This is Doctor Tommy Wilson reporting.
The guys arrived at Doctor Carver's office. Ben showed Grant how to sign in and they had just gotten settled into chairs when the dental hygienist came out, "Mr. Garrison, are you ready? Oh, hi, Ben, I didn't know you had an appointment."
"Aunt Lola, I am the chauffeur today for Grant. I was here less than two months ago." Ben laughed.
Ben was sitting, reading, when Grant came out with Dr. Theo Carver. Ben looked up, "Hi Uncle Theo, how bad were Grant's teeth?"
"Ben, I regret to inform you that Mr. Garrison has absolutely beautiful teeth, like your father. You know yours could have been the same, except for the fact that you sucked your thumb until you were ten and then you had to wear braces."
"Doctor Carver, I guess I will have to change dentists if you are going to embarrass me. I'll make sure I'll tell my Dad." Ben pretended to pout.
"Good, then maybe I can get some new patients who have cavities then maybe I could make a couple of bucks."
Ben stood and hugged Doctor Carver. "Yeah, you are so busy we have to usually schedule our appointments two years in advance." Ben paid the bill with Mr. Garrison's card and the guys were driving back to the toy store.
Grant started to laugh, "So you have always liked to suck on things?"
Ben wasn't phased, "Yes, but I won't ever try to do anything with you again. I'm afraid of what might happen. I don't want to look like an elephant."
Knock started to shake, "Ben, please pull over somewhere so we can talk, please."
Ben pulled into a park and sat there waiting. Grant was stumbling for words ... "Ben, I really liked what you were doing last night, but please remember these thoughts are all new to me. Ben, can you still love me? All I am asking is that we go slowly. You will need to explain what is happening."
"Dad showed me some things on his computer that made my penis come to life. I was lying on my bed thinking about you when we connected in our thoughts and the next thing I knew you were in bed with me. I really loved what you were doing to my body, but I was frightened. Ben, I am not sure what love is supposed to feel like, but I know that I want to be naked in bed with you again, and very soon. Now let's get back to help my Dad."
The guys pulled up at the toy shop and it looked busy. The guys went right to work and helped Mr. Garrison with the customers. Finally everyone left and Mr. Garrison sat down, "Guys, it has been a circus around here ever since you left. Many of the people had already heard that Pinochle was gone and came to see what was happening. Evidently Timmy had spread the word that there were two very good looking young men working here."
Mr. Garrison drew a deep breath, "Guys, we have been invited to the club for dinner, by Doctor Wilson. Ben, you and your Dad are going to pick Grant and me up. I'm not sure who all are going to be there, but I'm guessing there will be many questions. Let's close up so we can get out of here and go get dressed."
Ben spoke up, "Mr. Garrison, here is your Visa card; Knock has beautiful teeth so there isn't a problem there. We don't know the results of his physical yet."
When Ben got home, he was met by Beau, "Well young man, I understand that you and Grant made quite a big impression everywhere you went today. I hope you were able to control your hormones."
"Dad, you are crude. Of course I was a good little boy like you and Mother taught me." Ben hugged his Dad.
"Fine, but make sure you keep that weapon under control tonight. Now go get ready for dinner. Your Mother and the other three children will be home about 10:00 tonight."
Beau and Ben stopped and picked up the Garrisons. When they arrived at the club, Dad and I were waiting with Uncle Josh and Uncle Ben. Ben introduced the Garrisons to his Granddads.
Mitch, who was now the club manager, showed us to a quiet alcove away from the other patrons. Mitch announced, "I took the liberty of ordering your food for you. You will be having snails and puppy dog tails."
Ben sparked, "Great, Uncle Mitch, I hope you have lots of horse radish and spiced mustard."
"I'm sorry Ben, but we are all out of those condiments." Mitch laughed.
"Then I ain't eating here. We'll just go to some place classy like McDonald's."
"Good, then I won't have to throw you out for creating a disturbance. Now, may I introduce you to your server for tonight? This is Craig and he is leaving for college very soon so work his bottom off."
The meal was great as always. As we were finishing our entrées, Dad asked, "Okay guys, we want to know the entire story about what is going on."
Ben looked around and started, "Doctor Wilson, this is all so weird that I am not sure that I understand what is happening. I went to talk to Mr. Garrison about a summer job and that is how it all started."
Ben went on to describe in detail everything that had had happened. Dad, Uncle Josh, Uncle Ben and I were almost in hysterics. I looked up to see that Mitch and Craig had also been listening and they were almost bent over laughing.
Ben looked around, "Dad, let's get out of this dive." He turned to Craig, "You say one word and I'll get so even with you that you will never be leaving this joint. Talk to you later, my friend, besides Jon Jon threatened to be waiting on my bed for the entire story tonight."
Craig started to laugh, "I know, Jon called me on his lunch break and told me that you two were built like twins. He was having a difficult time processing how you could grow so much in a week. I guess he and I will just have to come and depants you two dudes to find out all of the particulars."
"Craig, that's enough." admonished Mitch who just happened to be his Dad. Craig and Jonathan were Mitch and Barbee's twin sons.
We stood to leave and Uncle Josh paid the bill. We went back to Beau's house to visit because he wanted to be there when Becca and the children arrived home.
Poor Ben and Grant were put through the wringer but they both handled the questions well. We were getting ready to leave when Dad offered to take Mr. Garrison and Grant home. Ben got a distressed look on his face but Grant passed him some sort of signal.
As we were backing out of the driveway, Becca and the children were pulling in. We waved. I'm going to turn this over to Ben since I have no idea as to what is going to happen.
Ben here.
Gees, thanks a lot Uncle Tommy.
It was great to see Mother and my brother, Brian, who was 14 and the girls. Lauren was 16 and Morgan was 12. They were all excited about everything they had seen and done at Disneyland. Finally Dad announced, "I think everyone needs to get ready for bed. It is late and your Mother and I need to talk."
I went to my room and went to take a shower in the bathroom I shared with Brian. I was just stepping out of the shower when Brian came in with a towel over his shoulder. When he saw me, he stopped, "Holy Cow, what happened to you? We were gone four days. When we left, you looked fine. Now your rod is so big that you can hardly see your balls."
I couldn't believe that Brian was talking like that, "Brian, why would you say such a thing?"
"Knock it off, Ben, something happened and I want to know what it was. I'll be in after my shower." Brian announced as he crawled into the shower.
I was reclining on my bed wearing my briefs when Brian came in and parked himself on the bed beside me. "Okay, super stud, I want to know the real story and I am not leaving until I find out the truth."
I knew that Brian would persist until I told him something. I figured that if I told him the truth, he wouldn't believe it; but I couldn't think of any other plausible explanation so I decided to tell him the truth.
By the time I was finishing the story, Brian was sitting up on the bed with his legs crossed. Brian looked at me, "Ben, for some reason, I believe your preposterous story. You have a vivid imagination, but even so, you could not manufacture anything this weird. Now when am I going to meet this Knock person?"
I looked behind Brian and Grant was materializing. He was standing there naked laughing, "Brian, if you turn around, you might be surprised at what you see."
Brian slowly turned around, he jumped off the bed, "How did you get in here and where are your clothes?"
"Brian, back off. This is Grant, and he floated in on the wind." I laughed.
Brian looked at me in disbelief but he extended his hand to Grant. Grant accepted it and shook it firmly. Brian turned back to me, "He sure is real alright." He turned back to Grant, "So you are the infamous Knock. I can hear Ben saying, `Knock it off, Knock.'"
Brian stood there for a short time, "Knock, please lie down on the bed beside Ben, and Ben shuck the briefs. I need to do a hands off inspection to check you guys out."
We did as he asked and Brian carefully walked around the bed checking us out. "Okay, turn over on your stomachs." We complied not knowing what to expect. Out of the blue, we heard, "I finally found something that differentiates the two of you other than your hair and eye colors and your facial features."
Grant sat up, "I'm not sure I want to hear this."
"Knock, it's not bad. You have a dimple on your left butt cheek and Ben has one on his right cheek." Brian started toward the bathroom door.
Grant spoke up, "Wait a minute, Mr. Inspector; we demand equal rights so drop the briefs."
Brian wasn't fazed and dropped his briefs.
I watched Grant. "Not bad for a young pup." He started to get out of bed, "Ben, I think we should do a hands on inspection."
Brian moved quickly to the door, "Some brother in law you are. Wait until I tell Dad and Mom about tonight. Goodnight, guys. Don't do anything that I would do. I'll check to see if you are still alive in the morning."
I turned out the light and pulled Knock close. He initiated a kiss and forced his tongue into my mouth. He pushed me on my back and our tongues were dueling away. He pulled away and started to give my body a bath with his tongue and lips. When he reached my nipples, I was writhing all over the bed. He proceeded to my hardened member. Before he could take much of me in his mouth, I flipped around so I could take care of his tool as well.
Neither of us could do the other's equipment justice since we were so big and we were novices, but that didn't deter us. My body started tingling and I tried to pull away but Grant held me close. Just as I began my release, I felt several blasts of warm liquid in my mouth and Grant's body was shaking.
We started to come down from our high and Grant pulled me into his arms. He started to kiss me, but then I felt a rush of cool air and it was as if he was in little pieces floating away.
Needless to say, I was filled with mixed emotions. My thoughts were traveling around my head so fast that I couldn't even categorize them. I was just about settling down when I heard a whisper, "Ben my partner, I love you."
I put my mind to work and sent a message back, "And I love you, my prince. I guess our powers are still limited. Goodnight."
Will B's Notes:
There's always something special about the first time. E. Walk has captured a beautiful moment. Will B.
Darryl's Notes: One thing for sure, E. Walk is one fine story teller. The people in his stories are very real and very much loved, no matter how unusual any one of them might be.
That about does it for another chapter. Let's check out the next one.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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