This is Ben.
I woke up at 6:00, took a shower and walked into Brian's room while I was drying my hair. When I shook him, he looked startled. "Get that monster away from me."
He climbed out of bed and followed me into to bathroom. "Chris was right, you do have nice buns." He reached out and pinched my butt and crawled into the shower.
I was thinking, 'Brian has struck again,' as I went down the steps to start scrambling some eggs and broiling some Canadian bacon. I was surprised when Mother and Dad arrived so early. I quickly added more eggs and bacon. Dad poured the juice and Mother was warming some bagels.
Brian came into the kitchen, "Are we in trouble, or what?"
Mother looked at Brian, "Your Dad told you last night that we were going to Kansas City today. I swear, you don't listen when we talk to you."
Brian wasn't about to be intimidated, "Yes, I heard Dad say he wasn't sure why you were going, because Zack and Mark are more critical than the two of you. I'm guessing that you two just want to get away from all of us and make some whoopee."
I thought Dad and Mother would jump out of their chairs.
Brian wasn't finished, "You two go have fun. I'm sure that Uncle Tip and Uncle Ty will take care of your needs. Just don't come back and announce that we are going to have a new brother or sister. We are getting way too old for that to happen."
Brian looked at me, "Come on, brother, we need to motor, if we are going to be on time for our shots."
We stopped at the Garrison house and Grant appeared. When we arrived at the clinic, we were met by Mr. Lasher, "Guys, I really don't enjoy having to come to work early. Do you suppose that you could make an appointment so us old men don't have to get up so early?"
We were laughing, Grant said, "Mr. Lasher, if we see any older men, we will ask them."
Uncle Tommy was standing there laughing. "Lash, you had better get the biggest and longest needle you have, to make sure the injections take effect."
Uncle Tommy looked at Brian's record, "Lash, please take Brian and give him a typhoid shot and a polio booster shot. It looks like it is overdue. I'll take the other two gentlemen and check them out, in the meantime."
Grant looked at Brian, "Are you sure that you don't need me to hold your hand while you get your shots?"
Brian wasn't about to be outdone. "No, I'll be fine. I won't be crying and squealing like you and Ben do, when you get your shots."
When we got to the exam room, Uncle Tommy had me get undressed first. He checked my anal area thoroughly. "Ben, you are already looking much better, but I would recommend that you refrain from anal sex for three or four more days. Now, here is the list of shots that you need. Give it to Lash and he'll take care of it."
Uncle Tommy checked Grant and started to laugh, "Grant, are you sure that Ben penetrated you?"
"Yes sir, he left a good sized deposit inside me. I suggested that I had been carved to be a bottom and he found that to be unacceptable. He said we had to have a 50/50 relationship, if it was to work."
Uncle Tommy smiled, "Grant, I agree with Ben. Now here is the list of shots you need. It is quite bit longer than Ben and Brian's. You may need to return several times to get them completed. Fortunately, you have time to spread them out."
As we were leaving the office, Grant stopped, "Doctor Wilson, Dad wants you to send him the bill. He will send you a check."
Lash looked up, "The only costs involved are for the serums we used. Doctor Wilson would never charge his nephews and nephew-in-law for an office visit."
When we arrived at the store, T.J. was there and Mr. Garrison was showing him how to take care of the books. We opened the store and Chris arrived. The two fourteen year olds were helping with customers while Grant and I were cleaning the shelves and restocking them.
It was about 11:00 when Mr. Garrison suggested, "Ben, why don't you take Grant and have him practice driving my car. We need for him to get his license as soon as possible. Here is some money so you can bring us some lunch. After lunch, I'll take Brian and Chris home and go buy some new clothes for our trip. I haven't bought any new clothes for several years."
We started to drive and it was apparent that Grant was beginning to feel comfortable behind the wheel. We even practiced parallel parking. On the way to the sandwich shop, I put my hand on Knock's shoulder, "Knock, I'm sure that you could pass the driving part of the driver's test; now we just need to get you ready for the written/computer part of the test."
When we returned to the shop, we took turns eating, between customers. After we finished, Mr. Garrison left with Brian and Chris.
This is T.J.
It seemed funny to be working in the store with Grant and Ben. I was surprised at how professional they were in the store. If I hadn't known better, I would have said they were just coworkers.
There was a lull between customers and we were standing around talking. Grant looked at me, "T.J., why do you go by your initials?"
"Grant, my name is Thomas Jeffrey Wilson. My Dad's name is Thomas and we were living with Granddad and Uncle Jeff. So everyone started to call me T.J. to avoid any confusion. When J.T. came to live with us, his name was Jeffrey Thomas. Yeah, our house is just like a bowl of alphabet soup."
We started to get busy again and were about to close the shop when Mr. Garrison returned, "Thanks guys, it was great having some time off during the week. Thanks for taking care of the shop for me."
I spoke up, "Mr. Garrison, I have the bank deposit already made and I will drop it off at the bank since it's on my way home." I turned to the two guys, "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't get into too much trouble tonight."
This is Grant.
Ben was sending me signals, "I'll pick you up about 8:00. I need to talk to Mother and Dad."
Dad and I stopped at the grocery store and bought some steaks to grill. As we were eating, Dad asked, "Grant, exactly how do you feel about Ben? Are you sure that you want to share the rest of your life with him?"
"Dad, I know that I feel like part of me is missing when I am not with Ben. When he is around, I have an entirely different feeling. Right now I feel empty. Dad, I don't know what love is supposed to feel like, but I want to be with Ben as much as possible and it doesn't have to be for sex."
Dad looked at me, "Grant, I think you have it bad. I just hope that Ben feels the same way."
This is Ben.
After we had eaten, I went into the den to talk to my Dad, "Dad, is it wrong for me to feel like I want to keep Grant away from everyone? I just want him to be totally mine."
Dad stood and really shook me with his answer, "Benjamin, that is one of the most selfish things that you have ever said. Grant needs to be able to form other relationships. The two of you are not going to be living in a vacuum, especially when you get to college. Both of you will be meeting some interesting people who might make you reevaluate how you feel toward each other."
I was surprised by Dad's answer, "Dad, what are you saying? After all, I am eighteen and I should know what I want by now."
Dad was undeterred, "Ben, just think about it; Grant has been a human being for only a week. He may well decide that he doesn't like you so much, after he meets other people. The only people he has really had a chance to get to know are family members and the few of your friends that were at the party last weekend.
Dad pulled me close, "Son, please let whatever happens between you and Grant progress normally. If you push too hard, you will drive him away. He will let you know how he feels. I guess the two of you have the ability to communicate subliminally, so let him call out to you."
I looked at Dad and hugged him. I went to my bedroom almost in tears. Brian knocked on my door, "Benji, may I please come in?"
"Not by the hair on my chinney chin chin." I yelled back.
Brian opened the door, "Since you don't have any hair on your chinney chin chin, I'm coming in. Now, get your tennis shorts on and we are going to pick up Knock and Chris and play some tennis. I have already called them and told them to be ready."
Brian stood there watching as I changed into my tennis shorts, "Ben, doesn't your dong feel uncomfortable being in that athletic supporter all day long?"
I turned to Brian, "Bri, it is a different feeling, but if I didn't wear it all day, when I am around Knock, I would be totally erect all day long."
Brian started to laugh, "Just think how much money Chris and I could make selling tickets to a peep show that featured the two of you. Gee, all we need is to build a wall and drill a few peep holes. Now come on, the court is reserved for eight o'clock."
We grabbed the tennis racquets and balls out of the closet and went to pick up the other two guys. When we arrived at the court, Knock announced, "You know, I have no idea what I am supposed to do."
Brian looked at him, "That's okay, we're novices. This is just to get us into shape and help us work the kinks out of our systems."
I whispered to Brian, "You had better watch out, or your penis is going to be hanging on the ground."
Brian flipped back, "I'm trying bro. I'll team up with Knock; then Chris, and you can be partners for our doubles match."
What Brian forgot to tell Grant was that he was the city singles champion and that he and Chris had won the youth doubles tournament.
We started playing and Knock was totally lost at first, but Brian was a very good teacher and was so patient that it didn't take Grant long to get the hang of the sport. By the third set, he had really caught on. He was serving, and he hit the ball so hard that it bounced on the court and flew over Chris' head. Chris threw his racquet on the court, "I quit. When I smell the paint from the court coming from the ball as it whizzes by, then I know it is time to quit."
Chris looked at me, "Benji, are you sure that Grant isn't an alien or something?"
Brian spoke up, "Let's split this dive. Why don't we head to the Dairy Queen? We will need to sit outside, since we smell. I'll even treat."
We stopped at the Dairy Queen and Brian and Chris went inside to order, without asking Grant or me what we might like. When they returned, they had four banana splits, fully loaded with all of the goodies. Knock looked at what he had been handed, "Something doesn't seem right here. First you work us to death on the tennis court and we lose ten pounds; now you are trying to put it back on us?"
Chris was giggling, "We just figured if we got you some gooey whipped cream, you could save your special cream for later."
I looked around to see if anyone was listening to our conversation, I quietly said, "Guys, I think you need to be more discreet in what you say in public."
Brian smacked his head, "I forgot that we're talking to the head of the Puritan Society. Ben, just cool it. If anyone had been listening to our conversation, which I doubt they were, they would have no idea what we were talking about."
After we finished our sundaes, I dropped Brian and Chris at our house and took Grant to his house. As we were entering the Garrison house, Mr. Garrison greeted us and we proceeded to Grant's bedroom. I pulled Grant close, "Knock, I so want to make love again, but I think perhaps we should wait until we have our meetings in Ithaca next week." I kissed him on the lips and left.
Tuesday was somewhat a repeat of Monday, only T.J. decided that he and his Dad, Uncle Tommy, would challenge us to a round of golf. Poor Knock.
As we were pulling into the parking lot, Grant shook his head sheepishly, "Gentlemen, I have no clue what we are going to do."
T.J. was so understanding, "Never fear, Grant, we don't really have a clue either. We'll give some hints as we go along. Here are Jeff's clubs. You and Grandpa Jack can take on the rest of us since he came along for the exercise."
Once everything had been explained to him, one time, he and Grandpa Jack became a team, working against the rest of us. Grandpa Jack would suggest which club Grant should use, and Grant seemed to make it work.
We were on the thirteenth tee and Grandpa Jack and Grant were conferring. Grant took the club that Grandpa Jack recommended; and guess what? He had a hole in one for an eagle.
T.J. threw his club in the air, "This isn't fair. I've been playing golf for ten years and have never had an eagle, let alone a hole in one. Grant is playing for his first time, and what does he do? Why he gets a hole in one, of course."
When I took Grant home, we said hello to Mr. Garrison and went to Grant's bedroom. I pulled him down on the bed and made my way to his penis. I took as much of it as I could in my mouth and started milking it as best as I could. He didn't last long and exploded so that I could hardly swallow all the nectar that he was delivering.
He looked at me, "Do I get to reciprocate tonight?"
I shook my head no, "Grant, please can we wait. I so want to make love with you. Maybe tomorrow, if people don't have plans for us."
I kissed him long and hard and my penis was responding. I pulled away, "Knock, I'll see you tomorrow at the store."
Editors: Note: I hardly had to do any editing with this chapter. I may have to file a grievance with the Society for the Prevention of Absolute Cruelty to Editors (SPACE). Then again, maybe I won't. Ed might not let me see the next chapter, and then whatever would I do? (Will B.)
Other Editor's note:
I wonder why Ben is not letting Grant help him relieve his tension. They are such a wonderful couple, that they should be sharing each other equally. I guess that time will tell, and we will just have to wait and see what happens.
There are still several chapters before we get to Ithaca, so please be patient. I'm afraid I was a bit premature with my comments about meeting Harley soon. There are still quite a few things that need to be taken care of before they leave. I am sending these chapters in five chapter blocks.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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