This is John.
When Derek and I entered the bedroom, Brian was sitting on the bed with his crayons or whatever. I think he called them pastels. They looked like crayons to me. He didn't even look up, "It's about time you got here. Get out of your clothes quickly except for your briefs."
Derek looked atme as if he was asking, 'What's going on?'
I shrugged my shoulders to let him know that I had no idea.
We did as we were ordered. Brian set up an easel and flipped the page of art pad and gave some very specific instructions. "Okay, guys, I want to you to lay diagonally across the bed and pretend like you're arm wrestling. Get in position and I'll fix your bodies how I want them. John, you use your right hand and Derek you use your left."
Derek and I got on our stomachs and clasped each other's hand as Brian directed. Brian was standing there laughing, "Guys, no one wants to see a picture like that. Roll on your side so I can see the front of your body."
We tried to do what he wanted, but Brian still wasn't happy. Brian came to and physically moved our bodies including reaching into our briefs and rearranging our penises. He stepped back, "Perfect! Now look at each other like your going to cream the other's butt and try to pin his wrist to the bed."
Brian must have realized that we were rather evenly matched because neither of us were making any headway. Brian finally said, "Guys, you can stop the arm wrestling and just relax."
Derek and I had gotten into it, and it was now a matter of pride. Finally, Brian must have had enough because he came over and grabbed our free hands and flipped us on our backs. "Guys, I told you to stop before someone got hurt. Derek, go get your shower."
When Derek had left, Brian lit into me, "John, what are trying to do? Make your injuries worse? I never meant for it to become this competitive. Now lay still and rest until Derek comes out of the shower. We need to get you healthy, because we need you to be the quarterback. I don't want to be the quarterback and besides I'll probably be expelled after Monday night."
I was laying on the bed and Brian was working when Derek came out of the shower, "Next."
Brian watched as I went into the shower, "John, call me if you need some help with the ointment."
When I came out of the shower, Derek was standing behind Brian watching what he was doing. Even though I was still dripping a little, I went to see what was happening. This was the first time that I had seen any of Brian's art work. My immediate response was, "Brian, please never let my Father see that or he'll kill me."
Brian wheeled around, "Look, I deliberately tried to make so you couldn't tell who you were by only showing your profile. I'll say this you are both beautiful specimens of manhood. I'mgoing to take this picture to London. Kelly will probably rant and rave, but it is going to be in my art show."
Derek started to pout, "Aren't you even going to pay us for posing?"
Brian got up and went to a piggy bank and started shaking it and nothing was coming out, so he put a nail file in until two pennies fell out. He handed us each one and said, "Now, you can't say you weren't paid for posing. Look, guys, it's already one o'clock and we need to leave for church at 10:30 in the morning."
This is Brian.
The three of us settled down. I was lying there hoping that Vicky would read her email as soon as she gets up and writes back. Ben, Grant and J.R. will probably laugh so hard when they get their email that they will go to the bathroom in their pants. It will be interesting to hear what Ben has to say about what has been happening.
The next morning when I woke up, Derek and John were showing some major wood. I manipulated their briefs so that that their erections showed and went and set up my easel and pretended like I was drawing and yelled, "Hey Dad, come look at this newest painting I'm doing. It should bring big bucks at the show."
The two guys woke up and pulled their briefs in place and came to look at the blank page that was in front of me. Derek looked at me, "Benson, you are going to pay big time for this prank."
I took printed copies of the emails I had received from Vicky and the Ithaca bound guys downstairs to read while I was waiting for the John and Derek to go running.
When they came in I guess I was laughing and John asked, "What's so funny."
"I was laughing at what my brother and his friends were saying. Let's go for run and hope we don't find anymore defiled bodies. Come on, we don't have much time. John, you set the pace."
We only ran about 20 minutes; and when we got back to the house, I sent the two guys to make sure everyone else was up and take their showers while I started breakfast. Everything was just about ready when people started to arrive. I let everyone take what they wanted and went to get dressed after I ate. As I was taking care of some personal needs in the shower, I was thinking to myself, 'If it like this now, what's it going to be like when I get older. I'll probably die of old age before I turn 15.'
My thoughts were interrupted when John and Derek came into the room. Derek yelled, "Brian, what do you think we should wear to go to church and lunch? Your Dad said he was going to take us the club for lunch after church."
I yelled back, "Clothes."
I walked into the bedroom and John challenged me, "But, what kind of clothes?"
"Guys, it's officially still summer so there is no reason to dress up for either church or the club. I'm going to wear my tan khakis and a blue short sleeved shirt, if that helps."
We were finally dressed for church and everyone met downstairs. I rode with Dad and Mother while Derek drove the upperclassmen.
This is John.
'Hey this church is sure different than the one my family attends that is led by Reverend Waite. Everyone is warm and friendly. It was more like a celebration than a church service.' We entered the sanctuary and we surrounded by people our own age. I don't think either Robin or I were prepared for that kind of welcoming.
I watched and Brian seemed like he was a magnet because about ten young people moved toward him. The only two I knew by name were Chris and Lindsay. Everyone was seated and the service began and it was a little more formal than anything Robin and I were accustomed too. I kept waiting for the hell and brimstones to be talked about, but instead Father Wanamaker's message was about love and caring for your neighbors. He read several passages from the Bible that illustrated that this is what God wanted us to do.
I looked at Robin and she had tears in her eyes as I guess I did, too.
When the service ended, we were waiting for Brian to come out of the church. Brian finally emerged with Chris and Lindsay, "Dad and Mother, I invited Chris and Lindsay to go to lunch and to the party with us. Lindsay's parents are fine with it. We will need to stop by Chris' house so he can get his camera, and then we need to stop by our house so we can get Chase's birthday presents."
As we were walking into the club, I was beginning to feel a little out of place since I had never been there before. Derek must have realized my anxieties because he leaned forward and whispered. Just pretend like you come here every Sunday and do whatever Brian does."
I turned by to Derek, "Man, that could get me in big trouble. Who knows what the Shadow, Brian, is going to do next?"
Lauren laughed, "I agree, John, no one knows what Brian is going to do next."
Brunch was fun and people kept coming over and talking to the Bensons. Everyone seemed to accept that the rest of were there without reservation. As we were leaving the club, Brian looked at us, "Okay, guys and gals, you need to go back to the house and get ready to accompany Chris, Lindsay, and me to a birthday party. It's very apparent to me that we can't leave you home unsupervised. We'll be back to the house as soon as Chris gets his cameras."
This is Beau.
Brian just amazes me. He acts like nothing strange is happening. No one has a clue of what happened to John and Robin or the fact that he's going to probably be expelled on Monday except the people who are at our house.
I was surprised when he suggested that the four older teenagers accompany us to Lincoln. I misspoke, he didn't suggest, he more like ordered. I think he just wanted to make sure that John and Robin were not placed in jeopardy.
We took two vehicles since there were nine of us. I had John drive mine, and Becca drove the van and we had Chris, Lindsay and Brian with us.
I was having a difficult time understanding why Brian asked Lindsay to go with us. We knew her parents, but what is Vicky going think? We were to find out the answer as we made our trip to Lincoln and back.
Chris started it, "Lindsay, where did you meet this friend of yours and what's his name anyway?"
Lindsay responded, "His name is Vic Madsen and I met him at workshop this summer at Buena Vista College in Storm Lake. He lives in Mankato, Minnesota where is father is a big wig at the University. He and his parents are coming to spend the Labor Day weekend with us."
Brian started to laugh, "I can see it now, when and if your friend and my friend are here at the same time, we'll have to be careful. If we yell Vic, they will both answer. So how old is your Vic anyway?"
"He will turn 16 on September 4. He will be able to drive here on his own next time. His parents have already bought him a car."
Brian started to pretend like he was choking, "So your Vic and I have something in common. I will be turning 15 on the fourth of September."
The conversation was interrupted because we pulled up in front of a rather large house. I guess that would be an understatement since we were parked in a circular driveway. We started to get out of our vehicles and Chase came running along the sidewalk, "It's about time."
He jumped on Brian and Brian lifted him to his shoulders and carried him back to the house.
Brian introduced everyone, but to Chase no one else existed except Brian. Brian put Chase down and whispered something to Chase and Chase nodded. Chase started to open his gifts and Brian prodded him to give the people who had given him the gifts a hug. The other gifts were forgotten though when Chris handed Chase the gift that he and Brian had bought him.
Chase was so excited with his gift that he practically pulled Brian up so Brian could show him how to use them. I was sure the other teenagers were going to be bored. John took charge and they took Chase's cousins to the park and the teenagers, including the four young ladies, and were playing kickball with them.
After cake and ice cream we started to get ready to leave, Chase was visibly upset. Brian sat down and held him, "Look man, we have to go to school tomorrow. Your Daddy and Mommy are going to bring you and Angie to Fremont on Friday so you can go to London with us. Make sure you bring your passports and pack a jacket and a tie because we have been invited out to dinner one night. We'll be staying with Grandpa Grumpy I guess. I'll send you some emails. Have Angie help you read them."
The trip back to Fremont was a little more subdued, the three teenagers were still talking quietly so we couldn't hear everything they were saying. We dropped Lindsay off first and Brian yelled, "Say hi to your Vic for me."
Lindsay turned back, "I will, and make sure you tell your Vic I said hi."
When Chris got out of the vehicle, he said something that caught me by surprise, "Brian, you're plotting something; I can tell. I'll see you tomorrow and Aunt Becca and Uncle Beau thanks for the lunch and the ride."
When we got to the house Brian practically dragged me to the computer room to see if there were any faxes. There were and he sat down and read them and passed them to me. When I finished reading them, he looked at me, "Dad, please don't let Mother know what is happening. We need to keep her in the dark until after the school board meeting tomorrow night. I so want to nail that weasel for what he did to John and Robin. Dad, please let me do this my way."
I looked at Brian, "Son, what are you planning to do? Maybe I can do something to help."
Brian had tears in his eyes, "Dad, I don't honestly know yet. I am very upset with some of the school board members and some of the administrative personnel and especially one, Ernest McCoy. Dad, I'll ask for your help when I know what I'm going to do, but please don't involve Mother because she might object. She and you have been under a lot of pressure lately."
Brian didn't even give me a chance to respond.
This is Brian.
I went into the kitchen and the other four teenagers were fixing club sandwiches. I fell on the floor and pretended like I was writhing, "I'm allergic to ham, turkey and bacon. Lettuce and tomato and bread cause me to break out in hives."
Derek was so cool, "Good, we'll fix you three sandwiches and maybe your mouth will be swollen shut and you will learn to be nice to your elders."
I was trying to think of a reply but decided what I was thinking wasn't fit for mixed company so I pretended I hadn't heard him which probably annoyed him more than if I had responded. The four of them kept looking at me waiting for me to say something.
When we finished eating, I looked at Robin, "Robin, I don't know your parents. Why don't Mother and I take you home and we can help you explain why you were at our house? Dad needs to stay here and supervise John and especially Lauren and Derek. Where is Morgan anyway?"
Mother shook her head, "Morgan went with the Withems to Kansas City. She's scheduled to be home by nine. Brian, shouldn't John go with us?"
"Mother, since we don't know how Robbi's parents are going to react to what happened, I think it would be best to not have any more people than necessary know that John is staying with us. We don't know what his father would do if he knew where he was."
This is Beau.
After Becca left with Robin and Brian, John spoke, "Mr. Benson, Brian scares me. It's as if his mind is three jumps ahead of anyone elses'. He has to be very brilliant in addition to being very talented."
I hadn't realized that Derek was standing there, "John, Brian has something in his mind to take care of what happened to you and Robin. I can't tell you what it is because I don't honestly know, so we will just have to trust him. I have a fall back position if I need to use it. Please, just support him no matter how crazy his ideas seem."
Derek spoke up, "Mr. Benson, I can not believe how mature Brian can act and after watching him with John's brothers yesterday and Chase today, he is a complete mystery. He relates so well to everyone. I can hardly wait to hear what happens tomorrow night. I need to go before parents send the state police to look for me."
Derek hugged the two of us and Lauren walked him to his car.
This is Becca.
Brian and I were both apprehensive about how the Edwards' might react when Robin told her parents what had happened. After Robin introduced us she announced that she had some news to tell them. They invited us in and we were sitting in the living room when Robin told what happened to her.
Mr. Edwards looked at her, "Robin, why didn't you come to us immediately?"
Brian answered before Robin could, "Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, I apologize, but that was my fault. We have someone else staying at our house who was similarly abused by Reverend Waite. When he told his parents, his father hit and kicked him. I was afraid the same thing might happen to
Brian continued, "Doctor Tommy Wilson has examined Robbi and will be sending the results of his tests to the police tomorrow. Be assured that Robbi's name will not be mentioned, but rather only that he was called to the scene of a rape victim and that these were the samples that he took. As of now, Robbi is just a number. Because Robin is technically an adult now that she is eighteen, it is up to her to report the rape. That is for you and her to decide."
Brian stood "Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, I apologize for interfering. Robin if you need anything, just call us. John and I will pick you up for school in the morning. Come on, Mother, I have some homework to do."
There was no question in anyone's mind that we were leaving. Brian didn't say a word the entire way home. He walked past everyone and went to his room. Beau looked at everyone, "I think Brian is recharging. Let's give him a half hour."
This is John.
'What does recharging mean?'
Will's comments: What a chapter. I can't wait, and come to think of it, I do have the next chapter at hand to edit.
Darryl's comments: Well in Brian's case, I think recharging means he needs to try to relax and not try to repair the world single…handedly…for an hour or so. Then he should get to work and finish fixing everything that is wrong. I sure hope he can figure out just how to get that sneaky rotten preacher put somewhere where he won't be able to hurt anyone one else.
My brain is working on ideas of what might just happen to him when he is placed in a cell with someone who doesn't appreciate what he has done to young innocent children or young adults.
For anyone that doesn't know, the general prison population rather frowns on that sort of behavior. They tend meat out punishment that is more corporal than what the courts designate. Let's just say that if they find out what he is being imprisoned for, he might be rather uncomfortable when they are finished with.
On a more pleasant topic, Chase certainly is a great young boy. He sure does love Brian, and Brian loves him too.
I wonder if Brian will invite John and Robin to go to England, too.
I think that Beau has figured out that Brian is really one special person, much like Beau was at Brian's age. Maybe now he will cut Brian a bit of slack. I certainly hope so.
Darryl, AKA The Radio Rancher
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