Author's acknowledgement: I would like to thank Will B for permitting me to use some of the characters from his story "The Wizards" which was posted on
"Hi Mr. Garrison, my Father, Beau Benson, said you were looking for help since the students who work for you had left for the summer. I'm Ben Benson and am looking for work this summer before I leave for Cornell University in New York this fall."
Mr. Garrison shook my hand. "Young man, if you are half the hard worker that your father and his friends are, I would be more than proud to have you come to work for me. You're hired. We'll take care of the paperwork later. When can you start?"
"Mr. Garrison, I'm available starting right now," I laughed.
Mr. Garrison looked around, "Fine, while the shop is quiet, perhaps you could polish Pinochle. He is starting to look a little worse for wear. He really needs a new paint job. He was the first puppet that I ever made, 18 years ago. I feel like he is the son that I never had."
"Well, you sure did a good job when you carved his genital areas. There is no question that he is a male." I said as I rubbed the puppet's penis and his testicles.
All of a sudden the puppet kicked me. I looked at Mr. Garrison, "Sir, why did you make Pinochle kick me?"
"Ben, what are you talking about? I am not anywhere near Pinochle's control sticks." Mr. Garrison frowned. "What were you doing anyway?"
"Sir, I just rubbed his penis and testicles, trying to imagine what he might look like. Here, I'll show what I was doing." I rubbed Pinochle's pelvic region and again I was kicked.
Mr. Garrison started to laugh, "I think Pinochle likes what you are doing, Ben. Why don't you keep doing it and see what happens."
I started to really rub, and Pinochle started to shake and a white gooey substance started to appear on the front of his shorts.
Mr. Garrison could hardly control himself, he was laughing so hard, "Ben, you just made history. You caused a puppet to have an orgasm."
"Mr. Garrison, how did you do that? Puppets can't have orgasm and can't ejaculate. I must admit that it looks like the semen I produce when I masturbate, but there is no way a puppet could produce semen." I felt a hard kick in my groin area.
"Mr. Garrison, this is not funny. Pinochle just kicked me again. I'm going to find out what this fluid is. I rubbed two fingers in the gooey fluid and held it to my nose. I couldn't smell anything. I put some of the fluid on my tongue and tasted it. The taste was somewhat sweet. I repeated the process and Pinochle shuddered. I looked up at him and he seemed to have a smile on his face. For some unknown reason, I felt compelled to kiss him on the lips.
The next thing I knew was that I was being pushed away, and Pinochle was changing form. He was growing and it was like his clothes were exploding.
I backed away and stood beside Mr. Garrison, who was as stunned as I was.
Finally Pinochle stopped growing and he stood up and came toward me saying, "Poppa."
I pointed toward Mr. Garrison, "He's your Poppa." I pointed at myself and said, "My name is Ben."
A naked Pinochle put his arms around Mr. Garrison and kissed him and said, "Poppa."
He turned to me and hugged me and said, "Ben." He held me tight and kissed me on the mouth. I could feel his huge penis beginning to inflate.
I turned to Mr. Garrison, "Sir, please close the shop and let's get Pinochle out of here before he gets arrested for indecent exposure. I rode my bicycle here, so can you take us to my house. We are about the same size except for our sexual equipment."
I found an old blanket and wrapped it around Pinochle. We ushered him to Mr. Garrison's car. We drove directly to my parents' house. I knew that Dad would be home but Mother and the other children had flown to Disney World for several days.
When we arrived at the house, I took Mr. Garrison and Pinochle into the living room and went to find Dad. He was in his study at the computer.
"Dad, we need your help, please!"
Dad and I went to talk with Mr. Garrison and Pinochle. Pinochle put his arms around Dad and said, "Poppa?"
I pulled him away and pointed to Dad and said, "Uncle Beau."
Pinochle looked confused. He pointed to me and said, "Ben?"
I nodded my head, yes and he pointed to Mr. Garrison and asked, "Poppa?"
He looked at Dad and said, "Uncle Beau."
I nodded and he smiled. He hugged us all again. I looked at him and said, "I'm going to take Pinochle and get him a shower and some clothes. Mr. Garrison, could you tell Dad what happened and then Dad, would you please call Uncle Will and see if he can get some of his Wizard friends to come and help us. It would be so cool if he could get Mr. Cox and Mr. Peters to come here, because they are probably the best."
I pulled Pinochle with me and took him to my room. I stripped down and he came and put his arms around me and I could feel him getting inflated. I looked down and his penis was huge. I pulled away and led him into the shower.
I shampooed his hair and then washed his entire body including his penis. I started to get out and he pulled me close and kissed me on the lips and muttered, "Love Ben."
I looked at him and he had tears running down his cheeks, "Pinochle, I am going to call you Knock. Knock, I could very well learn to love you, too." I kissed him again, stepped out of the shower and started to dry my body. I handed Pinochle a towel and hoped that he would mimic what I was doing.
Dad came into the room, "Ben, Uncle Will is on the phone. I think you'd better explain to him what is happening, and how you would like him to help."
I picked up the phone, "Hi Uncle Will, it's me, Ben. I have or rather we have this problem. I made a puppet come to life and he is beautiful. He is also 18, but he does not look anything like me especially in the sexual equipment department. He is much better endowed than I am.
"Yeah, I know you haven't seen me for several years. I am now 6 feet plus a little, tall and weigh 165 pounds. My hair is the color of sand and my eyes are still light blue. I used to think that I was well endowed, but I have had to reshape my estimation, now that I have seen Pinochle. I am not ashamed of what I have and some people have described me as being handsome."
"This call is not about me. It is about my new friend, Knock. He was a puppet until today and after he creamed his pants when I kissed him, he came to life and is he gorgeous. He is everything that I am not."
"Yeah, he has dark brown eyes that seem like they are twinkling. He has the cutest nose and his lips are so kissable. He is just about the same size as me, except like I said, in the sexual equipment department. He is huge. Oh yeah, he has a very fair complexion, whereas I look like I always have a suntan."
"Uncle Will, the reason I asked Dad to call you was because I think we need the help of your Wizard friends, Mr. Cox and Mr. Peters. You see Knock can't really speak and he doesn't really understand what is happening. ... Thank you sir, I'll be standing by waiting for your call."
I got dressed and helped Knock get dressed. I showed him how to brush his teeth and brush his hair. Oh my stars, he was a beautiful person. I so wanted to take him in my arms and hold him; but I realized that was not appropriate. Instead, I took him downstairs and started to fix something for lunch. It never entered my mind that Pinochle had never eaten before.
I fixed tomato soup and bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches with a pear and cottage cheese salad. Knock kept watching what I was doing. I called Dad for lunch since Mr. Garrison had left to open his shop.
Pinochle watched what Dad and I were doing and he tried to do the same thing. At first, he was a little awkward but he soon got the hang of it and was beginning to enjoy his first eating experience.
The phone started to ring and Pinochle began to shake. Dad got up and put his arms around his shoulders while I answered. "This is the Benson residence, this is Ben speaking. ... Oh hi Uncle Will ... You mean Mr. Peters and Mr. Cox will be here in about an hour? ... Cool. Did they say how long they could stay? ... Oh, they need to return tonight because of Ministry business. Uncle Will, I owe you a big hug. ... Oh, they will be landing in the backyard. Knock and I will be waiting. ... Love you Uncle Will and thanks for your help. You will love Knock when you meet him. He is so innocent. ... Bye."
I quickly finished my lunch and started the dishes. Dad was helping and Knock was trying to help. I showed him what to do. At one point I had my arms around Knock showing him what to do. He turned around and started to kiss me.
Dad was caught off guard and said, "Guys, put it on ice. If anything happens it needs to be in the bedroom and not in the kitchen."
I looked at Dad, "Dad, are you saying that you wouldn't be upset if I were gay?"
He came over to me and pulled both me and Knock into his arms, "Guys, I couldn't care less what your sexual preferences are but please keep them private. Ben, your Mother and I have thought that you might be gay for some time. But please promise me that if anything develops between the two of you, that you will take it carefully and if you commit to each other fully it needs to stay that way."
I looked at Dad and started to get tears. I took several deep breaths and poor Pinochle was looking very confused.
Dad pulled us closer and said, "Guys, I can see that you two might belong together. I hope that Uncle Will's friends get here soon so it can happen."
We were interrupted by a loud noise on the lawn. We looked out the kitchen window and there was a carriage being pulled by six beautiful white horses with golden wings sitting next to the pool.
I ran out the door and approached the carriage. I held out my hand, "I am Ben Benson. Thank you for coming. Uncle Will said you would be arriving about now. I sure hope you can help us. Let's go inside so you can meet Pinochle and my Dad."
We walked inside and I introduced my Dad and Pinochle.
Mister Cox took over, "I am Rod Cox and this is my Wizard Partner for Life, Hank Peters. What is it that you would like for us to do? Will indicated that this was a serious problem."
I spoke up, "Sirs, until this morning, Pinochle was puppet. I did something that transformed him into a real person. There are several problems we need your help with. First, can you give him the power to reason and express his thoughts. Second, can you give him the knowledge and credentials so that he can attend Cornell University with me, this fall? Third, can you get him a birth certificate that shows that he was born Grant Garrison and also make sure that he has a social security card?"
Mr. Peters was laughing, "Gee you don't want very much, do you, Ben. I give you this, you sure are concise. We can probably do everything that you want, but there may need to be some sort of pay off."
I looked at him and asked, "What's that, sir?
"Well, if Grant or whatever you want to call him tells an untruth his penis will start to shrink. If he tells too many untruths, he will turn back into a puppet, and the spell can never be reversed. Do you understand, Grant?"
Grant swallowed, "Yes sir, I understand?"
I grabbed Knock and held him, "My friend, you spoke."
He looked at me and started to cry.
I decide to make things okay and held him. I looked at Dad and asked, "Dad, would you please call Mr. Garrison and tell him that his presence is required for dinner in about an hour. Knock and I will fix an American meal for Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod before they need to leave. Why don't you take them into the living room and give them a before dinner drink?"
"Come on Knock, we have work to do."
Pinochle and I walked into the kitchen and I grabbed him and pulled him close and gave him a kiss. "Knock; please don't tell too many untruths. I love that beautiful instrument of yours. I also think I might be falling in love with you."
Poor Knock was overwhelmed. He started to cry again, "Ben, I am not sure that I understand everything that is going on."
"Grant, I will explain later, but right now, we need to fix dinner. Here, wash these potatoes and wrap them in foil." I looked at Knock and he had no idea what I wanted him to do. I showed him what to do with one potato and he took over from there.
I put the potatoes in the oven and started the grill. I showed Knock how to make a tossed salad and dashed to the store for six t-bone steaks and some French bread. When I returned, Knock held me close. "Ben, I love you."
My mind was spinning in fast motion. This can't be happening. I pulled Grant close and held him. "Knock, please, let's just go slow. There is so much that you need to learn. I do love you, and I mean all of you but I'm afraid of what your magnificent equipment would do to me. Now come on, we need to finish fixing dinner so Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod can get home."
Everything was ready and I sent Pinochle to tell the other gentlemen that dinner was ready. Dad had everyone seated and we said a short prayer of thanks and then I served the meals.
As we were eating, I started to laugh. Uncle Rod asked, "What's so funny, Ben?"
"I was just thinking that I'm glad that you didn't hyphenate your last names after your commitment ceremony. What if you had decided to make your name Peters-Cox? Everyone would be wondering how many penises Mr. Peters had. Of course, if you had taken the name Cox-Peters, people would still be wondering how many penises were involved."
Everyone was laughing when I got up and started to clear the table with Knock's help. I served the after dinner drinks and dessert of apple strudel with ice cream. Knock was really enjoying the dessert.
Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod announced that they needed to get back so they could attend a meeting at the Ministry in the morning. We walked them into the backyard where the coach with the beautiful horses suddenly reappeared. As they were crawling into the coach, Uncle Hank said, "Grant, I think that you might want to tell a couple of little white lies and then Benjamin would be able to accommodate that thing between your legs. We would love to have you all come and visit us when you have the opportunity. Beau, you can bring your entire family. If your children are all like Ben, I am sure it would be a new experience for us."
Knock and I hugged Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank as they climbed into the carriage. Uncle Rod whispered to me, "Ben, don't ever sell yourself short. If I were ten years younger, and not committed, I would jump your bones. You and Grant will make a beautiful couple."
I hugged the two men again and backed away as the carriage disappeared into the clouds.
I was totally unprepared when Grant announced, "I need to take Dad home, Ben. I love you, but I think my Dad and I need to talk. I don't understand everything that has happened. I'll see you in the morning at 8:30."
Grant and his Dad left and I fell into to Dad's arms. "Dad, I am so confused."
Will B's Notes:
I am honored that E has used some of my characters in his story. What a great twist this story has.
Darryl's Notes: It has been quite some time since this story first saw the light of day. I must admit that it is still one of my favourite stories. Thank you Will for writing your story, so that E could bring us this incredible tale.
I also want to thank IOMFATS for hosting this story along with a related story which will appear a bit later. The other story was written by Arli J. You will see the connection when the time is right. That story builds on some of the events that take place later on in this story, so it is best to read this one up to the point where the other story starts, and then try to keep up with both stories together.
For those of you who are new to this story, Let's just say that this story starts out extremely cute and sweet, then blossoms into something far more than anyone ever dreamed it would. There are many chapters yet to come, and I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do. Now let's hurry and get to the next chapter. Thanks for reading this. Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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