This is Ben.
Brian and I had our Mexican dinners and I dropped him off at Uncle Jason and Chris' house. When I got to the Garrison's house, there were two men in their thirties sitting with Grant and his Father.
Grant stood and made the introductions, "Ben, this is the state trooper who took me on my road test, Officer Bart Ramsey and his partner, Doctor Lance Givens."
I shook hands with the two visitors, "I know Doctor Givens; he does consulting work with Grandpa Jack and Uncle Tommy. Gentlemen, I am the oldest son of Beau and Becca Benson."
Bart didn't waste any time, "Grant and Ben, I would like for Lance to examine you to make sure that there isn't anything wrong with your well endowed packages."
I was a little miffed, "Gentlemen, Grandpa Jack and Uncle Tommy have already examined us and they found nothing wrong, other than that we were over endowed."
Dr. Givens was not abashed, "I have all of the respect in the world for the two Doctor Wilsons. If what Bart has told me is true, there might indeed be a problem."
Mr. Garrison looked at Grant and me, "Guys, just let Lance check you out to make sure. Let's go into the den and I'll close the blinds."
We went into the den and Doctor Givens asked us to drop our trousers. Grant and I did so and we were standing there in our briefs.
Doctor Givens asked, "Guys, would you please just get naked from the waist down to save us some time?"
Grant and I shed our briefs and supporters. Doctor Givens and Officer Ramsey both gasped.
Doctor Givens recovered and asked, "Guys, is there any way you can come to my office at noon tomorrow? I really think I need to check you thoroughly to make sure that you will be okay. I would like to visit with Doctor Jack and Doctor Tommy before you arrive, so I know the results of what they have already tested. I'll say this for you two young men, your weapons look extremely lethal to me."
Mr. Garrison spoke up, "I'll make sure they are there, Lance."
Grant and I walked the two visitors to the door. After they departed, I sighed, "I'm going home. I'm exhausted."
Grant escorted me to the door. Before I could open the door, he pulled me close and hugged me, "Ben, I think Dad wants to talk. I will wake you in the morning. I love you."
I held Grant, "Grant, I hope you mean that. I know I love you."
I went home and took a quick shower, put on some pajama bottoms and went down to get a glass of milk and a cookie.
It's me, Grant.
After Ben left, I went and sat down beside Dad, "Dad, I have the feeling that you would like to talk about something. Please tell me what it is. I hope it isn't about me and Ben."
Dad sat up, "Grant, it is about you and Ben, indirectly. How would you feel if I moved to Ithaca, so I could be close to you? I finally have a son, and now you are going to be moving half way across the country. Son, you are the only family I have."
I moved closer to Dad, "Dad, why would we mind if you lived near us. We will probably need your help. Ben's parents have so many things going, and they have their other three children to take care of. We are going to be living on campus for the first year, according to Ben. If you live there, we can get away for the weekends, and Ben could maybe keep his car where you are living so we could take weekend trips, since freshmen aren't permitted to have cars on campus."
Dad held up his hand, "Grant, Beau and Becca have made two generous offers. They have offered to buy the house and the business. I have lived in Fremont for thirty plus years. It is going to be difficult to leave."
"Dad, who do you have here that you can't write to, or call? Is the reason that you're afraid to leave because of your former partner? Do you think he would want you to spend your life here, in a lonely world?"
"Dad, look at it this way, if your partner had survived and you hadn't, what would you have wanted him to do? Would you want him to sit here and be lonely for the rest of his life, or would you want Dad Jerry to make new friends and be happy? Dad Jerry will meet you in heaven."
Dad started to get tears in eyes and I held him, "Dad, it's time to start the rest of your life. You are still a young man, and there must be someone out there waiting to meet you."
Dad stood up, "Grant, I'm the father figure in this house. I'll tell Beau and Becca that I accept their offers, on the condition that you don't treat me like a little boy any more."
I stood and held Dad, "Dad, Ben and I are probably going to need you more than you realize, when we get to Ithaca. Everything is going to be very new to us, and Ben has always had his parents to protect him."
Dad and I locked up and went up the steps to go to bed. I wonder what Ben is doing.
This is Ben.
I was sitting in the living room watching a baseball game when Mother and Dad walked in. "That certainly was a long foundation meeting. Something big must be happening to have two meetings within a month."
Dad bristled, "Ben, back off. We had some very important things to take care of, but everything worked out just fine. Your mother and I are going to bed. Is everyone accounted for?"
"Brian is in his room, trying to figure out how to take blocks off his computer; the girls are still with the Olivers and I am here; and no, Grant isn't planning to visit tonight. He and his Dad needed to talk about some things."
Dad was about to say something, but I beat him to the punch, "I'm going to bed."
I had just gotten into bed when there was a knock on my door. I asked the person to come in. Dad came in. "Ben, can we talk?"
"Of course, Dad."
Dad started, "I apologize for being so curt with you downstairs. I am still a little upset with some of the board members of the foundation."
"Does it have anything to do with me?"
"No son, my proposal concerning you sailed through without any opposition. There are several of the foundation members who think we should pull back from the scholarship fund for your Uncle Jeff."
"Dad, those people could not have known Uncle Jeff very well. If they didn't, why are they on the Foundation Board?"
"We made a big mistake when we enlarged the board. We voted tonight to cut back to seven members again. The two troublemakers will be gone after the next meeting."
Dad did something he almost never did. He put his arms around me and hugged me, "Ben, your Mother and I are both very proud of you. Please, just be the same person you are today for the rest of your life. Son, I love you."
Dad left and I started to cry. It had been a long time since Dad had said that, and he had said it in such a way that I knew he truly meant it.
I was lying there wondering what was going on when the bathroom door opened. "Ben, what's wrong with Dad? He stopped in and told me he was proud of me and that he and Mother loved me. Is someone ill?"
Brian stood there, "Ben, may I please sleep with you tonight? You are soon going to be leaving. If Knock arrives, I'll leave."
Brian crawled into bed with me, "Okay, Brian, what's going on?"
"Ben, when Dad hugged and kissed me tonight, I realized it was okay to let other people touch and hug you. I know you think I'm a turkey, but Ben, I do love and respect you, even though I don't wish to share the same life style that you have chosen. What works for you doesn't work for me."
Brian reached up and kissed me on the lips, "Ben, just hold me, please."
I woke up the next morning and Brian was gone. I decided to go run. It had been some time since I had run in the morning. I met Brian on the steps, "I'm going for a short run. Would you like to join me?"
The two of us ran around the small pond in the park near the house. When we got back to the house, Grant was standing there, "Well, it's about time. Where have the two of you been?"
Brian was not about to be intimidated, "We went to a brothel to get Benji in shape for college life when he meets all of the broads who want to take advantage of his body. I guess I had better take you tonight so you will be ready for Ithaca."
Brian dashed into the house. Knock looked at me, "Go get ready for the day. You and I are going to be manning the store until we have to go meet with Dr. Givens. Dad has to meet with your parents."
Grant watched as I took a shower and got dressed, "I think I am going to need a lot of cream tonight."
Grant and I went down stairs and we sat with Brian and had breakfast. We left for the store, and good grief were we busy. We were not used to the two of us working alone. It was about 11:30 when Mr. Garrison came in with T.J.
He handed Grant and me each an envelope, "Here's your pay for the past two weeks. Ben, would you give Brian and Chris their checks. I'll see you when you get back from Dr. Givens' office. We will be closing early today because of the parade."
Grant and I left for Dr. Givens' office. When we walked in, Officer Ramsey was sitting at the reception desk, "Just a minute, gentlemen, I'll tell the Doctor that you are here."
Bart left and returned, "We'll see you now."
Grant started to laugh, "What do you mean, we will see you now?"
"You think I'm going to let you in the same room as my partner without me? You two would probably make him do things he has never done before. Now get your butts in here and get those ridiculous briefs and supporters off."
"You need to go to the bathroom in these cups. I have put your name on them so don't mix them up. If you insist on being in separate exam rooms, Ben, you can go into room number one; and Grant, you can go into room number two. I'll be in to check your vitals."
I looked at him, "Mr. Ramsey, if you are a state patrolman, then why are you taking our vitals?"
"Good question. I was a nurse, and decided that I couldn't stand to be around my lover all day, so I took up a new profession. Now I can be with my partner whenever I want and people won't talk so much."
Grant said, "Mr. Ramsey, that makes no sense at all. Why couldn't you control your hormones for eight hours a day?"
"Grant, just think if you had to look at meat like yours and Ben's all day long, what would you do?"
"Probably nothing, unless it was Ben's."
Bart was laughing, "Then you have more will power than I have."
Dr. Givens came into the room, "I'll start with Ben first." He examined me thoroughly and then started on Grant.
When he finished, "Guys, everything seems normal. I know that the Wilson's have already done a blood and urine test on both of you, but I want to do several more tests. Bart will be drawing a sample of your blood. Then I would like for you to deposit a sample of your sperm in these cups. Your name is on the cups, so you can do it however you want and then you are free to go. We will let you know if there is a problem. We probably won't have the test results until you get back from Ithaca."
Dr. Givens and Bart left and I started to masturbate Grant and he did likewise to me and we both deposited a nice load into the cups and put them on the ledge as directed. We were walking out and I asked, "Bart, how much do we owe you for the visit today?"
Dr. Givens came around the corner, "Nothing, guys; this one is on me. I'll talk with you when you get back from Ithaca."
When we got to the car, Grant looked at me, "Ben, I hope you saved some cream for me tonight."
I started to laugh, "I guess we had better stop by the Dairy Queen and replenish our supplies of cream and get some sandwiches for lunch."
We stopped and got four sandwiches since we didn't know if Mr. Garrison and T.J. had eaten. We figured we could always eat them later if they had. We also got four chocolate milk shakes. It was a good thing we did, because Mr. Garrison and T.J. had not eaten.
This is Grant.
After Dad finished eating, he looked outside and saw that the streets were filling up for the Fremont Days parade, "I guess we should go ahead and close. No one will be coming in now."
Boy was he wrong. The four of us were so busy that we couldn't even go to the bathroom. We finally closed after the parade was over about 4:00. Dad and T.J. were making out the deposit and Dad announced, "I think this has been the busiest week since I opened the store."
We were just getting ready to leave the store when the phone rang. Dad picked up, "This Gregg Garrison speaking....Oh hi, Becca....Just a minute, Beau and Becca have asked us to a barbeque. Tommy and Jack are going to be there too. We are to be there at 5:30."
Dad told Ben's mother, "We'll be there. See you shortly."
"I'll go with Dad, I'll go home and change and get my swimming suit. We'll see you shortly."
This is Ben.
Why are my parents having a party on a Saturday night? Usually they have a date on Saturday nights. Something must be up.
Will B's Notes: This is another chapter about two loving families. Reading these chapters just warms the cockles of my heart - or do I mean the heartles of my cock? Oh whatever. I hope the two partners - the physician and patrolman will show up in future chapters. Will Gregg meet someone in Ithaca? Will B. (the humble, self-effacing, shy, retiring editor who seldom has much to say!)
Darryl's Notes: As I am sure you have already noticed, I don't usually have much to say either. Oh dear I am beginning to feel strange in a certain pert of my body. I had better be careful, hadn't I? Seeing as there are going to be a lot of chapters in this story, I decided that I am not going to go hog wild on my rants. I figured that the important thing is the story and therefore, that is what I will concentrate on. I certainly hope you are enjoying it so far and that you will continue to do so. Let's go read the next chapter.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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