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A moment in the lives of two young people, Alexander (Alex) Weston and Mathew (Matty) Tetherton, and of those around them, and others whose paths they cross.
A series of three books tells their story.
The lyrics of the song by David Bowie just about sum it up:
As long as we're together
The rest can go to hell
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
With eyes completely open
But nervous all the same
[Book 1, a volume in 19 chapters]
[Book 2, a volume in 18 chapters]
In the first book we disvovered the lives of three young people. Alex, the principal character who narrates the story and is a gay teenager, who h ad hidden his real self, until he discover ed his best friend was also gay. An unexpected encounter with Jake, who is older and more experienced, started Alex on a voyage of self discovery. It was a voyage he shared, in part, with his best friend Matty.
When you are young relationships and events can sometimes overwhelm. No one is perfect, everyone has secrets. Alex does not live in a bubble, but within a group of people with whom he must interact, and that is not always easy.
The characters are established in the first book and the events within that story play an important role in what happens next. This is that story.
[Book 3, a volume in 12 chapters, the final volume]
The past has a way of catching up with you and it can turn your life upside down. When you haven't faced things completely, but hover in between, it is easy to fall into a complex of lies and half truths.
You may think you know what you want, but life has a habit of throwing a curve ball. Will Alex and Matty come through unscathed or will events prove to be overwhelming?
Whatever the outcome there will always be a sense of doubt.
[A story in 15 chapters]
A story in four parts
Exodus has 9 chapters
The Land of Promise has 6 chapters
The Kingdom of Heaven has 8 chapters
From Sea to Sea has 8 chapters