I was lying on my bed, reading a story that I had printed off the Tickie website. It was about these seven guys who were singing that national anthem at a Baltimore Oriole Game. It was written by some person called Will B.
I had read about half of the chapter, when I felt Knock arrive. He didn't waste any time; he started to torture me with his tongue, teeth and lips. He had me so excited that I couldn't stop wiggling. He had my entire body tingling. When he started to lick up and down my penis, it was like bolts of electricity were running up and down my shaft.
Knock put his mouth over the head and started his descent. He tried to take too much into his mouth and started to gag. He pulled back and started to work up and down and encircled the base of my penis with his fingers and synchronized an up and down movement with what his mouth was doing at the top. What an awesome feeling. I couldn't hold back any longer, and I exploded. Knock had fluid dripping from his mouth.
I was beginning to get extremely sensitive and I tried to pull away. Grant moved up and kissed me and I could taste what he had taken from me.
He whispered, "I have to go now. I'll see you after my driver's test tomorrow."
I didn't even finish the story. I just turned off the light and luxuriated in my feelings for Grant.
The next thing I remember was being awakened by someone talking, "Wake up Benji. I gather you and Grant must have a good time last night, from the looks of things. Ben, you need to print more of these stories before you leave for Ithaca, on Sunday. I'll have to try to get Dad to take the blocks off of my computer when you go to college, so I can print my own reading material."
I went to take my shower while Brian was sitting in my chair reading the story I had started last night. When I came out of the bathroom, he handed the story to me, "Don't worry, I didn't lose you place. You might know it would be a neat guy like me that got the other guy to come down off of the wall; but I wanted to know what the boy did, that was such a sin."
Brian started for the door, "I'll start the waffles."
Brian and I were already eating, when Dad walked into the kitchen in his bathrobe, "Guys, tell Mr. Garrison that your Mother and I would like to meet with him about 11:00 this morning. If he has a conflict, give us a call. We realized late last night that we have to be elsewhere tonight and won't be home for dinner, so you guys will just have to fend for yourselves. I'll leave some money before we leave for the Tillison Foundation Meeting which is a dinner meeting at the club."
Brian and I cleaned up the dishes and left for the store. We entered by way of the back door and T.J. was already there with Chris. We had just opened for business when Timmy entered the store. He stood there and put his hands on his hips, Ben, Poker looks like he is being hanged. Chris, let's you and me fix him right."
Timmy looked around, "Ben, bring that blue chair, please. Mr. Wilson, could you get us a couple comic books, please?"
Timmy put Poker in the chair and positioned one of his legs over the arm so that people have an unobstructed view of his pelvic area and would be able to touch Poker easily. He made it seem as if Poker was reading a comic book.
He even had me go outside and look at the display window with him to see how it looked from the street. "Ben, could you please take some of the other things out of the window, so that people will pay attention only to Poker?"
Chris and I rearranged the display windows until Timmy was satisfied. Timmy hugged us, "Thanks, Poker looks great now."
Brian interrupted, "Timmy, I made a tally sheet so we can record how many times Poker gets touched. We put girls and women on this side and boys and men on this side."
Timmy looked at what Brian had done, "I'm thinking that the two sides will be fairly close in numbers."
Timmy started looking at the model train display, "Brian, how much is that circus car? I have never noticed it before?"
Brian checked the price and showed it to Timmy. Timmy asked, "Would you put that car away and hold it for me? I'll go home and get my birthday money and be back this afternoon."
Brian put the car in a bag and wrote Timmy's name on it and put it on the hold shelf. Timmy was satisfied and started to leave, but he stopped to touch Poker on his way out of the store.
This is Grant.
Dad and I went to the Court House and then went to the Driver's Testing area. It was shortly after 8:30 when we arrived. Dad went in with me when I checked in. When he found out that there was nothing he needed to do, he went and sat down in the waiting room and started reading the newspaper.
The young lady gave me an eye test, which I passed, and then she had me take a computerized test. When I finished the test, I did as I was told and the young lady returned and told me that I had answered all of the questions correctly. She looked at me, "If you will go into the waiting room, one of our officers will take you for the road test."
I went into the waiting room and the seats on either side of Dad were occupied, so I took an empty seat across from Dad. I guess my legs were bouncing up and down. Dad looked at me, "Grant, relax; you'll do just fine."
It wasn't long before a good looking state patrolman came over, carrying a folder, "Mr. Grant Garrison."
I stood and he put out his hand, "I'm Bart Ramsey. I will be accompanying you on your road test."
I shook his hand and showed him to Dad's car. When we were strapped in, he told me what I was to do. We wound up back in the parking lot where we started, after the road test was completed. He was staring at my penis, "Grant, are you as well endowed as you appear to be?"
"Sir, is this part of the examination?" I was getting rattled.
Bart started to laugh, "I don't think so. The reason I asked is that I have been administering road tests for more than four years, and you certainly fill every inch of your trousers better than anyone else that I have ever tested. I wish my partner could see what you are packing. You would probably make me look like a miniature and most men would love to have what I am carrying around."
I didn't know what to say, "Is your partner a state patrolman too?"
Bart smiled, "Nope, he's a urologist. That's why I would like for him to see you. I hope you know how to use that instrument. It could do some major damage."
For some reason I was beginning to like this Bart person. He was so open, "My partner and I have already found that out. My partner is almost identical in size physically, and we are equally well endowed but that is where the similarities stop."
Bart started to get out of the car, "Grant, we need to get back inside. We have already been gone far too long."
We were going in the door and Dad was waiting, "Well, how did it go,son?"
Bart stopped, "Gregg, is Grant your son?"
Bart looked confused, "Gregg, I didn't realize that you had been married."
Dad laughed, "It's a long story. Maybe you and Lance would like to stop over tonight and the guys can explain everything."
I'll give you a call after I talk with Lance. Grant, we need to get your picture taken and you will be out of here."
Bart took me to another office, "Peggy, Grant is ready for his picture to be taken. I'll sign the forms while you take the picture."
Peggy directed me to a backdrop, "Smile Mr. Garrison."
She took my picture, "I'll say this, Mr. Garrison, you are going to be making a lot of women's heads turn with that smile."
As Bart was leaving, he shook my hand, "Nice meeting you, Grant." He leaned closer and whispered, "I'm guessing that you will be making a lot of men's heads swivel around too."
Peggy finished the basic license and directed me to the laminating area. I got my license and Dad and I started to leave. "Dad, I need to go home and change my trousers. I'll tell you why on our way to the house."
When we finally got to the store, it was busy. Dad and I started to wait on customers. It was just eleven o'clock when the store emptied out. Brian looked at Dad, "Mr. Garrison, Mother and Dad would like to visit with you. They should be here shortly."
This is Gregg.
Why would Beau and Becca want to meet with me? The plans have already been made for the trip to Ithaca. I hope it has nothing to do with Grant and Ben.
Beau and Becca walked in, "Good morning, everyone. How did the driver's test go, Grant?"
"Fine, Mr. Benson, I'm legal to drive now."
Becca was looking around, "Interesting window display." She stopped and looked at Poker and then turned to look at Ben. "I'll say this Gregg; you certainly are a very good artist. Poker sure does resemble Ben."
I started to laugh, "Thanks to Timmy I had no choice but to use Ben as my model."
Beau was looking around, "Gregg, we're going to take you to lunch. The guys can fend for themselves. Ben, here's some money to feed this starving group of young men. Make sure that you kick Chris and Brian out after lunch. Mr. Garrison may not be back this afternoon."
Ben looked at his Dad, "That's okay; we're used to this kind of treatment. You just don't want us to have any fun."
Beau turned to me, "Gregg, we'll be your chauffeurs this afternoon. Grant can take your car home when the guys close the shop this afternoon."
I was still confused as to what Beau and Becca had on their minds. We went to Beau's van and Becca crawled into the back, so I was sitting in the front with Beau. Becca spoke first, "Gregg, would it be possible for us to look at your house before we eat?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know why not. It is not very neat or clean. When you live alone for as long I did, one tends to get a little nonchalant about how neat things are."
We stopped at the house and I was beginning to get a little nervous, since both Beau and Becca were making notes. I just left them to look around on their own. I was not going to try to hide anything. They would realize if I were to try to do that. They finished looking around and we went to a small restaurant which I never knew existed. It was very quaint and was located in a house not far from where I lived.
We had a relaxing lunch where we visited about the boys and the trip, and things in general. I still had no idea what Beau and Becca had on their minds. Beau paid the tab and he drove us back to his office. Beau got me settled in the waiting room with a glass of iced tea, "Becca and I need to confer for several minutes, but we shouldn't be too long. The morning paper is on the side table and you are free to look around."
I sat there, thinking, "I have no idea what this is about so I will just roll with whatever punches Beau and Becca throw at me."
It wasn't long before Becca came out and asked me to join them in the small conference room.
Beau was prepared. He handed me a pad and a pen, "Gregg, we have several proposals for you. First, we would like to offer you $147,000.00 for your house as is, except for your and Grant's personal belongings and treasures. That would save you the cost of shipping the furniture and things to New York. We would probably use the property for a rental property at first and look toward selling later when the market is right."
"Second, we will offer you $275,000.00 for the store, to include the property and the inventory. That way, you will have some additional capital to start your new life in Ithaca. I hope you will pardon me; but I took the liberty of checking on your financial well being. I would suggest that you not use your sizeable savings and investments, because you are not getting any younger. You could use it as collateral for a loan, if you find something that would interest you in Ithaca."
"Beau, I have never tried to hide my financial position. I told Grant the other night that I could afford to put him through Cornell or any other university for that matter and we would be fine. I thank you for your generous offers, but I would like some time to think about the proposals."
I guess I must have had tears in my eyes, I sighed, "I finally got a son and would like to be near him at least for a short time. I know that I won't be able to be around him all of the time, but he is the only family I have. You will still have your wild son Brian and your two lovely daughters after Ben leaves for college. You have had him for eighteen years and I have only had Grant for less than two weeks."
"Beau and Becca, you have done a wonderful job raising your children. Ben and Brian are as different as day and night, but I think they would give their lives to protect each other."
"Now if you would take me home, I would appreciate it. I need some time to think, before Grant gets home."
This is Beau.
Becca took Greg to his house and I stayed to take care of some things before our trip to Ithaca and Cornell next week. I called the President's Office and his secretary answered. "How may I help you?"
"Ma'am this is Beau Benson. I want to make sure that President Skorton will be available to see us on Monday morning at 9:00."
"Mr. Benson, he has the time from 9:00 until 10:00 reserved for you. He has even asked, Mr. Meinig, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees to be in attendance, along with some of the key staff people. I don't know who you are, but you must be very important, to merit this much attention."
I laughed, "Ma'am, I'm just a nobody from Fremont, Nebraska. I guess I will see you Monday morning. There will be six people in my party."
I made several other calls to the University to make sure that everything was set for Tuesday and Wednesday."
I made one last call to Ithaca. I waited, and someone finally answered. "Hey Harley, this is Beau. I think everything is set for our visit. We should be arriving at the terminal at approximately seven. ... Are you sure that you don't mind Gregg staying with you? ... Everything is set for our meeting with the hierarchy at Cornell at 9:00 on Monday morning."
"Harley, we are just plain old people from the Midwest. We aren't hard to please. ... Okay, see you Sunday evening."
This is Ben.
I went to get lunch for us, and after we had eaten, I took Brian and Chris home. When I returned to the shop, both T.J. and Knock were busy with customers. Timmy walked in and touched Poker, "Hi Ben, here's the money for the circus car."
I went to get his package and he was checking the tally sheet, I guess I was correct. It is almost even between the boys and girls sides."
I gave him his change, and he stopped and fixed Poker before he left.
I was helping a young father find a birthday present for his young son. An older lady came in and T.J. went to help her, "Ma'am, how may I help you?"
"Young man, that window display is indecent. Look at the way that doll is sitting there exposing his private parts for everyone to see."
T.J. was shaking his head as if trying to clear the cobwebs, "Ma'am that is a puppet and he was carved out of wood and painted. How could he possibly be exposing his private parts?"
Grant and I were watching. T.J. and the lady went over to the display and the lady began to touch Poker all over. She stopped and looked at me, "This puppet looks an awful lot like that young man behind the counter."
T.J. called me, "Ben this young lady would like to talk to you."
I walked over to the lady and T.J., "Good afternoon, ma'am, how may I help you?"
The lady was looking at me very carefully and then at Poker, "Young man, why does this puppet look so much like you?"
I took a deep breath, "Ma'am, when Mr. Garrison was painting Poker, there was a young man here practically dictating how the puppet should be painted. His name is Timmy. He is also the same person who made the window display."
The lady got a funny look on her face, "Timmy wouldn't just happen to be 11 and be into trains, would he?"
"Yes ma'am, he was in today to check on Poker and he bought a new car for his model train set with his birthday money."
The lady laughed, "My name is Kate Hunter, and I'm guessing that the Timmy we have been talking about is one of my grandchildren. He came home one day the other week, very upset that Pinochle was gone."
She started to look around, "Ben, why don't you give me ten $50.00 gift certificates? That way I can take care of the next ten grandchildren's birthdays."
I wrote out the gift certificates and took Mrs. Hunter's check to register the sale. As Mrs. Hunter was leaving, she said, "I will need to commend my grandson on his discerning eye."
T.J. decided that we should close the shop. Grant and I locked up while T.J. made out the bank deposit. We left individually, since we each had a vehicle. When I arrived at the house, Brian was waiting, "Dad and Mother have gone to the Foundation Meeting and Dad left money so we could go out to dinner. Let's go to La Fonda so I can get a tacorita.
Before we could leave the house, the phone started to ring. Brian answered, "Oh hi Mr. Garrison, let me put Benji on."
I took the phone, "Is there a problem Mr. Garrison? ... Okay, sir, I'll be at your house as soon as Brian and I get something to eat and I have secured him to his bed."
Mr. Garrison was laughing as he hung up.
Brian and I were driving to the restaurant, "Brian, I wonder why Mr. Garrison wants me to come over after we eat, and why are Dad and Mother at another Foundation meeting? They just had one two or three weeks ago and they usually only meet once every two months."
Editor's Comments: Ben certainly has excellent taste in reading matter. I wonder if Officer Bart and his partner will turn out to be a pistol of a policeman and a dashing doctor, and just who will be calling the shots. Will B.
Other Editor's Comments: Will, it seems logical to me that the Doctor would be calling the shots. Of course, policemen dispense different kinds of shots, as do bartenders, not to mention hockey and basketball players. I had better stop before someone gets hurt.
As you can easily tell, it isn't time for people to be leaving yet. These people remind me of me, when it comes to getting ready for a trip. Let's hope they remember everything they need to take with them.
We know for sure now, that Grant is able to drive and easily passed his driver's test.
Let's get going and head to the next chapter.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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