Beau Here
Ben did the breakfast dishes while I was talking to a client. He had finished and gone to get dressed to go to work. I had just hung up when he reappeared.
I pulled out my wallet and handed my debit card to Ben, "Don't go wild with this card, but you definitely need some new clothes. Those jeans are looking extremely suggestive to the point where they are almost obscene," I laughed.
"Dad, this isn't funny and it isn't my fault."
"Well, who is to blame then? It certainly isn't Knock's fault that you brought him to life."
"Dad, whose side are you on, anyway? I think I'll run away."
"Good, in that case, give me my card back. I was going to give you the keys to the van so you could take Knock with you when you went to get your clothes. I guess I'll just save a ton of money instead." I laughed, as I handed him the keys. "This will be much more comfortable than your little Volkswagen."
As he was leaving, Ben hugged me, "I love you, Dad."
At the Toy Shop
When Ben arrived, Mr. Garrison and Grant were both busy. Grant was dusting and Mr. Garrison was carving another puppet. Mr. Garrison looked at Beau, "Did you ride your bike or do you have a car?"
"Dad loaned me his van so I could go shopping after work. I thought I would see if Knock would like to go with me." Ben looked at Grant as he was working. He could tell that Knock was watching and listening to him.
Mr. Garrison pulled out his wallet and handed Ben a Visa card, "Please take Grant and get him some basic supplies and clothes. I have no idea what a teenager needs. Why don't you go now, while it's quiet?"
Grant interrupted, "But Dad, if we both leave, that will leave you by yourself."
"Grant, I have been here by myself for years. Now Ben, who is your family Doctor? We need for Grant to have a complete physical."
Ben looked at Mr. Garrison, "My family has been going to Doctor Wilson for as long as I can remember. The Wilsons and my father have a very special relationship."
"Good, Jack has been my Doctor too, for many years now. Why don't you see if you can get an appointment for Grant, as soon as possible and then you need to make a dental appointment for him to make sure his teeth haven't decayed after 18 years."
Ben went to the phone and made a call. "This is Ben Benson ... Oh, hi, Aunt Jill. I thought you were going to quit. ... Oh you are only working in the mornings, for something to do? ... The reason I called is that I have this friend, whose father is Mr. Gregg Garrison. Doctor Dad is his doctor too. Anyway, Mr. Garrison wants Grant to have a complete physical as soon as possible, and I should probably also get one before I go to college."
"Hey, that's great. Is it with Doctor Dad or Uncle Tommy? ... Okay, make sure you warn Mr. Lasher that we are coming and we will be watching him carefully. ... We'll be there at 1:30. Tell Uncle Reg and Uncle Chip I said hi."
Ben turned to Mr. Garrison, "Mr. Garrison, I am going to call Doctor Carver to see if we can get Knock's teeth cleaned and examined."
Ben made another call, "Hi! This is Ben Benson; I need to make an appointment for a very good friend of mine for a cleaning and a check up. His name is Grant Garrison. He has never been to a dentist. We would like the appointment to be as soon as possible. ... Oh, you have an opening at four. ... We'll be there, thanks."
Ben turned to Mr. Garrison, "Sir, we'll go easy on your card for now. We'll bring you lunch and then you can go rest until we need to leave to take care Knock's medical appointments."
Ben and Grant left and got into the van. Ben buckled up and waited for Grant to do the same. Grant just sat there and Ben said, "Dude, this vehicle ain't leaving until you buckle your seat belt."
Grant looked confused, "Ben, I don't know what you are talking about."
Ben unbuckled his belt and leaned across and put one hand on Grant's thigh while he grabbed the shoulder strap and started to buckle the seat belt across Grant. Grant's penis began to inflate. "I liked your hand there, Ben."
"This is not the time or place, Knock. When we are in a vehicle, especially a moving vehicle, there can be no messing around. We might have an accident." Ben said as he started the engine.
Ben pulled in front of an upscale men's store that his father liked. The two guys walked in and Ben went up to the gentleman at the counter. "Mr. Chastain, I think you know my father, Beau Benson. The two of us are getting ready to go to college, and we need to get some basic clothes for Grant and I need some new underwear and slacks. Mine are a little tight."
Mr. Chastain looked at the two young guys, "You two do look a might uncomfortable in the clothes you have on. Why don't you go into the changing area and get naked, except for your briefs or whatever you're wearing?"
Ben led Grant to the changing area and the guys did as Mr. Chastain suggested. They shed their clothes except for their overstuffed briefs. They were standing there looking at each when Mr. Chastain came in with a young man. "Gentleman, this young man will be assisting us."
Ben looked up, "Hi Jon Jon; I would like to introduce you to Grant Garrison. Grant, this is Mr. Chastain and Jonathan Edmond. Jon and I have practically grown up together."
Grant looked at Ben with questions in his eyes, but Grant shook the two gentlemen's hands.
Mr. Chastain surveyed the two guys, "Okay, let's get started. Jonathan, you record the measurements on their charts."
Mr. Chastain started to take the measurements, "Neck 15 and a 1/2."
He moved down the upper body taking measurements and when he got to the waist, he stopped. "Why are we wasting time doing this? You two guys are identical. I am going to take one more measurement and if it is the same then we won't have to worry."
He put the tape measure around Ben's backside where mounds were at their zenith and closed in front of the bulge in Ben's briefs, "43 inches for Ben. Grant, it's your turn." He did the same measurement on Grant. He started to laugh, "You two will be able wear each other's clothes."
He looked at two young men, "Okay, you young studs, I recommend that you wear sturdy athletic supporters to assist you in keeping your sexual equipment under control. You can always wear briefs, or whatever, over it. I would also recommend that you wear slacks with lots of pleats unless you want to draw attention to your bodies. If you wear tight non pleated jeans, you are going to have a large number of men and women following you around, drooling."
Jonathan was standing there bent over laughing.
"Jon Jon, this is not funny," admonished Ben.
"Yes it is, but I want to know how you grew so much in a week. You have always been well endowed, but remember, I saw you last week after our baseball game when we were standing in the shower next to each other. Did you have a transplant or what?"
Ben calmly answered, "No, it was just a little wizardry."
Mr. Chastain decided to end the fun, "Jonathan, go get two athletic supporters with the largest sized pouches we have, while I find some baggy cargo pants for the guys so they can look around and see what they would like."
The guys did some major damage to their fathers' cards. Jonathan was checking out Ben's purchases. When the transactions were completed Jonathan gloated, "I'll be over later tonight. We have never had any secrets, so why start now?"
The guys stopped at Madison's shop and got three ham salad sandwiches and three pieces of pie. Mrs. Madison was looking at Ben as he checked out, "Ben, you look so different. You and your friend are extremely handsome.
"Thank you ma'am. This is Grant, and I work for his father." He didn't explain any further.
They took the food to the shop and sent Mr. Garrison to the backroom to eat and rest.
Ben and Grant were eating their pie when a young lad about 11 or 12 came in. He started to look around and Ben went to help him. "How may I help you, sir?"
The young man looked at Ben with tears in his eyes, "Where's Pinochle?"
Ben answered without hesitation, "Oh he has moved on to bigger and better things. He probably won't be back."
The young man said, "That's not fair. I loved to touch him in his private area and tried to imagine what he would be like, if he were a human being."
"Don't worry my friend; Mr. Garrison is carving a new puppet to replace Pinochle."
The young man was not to be deterred, "You tell Mr. Garrison to make sure the new puppet is as beautiful as Pinochle. What the new puppet's name?"
Before anyone could answer, Mr. Garrison, who had been standing in the door, spoke, "Timmy, maybe you could help me name the new puppet." He turned to Ben and Grant, "You two gentlemen need to go to your doctor's appointments. I'll see you after Grant's dentist appointment."
Timmy looked at the two guys, "Mr. Garrison, the man with the dark hair and sparkly brown eyes looks like Pinochle. Can you make the new puppet look like the other man with his flashing green eyes, and please make sure he looks like Pinochle in the penis and testicle areas? Can you name him Poker?"
Grant started to giggle and punched Ben on his arm. As they were getting into the van, Grant started to laugh hard. "I can hear it now when someone introduces us as Knock and Poke."
Ben started to laugh, "Knock, you have an evil mind." Both guys felt a tingling sensation but nothing happened. Ben looked at Grant, "I guess we need to watch what we say. I think we just got a warning."
They were still laughing when they walked into the reception area at the clinic. Lash was standing there. "Good afternoon gentlemen, it's a pleasure to see you, Ben, and I assume that this young man is Grant Garrison?" Lash shook their hands.
Ben took the initiative, "Uncle Lash is the boss around here, and my Dad says he drinks as much blood as he can get."
Lash laughed, "Grant, I need some basic information. How old are you and when were you born?"
Before Grant could answer, Ben answered, "He's eighteen and yesterday was his birth date."
"So Jun l, l989 is when you were born. Grant, what shots do you remember having and when might they have been administered?" Lash inquired.
Grant spoke up, "Mr. Lasher, I can assure you that I have never had any Shots, and this is the first time I have ever been to see a doctor."
Lash stopped, "Guys, there must be a big story here. I can hardly wait to hear it."
Lash led the guys into a large exam room. "Okay guys, strip except for your briefs. He did the routine checks and laughed, "You two weigh the exact same amount, your blood pressure and pulse readings are identical. I'm going to take your temperatures and if they are exactly the same then I'll know there must be a really big story here. When he finished he left with the charts shaking his head, "One of the doctors will be here shortly."
This Is Doctor Jack Wilson.
I walked into the exam room and saw two very good looking teenagers. They were sitting beside each other on the exam table. Ben was trying to explain to Grant what to expect. Ben looked up, "Hi, Doctor Dad, I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Grant Garrison. Knock, this is Doctor Dad, who otherwise is known as Doctor Jack Wilson."
Grant stood up and shook my hand. I looked at the guys, "Let's get started." I was listening to their hearts and lungs with my stethoscope. As I was finishing, Tommy came in and started to work with the guys as well.
Tommy told them to lose their shorts. The guys pulled their briefs down and stood their in their athletic supporters. Lash was laughing but said, "Gentlemen, I think the Doctors would like for you to get nude so that means shed your jock straps."
Ben stood up and dropped his jock strap and stood there naked. Grant did what Ben had done. Tommy, Lash and I each took deep breaths at what we saw. Tommy regained his composure and asked, "Do you want me to do this in private?"
Ben said, "Uncle Tommy, we have already seen each other several times in the past twenty four hours. Do me first and then Knock will know what to expect."
Tommy put on some latex gloves and checked the guys' penises and testicles and did a hernia check.
Tommy looked at me. I nodded. He looked at the guys, "Okay guys, spread your legs and lean over the table with your elbows on the table. I'll start with Ben." When Tommy inserted his finger into the guys' anal cavities and hit their magic buttons, they both got extremely aroused.
I looked at the two handsome young men. "I think both of you are going to live. I will wait until I get all of the test results before I decide. Grant, you will definitely need to have some immunizations. Tommy and I will talk about what shots you need, but in the meantime, I'm going to call your families and try to arrange for a dinner meeting for tonight so we can learn the rest of the story. You young men have a great rest of the day and I'm sure that your parents will advise you of the arrangements."
It's me, Grant.
I'm overwhelmed by everything that has been happening. Just think, yesterday morning I was a piece of wood and now we are on our way to a dentist appointment.
I am beginning to feel like a freak. Everyone is always checking Ben and me out.
I wish I hadn't told Ben to stop last night when he put his lips on my penis, but I have no idea what to expect next. I just hope that Ben will want to do that again but I probably ruined it. He is so beautiful and always seems to know exactly what to say.
If Grant only knew what Ben was thinking!
Darryl's Notes: I am not certain as to how many chapters IOMFATS is going to release for each update. Remember that this is a rather long story. I should also point out that as the story goes along, the chapters get a bit longer. (the first 5 in a rush, then one at a time! IOMfAtS)
Ben and Grant are finding more and more about each other, and from what I can tell, they are very much liking what they are learning.
Let's see what we find out in the next chapter, shall we?
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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