(Author's note: This is to help my readers understand that Pinochle, Knock and Grant are the same person. Pinochle was the name for him when he was a puppet. When he turned into a human being, Ben called him Knock and then when Ben asked Rod and Hank to give Knock intelligence and credentials, he realized that he needed a more suitable name so thus we have Grant Garrison.)
It's Me, Beau
My mind has been in the center of a tornado ever since Ben brought Pinochle and Mr. Garrison here this morning. It has been like a three ring circus around here.
When I first saw Pinochle, I could see that he was very well endowed. Heck, just watching him learning to eat during lunch was worth the price of admission. The admission price more than doubled when Hank and Rod came flying into the back yard in their carriage, pulled by the beautiful white horses with golden wings.
When Ben told Hank and Rod what he wanted to happen, I was sure that they would start laughing. That was not the case at all, though. They granted all of Ben's requests, making note of the stipulation of what would happen to Grant if he were to tell a lie.
After we said goodbye to Hank and Rod, I thought to myself, `What's going to happen next.' Every one of us, including me, was caught off guard when Grant announced that he and his father were going home.
This is Ben.
I'm devastated. I thought Knock really liked me and then he announced that he and his father needed to leave. After they left, I sat down on the sofa, pulled my knees up, held them to my forehead and started to get tears.
Dad sat down beside me and pulled me into his arms. "Ben, I know that you are confused about what has happened. But you also need to think about how confused Grant must be. He was an inanimate block of wood, this morning. Then what happened, you brought him to life by your manhandling his penis and testicles and kissing him."
"Poor Knock had to even learn how to eat. Of course, he thought he loved you because you made him a real person and you were the first live person he saw. Just think about everything that has happened today. How many people have seen a carriage landing in their backyard?"
"Just think how Grant must be feeling. Not only is he human, he also has the power to think and reason, and I am sure that Rod and Hank made certain he's adequately equipment in the intelligence department. Grant just needs to learn how to use that intelligence wisely. You will need to work with him on that. I'll say this, Ben; you sure did create a hunk."
Dad pulled me close and held me. "Ben, please let any relationship develop naturally and please don't ever try to take advantage of Grant."
I looked at Dad and knew he was correct. I had waited 18 years to find someone special. I certainly should be able to contain myself a bit longer without too much trouble. I kissed Dad, "I'm going to bed. It has been an excitingly busy day."
I crawled into bed wondering what tomorrow would bring.
Four Blocks Away
Grant sat down beside his new Dad, "Poppa, I am so confused. So much has happened today. I don't know what or how I feel about anything."
Gregg Garrison pulled Grant close, "Grant, I also am overwhelmed by what has happened today. What would you like to know?"
Grant looked at his Poppa with questioning eyes, "Ben's Dad said that he and Ben's Mother had thought that Ben might be gay. What did he mean by that?"
Gregg realized that Grant had no idea about being a human and especially sex. "Grant, you have so much to learn. We will need to enlist Ben's help so that you don't stumble through life."
"In the meantime, I am going to take you into the study and show you some things on the computer. I want you to watch what you can do with that appendage between your legs. I'm going to show you some pictures and videos that will explain sex between a man and a woman or two men better than I could ever explain it."
When Gregg turned on the computer, Grant was wide-eyed as the screen popped to life. The first site that Gregg put up showed a heterosexual coupling. Grant watched the man and the woman making love but there was no reaction. The second site was a gay site. Grant moved his chair closer and began to watch intently. His shorts were beginning to show a definite mound.
Grant looked at Mr. Garrison, "Poppa, are we going to do that?"
"No, Grant, you are my son, and we can never do anything like that. You should do that only with someone you truly love."
Grant looked at his Poppa and saw the bulge in his pants. "Poppa, you liked watching what was happening on the screen too, didn't you?"
"Grant, I've known for years that I was gay, and that is why I never married. I didn't want to make anyone's life miserable. I threw myself into making puppets and pretended they were my children. I could never let myself sell you because you were the first puppet I ever carved. I always thought of you as my son and now here you are, thanks to Ben."
"Grant, I'm going to take you and show you to your room so you can get ready for bed." Mr. Garrison showed him around and made sure Grant had the basic necessities. He hugged Grant, "I'm going to bed as soon as I lock up. I'll see you in the morning."
Grant shed his clothes and reclined on the bed. This felt so weird. His mind drifted back to the morning when Ben was rubbing his genital area.
The Fun Begins
Ben had gone to bed and was thinking about how beautiful his Knock was, and thinking how he wanted them to be more than just good friends. All of a sudden, it was like a feather was touching the front of his briefs and he quickly inflated. He heard a whisper, "I am just getting even for what you did to me this morning."
Ben started to cream his briefs when he felt two digits touching him and he felt something brushing his lips leaving a deposit. Ben shook his head, "This can't be happening."
Ben whispered, "Knock, is that you?
"Yes, my stud. It's me. Try to reach out to me and see if Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank gave you some wizardry powers also."
Ben conjured up a visual picture of Knock on his bed. He willed his mind to the Garrison house and began to apply his tongue to the naked Grant. Grant started to breath heavily and his penis was standing erect. Ben couldn't take the sight anymore and started to take Grant in his mouth.
"Ben stop, I don't like that."
Before the two guys realized what was happening, they were both shuddering. Grant's penis began to shrink and Ben began to realize that his penis was growing commensurate with Grant's shrinkage.
Ben whispered, "Knock, I need to leave now. Please don't tell anymore untruths. I don't want to be any bigger or I would hurt you."
Ben was wide awake on his bed, "I don't remember asking Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank to give us any wizardry powers. Why didn't they warn me of the consequences if Knock told an untruth? I'm probably going to wind up as a freak in a sideshow at a gay circus.
Ben finally drifted to sleep with his still erect penis in his hand.
Grant was lying in his bed taking care of his own needs now that Ben had left. "Why did I tell Ben I didn't like what he was doing? I loved it. I hope he can still love me." Grant erupted in a mind shattering explosion (after all, he had been a piece of wood for 18 years and he needed to catch up.) "Good night, Ben."
Beau Continues
The next morning, I was up and it was odd that Ben hadn't appeared. I went up to his room and knocked and he mumbled, "Come in."
I opened the door and he was on his bed with a full erection. I looked at him and asked, "Ben, when did you get so large?"
Ben rolled over, "Since last night. I'll tell you about it during breakfast. I'm not sure I know what to do with this new endowment yet. I'll be there in ten." When Ben came into the kitchen, he was trying to adjust his genital package. He looked at me, "Dad, I'm going to need some new clothes to hide my sexual equipment."
We sat down and started to eat and he began to tell me what had happened last night. He had just gotten to the part of his story where Grant had told him he didn't like it when the phone rang.
I answered the phone and heard, "This is a conference call for Beau and Ben Benson and Gregg and Grant Garrison from Mr. Cox and Mr. Peters."
Ben piped up, "This is Ben, I'm on and so is my father.
Gregg spoke up, "Both Grant and I are on."
Hank began, "Good morning, gentlemen, we had a great time yesterday but we have a few questions. We had some vibrations last night that indicated that Grant told his first untruth and suffered the consequences."
Ben interrupted, "You could have warned me what was going to happen when that occurred. Now I feel like I have a donkey's dong."
Rod was laughing, "Relax Ben, we were just equaling out the playing field so the two of you had similar equipment."
Hank took over, "We also surmise that you know we gave you some special wizardry powers. But we want to warn you that these will only persist as long as you remain loyal to each other. Rod and I were communicating mentally while we were there yesterday, and we could see that the two of you belong together to help each other to develop to your fullest potential. Guys, we will be expecting a visit from you, the first week of August. Now, if you will drop off, we would like to speak to your fathers."
Rod spoke up, "Beau, while we were there yesterday, we realized that you were definitely not gay and we were amazed that you supported and loved Ben even though he might be."
"Guys, some of my wife's and my best friends are gay. I have absolutely no problem with that, as long as they don't go around trying to push their will on other people. In fact, several of our acquaintances, including my own step father, who is in a relationship with another male, have bent over backward to make sure that I only had the best."
Hank came on, "Thank you, Beau. I am so pleased that you can feel that way after what happened earlier in your life. Now Gregg, we picked up on the fact that you might be gay. What have you done about it?"
"Gentlemen, I really have done nothing about it. I have been so afraid of the AIDS threat, and Fremont isn't exactly a large city. I love having children visit my shop and looking at the puppets and other toys. I'm not making much money, but I am comfortable."
Rod interrupted, "Gregg, here is what we recommend that you do. We recommend that you pull up stakes and move to Ithaca with the guys. You should not live with them, as that might impede their relationship. We do think, however, that there is someone who is living in that area who might be a significant other in your, and the guys', lives. Please consider this option."
Hank came back on, "We're going to sign off for now, but tell the guys to be prepared for an exciting day. Later"
Will's comment,
E. Thank you for allowing me to edit this story. I am happy you are using two of my characters. I am going to enjoy reading it.
Will B.
Darryl's Notes: As I said at the end of chapter one, I am enjoying reading the story again, as much as I did the first time. Did anyone notice what Mr Cox and Mr. Peters suggested that Gregg do? Well please keep that in mind, as that suggestion will play a major role later on.
While I am reading the story once again in preparation for having it posted on IOMFATS site, I noticed a few things that needed cleaning up. As happens to all of us, when we start reading a story that we really love, we get all caught up in the story itself and sometimes we miss a comma here or a semi colon there, As I go through it again, I will do my best to catch anything that might have been missed before, but if I still miss something, I apologize.
It is time to move on to the next chapter. Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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