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Stories by Geron Kees

This author has contributed to our Writing Masterclass

Tales of the Road

There are a number of Tales of the Road, which will appear in this section

Short Stories

A Charmed Life

[An incomplete set of linked vignettes; a series not a serial]


[An incomplete set of linked vignettes; a series not a serial]

Charlie Boone

[An incomplete set of linked vignettes; a series not a serial]

The Third Clue: A Pacha'ka Adventure

[A "Charlie Boone Universe" story in 6 chapters]

The Odd, Onward Door

[An incomplete set of linked vignettes; a series not a serial]

Z is for Zombie

[A story in 16 chapters]

The Case of the Short, Short Prince

[A story in 36 chapters]

Journey Beyond the Sea

[A story in at 19 chapters]