I was looking forward to time alone with Matty, but also thinking about Jake, about him, and about us. Should it concern me what other people think? What they think about Jake, what they might think of me? I d id n't know him very well, but I did like him. Everybody carries stuff around with them, emotional baggage. Jake wa s no exception. When he threw that note to me on the bus, like a fish jumping out of the water, I took the bait. Maybe, at the time, he didn't care either way. I'd bite and get hooked, or I wouldn't, but what has happened since has made him change.
Jake never realised that could happen. He met not just me, but Matty as well, and nothing was quite as it was before. Obviously he was attracted to me, but he had feelings for Matty too, I'm sure about that. And that is what all this is about, feelings and emotions. Jake didn't open up to just anybody, but he told us about himself. It is complicated, confusing, and all mixed up.
I had thought about it a lot, but now being here alone with Matty, it all faded into the background as the music played. We were enjoying Sunday afternoon together in the apartment. Jake h ad given us a key and we weren't about to let the opportunity pass by unused.
Turn and face the strange,
Just gonna have to be a different man.
Time may change me,
but I can't trace time.
We didn't hear Jake arrive. Dancing around the bed. Matty with nothing on but his underpants, me with just my jeans. Bowie blared out loud. We were jubilant, crazy, happy, and in love. Shocked to see Jake standing in the doorway, smiling. I froze. Matty didn't realise immediately.
I watch the ripples change their size,
but never leave the stream,
of warm impermanence and...
Matty turned and looked directly at Jake. If Jake had been my parents I would have died, but he wasn't. I turned to look at Matty, he'd moved to stand next to me and had one arm around my shoulder. Jake dropped his bag, walked a couple of steps towards us, stretched out his arms and pulled all three of us into a hug. Raising his head, he brought his mouth close to mine and kissed me on the lips. I responded instantly to his kiss. He turned to Matty and I watched as he kissed him, dropped his hold and stepped back.
"I've missed you guys."
Maybe I'd lost all my inhibitions or I was simply lost in the euphoria of this day. All I know is that the presence of Jake in the room sparked a feeling in me I couldn't ignore.
Sitting down on the bed I lay back, looking up at the two of them standing there. Did Matty feel the same? Could you share what we had between three people? I looked at Matty, he looked back and smiled. Before I could think anymore, he pulled Jake with him down onto the bed.
I couldn't help myself, I leaned towards Jake who was lying there between the two of us, and kissed him. A long deep kiss, my tongue touching his. I t felt incredible. Looking up, I saw Matty watching. His eyes sparkled. How I loved those eyes!
Climbing across Jake I grabbed Matt y. P ulling him in towards us, I kissed him too. Our tongues wrestled, my hand lay on his crotch. R eleasing Matty, I moved off Jake. L aying back down again, observing the two of them, admiring the bulge Matty was showing off. He didn't try to hide it. I grinned and glanced at Jake. His hand went over to rest on Matty's stomach. Slowly, very slowly, he inched down towards a now obviously hard cock.
I had a hard on of my own. I knew Jake did too. It was exciting. T here was definitely something new here: watching, watching was turning me on. Jake let go of Matty, pushed himself up on the bed and sat up.
"That's a great welcome home. I can see you two have been enjoying yourselves."
"When the cat's away," I gave him a cheeky smile.
Matty got up and went to pick up his jeans. Was that a look of disappointment? Maybe, just a hint. So he really did feel like I did about Jake? Or was it only because he was hard again?
Before Jake left for the weekend, Matty had told him he liked him, although he hardly knew Jake, not like me. Jake had kissed him and Matty didn't object. He said nothing when Jake's hand wondered across his stomach. He wasn't embarrassed either about showing his hard on, a lthough it would have been difficult to hide. I had to talk to Matty when we were alone.
"Do you want your key back? Now you're home again, I mean?" Matty was getting dressed.
Jake and I watched him. What Jake was thinking, I had no idea, maybe he was admiring Matty's cute little arse like I was. Just the idea of that sent a shock wave to my cock.
"Why d'ya ask that, Matty?"
"Oh, I dunno... I just thought... I..." Matty fell silent.
"Listen, Matty," Jake looked at him but Matty avoided his gaze. "I want you guys to keep the key. If you want some place to be together. I mean, when I'm not here. Well, you got it."
Matty shuffled his feet around, picked up his t-shirt, the one that said 'Beautiful I was made this way.'
"I don't mind if you're here," he looked over at us. "I just thought, maybe, if you was here, with someone. Well... you know... You don't want us barging in on you."
"There isn't anyone, Matty."
"Oh... I thought," he slipped his T shirt on, pulled it over his head. Matty was getting into his usual thousand questions routine. I had to admire his subtle approach, I said nothing, just laying there letting it unfold. "Well... just that, you went away to visit someone. A boyfriend, maybe?"
I didn't think Jake had a boyfriend hidden away somewhere else, in another part of the country, but it seemed Matty thought that might be a possibility. Or maybe he just needed to know.
"I told you. I went to visit my parents." Jake was taking all this in his stride. He wasn't getting annoyed... yet!
"Oh yeah! That's right, I forgot that."
Now I knew that nobody could really think Matty had forgotten what Jake said when he told us we could have the key because he was away for the weekend.
Matty stood there looking sheepish, like he'd been caught out. Jake jumped up off the bed, grabbed him around the waist and pulled him back down on top of both of us. All of a sudden Matty was lying across Jake, I was almost face to face with him. Matty looked up at me, a bit surprised.
"Don't go acting all innocent. Naughty boy," Jake was laughing. Then he playfully smacked his hand down on Matty's arse.
"Ouch!" Matty yelped and squirmed over onto his back. Still lying on top of us, he grinned up at me mischievously.
"I think that maybe..." Jake's hands went one each side of Matty. He started tickling him under each arm. "Maybe... This naughty little boy, is ticklish?"
Matty wriggled this way and that. I joined in and he started giggling. We rolled around on top of each other trying to tickle one another, laughing and screaming like lunatics. Finally, Matty called a halt. "Okay! Okay! I give up," but he couldn't stop the giggles.
Jake and I relented. Matty managed to get up off the bed and went to sit down on the little desk chair. He brushed his hand through his hair, looked across at Jake and me.
"You two are mad! Mad, mad, mad!"
"Be careful what you say young man!" I wagged a finger at him.
"Or..." he teased.
"Or I might just put you back across Jake's knee." I had a huge grin on my face, and in my mind a picture of Matty's cute little arse lying over Jake.
"Ha, ha!" he mocked. "You wouldn't dare."
"Hmm... Don't be too sure."
Jake stood up. I think he was really enjoying all this.
"Drink guys?"
"Yes please." Matty and I replied almost in unison, which made me smile even more. Matty then decided it was time to roll out some more questions. "So where do your parents live?"
"Up North."
"Is that where you're from then... Up North?" Matty said the 'up north' bit at the end with a feigned northern accent.
"You're a real case," Jake replied, ignoring his question for the moment. "You know that, don't you?"
"Only if you say so, Jake." Matty giggled. "So are you?"
"Am I what?" Jake looked at me and winked. I saw he was playing the game for as much as it was worth.
"You know..." Matty wasn't giving up easily. "Are you from the North?"
"Well yes, I guess. At least that's where I've just c a me from."
"Alright, you win... Aaa..gain. I just wanted... You know... To get to know you, a bit more."
"My parents moved up north when I was fourteen. I'm not sure what that makes me?" Jake gave Matty a big smile.
"It makes you one of us." I wanted to cut short any more of Matty's questioning.
"Yeah... One of us," Matty repeated, glancing in my direction. The expression on his face told me, yes, I know you want me to shut up. We could read each other so well. It was virtually impossible not to know what the other was thinking.
We hung around a bit longer. Chatting together about this and that, but nothing in particular. It was a nice way to end a Sunday afternoon. Eventually we both had to get home. Tomorrow was school. I loved Friday afternoons and hated Sunday evenings. But decided not to think about it.
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