Brian and Chris were acting like the hosts when I got home. I handed them their checks and they didn't even look at them. They stuck them into their pockets and started to give me a difficult time about being overdressed.
I pulled Brian aside, "Brian, what's this party for? It's not anybody's birthday?"
Brian put up his hands, "Ben, it beats me. Just look who is here and it gets even weirder. Now go get your swim suit on. The food is scheduled to arrive in an hour."
I went to my room and put on my swim suit. When I returned to the pool area, T.J. and Andy were already swimming. When they saw me, they climbed out, "Where is the infamous Knock who everyone is talking about?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess Grant and his father are running a little late."
I dove into the pool to avoid any further questions. The Garrisons arrived and Grant shed his clothes, except for his swim suit. He dove into the pool and surfaced next to where I was standing.
We were immediately surrounded by T.J., J.T., Andy, Brian and Chris. I introduced Grant to those people whom he had not previously met. We didn't have much time to visit, though, because Dad announced that dinner was being served.
After everyone had started eating, Dad stood, "The reason we asked you all here is to announce that we have bought the Toy Shop from Mr. Garrison. Dad Josh and Granddad Ben will be managing the shop."
"They will be learning the trade from Mr. Garrison, until he leaves for Ithaca when Ben and Grant go to college. This week, T.J. will be in charge and Brian and Chris will be training J.T. and Andy, as well as Dad Josh and Granddad Ben."
After dinner, T.J. came up to Grant and me, "I don't know what is so special about the two of you, but you are going to draw people to you wherever you go. Just be careful and don't let them try to influence you to do things that you don't want to do. Believe me; I know from personal experience that people think that people from Nebraska are country bumpkins."
"In actuality, the people here are probably more cultured than most people from the big cities, who take everything for granted. We, on the other hand, take every opportunity to experience new things."
"I don't know anything about Ithaca, but I'm guessing it might be a little rednecked, so please be careful." He caught me by surprise and hugged both of us.
I was surprised when Uncle David Burns came over to us, "Ben and Grant, when you get back from Ithaca, I will have some legal documents for you to sign. I had hoped to have them ready before your trip, but your parents didn't give me time to get them prepared."
Uncle David had just left when a lady approached us. I stood, "Good evening Judge Leavitt. I would like for you to meet my friend, Grant."
Mrs. Leavitt scolded, "Ben, I'm not a judge anymore. I retired, remember. Grant, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you have an opportunity to meet some of my family before you go to college. I just wanted to tell you gentlemen that I think you will really enjoy living in the lake region of New York. I know that my husband and I enjoyed living there when we attended Syracuse University."
She hugged us, "Don't be surprised if the local people are a little stand offish at first. They are not nearly as open as the people here in the Midwest, at least it seems so, until they get to know you. I'm sure that you two will do just fine, though."
After Mrs. Leavitt left, J.T. and Andy came and hugged us, "We'll get together when you get back from Ithaca."
It was like everyone wanted to meet Grant at the same time. The next people to arrive were Uncle Drew and Uncle Kenny, followed by Uncle Zack and Uncle Mark. Finally, only Uncle Clay and Aunt Melissa were left. They were spending the night at our house. Brian, Chris, Knock and I finished the cleanup.
As we were going into the house, Grant took my arm, "Ben, we met so many people tonight. They seem like such a diverse group of people that I wouldn't think that they would all be together."
"Grant, I don't know how to explain why they were together. Let's ask Dad and Mother."
Chris and Brian followed us into the living room. Mother and Dad were sitting there with Uncle Jason and Aunt Cindy, Uncle Clay and Aunt Melissa and Mr. Garrison. They were having a night cap drink.
I looked at Dad, "Grant is confused as to how all the people who were here tonight fit together, especially with all of the Uncles, Aunts, Grandmothers, Grandfathers and cousins that he met."
Uncle Jason started to laugh, "I can see why Grant might be a little bit confused. It was a very mixed group."
Grant looked at the people, "I think a lot confused would better describe the situation."
Dad looked around, "Grant, the only people in this room who are blood relatives are Ben and Brian who are our biological sons. Chris is the biological son of Jason and Cindy. The only other people who were here tonight who are actually blood relatives of anyone, were Grandma Gleason who is Becca's Grandmother and Granddad Ben, who is Jason's Grandfather. Oh yeah, Grandpa Jack is David's uncle. Did I miss anyone, Jason?"
"Don't forget that Mark is Grandma Leavitt's grandson, but I think that is about it. The relationship between everyone who was here is very complicated and would take hours to explain. We need to go home. Chris, are you spending the night here or are you going home with us?"
Dad looked at us "Guys, I'll try to explain how everything fits together on the flight to Ithaca. It will give us something to do to occupy the time."
Brian couldn't stand it, "Good thinking Dad, just make sure that you take a tape recorder so I can finally understand how we all fit together too."
Mr. Garrison stood, "Grant, we need to go home. We need to think about packing for our trip."
Everyone had left, except for Uncle Chip and Aunt Melissa who were spending the night. I excused myself as did Brian and we went up the stairs. Brian followed me into my room. "Ben, I guess I never thought about how everyone was connected before. Now I'm really curious. Please tape record what Dad and Mother tell you." He leaned over and hugged me. "I need some reading material."
I gave him a couple of chapters of A Second Chance by Radio Rancher and Tickie to read.
He left and I took a shower. I must have fallen asleep immediately. The next thing I remember was that someone was playing with my penis. I opened my eyes and Knock was laughing, "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, if you are going to make the early service, you need to get this little thing out of bed. I need you to help me pack. Remember, I've never traveled before."
I pulled Grant close and kissed him. He disappeared as I got out of bed. I had just gotten out of the shower when Brian walked in, "I hope you cleaned the shower."
This is Grant.
After I left Ben, I went back to the house and laid out the clothes that I thought I would need for the trip to Ithaca. I thought to myself, "I'll have Ben come and check to see if have everything I need."
I went downstairs and Dad was reading the paper, "Dad, are you going to church this morning?"
He looked up from the paper, "Grant, I don't think I'll go today. It has been a busy week and I haven't even begun to pack for the trip. I'd better get my act in gear since we are leaving around noon for the airport. I'll stay here and pack."
I drove to the church. It felt so strange; this was the first time that I had driven by myself. I parked the car and went to sit with Ben and his family.
Brian leaned over and whispered, "Good morning, brother-in-law, did you sleep well?"
I looked at him, "Yes, why do you ask?"
Brian smirked, "I put a sleeping potion in the last drink that you and Ben had. I needed to get some sleep last night."
Our conversation was cut short because the service began. When the service was about to conclude, Father Wanamaker stood, "This morning, Ben and Brian Benson will be singing the 23rdPsalm and The Lord's Prayer."
I thought Brian was going to pass out. I pushed him up and the two guys went forward. They did an outstanding job. Brian insisted that we had to visit with Father Wanamaker before we left.
Everyone had left except Brian, Ben and me. Brian lit into Father Wanamaker, "Father, don't ever do that to me again. I'll be so constipated that I will start to look like a blimp. Why don't you pick on your own sons or grandchildren instead of us poor innocent Benson boys?"
Father Wanamaker started to laugh, "Brian, it was as if your Uncle Jeff and Great Grandmother Tillison were telling me to make those Benson boys atone for their sins. How come you haven't been to confession lately? Are you hiding something?"
Brian's mouth dropped open, "Father W., I ain't got nothing to hide like some people I know. We gotta' go. Benji and Grant need to take their sedative before their flight to Ithaca. Just to let you know, I'll get even when you least expect it."
We left and the guys followed me to the house in Ben's car. We went to my room to make sure that I had the right things ready to pack. Brian made a few suggestions and Ben concurred.
As Ben and Brian were leaving, Ben turned to Dad, "We'll pick you up and we can all go to the airport together since there are only five of us. We'll pick you up at twelve. Dad said they would be serving a light lunch on the plane. See you shortly."
This is Brian.
When Ben and I got home, Dad and Mother were waiting for us, "Go help Grandma Gleason with her things and bring them here so she can stay here and make sure that you don't party too much."
I must have looked a little upset because Dad asked, "Brian, is there a problem?"
"Dad, why are we upsetting Grandma Gleason's routine for three days?" Lauren, Morgan and I aren't going to do anything. The two of you will be with Ben to make sure he behaves himself."
Mother threw up her hands in frustration, "Go help your Grandmother and don't ask any more questions. There is nothing more to discuss."
I knew I had stepped over the line, so I shut my mouth, and Ben and I went to help Grandma Gleason with her things. We loaded her suitcases and she announced, "I'll follow you to make sure you don't have an accident. I'm sure that I will be playing taxi for some of you over the next several days."
We got Grandma settled and I went to fix a sandwich. "Hey, after all I'm a growing teenager."
Dad was driving as the parents and Ben left to pick up the Garrisons.
This is Ben.
We arrived at the terminal and a small corporate jet was waiting for us. The crew loaded the baggage and we boarded the aircraft. There were three rows of seats with one seat on the left side of the aircraft and two on the right side. Mother and Dad took the first to two seats on the right and Mr. Garrison sat opposite them. Grant and I sat in the second row of two seats and I had him sit by the window so he could watch what was happening since he had never flown before.
The cabin door was closed and the flight attendant gave the safety briefing and checked to see that everyone was strapped in properly. When the aircraft started to taxi, Grant squeezed my hand so hard that I thought he was going to cut off my circulation. He relaxed when we reached the end of the runway and idled while another plane landed.
The pilot revved up the engines to prepare for take off. Grant went stiff as a board and started to look a little piqued. I leaned over, "Grant, this is much safer than driving a car. Now sit back and relax or I'll kiss you in front of everyone. If that doesn't work, I will pull down your pants and start playing with your cock as Brian would say."
This is Grant.
Ben wouldn't do that, would he?
Editor's comments: I bet he would. I almost wish he would. I can relate to Grant's nervousness about flying.
Will B.
Other Editor's comments: I can't believe how much fun I am having, rereading this story. It's funny; for me at least, usually when I have finished reading a book or a story, I am finished with it; I put it away and never look at it again, unless there is a particular reason to revisit it. I read so many stories, that I don't often go back and read one of them again. There are some very special exceptions. This story is one of them. As soon as I started reading it again, to prepare it to be posted, I was hooked, just as surly as I was when I first started reading it. I find myself saying things like, "Oh yeah, I had forgotten that such and such had happened." That was my reaction on seeing Mark and Zack in one of these chapters. I had forgotten that they dropped in on this story, not to mention Tip and Ty. I love it just as much, the second time around, as I did the first time I read it.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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