This is John.
I was sitting at the dining room table doing school work when Brian finally came and sat down beside me, "John, I have a favor to ask of you. I want to make sure that horrible man gets what he has coming to him. I know that what I am asking you to do might cause you some embarrassment, but I don't think so, since you have done nothing wrong. I'm still working on the plan and I'll explain in the morning."
"Come on, let's get a snack."
We were walking into the kitchen, when the phone rang. Brian stopped and answered it, "John, please go tell the parents that the guys are on the line."
I handed the mobile phone to Mr. and Mrs. Benson who were sitting on the sofa going over some papers, "The guys are on the line. Brian is talking to them."
Mr. Benson put the phone on speaker and we heard Brian say, "Guys, I'll let you know tomorrow night if I've been expelled or not. I may be arriving on Tuesday, so look into the schools around your home."
Brian changed subjects as only Brian can, "Guys, how was Niagara Falls,"
A different voice came on, "Brian, it was awesome. I just can't imagine what it would be like to do a painting of it. But, you've probably already done that."
Brian started to laugh, "J.R., the only waterfalls that I have ever seen are when Ben and Grant go to the bathroom at the same time."
Mrs. Benson spoke, "Brian, that's enough talk like that. I suggest that you drop off the line and get ready to face the firing squad tomorrow night."
Brian had to have the last word, "Yes, Mommy, dearest. Whatever you say Mommy, dearest."
I went into the kitchen as Brian was hanging up the phone, "Come on John, let's get something to eat and get to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."
When we got to the bedroom, Brian sent me to take my shower. He wanted to send an email to Vicky. When I entered the bedroom, he was sitting there naked making a list of something. He looked up, "Well that took long enough, I hope you didn't clog the shower drain. Next time would you call me when the volcano is erupting?"
I looked at Brian, "The Atlantic Ocean is going to have to freeze over before that happens. Now get your shower; I'm tired."
I was lying on the bed when he came out of the shower and watched as he pulled on a pair of briefs and thought to myself, 'There are a lot of 18 year old guys who would give their eye teeth if they could look as good as Brian.'
Brian crawled into bed and turned off the lights. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips, "Good night Johnny, I love you."
That rattled me a little and then I realized that he was definitely not implying anything sexual. I hugged him, "I love you too, Brian. I'll do what you suggested."
When I woke up the next morning, Brian was already gone. I looked at the clock and it was only 6:30. I put on some running clothes and went to find him. When I got downstairs, I could see a light coming from his parents' office or den. Since the door was open I just walked in and Brian was sitting there with tears in his eyes. He must have heard me because he looked up, "John, you have no idea how evil that man is. Read these while I make a list of things for Dad to do today. I should just not go to school and take care of them myself, but I'm sure my parents would find that unacceptable."
Brian looked at the clock, "John, when you finish reading the papers meet me in the kitchen. I'm going to fix breakfast and make sure everyone is awake. We don't have time to run this morning. I'm almost afraid to go to the park because of what we might find."
When I finished reading the documents that Brian gave me, I wanted to scream. Actually I wanted to take a gun and fire a bullet into the genital area of the Reverend Waite.
I was the last to arrive so I couldn't say too much. As we were eating, Brian was talking to Mr. Benson, "Dad, I made a list of things that I would like you to take care of today while I am at school. I'd stay home and take care of them myself, except that you and Mother would probably have kittens. I don't understand why I should go to school when I'm probably going to be expelled tonight."
Mrs. Benson was rather sharp, "Brian, you're being a pessimist and assuming the worst is going to happen. I don't understand why you don't want me to know what you're doing or planning."
Brian looked at his Mother, "Mom, if I told you what I had in mind, you would probably object. I don't want you to know what I'm planning so you can run the stupid meeting based on Robert's Rules of Order. I promise I won't do anything to embarrass you and Dad."
Brian got up from the table, "Come on, John, let's get ready for school. I told Robbi we would pick her up."
When we got to Brian's room, I was unprepared for what happened. He fell against me, "John, I'm scared about today. The rumors have to be flying. I'll probably be the laughing stock of Fremont High."
I hugged Brian, "Look, there are some people who will make crude comments, but you just need to ignore them. I am betting that most people are going to be on your side. Now let's get dressed."
When we got downstairs, Mrs. Benson handed Brian a note, "Lindsay wants you and John to pick her up. Her mother's car is in the shop and she needs a ride to school. I told her that you would pick her up since she lives so close to Robin."
This is Brian.
We picked Robin and Lindsay up and as we were walking toward the school, there were some crude comments like "Hey Benson, we heard you were posing nude in art on Friday."
Someone else yelled, "And he's going to be expelled from school tonight because of it."
We just walked on as if we hadn't heard the comments. I knew I shouldn't have come to school today.
When I got to my first hour class, Mr. Peters was sitting at his desk. He motioned to me to come to talk to him. "Brian, what did you think of our edit and comments about your story. Are you willing to let us get it posted on one of the sites that promote gay stories?"
I looked at Mr. Peters, "Sir, this weekend turned into a nightmare. I have no problems with the edits that you and Mr. Cox did. I just haven't had time to even think about what to do. I'm probably going to be expelled for something that I didn't do."
Class started and some students read their stories which were stupid and trite. When I got to fourth hour government class John was waiting for me, "Brian, are you okay?"
I assured him that I was okay and when we walked out the door, both Robin and Lindsay were waiting for us. We walked to the cafeteria and got our lunches. We found a table and were quickly joined by some of John's friends. He looked at them and warned, "Don't say anything stupid to Brian. He has already heard too many stupid remarks."
When I got to the art room, I went to Ms. Kinloch, "Ma'am, I'm so sorry that I have caused you problems."
Ms. Kinloch looked at me, "Brian, the people who are bringing the charges against us are in for a shock. The school board and the administration are lost in politics. If they fire me or not, I have some news that I am going to lay on them. This district has lost all sense of what education is about."
The sixth period was fine and I had a great time designing a campaign ad for a new bubble gum. I went to my new seventh hour class which was now public speaking and John, Lindsay and Chris were there with some other people I knew. When I walked in the teacher, an older gentleman, Mr. Hargraves looked at me, "You must be the notorious Mr. Brian Benson. Since you are the last to arrive you get the honor of being the first to give an extemporaneous speech. The topics are in that bowl over there."
I went and I pulled out a slip that said, 'Your topic is what's wrong with the education system today.'
I didn't even mess around because this was something I had been rehearsing in my mind for the school board meeting this evening. I went to the podium and began, "Ladies and gentleman, the education of our young people has become overtaken by the testing results and the theologians who want to take control of the education of the young people for their own purposes. This testing that we have to go through has diluted the education we have been receiving because the teachers and their students must achieve, so the teachers will receive a merit pay raises."
I wasn't done yet, "With all of the intervention and testing, the teachers are too busy teaching to the tests and the students lose the information that was passed along because it isn't meaningful. I can not understand why a district would deem it necessary to dictate that you will teach this lesson today when probably half of the class didn't even grasp the previous concept. This testing garbage is out of control and we need to let people know that we are unhappy with it."
We are the people who are paying for the education and we need to keep religion out of education according to the U. S. Supreme Court then the religious leaders need to accept that they need to stop trying to tell the schools what they should and should not do."
Mr. Hargraves rang a bell. "Mr. Benson, you're time is up. I will say this for you, in the twenty two years that I have been teaching this course, that is the most compelling and condemning speech that I have ever heard. It's almost like you knew what the topic was before you came into the classroom. I know that can't be true, I just typed the topics in my free hour after lunch. Mr. Benson, I think you need to join the debate team."
"Mr. Hargraves, I probably won't even be going to school here after tonight's school board meeting. There is no way I can be on the debate team and the football team. Besides, my main interest is art."
The conversation was interrupted by the bell ending the class. Chris and John came to get me, "Brian, we need to go to football practice."
I went to my locker and got my gym bag and reluctantly walked to the sports locker room. I needed to get ready for tonight. As I was dressing in the practice clothes, John held me, "Brian, this will help your mind get ready for tonight. Forget about what is happening and get out there and kick some butt."
The coaches had us running sprints and I had no problem with that because I was used to running longer distances. We started to practice running plays and I called the team together, "Guys, I don't care what the Coach says, if I am going to play this game, I'll do it my way. Tory and Chris start down the sidelines and then run to the middle of the field and cross. Scott, you come out of the backfield and act as if I handed the football to you and find an opening and go down the field. I'll throw the ball to whichever of you is open"
The poor defensive players were so confused that they didn't know how to respond. Scott was wide open and I threw the ball to him and he practically walked to the goal line. Coach Mitchell came out yelling, "Benson, that is not one of our plays. You're off the team."
I threw down my helmet and walked off the field. I yelled back, " I don't want to play this silly game, especially if the coach is still living in the Neanderthal Age. It's no wonder this team hasn't had a winning season since you arrived."
I was surprised when some of the team followed me to the locker room. I didn't even take a shower. I ignored everyone and John and Chris followed me to John's car and I guess I lost it. "Guys, it's like no one wants me around. I hope the school board expels me so I don't have to put up with this crap. I can't seem to please anyone."
When we got to the house, I went to take a shower. I put on the same clothes that I had worn to art when I posed last Friday. When I got downstairs, Robin was there talking to John. She looked at me, "Brian, John told me this afternoon what you asked him to do. I talked to my parents and they agree that I could do likewise if you wanted me to do so. They assured me that I have done nothing wrong."
"My Dad is hoping your plan will work, but if it doesn't he is going to file charges against Reverend Waite."
I was surprised that Robin would be willing to step forward. I took the two of them to the den and showed them the latest faxes that had arrived and we finalized the plans for the evening. I took them to the storage area in the garage where the family keeps our old Halloween supplies and found costumes for John and Robin to wear.
My parents arrived home as Robin was leaving. Dad motioned for me to follow him to the den. "Brian, we have enough information to put the man in jail. Why don't we just turn the information that we have over to the authorities."
I pleaded, "Dad, can we please try to do this my way at first? If I screw up, the Edwards are ready to file charges. They are hoping they don't have to do it, but they will. The evidence that we have gathered isn't time sensitive and can wait one more day. I have been trying desperately to keep Mother in the dark so she doesn't have to disqualify herself from the proceedings."
Dad put his arm around me, "Brian, I will agree to let you try your way first, but I wish I knew exactly what you have in mind. I can't imagine why you want to bring this information to the school for action. This is precisely the kind of thing that upsets your Mother so much."
I hugged Dad, "Dad, I know that, and that is why I am trying to stop this kind of thing from happening again. Thank you for supporting me."
After dinner, I went to the bathroom one last time before I went with Mother and Dad to the Central office. Mother chided me for wearing the warm-up suit to the board meeting. When we walked into the Board Room, Reverend Waite was on the front row holding court and I noticed several members of the board were visiting with the group.
There were so many people arriving that they had to open the walls to two adjacent rooms and still people were standing. Seats had been reserved at the front for Ms. Kinloch and me. Mother called the meeting order. She had everyone stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. When every one was seated, Mother asked, "Mrs. Haworth, is there a quorum present?"
Before Mrs. Haworth could answer, Reverend Waite called out, "Aren't you going to say a prayer?"
Mother looked at Reverend Waite, "Reverend Waite, the Supreme Court has ruled that praying at meetings dealing with school related affairs is illegal. Do you say the Pledge of Allegiance in your church services? Your question is out of order."
Mrs. Haworth indicated that all board members were present and Mother continued, "Mrs. Conroy, since you arranged this special meeting, would you care to tell us what the purpose of the meeting is?"
Mrs. Conroy nodded, "I have two motions to make. The first is that the teaching contract for Ms. Rebecca Kinloch be revoked for permitting indecent exposure in her art classes."
Mrs. Conroy's sidekick Mr. Whitaker immediately seconded the motion.
Before Mother could start the discussion, Mrs. Conroy spoke, "The second motion is that Brian Benson be expelled from the Fremont School System for appearing nude in a classroom while other students were present."
Her sidekick again seconded the motion before Mother could say anything else.
I watched Mother and I could tell she was visibly upset but she maintained her composure very well. "We have two motions before us, so we'll deal with them one at a time. The first motion before us is that the teaching contract of Ms. Rebecca Kinloch be revoked. Is there any discussion?"
I stood, "Madame President, this whole meeting smacks of what happened in Nazi Germany in the l930's and l940's. Are the board members saying that they are above finding out the truth and convicting those of us who have done nothing wrong on the basis and hearsay? I strongly object, because I thought that the Constitution of the United States of America specifically was designed to say that a person is innocent until proven guilty."
I wheeled around toward Mrs. Conroy, "I guess you think Reverend Waite is above the law."
Mrs. Conroy looked a little flustered. I turned back to Mother, "Madam President, Ms. Kinloch specifically warned me to not do anything too indecent when I offered to act as a model for the class. Mr. Scott Summers was sitting beside me when I volunteered. Scott, would you please tell the board what Ms. Kinloch said to me when I volunteered to act as the model?"
Scott stood, "She told you to make sure that you didn't do anything indecent."
I looked around the assembled people, "Would all of the people who were in Ms. Kinloch's fifth hour art class please stand?"
There were approximately twelve people who stood, and I asked. "Do any of you have anything to add to or wish to refute what Scott said?"
Everyone shook their heads no. I turned to the board members and walked back and forth, I recommend very strongly that you vote not to approve Mrs. Conroy's first motion to terminate the employment of Ms. Rebecca Kinloch."
Mother looked around, "Is there any further discussion? Seeing none, Rita would you take the roll call vote, please?"
The vote was 7-0 to defeat the motion and everyone was totally surprised when Ms. Kinloch stood. "Madam President, I am resigning my position immediately as a teacher in this district. I don't choose to teach where children's education isn't the most important issue. For your information, I have been offered a position at a local university where I won't be badgered by a bunch of zealots who are out to save the world. I will be sorry to leave students like Brian, but I have no doubt that he will make the rest of us look like novices before he is finished."
This is Beau.
Brian was shedding tears when Ms. Kinloch hugged him before she left. I was concerned about what was going to happen next. Becca took control of the situation. She called the meeting back to order. "We have before us a second motion and that is one Brian Benson be expelled from the school system for appearing nude in a classroom."
Becca looked at Brian, "Mr. Benson, would you like to say anything?"
Brian was very proper, "Yes, Madam President, I would like to ask that Reverend Waite assist me and come forward to help me prove my point that I was not indecent when I posed for the class."
Reverend Waite looked pleased at the chance to humble Brian. When he came forward, Brian pulled two tables so everyone could see them. He had Reverend Waite sit on one table and he had him pose so he his penis was showing in the slacks that he was wearing. I'm almost sure that Brian deliberately tried to get the Reverend's penis to plump up.
When Brian was satisfied at how Reverend Waite was posed, he turned to the board members. "Ladies and gentlemen of the board, I am going to show you how I posed for the class and I would like for you to decide if I did anything indecent."
Brian shed his warm up suit and posed on the second table looking very seductive but with no visible signs of his sexual equipment. The Reverend must have been excited because he was definitely showing some major growth in his pubic region.
Brian looked at the board, "Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you who is more obscene; Mr. Ernest McCoy or me?"
Will's comments: That speech Brian made was beautiful and right to the point! It appears now that some colleges are not looking at SAT scores so much as at overall performance in high school Is the light beginning to dawn? I hope so!
Darryl's comments: Hmmm, Ernest McCoy, I wonder if he is related to that famous Doctor we used to see on TV? Let's make no bones about it, I am sure he didn't want people to know his real name. I am not sure if this could be classified as a cliffhanger, but I sure want to know what happens next and I hope we see the next chapter very soon. Brian is a master at planning things and setting things up. I sure hope he is as successful as he usually is. He definitely takes after his father in his ability to get things done.
Please let E Walk know how much you enjoy reading his stories. I know I enjoy it and from what I have heard from people I talk to, I am by no means the only one. As I have said many times, the authors who put theses stories out for you to read, do so for many different reasons, and they all appreciate hearing from readers and finding out what the readers think of their work. The only payment the authors receive is the feedback you give them. Please make sure that you take the time to drop them a note. It is very nice to receive a note saying what you liked about a particular part of a chapter and possibly what might not be your favorite, but even a note saying that you read and enjoyed the chapter would be appreciated as well. The only way for us to know how many people read our stories is if we get some sort of feedback.
Thank you!
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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