This is Brian.
When we landed, I realized that we were at Monsieur Lafontaine's house on the outskirts of Paris. Reggie came to meet us in his butler's costume. "Master Brian and Master Timothy, I'm so glad that you arrived safely. I trust you had a pleasant trip."
I was beside myself, "Mr. Stewart, let's cut through the red tape. You are not a servant. Just be yourself. We've all met you before, so there is no reason to play any games. Now what's the agenda for today?"
Reggie got a glint in his eye, "Okay dude, the plans are that breakfast is waiting for you, so let's go eat while your hired help unloads your gear and stows it in your bedrooms. Mr. Johnson and a pesky person called Kelly are waiting to relieve you of your artworks. I'll explain the schedule for the day while we're eating."
While Ben, Grant and I had been to the estate before, we had never actually been inside the house, so we were as surprised as the parents and Timmy were by what we saw. I can hardly wait to hear what the parents have to say.
Reggie looked at us, "If you need to go to the powder rooms or want to wash your hands, the Mademoiselles' room is left and the Messieurs' room is on the right. When we walked in the restroom facilities, Timmy looked at me and asked. "Is this a restaurant?"
I shook my head no, "I don't think so, Timmy."
When we entered the dining room, Uncle Hank, Uncle Rod, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kelly were sitting, talking. They stood as we entered. One of the young waiters, escorted Mother and Dad to one end of the table while Timmy and I were taken to the other end. I didn't think anything about it until they started to serve the plates with the quiche and the fruit. The waiter served Mother first then served Timmy and me. Reggie was sitting next me, so I asked him, "Why did the young man serve us in that order. Why didn't he just go around the table?"
Reggie laughed, "Elementary, my dear Brian, you and Timmy are sitting in the hosts' position because you are the hosts."
I was confused, "Why are we the hosts?"
"You'll find out later this afternoon. Now, let's talk about the schedule for the rest of the day. Mr. Stewart raised his voice to get everyone's attention, "Here's the schedule for what is going to happen today. Immediately after breakfast, Brian will be meeting with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kelly. The rest of you will be shown to your rooms. We will be departing for the cathedral at 9:30 for the celebration of Monsieur Lafontaine's life."
"All of you, except Brian, Timmy, Jack and me, will be seated in a special area reserved for the Wizards and Wizardesses who will be attending. Timmy and Brian will be the last people to be seated, just before the service begins. Brian, Monsieur Lafontaine requested that you give the eulogy."
My mouth dropped open, "What did you just say?"
Reggie didn't relent, "I said that you would be giving the eulogy. Here, I've made some notes that you can use to prepare."
Reggie continued, "After the service, only Timmy, Brian and I will be delivering the urn with Monsieur Lafontaine's ashes to the mausoleum where they are to be locked in a special place. The rest of you will be taken to Maxim's for lunch. You will be able to partake in an aperitif and visit with your fellow wizards while we make the short trip to the mausoleum."
He wasn't done yet. "After lunch and after Brian has welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming, we have an appointment with Monsieur Pierre Foucault, Monsieur Lafontaine's avocat." I interrupted "Mr. Stewart, why do I get to do all the talking and what is an avocat?"
Reggie pointed his finger at me, "You get to do all of the talking because that is what your Grandpa Nappy wanted. An avocat is the French term for lawyer. We'll leave the rest of the day open after we finish taking care of all the business that you need do. Now, why don't you visit with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kelly while I show your parents to their room. Jacques, take Ben and Grant to the room next to yours."
Everyone had departed except Mr. Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Timmy and me, and I suggested, "Why don't we go into the living room and I can show you what I brought? I have some special requests for a couple of the paintings if they should sell."
I explained that I wanted all the money from the sale of the painting of Robbie and John to go to John. I pulled out the three paintings that I had done of Timmy, and asked that if they chose to show them, that I would appreciate if they could be grouped to together with a banner labeling them 'What Innocence.'
Mr. Johnson and Kelly said nothing until Kelly looked through the other things that I had done in art class. He looked at the nature scene and the pencil drawing and started to laugh, "Heck, my six weeks old grandson could have done better than this with his play dough. Mr. Johnson, I'm not feeling very well. I feel as if I might barf right here."
Mr. Johnson winked, "Kelly, why don't you head home and I'll catch a ride with Mr. Peters and Mr. Cox."
Kelly had to have the last word, "Okay, boss, I'll just burn most of the crap that Brian brought with him."
After Kelly departed by helicopter, Reggie took Timmy and me to our room to help us dress. When we walked in, both Timmy and I were looking around at the huge space and all of the amenities. Timmy looked at Reggie, "Is this space all just for me and Brian?"
Reggie shook his head no, "This is Brian's room. Your suite is next door, but I'm going to be spending the night there to make sure that you two young men have everything that you need as I did for your Grandpa Nappy."
He continued, "I have laid out your clothes that you should wear to the celebration service. Why don't you take a quick shower while I get dressed, and then I will be back to assist you."
As we were walking out of the luxurious bathroom to get our briefs, we were greeted by Reggie. He was dressed in a dark suit and had a black tie on. He helped us get dressed in some very dark blue suits with black ties. Timmy looked in the mirror and commented, "I thought we were going to a celebration instead of a funeral. If we look like this everyone will feel bad."
That caught Reggie's attention. He took off his tie or cravat and went to see what else he could find. He pulled out three bright ascots and placed them around our necks. Timmy looked in the mirror, "That's more like it. Now we look as if we are celebrating."
When the three of us appeared, it was so funny. Everyone looked as if we were in a freak show. Timmy emphatically said, "We're going to go celebrate Grandpa Nappy's life, so we decided that we needed to look happy. You people don't look as if you're very happy. Now get with it."
When we got to the cathedral, Timmy, Jack and I were ushered into a quiet room and I had no idea what was happening. Reggie returned with a priest, and he said a short prayer before he led us to the sanctuary. Before we left the small room, he looked at me, "Mr. Benson, when I ask you to come forward for the eulogy, please go to the lectern and make your remarks.
This is Beau.
When we got to the cathedral, Brian, Timmy and Jack were taken away and the rest of us were sent to a large gymnasium like area. Rod and Hank lined us up and it was easy to tell who the people who had been involved in the Wizardry world the longest were, because Becca and I were the last to be lined up. At the appropriate time, Reggie told us when to make our entrance. When we were seated, Reggie and Jack made their appearance and sat down in the second row of pews. As the organist started a processional hymn, Brian came down the center aisle with Timmy. Brian was carrying an urn which he placed on a small stand in front of the altar. They returned to the pew area and were seated in the front pew.
The priest conducted a very nice service and when it was time for Brian to give the eulogy. He walked to the lectern and he didn't have any notes. I can't even remember what all he so eloquently said. I will never forget the way he ended his speech though; it was unforgettable, "Grandpa Nappy committed his life to making life better for those who needed help. Now I ask that you stand and let it be known how happy we are that we had the chance to know this wonderful man. Be happy that he has gone to a better world so he can make sure that we are meeting his high ideals. I ask that everyone stand and shout 'Amen.'"
What happened next will be something no one will ever forget. Brian was surrounded by a golden light and he went to the stand and picked up the urn. He stopped to collect Timmy and they walked out of the sanctuary surrounded in a golden aura. Even the priest was stunned, but he was able to say the benediction. The recessional started and Reggie and Jack followed the priest and his entourage out of the sanctuary.
When we walked out of the sanctuary, Jack was directing people to the restaurant which was within walking distance. I looked at Becca, "I'm concerned about our two youngest sons. They have had a lot of pressure on them. Do you think they're okay?"
She looked at me, "Beau, Brian will be the first to tell everyone to back down if it gets to be too much. He's very much like his father. Timmy will be fine, because Brian isn't about to let anything happen to him. Now relax and let's enjoy our aperitif."
This is Brian.
I did what I had to do. I just wanted to get out of the cathedral because I felt that was what Grandpa Nappy wanted me to do. Reggie drove us to the mausoleum where he opened a drawer and I had Timmy place the urn inside. Reggie locked the drawer and handed me the key. He had tears in his eyes, "Brian, please guard this key well. It is almost the only link that I have left with Monsieur Lafontaine."
I didn't quite realize what he was saying to me until we reached the limousine. After Timmy climbed in, I looked at Reggie and point blank asked, "Reggie, you and Grandpa Nappy's relationship was more than that of an employer/employee relationship, wasn't it. You were in reality lovers, weren't you."
Reggie had a strange look on his face, "Brian, why would you ask something like that."
"Reggie, please answer my question."
"Yes, we were lovers for almost forty years. There was a short period where we had a parting of the ways and that's when Jacques was born. Fortunately, Nappy accepted Jacques, but Jacques never fully forgave Nappy for sending his mother away until it was too late. We need to get going or everyone is going to be drunk on aperitifs waiting for us."
When we walked into the private dining room of Maxim's, Timmy and I were seated at the center of the head table. The meal started with Vichyssoise soup and got even better from there. When I finished eating, I stood, "I want to thank all of Grandpa Nappy's wizardry friends for joining us today to celebrate his full life. I will try as best as I can to carry on his tradition of helping as many people as we can."
A voice from someone I didn't recognize bellowed out, "Herr Benson, we already know about what you are doing with the funds that you are receiving from the sale of your artworks in London, and that is reason enough for us to welcome you as our new leader. We also know that you will have Mr. Peters and Mr. Cox to assist you. It is so refreshing to have someone so young as you come along to make sure that the good that we have been trying to do has a chance to continue."
What could I say? I simply said, "Thank you for your kind comments Mien Herr. I will try my best to uphold the lofty standards that Monsieur Lafontaine has established. Thank you all for coming, but I believe we have an appointment with our avocat very shortly. Have a great day and I'll see you again before too long."
I turned to Reggie, "Who of us needs to go to see Monsieur Fourcault?"
"The only people who really need to be there are your parents, Timmy, you and me. It would be helpful if Mr. Cox and Mr. Peters were to join us as well."
Uncle Hank answered for them, "We'd be delighted to join you."
After the introductions, Monsieur Fourcault didn't waste any time getting down to business. I'm not even going to try and tell you exactly how things went, because there is no way I can remember. I was so overwhelmed by what was happening.
Monsieur Fourcault started, "Master Brian and Master Timothy Benson, the two of you will be receiving all of the assets of Monsieur Napoleon Lafontaine, except those that are located in the British Isles. Those assets now belong to Mister Reginald Stewart. Those assets have always been in the names of Monsieur Lafontaine and Mister Stewart. Reggie, have you had a chance to have Monsieur Lafontaine's name removed from the accounts and the deeds?"
Reggie nodded his head, yes. "My solicitor has taken care of everything except the pub in Dublin and we are going to go take care of that next week."
Monsieur Fourcault asked another question, "Reggie, have the Bensons had a chance to meet Monsieur Larceveque yet?"
Reggie shook his head, no, "The Bensons just arrived this morning, and we haven't had time to do much yet. I have asked Monsieur Larceveque to join us for dinner tonight."
Monsieur Fourcault looked over his glasses, "Tres bien. Brian and Timmy, I have some papers that you need to sign and your parents will also need to sign them since you are not yet 18. I just wish you could have been here during the work week and it would have been so much easier if you all had been here to transact the business in person."
He handed me a stack of papers, "Brian, why don't you start, please, and then pass them to Timothy to sign?"
I looked at Monsieur Fourcault and my parents, "Shouldn't we read the documents before I sign them."
Monsieur Fourcault laughed, "Brian, you should read the documents, but if you do, you might be here until midnight. I'll tell you what each document is for, and I will make sure that you have a copy of each document when you leave today."
About half way through the pile of documents, I asked, "Monsieur Fourcault, exactly how many homes do we own and how many business do we own. We've also signed the paperwork for at least three bank accounts."
"Brian and Timmy, you now own three homes. The one here in Paris, the beach house in Nice and the ski lodge near Zurich, Switzerland. You own ten business establishments in France and Switzerland and you have three bank accounts."
I looked at my parents and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Monsieur Fourcault realized my predicament, "Brian, that is why it's imperative that you meet with Monsieur Larceveque. He is the person who managed the business and the other residences for Monsieur Lafontaine."
When the last piece of paper was signed, I was relieved but we weren't done yet. Monsieur Fourcault smiled, "Messieurs Cox and Peters, I am glad that you are here, because the next item of business directly concerns Mr. Peters. Brian and Timmy, you have been made members of the governing board for the Lafontaine Foundation and Trust, effective immediately. Both Mr. Cox and Mr. Peters are already on the Board. Until such time as Brian finishes his college education, Mr. Peters will assume the chairmanship of the Board."
"One last thing, and then I'll let you go. Brian and Timmy, Monsieur Lafontaine has set up a fund that will provide money to you each month. For the time being, Brian will be receiving a 100 euros each month. Timmy will be receiving 50 euros each month. The amounts will increase as you get older. Here is the initial payment for this month. If you will send me a bank account number, I will make sure that funds are forwarded to your accounts from a bank in Switzerland."
I stood, "Monsieur Fourcault, I hope you don't have anything else that needs to be taken care of today. I don't know how much more my feeble mind can stand."
Monsieur Fourcault stood, "Brian, I know that I threw a large amount of information at you at one time. I have included a complete listing of the assets that you and Timmy now possess, so you can look at them at your leisure, and if you have any questions, please feel free to call me or email me. I have included my business cards in your packet."
Dad stood, "Monsieur Fourcault, how much do Brain and Timmy owe you for your services?"
Monsieur Fourcault put up his hand and shook it, "I have already been very adequately recompensed for my services. In fact, I have been retained to provide my services for the two young men until the end of the year.
I went and hugged Monsieur Fourcault and so did Timmy. We walked to the limousine and I crawled in front with Reggie, "Don't tell me I can't do this, Mr. Stewart."
When we arrived at our villa, Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod hugged me, and Uncle Rod said "Brian, you did an absolutely beautiful job today. You said exactly what people needed to hear. We're going to leave now, We need to get back to London."
Timmy and I watched as a carriage pulled by black horses with Uncle Rod, Uncle Hank and Mr. Johnson aboard lifted off and disappeared into the afternoon sky.
Reggie approached Timmy and me, "Guys, would you like to go see the other properties that you own?"
I shook my head no, "Reggie, we don't want to do anything else except to meet with this Monsieur Larceveque. I don't think our systems can handle much more excitement today."
He nodded, "Brian, I fully understand. Why don't I call Monsieur Larceveque and see if he can come and we can have the meeting
before we have dinner. Why don't you two go take a nice hot shower and get changed into some more comfortable clothing. I'll come get you when the gentlemen arrive."
Timmy and I were in the luxurious shower when Reggie came in. "Guys, Monsieur Larceveque will be arriving shortly. I have laid out your clothes. Brian, when do you plan to leave?"
I stepped out of the shower, "Reggie, I would really like to leave right after dinner. So much has already happened today that I just want to go home and think about everything."
Reggie hugged me even though I was naked and still a little wet, "Brian, I can appreciate how you're feeling. I need some down time as well."
I hugged Reggie as tight as I could, "I'm sure you do, Reggie."
When Timmy and I got to the parlor, Mother and Dad were talking to
a tall olive skinned gentleman and a tall blond haired gentleman, Dad motioned to us, "Brian and Timmy, I would like to introduce Monsieur Jean Paul Larceveque and Herr Wilhelm Overmeyer."
The men turned to look at us and they were two of the most handsome gentlemen I had ever seen. The tall man with the olive skin had green eyes that seemed to be dancing as he shook our hands, "Just call me J. P. and I'll do whatever you need. My partner Will and I are here to answer any questions you might have."
Timmy looked at the two gentlemen, "Are you movie stars or something?"
The J. P. person answered, "Not exactly, young Master Benson. We are your business managers. I am the person who manages the people in the establishments that you and your brother own, and my partner, Will, manages the finances. I guess you could say that I'm the people cruncher and Will is the number cruncher. I believe Monsieur Fourcault provided you with a copy of the latest numbers earlier today."
I nodded, "Yes he did, but we haven't had the opportunity to sit down and go over them with our parents. If we have any questions, how do we get in touch with you. I assume that perhaps the two of you are more than business partners; am I correct?"
Both gentlemen got a funny look on their faces. The J. P. person spoke, "Yes, Brian, we are both business partners and other partners as well. Does that make a difference?"
I was enjoying making them squirm, "I just realized who you two gentlemen were. Archie, as the fans of the Denver Rockets called you, how in the world did you and a Colorado Rockies third baseman ever wind up here in Paris, managing Grandpa Nappy's assets?"
The Will person looked at me and giggled, "We don't actually live in Paris, we manage your businesses when we aren't skiing at the lodge especially in the winter. We know how to use the phone and the computer to check to see how things are going. You can't believe how many carriage rides we have had since we started to work for Monsieur Lafontaine."
The dialogue was interrupted by one of the young waiters. Madame and Messieurs, dinner is being served in the dining room.
Dinner was a lot of fun and I knew that we were going to enjoy working with Monsieur Larceveque and Herr Overmeyer. It seems they had met when they attended Stanford University and that is where they formed their special relationship.
As we finished eating, Reggie stood, "Brian and Timmy, your carriage is approaching with Shamus and Jaime to take you people home. Archie and Will, it looks as if you get the brown horses tonight."
Monsieur Larceveque laughed, "They're just a little slower, so we'll have more time to cuddle. That's fine."
We went to the back yard of the villa and there were two carriages waiting. Jaime and Shamus had already loaded our luggage and I realized that we had way more luggage than when we had left home last night.
After a lot of hugs, we climbed into the carriages and watched as the bright Paris skyline disappeared. We landed behind the Bed and Breakfast in Ithaca and three guys climbed out as Shamus handed them their luggage.
As we ascended into the air the Pinochle story that began in a toy shop has been left behind and in it's place will be two new stories. The first will probably be called 'The Boys from Ithaca' and the second story will be 'The Spoiled Brats from Fremont', or something like that.
Author's comment: I want to thank those readers who have stuck with me through this whimsical story which started because of dare. Bon jour, my friends. E
Editor's Comments: It's hard to say good-bye to the characters that you have come to love. My only consolation is that I think we will see Brian and Timmy in future stories, and I can only hope that our esteemed..., noble..., distinguished..., great..., lovable author will take pity on this poor..., humble..., unworthy person and allow him to strew commas about in some future stories. Will.
Darryl's post script: I want to point out one more time how much fun it has been reading this truly delightful story. I also want to publicly thank Uncle Ed for continuing to chronicle the adventures of the fine people who made this story so wonderful to read. As with all of Uncle Ed's stories, the people we meet in them are much more than characters. They have become part of our family. We truly love them and want to keep them with us always.
I have been more than honoured to be able to help bring it to you.
I also want to thank Will B for doing whatever he did to cause Uncle Ed to start this story in the first place.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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