which pieces of junk should be framed. I'll see you Saturday and bring checks for you and Chris."
When I returning to the living room, the Woodruffs were just getting ready to leave and as I was walking to the door, the door burst open, "I'm home. Bye Uncle John, thanks for the ride."
When Timmy saw that we had company he slowed down, "Hi, I'm Timmy Benson."
I pointed with my hand, "Timmy, I'd like to introduce Mrs. Woodruff and her son Ron."
Timmy was very proper, he stuck out his hand and shook their hands and said, "I'm very pleased to meet you."
After the Woodruffs had departed, I grabbed Timmy, "Come brother, we need to go study your spelling words to make sure that you can get a 100% tomorrow, so you won't have to take the test on Friday."
I set up the computer and gave Timmy the first word and went to get the portfolio of my paintings out of the closet where I stored them. Timmy would tell me when he was ready for the next word. He was on the last word when there was a knock on the door. I told the visitor to come in.
Dad and Mother came in and Dad chided, "I thought you were going to study Timmy's spelling words?"
Timmy turned around, "Daddy and Mother, I am studying them. Brian says the word to me and I type it on the computer. It just takes me a while to find the right letters. I'm finished. Do you want to check the words for me while Brian plays with his paintings and drawings?"
Mother went to check the words, "Son, they look right to me, but I need to see the list first to be sure."
Timmy came and got the list from me and handed it to Mother. Mother pointed to the word blew, "What does this word mean?"
Timmy giggled, "Brian b-l-e-w his nose, and his b-l-u-e eyes began to cry."
Both Mother and Dad were laughing but Mother continued to question him, "What does this word mean?
Timmy started to laugh, "It means that Brian t-h-r-e-w a snowball at me and it went t-h-r-o-u-g-h the window it broke, and Brian got in trouble and was sent to bed without any dessert."
I jumped and grabbed for Timmy but he hid behind Dad, "Protect me from the snowball monster, Daddy."
Mother and Dad sat down on the bed and Dad got serious, "Guys, come sit down on the bed with us. We need to talk. Brian, what did Mr. Johnson want?"
I told them what the conversation was and Mother nodded, "So that's why everything is in the middle of the floor? Brian, why don't you take as many you can bring, as Mr. Johnson said. Let Kelly decide which ones are worthy of being of being framed. Did you call Chris yet?"
"No, I hope he has already started to go through his photos as I suggested he should, and I thought I would talk to him in the morning."
The door was open and Lauren walked in, "Brian, Chris is on the phone and would like to talk to you"
I looked at the parents, "So much for waiting until the morning."
"Hey Chris, what's up?"
"Brian, how many photographs do you think I should send to Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kelly. I'm trying to go through and pick out the ones that I personally think are the best, but it's difficult."
I told Chris about the phone call that I had from Mr. Johnson earlier in the evening and Chris' response was, "Well, why didn't you call me earlier, I could have saved a bunch of time. Honestly Brian, you just want to make me old before my time. I'll see you in the morning."
When I got back to the bedroom, Timmy was sitting between the parents. I heard Timmy saying, "Daddy and Mother, I'll try very hard to be good and not make you angry. I want to be like Brian when I grow up. He loves everyone and tries to help them."
I stepped back so I could pretend as if I was talking to Lauren. "Okay Lauren I'll tell Dad and Mother that you're going to bed."
I walked into the bedroom, "Chris was trying to decide what photographs to send and was really relieved when I told him what Mr. Johnson said."
Dad looked at me, "Brian, exactly what did Reggie mean when he said that you and Timmy should bring the only the basic necessities. What about the rest of us?"
"Dad, I sent a message back asking exactly what he meant. I'm sure he hasn't had time to read it yet since it is the middle of the night there. Let me check."
I opened my email account and I had five new messages. One was from Vicky, one from Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod, one from Jack, one from J.R. and one from Reggie.
I opened the one from Reggie and read it for Timmy's sake.
Dear Brian,
I'm glad that you received my message. By only the necessities for you and Timmy I was saying that you and Timmy could arrive in your underwear since I have ordered your clothing to wear to the funeral and the visit to the avocat's (lawyer or solicitor)office after the luncheon and a suitable change of clothing for you to wear for dinner before you return home on Saturday evening. I regret that you won't be able to stay longer to enjoy the amenities of your new home.
Your parents will be sitting with the other honored wizards except you and Timmy. We have asked that the wizards and wizardesses dress in appropriate clothes for a funeral service. They will not be wearing their robes since there will be other dignitaries there.
I have already sent Jacques a note telling the young men in Ithaca what is expected and what will be happening.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to write.
Reginald Stewart
Timmy looked at Dad and Mother, "Daddy and Mommy, I don't want to go anywhere in just my underwear."
I grabbed him, "Timmy, we'll wear jeans and take a pair shorts in case it's warm. We need to get ready for bed. Give our parents a hug and kiss so we can kick them out here and we can take our shower."
As Dad and Mother were leaving, they hugged us and Dad winked as if to say. 'Job well done, Brian.'
Editor's Notes. Ho-hum. It's boring editing great chapter after great chapter. Our author never let's us down, does he? Will B.
Darryl's Notes: This chapter is a very nice one indeed. It took some time for me to receive it, and for some reason I actually got the next one before I got this one. I am sure that what happens in Paris will indeed be interesting. But that will have to wait a little bit, since there are still things that need to get finished before the trip.
This is still one of my all time favourite stories.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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