This is Ben.
I looked around, "Okay, someone please tell us what we did wrong. I thought everything went well today. I guess I must have missed something."
Uncle Rod asked, "What did you tell Rafael when you and he were in the bathroom?"
I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, "It was not so much what I said but rather what he told me. I said nothing about anyone except that I told him that Grant and I were equally endowed. Rafael and I did nothing inappropriate. Our conversation centered more on Rafael than it did me or us."
Shamus looked at me, "Then why did Rafael aske me, 'Things in this house aren't what they seem to be, are they?' while we were changing back into our uniforms."
I was a little miffed, "Shamus, if you will recall, you were the person who made the slip about your Dad giving you the money to pay for everything. None of us made a big deal of it."
"Now if we have upset everyone, then we should probably consider taking the first flight home. If I recall correctly, Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank asked Grant and me to visit. I'll be the first to admit that Brian invited himself. Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod, I am confused by everything that is going on."
Grant spoke up, "If Ben is confused, then you can bet that I am doubly confused. First you asked us here, and now you are telling us that we are causing problems for you. If it bothers you if we are friends with Maria and Inga, there must be something bigger going on than we know about."
Uncle Rod looked at us, "Grant and Ben, I have some questions for you. Please answer them honestly. First, can you transport yourselves through the air so that you are in another location than where you started?"
Brian started to laugh, "Please let me answer that question. I have watched as Grant came floating into the room and materialized. I have never witnessed them doing anything but hugging and kissing or whatever it is that they do."
I spoke, "Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank, we are able to transport our bodies through space and be in each other's company. At first it was only for short durations, but we have been able to stay together longer and longer as our relationship has deepened."
Uncle Hank looked like he was going to choke, "Ben and Grant, are you able to communicate without speaking?"
Grant answered, "Yes sir, we sent each other messages several times tonight. We thought that was part of the power that you gave us when you flew in with your chariot and the horses with golden wings.'
Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod were shaking their heads and Uncle Hank spoke, "Guys, those are not powers that we could have given you. You have been blessed by powers much stronger than ours. In fact, you can do some things that we are not able to do. I guess we will need to make sure that nothing happens to you until Thursday."
Uncle Rod asked, "Please forgive me for being impertinent, but what did Rafael say to whoever, tonight?"
"Uncle Rod, for what it is worth, Rafael has his master's degree from UCLA university. He indicated that he was employed by the Spanish embassy in a capacity other than as a chauffeur. I didn't press it because I figured it was not anything that I needed to know. He indicated that protecting Maria and Inga was his first priority; when I questioned him, he told me that Grant, Brian and I were not who he was concerned about."
After I had time to collect my thoughts, "Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank, perhaps you should be explaining why you are so concerned about all of this, especially since nothing awkward happened tonight. What did Shamus mean when he referred to you as his Dads. If this week is going to be any fun for any of us, I think we should get rid of all clouds and put everything on the table. Grant, Brian and I are trying to hide nothing. So maybe it is time for you to come clean with us."
Uncle Hank frowned, "Guys, we are concerned, because we think that Maria and Inga might be using you to get information about us. Exactly what is your attachment and involvement with them, and how is that involvement going to impact on your relationship with each other?"
This is Grant.
I was watching Ben. He started to turn red. I got up and went to sit beside him and sent him a message, 'Ben, just relax. Let's tell them the truth. They must have a reason to be concerned. Let me answer Uncle Hank's questions.'
I cleared my throat, "Uncle Hank, there is no romantic attachment between us and the two young ladies. We met them at school and they knew nothing about you, other than we were coming to London to visit some friends. They know that Ben and I are in a relationship as are they. Ben and his mother bought a house in Ithaca where we will be living. Maria and Inga will be living in the house with us, but in their own area. It is a convenient arrangement for all of us. What people want to conjecture from our arrangement is their problem."
Jaime started to laugh, "So, you are using the two of them as a cover and they are doing the same to you. I guess that is your Yank way of throwing up a smoke screen?"
Brian couldn't resist, "I think it is more like bringing down the curtain from the outside world. May I please say something? No one seems to have a problem with me meeting Vicky on the flight. Why should it be any different with Ben, Grant, Maria and Inga. It was not their flight that was changed but ours. I think that a higher power than any of us of planned this.
I don't exactly know how Rafael fits into the scheme of things, but I get good vibes from him. I think that he may become very important while we are here."
Ben had relaxed against me but he wasn't through, "Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank, we would never do anything to deliberately bring problems to you or Jaime and Shamus. If we don't know what is bothering you, then how can we assist you? I agree with Rafael's observation that there is more going on here than meets the eye."
Uncle Hank looked at his watch, "Guys, we'll explain everything tomorrow. I suggest though, that we get to bed. It is already after midnight and we need to leave for church at 7:30. Rod and I need to discuss the situation more. I am embarrassed that you have innocently become embroiled in something that you shouldn't have been involved in at all. In fact, we may have interrupted what has been happening very wrongly. Let's see what happens tomorrow."
We went to our suites. In our suite, the mood was very somber. Ben and I took a shower and there was absolutely no messing around. I looked at Ben and asked, "Ben, are you upset with me?"
"Oh, Knock, I am so confused. I have no idea what is happening. It is almost like we are caught in a web of some sort."
We were lying in the bed with Ben lying on my shoulder when there was a knock on the door. We pulled the sheet over us and asked the visitor to enter.
Brian timidly opened the door and he was visibly upset, "Guys, I don't understand what is happening. What did we do wrong?"
Ben pulled Brian onto the bed, "Bri, I am at a total loss as to what is happening. I guess Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod know something that they aren't willing to share. You had better get your hot body back to bed or none of us are going to be worth anything tomorrow."
Brian wasn't finished, "I have lost my excitement about tomorrow. I was looking forward to a fun day touring the English countryside and now I have no idea what to expect."
I looked at Brian and Ben, "Okay brothers Benson, let's get some sleep. Things will be brighter in the morning, I'm sure."
Brian wasn't about to let his dismissal pass without comment, "Oh Yeah, you just want to get into my brother's pants."
I couldn't help myself and threw off the sheet. "How could you say something like that, when he isn't wearing any pants?"
Brian doubled over, "I'm leaving before Pike's Peak starts to surface and I sure don't want to see it covered with snow."
After Brian left, I pulled Ben close, "I think I'd better check the quality of the snow that covers Pike's Peak. Now let's see if we can get the Peak to rise to its full glory."
Ben wasn't wasting any energy and he maneuvered our bodies. "I'll check the Snows of Mount Kilimanjaro while you are doing that."
To say that we both expended a lot of energy before we went to sleep, would be an understatement.
The alarm went off at 6:30 and Ben shook me, "Knock, we need to get our act together or we are going to be late. Let's take a quick shower and wear a tie and a blazer with our slacks. I don't have any idea how these people dress when they go to church. For all I know, they may be taking us to an Orthodox service. We'll just roll with the punches. I'll go make sure Brian is up and ready."
Ben opened the door and Brian was standing there getting ready to knock, "Ben, do I look like I am dressed properly. No one around here tells us anything."
The three of us descended to the first floor and Jaime and Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank were talking. When they saw us, they smiled, "We were just getting ready to send Jaime to check on you. You all look very stunning this morning. I am sure that you will turn some heads at the cathedral. Now let's go see what Mrs. Proust has prepared for us."
We walked into the dining room and Shamus was assisting Mrs. Proust. They served us poached eggs on toast with a croissant and jam and a baked tomato with a cheese and bread crust."
Brian was having a difficult time with this, "Who ever heard of having a tomato for breakfast?"
Ben shook his head, "Bri, remember we are not at home where we have cereal for breakfast. Perhaps we can learn some lessons in nutrition while we are here. Just eat and stop mouthing off."
This is Brian.
As we were finishing our breakfast, Aunt Bea announced, "Mr. Cox and Mr. Peters, I will pack a nice picnic lunch for you, while you at your church service. I am meeting my children and we are going to the last service and then drive to their home in the country. I'll be back in the morning, but someone will need to take care of the breakfast meal."
Uncle Rod looked at her, "Mrs. Proust, why don't you not plan to come back until the afternoon tomorrow. We are planning to take the young men to see the Rosetta Stone and some of the other interesting things at the museums. You deserve some time off. Now you have a good day and we will see you tomorrow afternoon and thank you for everything."
We left for a small Anglican Chapel and we were seated in the second row. I didn't think much about it as I was looking at all of the fancy trimmings that the church housed. My thoughts were interrupted when Vicky and her parents came in and she made sure she was sitting beside me. Ben and Grant moved back to next pew to provide us sufficient seating space.
The service was about to begin when Maria, Inga and Rafael walked in and joined us. That caused another shift because Maria sat by Ben, Inga by
Grant and most surprising thing of all was when Shamus moved to sit by Rafael.
I turned around to Maria and said, "I thought all Spaniards were Catholic."
Maria countered, "Don't believe everything you hear and besides whoever heard of a Catholic Swede?"
Anymore dialog was stopped because the service started. After the service, we agreed to meet at Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod's house as soon as everyone had a chance to get changed into comfortable touring clothes. The day had turned warm, so Grant, Ben and I decided to wear Bermuda shorts with sneakers and socks, since we didn't know where we would be walking.
I was surprised when Jaime and Shamus appeared in almost the same garb. What were Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank going to be wearing?
We assembled in the sitting room and Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank appeared in what appeared to be jogging slacks and open collar shirts, This was something new. We had just sat down when Vicky and her parents arrived. Uncle Hank looked around, "We'll leave as soon as Maria and Inga arrive."
Uncle Hank had no sooner said that than the doorbell rang. Maria, Inga and Rafael were standing there. Rafael spoke for the group, "Ambassador Montoya thought I should drive the embassy's mini bus so that we could all stay together and save money on petrol. If Shamus could ride in front with me to give me directions, I am sure that I can take us safely to Stonehenge and back, making stops wherever you would like."
I was watching as Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank were exchanging glances. We started off and we stopped a little after noon near a small lake. Shamus, Jaime and Rafael fixed us a place to eat the wonderful lunch that Mrs. Proust had packed. She had thought of everything; she even included some fruit for desert. It was about two o'clock when we got to Stonehenge.
Uncle Hank insisted that he would pay for everyone's admission, so we rather divided into smaller groups once we were inside the site.
This is Ben.
I need to take over this story because there is no way that Brian can do it justice. Heck, I'm not even sure that I can either.
I guess I wasn't very observant, because I was caught up in what the little squawk boxes were saying at each stop. Inga, Maria and Grant were in my group and it seems like Rafael and Shamus were rather tailing us. Brian and Vicky had moved ahead of us and Jaime had gone with them.
All of a sudden, I heard Brian calling, "Ben, help, someone is trying to take us away. They have Jaime incapacitated. I turned to Rafael and Shamus along with Grant and motioned for them to follow me. Grant had obviously heard the same plea. I turned to Inga and Maria, "Go stay with Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank."
We caught up to the abductors as they we about to exit the grounds of the site. There were four of them and the two holding Brian and Vicky were not having an easy time of it, because the two teenagers were putting up a strong struggle. Grant and I went for the two who were holding Brian and Vicky and we both reacted the same. We grabbed them from behind where it would hurt the most, and squeezed as hard as we could. Needless to say, the two abductors were hurting so bad that they relinquished control of Brian and Vicky and fell to the ground.
Brian and Vicky moved away toward Vicky's parents and the Uncles. Rafael surprised everyone. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at the would be assailants, "If any of you moves, it will be the last move you make, now get your sorry asses down on the ground and don't move. Brian, there is a kit in the bus marked 'Safety Supplies.' Please go bring it to me. Someone call the MI-7 in London and tell them that we have caught the ring that is selling young people into slavery."
Uncle Hank made a call and announced, "They will have a helicopter here within the hour."
Brian came back with the kit and we had the five victims hand cuffed and shackled. We hadn't realized it, but there was a huge crowd watching us and they started to applaud. One callous tourist had the audacity to say, "People, that was a well staged production."
Rafael looked at the gentleman, "Sir, that was not staged. These five have been abducting young people for about a year and selling them into to slavery. You have witnessed a history making event. Young people are not to be used but rather enjoyed."
Any further discussion was interrupted by the arrival of the local police. Rafael briefed them and we made our way to the mini bus so we could head back to London.
Hey, we've been here less than two days. What else can happen?
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