This is Ben
After lunch, James was driving the large van and he drove the three of us, accompanied by Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank, to Cambridge and we had a great time looking around. We were enthralled by the library. We visited several cathedrals along the way and Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod explained the background of everything as we went. We stopped at an old time pub and had fish and chips before returning to London.
When we returned to the townhouse, Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank had to get dressed for their formal party. Mrs. Proust tried to offer us something to eat, but we thanked her and turned down her offer.
Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod reappeared, after being assisted by James, dressed in their tuxedoes. Brian couldn't resist, "So is this the house of the penguins?"
Uncle Rod tossed back, "You ain't seen nothing yet, Sonny. By the time you go home on Saturday, you are going to thank your lucky stars that you visited this haunted house, with rats bigger than some parts on your body."
As Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank were leaving, they reminded us, "Since James is going to be with us, we want you to take Shamus with you, since we don't know this Rafael person. There are six of you young people, so it would be much better if you had two bodyguards, as opposed to one. Have a good time. We probably won't be home until about eleven, if we can stay awake that long. Since Shamus will be with you, you will be able to come and go at will. Now, have a good time and don't do anything we wouldn't do."
Brian was enjoying this banter, "Gee, you sure have left the door wide open for us to do almost anything. Maybe we should be telling you two, don't do anything that we wouldn't do." Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank as well as Jaime left laughing.
We heard the front door chime. Shamus entered, "Miss Victoria Mason has arrived."
Vicky immediately went on the offensive, "Sham, you know I don't like to called Victoria."
The doorbell sounded again. Shamus came back to the sitting room and announced. "There are two gorgeous ladies here to whisk you gentlemen away."
I had the presence of mind to ask, "Shamus, would you please ask Mr. Rafael to join us, so we can make plans for the evening. I am not sure that I feel comfortable being driven around town in a limousine."
Shamus went and got Rafael. I think we all sensed that Shamus and Rafael had reservations about joining us. When they entered the room, Brian started, "Okay everyone, here's what Vicky thinks we should do. She thinks we should catch the underground around the corner and act like we are the typical tourists. Ben, Grant and I won't have any problem doing that, because that is what we are."
"The first thing that has to happen is for Rafael and Shamus to get rid of their ridiculous costumes. If the are wearing them, they would call attention to us."
Grant decided to intervene, "I agree with Brian, for a change. Shamus, Rafael looks to be about the same size as you; why don't you see if you can find him some jeans or something, and then you can look like you are part of our crowd. That way, no one will even think about you being our body guards. Why we need body guards, I don't understand anyway."
Rafael looked at Maria with a questioning look. Maria realized that he was asking for her permission. Maria looked at Rafael, "Rafael, my parents just asked that you show us around; they didn't say that you had to do it in the limousine. Besides, we won't be wasting the petrol and time trying to find parking spaces."
Shamus and Rafael went to Shamus and Jaime's room. While they were gone, Maria made an announcement, "Inga's parents are arriving Thursday evening and my parents are planning a reception in their honor on Friday night. My parents would like for you three guys and Vicky to join us at the reception. The big drawback is that it is a formal affair, so you might not want to go. I'm sure that you didn't bring tuxedos. Your two uncles are also invited."
I was somewhat surprised by the invitation, "We'll need to check with Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank, to make sure they don't have anything planned for us then. We know that they have something that they want Grant and me to do on Thursday. If they don't have any plans, I'm sure James and Shamus can help get us the proper clothes."
Any further discussion was interrupted by the return of Rafael and Shamus.
Vicky started to giggle, "They look just like your typical tourists, with the baggy jeans and sandals. Let's get going."
I was beginning to see a pattern already, as we were walking from the townhouse to the underground station. Rafael and Shamus were following us to make sure that nothing happened to any of us. I also noticed that they were walking close to each other and talking in almost a whisper.
When we got on the train, we three couples sat in random seats, but Shamus and Rafael stood, so they could watch us. They were standing so that they had body contact with each other. I wanted to say something, but decided against it. As we were just about ready to get out at the station, Maria leaned over and whispered, "Don't look now, but I think that something must be in the air. Look at the way Shamus and Rafael are behaving like moonstruck teenagers."
We walked around Piccadilly Circus and some of the side streets and watched the people in Trafalgar Square. We were all glad that we hadn't driven. The traffic was a mess.
This is Grant.
To say that my mind was boggled would be an understatement. The people were teaming like ants all over the place. It was such a nice evening that it looked like every man, woman and child in London was meandering about.
Vicky spotted a place where there was a table available at a restaurant that was selling pizza, and suggested that we grab it. We were eating and I was sitting next to Shamus. He leaned over to me, "See that blonde woman over there, putting the make on the young guy. If I had a hundred pounds, I'd bet that she is not a she, but a guy."
Before I could react, Brian asked, "Shamus, that blonde broad over there isn't really a female, is she? I have this creepy feeling that she is a man dressed as a woman. She seems to be a little too aggressive to be a lady."
I started to laugh, "Brian, Shamus just finished telling me that he was willing to bet a hundred pounds that the she was not a she, but a he. Why would any guy want to dress like a female to catch a man."
Rafael surprised us all, "I know that I shouldn't be saying this in front of the senoritas, but some guys feel it is necessary for them to do that to get another man to take them to bed. But there are others who do it to lure their prey back to their lair so they can rob their victims."
Brian was looking puzzled, "Well, if she is a he, which bathroom would he or she go into? Speaking of which I need to go to the loo, as you British people say. I guess some of you present would call it the water closet. Why can't you just say bathroom or toilet like normal people?"
As we were getting ready to leave, Shamus paid the bill and left a gratuity before any of the rest of us could react. Ben lit into him, "Shamus, we didn't bring you along to pay our bills. Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod indicated that you were going to go with us to make sure we were safe."
Shamus started to answer, "Ben, please don't be upset with me. Dad gave me the money and told me to make sure that I paid for everything."
Brian was quick to pick up on Shamus's comment, "Shamus, did you just tell us that either Uncle Hank or Uncle Rod are your father?"
Shamus smacked his head, "Please everyone forget I made that last comment. Mr. Peters and Mr. Cox are not Jaime's and my biological fathers. They have treated us like we were their sons, ever since they saved us. Please don't ask me for any more details now. I need to talk to them to see how much I can tell you, especially with you beautiful young ladies present."
He continued, "Brian and anyone else who need to go to the loo, let's do it and then I think we should think about heading back to the house. It is already 10:30 and the weirdos are going to be arriving on the scene and I don't think you need to see some of the shenanigans that go on."
Rafael and Brian went into the bathroom as did the three young ladies. When Brian and Rafael came out, I decided that I needed to go and Shamus went in with me. He was standing beside me and he looked at me as I was relieving my bladder. He started to laugh, "The Dads weren't exaggerating when they described your sexual equipment. I should be so lucky. I wish Rafael could see this."
I looked at Shamus, "Mr. O'Rourke, you are absolutely evil. We can go out and suggest that Rafael accompany Ben to the bathroom and he would see what you are seeing. That is the one area where Ben's and my bodies look identical. We probably need to arrange it so that you can check Rafael out too. Or perhaps you have been doing some checking under the table. I'll tell you what, we'll give you plenty of time when we get back to the house, so you two can play games in private."
Shamus punched me on the arm, "For a piece of wood, you have no right to talk about someone having an evil mind. For your information, I have been trying to find a way to make Rafael open up. I think he might not be interested in a strawberry blonde male with green eyes. Have you noticed how his black eyes seem to dance? He obviously has been taking care of his body."
We walked out of the loo as Shamus called it and Shamus suggested, "Ben, you better go relieve yourself, now. The train ride home will have you wishing you had, if you don't. Rafael, you might want to accompany him so he doesn't experience any of the rift raft that inhabit these places."
I sent Ben a message that said he should go to the bathroom. He looked at me funny, but did as Shamus had suggested.
This is Ben.
Talk about weird, why was Grant telling me that Rafael should accompany me to the bathroom? I knew that he had something on his mind so I did as he suggested and Rafael reluctantly followed me. When I pulled out my penis from its protective coverings, I realized that I really did need to relieve my bladder.
Rafael was standing beside me and muttered, "Oh Madre del alma! Ben, that instrument of yours could incapacitate any man or women that you ever entered."
I suddenly realized why I was in this predicament and played the innocent role, "Rafael, Grant and I are endowed the same, in the sexual equipment department? Did you understand what I said?"
Rafael started to laugh, "Ben, I was educated in the United States. I understood that you said you and Grant have big pricks. I went to UCLA and have a master's degree in social sciences."
I was floored by his answer, "Well, if you have a degree, why are you serving as a chauffeur? Does Maria know about your background?"
Rafael blew my mind away, "A chauffeur is not always who he pretends to be. No, Senorita Maria doesn't have any idea that I am not just a chauffeur, and please don't tell her."
I was becoming a little leery, "Rafael, why are you spending time with us? Is your government thinking some of us are a threat for your country?"
"Quite the contrary, Senor Ben. The Ambassador and his wife are thrilled that you are going to be a good friend to their daughter. They just want me to make sure that you are all safe while you are here. I am so glad the young people realized that the limo would only draw attention to us, if I had driven it tonight."
I caught Rafael by surprise, I grabbed him and gave him a kiss on the mouth, "Thanks for being honest with me. I won't say anything other than to Grant."
Rafael looked at me as if I was weird, "I'll never understand you Yanks. Let's get back to the others before Brian conjures up some more ideas in his head and who knows what is going to come out of his mouth."
When Rafael and I exited the loo, water closet or bathroom, Brian went into high gear. "Honestly, you two were gone so long that I thought my beard was going to hanging down to my knees."
Rafael countered, "If your beard got that long senor, then we would know that you are older than Methuselah. Now we need to think about getting you Yanks home. You must to be tired from traveling all day."
We made our way to the underground, and as we were standing waiting for our train, Brian looked at Rafael and Shamus and asked, "You two are not what you seem to be, are you?"
The two being questioned didn't have time to answer, because our train pulled in. The train wasn't crowded, but Shamus and Rafael still remained standing so they could watch over the six of us. I glanced at them several times and it seemed to me as if their bodies were getting very intimate.
When we exited the train at the station that was closest to Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank's house, we stopped at where Vicky lived. Brian walked her to the door and kissed her on the cheek. We couldn't hear what they had said.
When we got to Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank's house, the lights were on, so we assumed they were home. We were not prepared for the reception we were going to receive. Before we could even open the door, James was standing there glaring, "Where have you been? Why is the limo just sitting out front, and why are you dressed in those ridiculous jeans?"
That was the last straw for me, "Jaime, back off. We are fine and no one, and I repeat, no one did anything that was wrong. Just relax and let's go see Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank if they are still up, so we can say goodnight to them before Maria, Inga and Rafael leave, after he changes back into his uniform."
James, (Jaime) led us into the sitting room and Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank were having a snifter of brandy. Uncle Rod looked at us, Well young people, did you have a good time? Would you care to explain why the limousine was here and you weren't?"
We were all caught off guard when Inga, who was usually so quiet answered,
"Mr. Cox and Mr. Peters, we decided it would be more economical as far as money and time, if we took the underground to the center of London night life. I can assure you that Shamus and Rafael did not leave us out of their sight. Brian suggested that they change into clothes that a tourist might be seen in, and accompany us. We had a blast. We even encountered a transvestite and some other weird characters, but no one came close to us."
That rattled Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank, but the rattling continued when Maria continued, "Mr. Peters and Mr. Cox, my parents are having a reception for Inga's parents at the embassy on Friday night. They would appreciate it if you would attend. We have already discussed this with Grant, Ben and Brian, but they said they would defer the decision to you. My parents need to know as soon as possible, so that they can have the proper arrangements made."
Uncle Hank scowled, "We don't have any plans for Friday night, so it might be fun for the Yanks to hob knob with some dignitaries."
Any more frivolities were interrupted by the return of Rafael and Shamus. Rafael spoke for one of the rare times tonight, "Senoritas, I am ready to escort you back to the embassy. Gracias senores for asking me to accompany you tonight. I had a muy bueno time."
Rafael was totally caught off guard when the three of us hugged him and thanked him for accompanying us, tonight.
As Maria and Inga and Rafael were leaving, Uncle Rod announced, "We'll be leaving for Stonehenge at about 10:30 in the morning. Anyone who wants to go with us needs to be here by then. We have already talked to Vicky's parents and they are going to go with us."
Maria didn't miss a breath, "Inga and I will be here, and Rafael can drive the limo or whatever, as long as Shamus can go with us. Would you like us to bring a picnic lunch, to save time?"
Uncle Hank was a little hesitant, ""We'll take care of the food, just be here at 10:30."
Grant and I walked Maria and Inga to the limo and kissed them goodnight. I looked at Rafael and he this goofy look on his face. What was that all about?
When we walked into the house, Uncle Rod, Uncle Hank, Brian, Jaime and Shamus were all sitting with strained looks on their faces. Grant and I looked at each other and we passed signals in the airways, 'I guess we did something wrong. But what?'
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