This is Ben.
Wednesday morning, I was awakened by someone blowing in my ear, "Good morning, Stud." Knock was sitting beside me on my bed without any clothes on. "I just buzzed over here to make sure you were up. I miss you when I am not close to you."
I sat up, and Knock disappeared before I could do anything. I showered and it was apparent that Brian was already up. When I got to the kitchen, Brian was already eating, "I was going to come in to wake you, but I heard Knock's voice so I thought I would just let the two of you play games. Your French toast is in the warmer."
After we did the cleanup, we went to the store. T.J., Chris and Brian worked with customers while Grant and I inventoried the shelves. Mr. Garrison was working on a puppet.
At noon, T.J. left to get sandwiches for us and returned with five Philly cheese-steak sandwiches. After lunch, Mr. Garrison left with Chris and Brian, "I won't be back today. You three gentleman can close the shop. I have some things I need to take care of."
It was about three o'clock when Timmy came in with two of his friends. "Ben, may we see Poker, please?"
I went and brought Poker to the front of the store.
Timmy started his raving, "See, doesn't Poker look just like Ben. Remember Pinochle, see Grant over there, doesn't he look like Pinochle did? Feel Poker's crotch, he feels like his pecker is almost as big as Pinochle's was."
T.J. was standing there listening to the conversation, trying to keep from laughing.
Timmy looked at me, "Ben, why don't you put Poker where people can see and touch him. People would stop and look at him and then want to touch him. While they are here, they would look around and maybe buy something. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I would like to buy that blue model railroad car that says mail car. I think my Dad made out the check for the correct amount."
I figured Timmy's bill and looked at the check, "Timmy, your check was for the correct amount. Do you really think that Poker would bring a lot more people to the store?"
"Yep, I'll bet you five bucks that if you put Poker where people can see and touch him, you will be much busier," Timmy said, as he picked up the bag with his model train car in it.
"Okay Mr. Tim, I accept your bet, and we will have Mr. Wilson be the referee. Let's shake on it."
Tim and I shook hands and he and his friends left.
As soon as Timmy and his friends were out of sight, T.J. and Grant started to laugh.
I looked at them, "T.J., you are responsible to see how business is affected by having Poker on prominent display, since Grant and I will be gone for three days." I took Poker and hung him so people passing by could see him.
There was a rush of customers just before closing. We were finally able to close the shop. T.J. took the bank deposit and I drove Knock home, "I'll be back about seven, and we will cram for your driver's test."
When I got home, Dad and Mother were there. I was surprised, "I thought you weren't coming home until Friday."
Dad answered, "Zack and Mark did all the work and we just watched. When they go to a job site, they take turns acting like good guy/bad guy. They get the clients so rattled that they provide Mark and Zack with all the information they need to help the companies become more profitable. I guess now that they have been together for nearly twenty years, they can each pretty much tell what the other is thinking, just like your Mother and me."
Brian had been standing in the doorway listening, "So how were Uncle Tip and Uncle Ty?"
"They both were so busy that we hardly saw them, except for late dinners. They are going to be grandfathers again. Billy and his wife are expecting their first child. We didn't get to see Ty's two daughters and their families. Bobby and Randy are doing great."
"So what's been happening here?" Mother looked concerned.
Brian hit his wrists and held out the palms of his hands, "It's been very quiet. No one extra was in the house, well almost no one. Grandma Gleason stopped by last night to check on us. Oh yeah, Knock popped over this morning to make sure that Lover Boy here was up."
Dad laughed, "And where are the two girls?"
"Oh Grandma G. gave them permission to spend the week with the Olivers and their daughters at their cabin in Wisconsin." Brian answered.
Mother shook her head, "I'm sure glad nothing happened. Beau, let's take the guys and eat at the new restaurant over on State Street. I don't feel like cooking. I'll go freshen up and I will be ready in fifteen minutes."
During dinner, I told everyone of my encounter with Timmy.
Brian couldn't stop laughing, "I'll make up a tally sheet to check on how many touches Poker gets. One side will be for males and the other for females. I'll bet you ten bucks that the female side wins."
That broke us up again and people were starting to stare at us. I stood, "Thanks for dinner. Grant and I are going to be doing a cram course on the driver's training manual, so he can get his driver's license before we go to New York."
Brian excused himself, "Ben, would you please drop me off at Chris' house? We are going to mow Mr. Daniels' yard for him and then meet some friends at the DQ. Don't worry, Mother and Dad, I'll be home before the sun comes up, which is more than I can say for some people."
I dropped Brian off and when I arrived at the Garrison house, Grant was waiting for me. He had been studying his driver's manual. Mr. Garrison was watching a talk show on PBS in the kitchen and working on another puppet.
"Mr. Garrison, Grant and I will be in the living room, studying for the written part of his driver's test."
Grant answered every question I could think of, correctly. I thought to myself, "I am really going to need to apply myself if I am going to be able to compete in college with Knock."
I looked at the clock. We had been working for an hour. "Let's go get some dessert. Let's see if your Dad would like anything."
Grant and I walked into the kitchen where Mr. Garrison was still carving. "Dad, we're going to get some dessert. Would you like us to bring you anything?"
"Guys, I really feel like a Jamocha shake from Arby's if it wouldn't be too inconvenient."
I smiled, "Mr. Garrison, we'll be back shortly."
We stopped at Arby's and got his shake and went to the Dairy Queen. We were reading the menu board. I ordered, "I'd like a hot fudge sundae to go please."
Grant shrugged his shoulders, "I think I will have the same thing."
Someone was tapping us on the shoulders, Chris started, "What's the matter? Didn't you get enough cream yesterday?"
Brian and Chris were standing there laughing. Chris threw down a $20.00, "My treat guys."
I turned to them, "I'm so going to get even with you two guys."
Chris pouted, "After you eat that sundae, you are going to look even more like one of the balloons in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, especially certain parts in the central portion of your body."
Grant looked at me funny and told me later that my face had turned bright red. We took our sundaes back to the Garrison's house and were sitting at the kitchen table with Mr. Garrison.
"Mr. Garrison, I think Grant is ready to take his driver's test. Why don't you take him first thing in the morning? T.J. and I will be able to take care of things, and besides, Chris and Brian will be there to help us. They are really feeling good about themselves, since they are making some money. I think T.J. is also enjoying this experience."
Grant walked me to the door, "I'll be over later and don't bother to put on any clothes. I want to gain quick access to the cream that is due me."
I walked in the house and it was as if Dad and Mother were ready to pounce. Dad started, "Ben, ask Mr. Garrison and Grant to be here for dinner tomorrow night. We have a proposition we would like to present to him."
I was more than a little confused and concerned, "Dad and Mother, I have no idea what you have on your minds. I'm beginning to think that I am a part of a three ring circus. Everyone is treating Grant and me like we are trained dogs."
Mother stood and I knew I was in for it. "Benjamin, we are only trying to look out for your best interests. We appreciate that you might be confused by everything that has been, and is happening, but please trust us."
Brian was standing, listening, "Yeah, Benji, listen to us for a change. We love you and don't want you to get hurt."
My parents both swung around, Dad said in a voice we rarely hear, "Brian, get your butt in here, and I mean now!"
Brian timidly came in and sat down.
Dad lightened up a little, but he was still very stern, "Guys, things have been happening at warp speed. I am so afraid that someone is going to get hurt. Brian, we would ask that you stay out of Ben and Grant's affairs. What they do when no one else is around is their business and other people shouldn't interfere."
Dad took a deep breath and hesitated like he was searching for the right words, "Guys, your Mother and I are thinking about buying the toy shop from Mr. Garrison. We can always use it as a tax write off, if it's not successful. We were thinking that we might get your Grandfather Ben and Grandfather Josh to manage it. They need something to do, now that they are retired from their practices, to keep their mind occupied. Besides, they would have lots of help between Brian, Chris, J.T. and Andy, so they wouldn't have to work too hard."
Brian interrupted, "Dad, during the school year, the four of us wouldn't be available to work more than a few hours a week."
"We understand that, Brian. We were thinking that we could get some retired people to help your granddads while you were in school. They might like to earn a little extra money to do some fun things. Besides they would probably have fun with their friends and taking care of the people who visit the shop. We will only get involved if they ask for our help."
Mother took over, "Guys, we won't starve. We will still own the consulting business and we are looking at other business opportunities. Besides, we are getting too old to be running all over the countryside. Grandma Gleason shouldn't be expected to keep looking out for you children."
Dad added, "When the three of you get back from London, we are going to be going to the nude dude ranch. Dylan and Carole Anne will be there. Clay told me to tell you that you could each bring a friend."
Mother then spoke, "We told Clay that Brian would probably be bringing Chris, and that Ben would be bringing Grant. We told him that we would let him know who the girls will be bringing."
Brian regained his cockiness, "Sorry, I can't go. I have an appointment with my podiatrist and Ben has an appointment with his obstetrician. Now, are we going to have time to repack, before we go to the ranch or should we start packing for both trips now?"
Mother shook her head, "Brian, you have a week to worry about that. I'm more concerned about Ben and Grant. They are going to be traveling for the next four weeks. On Sunday, we are leaving for Ithaca and we won't be home until late Wednesday evening."
"On Saturday morning, you have your flight to London and you won't return until the next Sunday, early in the morning. We will be leaving, as soon as you return home, for the nude dude ranch. Almost as soon as the guys get home from the ranch, they will need to go back to Ithaca to start school and you will be starting school too."
Brian stood up, "I hope that you scheduled times for us to have bathroom breaks. Dad and Mother, we love you, but you need to slow down. I mean, you are not 21 anymore and not even 31, for that matter. We need for you to take a cruise around the world."
I couldn't help but laugh, "Brian, back off. I agree that Dad and Mother need a long vacation; but who is going to be in control, if I am in Ithaca and they are in Beijing?"
Brian didn't even need to stop to think, "Why, me, of course. I'm my own best watch dog."
By now, even Dad and Mother were laughing.
I stood, "Please excuse me, I need to go to bed."
Brian piped up, "So what time is Knock coming to visit?"
I ignored his comment, went to my room and took a shower. I was anticipating Knock's arrival.
Editor's Comment: As the old song says, Ben screams, Knock screams, they both scream for some nice cream! Yum, yum! The author, bless him, he always stops just when it is about to get interesting. Guess I'll have to wait for the next chapter. Will B.
Other Editor's Comment: I have a lot of fun writing these notes. You would be amazed if you could see all the thoughts that flutter by me as I sit here thinking of what to write, in response to a chapter.
It looks to me as if Grant is going to get his driver's license pretty soon, and in fact, he will be able to drive on the trip to New York. That is quite a long drive, and it would be a nice idea if more than one person is able to do some of the driving.
I know there is still a lot of preparation that has to be taken care of, before they can leave on the various trips.
Once again, I think I should point out that several of the people who have been mentioned in this story have appeared in other stories by E Walk. I suggest that you take the time to read the other stories as well. That is not to say that you won't be able to enjoy this story without having read the others, but the other stories can fill you in on what some of the people who are putting in minor appearances here, or are simply mentioned, are like. They each play significant parts in one or more of the other stories.
Okay, I am off and running again, so that I can get another chapter or two edited tonight.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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