This is Brain.
I was awakened by a strange voice, 'Please help me.'
I sat up, and John was sleeping. I listened and the voice that was crying, 'I'm so scared.' I quickly put on the same warm suit that I had worn the night before and willed myself to be invisible and was flying through the air toward the voice. I came upon a small naked body lying next to the same copse of trees where we had found Robin. All I could think was, 'On no, not again.'
I sat down beside the young boy and put my arm around him as I materialized. I quickly realized that I had made a mistake when he looked at me and asked, "Are you an angel?"
I looked at the shivering naked body and took off my jacket and put it on him. "I'm not an angel and my name is Brian." I sent a message to Ben, 'Person down, get in touch with John on my cell phone and tell him to come to where we found Robin and tell to bring me some clothes. Then call Dad and Mother and tell them that we have a problem. I am going to need all of the help I can get.'
Ben came back, 'Messages delivered. I can hardly wait to see why you needed to wake us at three o'clock in the morning. Help is on the way.'
I heard Monsieur Lafontaine's voice, 'Brian, you just passed the last test.'
We were interrupted because John arrived with some clothes for me, "Brian, why are you sitting around in the park almost naked and how did you get here."
The little body I was holding looked at John, "He's an angel, can't you tell? He appeared out of nowhere and took off all of his clothes and gave them to me. Mr. Angel Brian, can we please get something to eat? I haven't eaten since yesterday."
I put on the clothes that John had brought, picked the young boy up and carried him back to the house. I sat him down at the breakfast bar and pulled out some cereal which I thought he might like and then went to see what else we had that he might like. I decided to make him some French toast.
John was sitting beside the young boy, "Hey, my name is John. Do you have a name?"
The little guy looked at John and spoke with his mouth full, "My name is Timmy."
Mother and Dad arrived and I announced, "Dad and Mother, this is Timmy, he is eating us out of all our food."
Timmy looked at me, "I'm sorry, Angel Brian, but I'm hungry."
Mother sat down beside Timmy, "Brian is just teasing. You eat all you want. We need to make you fat."
Timmy put his spoon down, "But I don't want to be fat like my that man who says he's my Dad. He's ugly."
I put Timmy's French toast in front of him and rubbed his shoulders, "Timmy, do you have a last name?"
Timmy looked at me with a confused look, "Angel Brian, I have had so many names that I'm not sure anymore. The first name that I remember was Timmy Longwell and then it got changed to Timmy Whitaker and now it is Timmy Fish. My mother and her new husband don't want me and my first Dad kidnapped me and kept me locked inside his truck all the time when we were on the road. He took away all of my clothes so I couldn't run away."
Mother looked at him, "Did he ever hurt you?"
"No, Grandma Angel, but he made me do things I didn't like very much."
Dad asked, "Timmy, what did he have you do that you didn't like?"
Timmy was completely naïve about what he was saying, "Sometimes he had me take his cock, as he called it, in my hand and move it up and down until it spit out this white stuff. I really hated it when he rubbed that white stuff on my body."
John was appalled as was I, "Timmy, did he ever let you take a bath or shower?"
"Oh, we would stop about every other night at a cheap motel and we would take a shower together and he would play with his cock until the white stuff would shoot all over me and then he would wash every part of me and we would sleep naked in the bed."
Timmy had finished his food and I suggested that we go to bed. "Mother, do we have any of my old clothes that might fit Timmy?"
Mother looked at me, "Brian, if we do, they're in the dresser in the guest bedroom. I didn't save very many things."
I took Timmy's utensils and put them in the dishwasher, "Timmy, Uncle John is going to give you a shower and I'm going to see if I can find some clothes for you to wear."
John and Timmy took off and Dad started to question me about what was going on.
I looked at my parents, "Dad and Mother, I was asleep and heard this voice crying for help. I did what Grant and Ben do, but I screwed up. I didn't materialize again until I was holding Timmy in my arms. Now he thinks I'm an angel. I just can't seem to do anything right."
Dad surprised me, "Son, you did nothing wrong, but your Mother and I are getting a little old to have another child in our life. I have to admit he seems so innocent, sort of like you, and I don't think there is anyway we are prepared to handle two of you. Right now, we need to get John back to his family before he becomes to attached to you and us."
I guess I lost it, "Dad and Mother, maybe it would be best if I just left so I can't cause you anymore grief. I never meant to create a burden on you. You have enough problems without me bringing strays home. I'll just go live with Ben, Grant and J.R."
Dad did something that he almost never did. He came and shook me, "Brian, you're talking gibberish. You're just tired, now go to bed and things will look better in the morning."
I went to my bedroom and John and Timmy were coming out of the bathroom. Timmy looked at John, "Why wouldn't you get into the shower with me like my other Dad?"
John was very patient, "Timmy, I already had a shower and I don't think a person as old as me should be in the shower with you. Look, I shampooed your hair and you are old enough to know how to clean the rest of your body."
Timmy wasn't satisfied, "So you don't think I have a nice body like my other Dad?"
I could tell that John was getting frustrated, "Timmy, you have a beautiful body for an eight year old boy. I'm ten years older than you and have two younger brothers so I should know. Now let's go see what clothes Angel Brian has that might fit that beautiful body of yours."
Timmy was bummed out when I handed him a pair of pajamas. "Timmy, these are the only clothes that I could find that are close to your size."
"Daddy Angel, why can't I just not wear any clothes like I did with my other Dad?"
I shook my head, "Timmy, there are three ladies in the house and they shouldn't see us naked. Now please put these pajamas on and get into bed. John and I won't hurt you, so you better not hurt us."
I leaned over and kissed Johnny again, "Thanks my friend."
I kissed Timmy, "Go to sleep my little one, it's going to be morning soon."
This is John.
Brian has got to be exhausted and Timmy is clinging to him. I was feeling sorry for myself missing Jason and Jeremy, but of course Brian had stolen their hearts. Hey, he stole mine when he and his parents welcomed me into their home. I could not believe how composed he was before the school board and the people in the audience. 'How did he know Timmy was in trouble and how did he get his brother to call me? I guess there are things about Brian that I don't know and will probably never know.'
I was awakened the next morning by Brian and he let me know that I needed to be quiet as I got out of bed. We took quick showers and went downstairs and started to fix breakfast. Everyone was eating when Timmy came in crying, "Why did everyone leave me? Don't you like me?"
I watched Brian's face and he went white, but he responded, "Timmy, we figured you would be tired. My Dad and Mother are going to get you some new clothes today so you can go to school. But my sisters and John and I need to go to school. Timmy, please be good for my Mother and Father."
Timmy crawled up to the table and muttered, "I promise I'll be good Daddy Brian."
The two girls looked at Brian and I could tell they wanted to say something but they thought better of it.
As we were leaving for school, Brian picked Timmy up, "You make sure that my Mother and Daddy don't work too hard today, okay. I'll see you this afternoon. They're going to get you some real clothes. Now give me a kiss so I can get through this awful day. I'll probably be asleep before lunchtime."
We picked up Lindsay and Robin and as we were approaching the school there was large crowd assembled in front of the door. Brian looked at us, "Hey, people I don't have a very good feeling about this. Maybe you should take me home, John."
Lindsay obviously knew what was happening, "Brian, you're just paranoid. They're just excited about the football game."
As we approached the entrance the crowd began to chant, "Hail to Chief Brian." There was big sign that read, 'BRIAN BENSON FOR PRESIDENT.'
Brian was so calm as he entered the school. He turned and waved as if this was something that happened every day. When we were out of sight of everyone, he fell against me, "John, I don't need this. Please make it stop."
Robbi hugged Brian, "Brian, what you did last night impressed a lot of people, but there are also going to be some people who were offended so please be very careful. Make sure you are always near some people you trust. John and I are going to face the same problem."
This is Brian.
I went to my first period class and was waiting for the class to start when Mr. Peters arrived with Superintendent Black and another person who had been sitting at the administrative table during the meeting last night. Mr. Peters announced, "Class, we're going to adjourn to the computer room. Today, I would like you to write a short fantasy story of about 1500 words."
I went to one of the computers and looked at the blank screen, 'What am I going to write about? I feel as creative as that window over there.' Then it hit me; why not write about what happened last night except to change a few of the details to protect Timmy? I started to write
Timmy's Angel
By Brian Benson
It was two o'clock this morning when I was awakened by a small voice crying out, "Someone, please help me!"
Someone tapped me on the shoulder, "Brian, I'm Virginia Sun. Would you please join us at the front?"
All I could think was, 'Oh no, they're going to suspend or expel me again.'
They asked me to sit at the table and Dr. Black started, "Brian, we have a big favor to ask of you. Dr. Sun, who is the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel, went through all of the files of the current staff last night looking for people who were qualified to teach Mrs. Kinloch's classes. We have been unable to find anyone who is qualified and available to teach the fifth hour class which you are in. Mr. Peters here has a minor in art education but little or no practical experience in the production of art. I called Mrs. Kinloch this morning and she suggested that you were probably more qualified to teach that class than anyone on the staff including her."
I guess was I so dumbfounded by what I was hearing that I was sitting with my mouth open and I finally started to laugh. "This is really very funny. I have been in high school three days. On Thursday I was suspended, yesterday I was going to be expelled and now you want to teach a class. Honestly, do you think the students are going to pay any attention to a dumb freshman who is telling them what to do. I know that almost everyone else in that class is an upper-class student."
Dr. Sun was practically pleading, "Brian, please at least try it for a couple of days. Mr. Peters will officially be teaching the course and responsible for maintaining the discipline."
I shook my head, "I am totally unprepared to do this. I have no idea where I should start."
Dr. Black nodded, "Mrs. Kinloch suggest that you start by teaching the students how to use chalks. She said they were one of your strengths along with oils and charcoals."
I looked at Mr. Peters, "I'll try, but probably by tomorrow there won't be anyone left in the class."
Drs. Black and Sun stood and Dr. Black said, "Good job last night, Brian. By the way, Coach Mitchell is going to have you expelled if you don't show up for football practice, President Benson."
The class had been watching what was going on and when I went back to my computer the guy next to me leaned over, "Brian, are they going to try to expel you again?"
I looked at him, "Alex, I don't know what is happening anymore."
This is Beau.
After breakfast, Becca went to get some basic clothes for Timmy so we could take him shopping. We still didn't know why he was here. I guess we should have allowed Brian stay home.
After we got Timmy dressed in some suitable clothes, we went to get him some additional things. He was walking between Becca and me, holding our hands, "Grandpa and Grandma, when is Angel Brian going to get home?"
Becca looked at him, "Timmy, Brian won't get home until dinner time."
Timmy looked like he was going to cry. "But that's a long time."
I stopped, "Timmy, the time will go by quickly. After we get you some clothes, we'll eat lunch before we to go to the doctor's office. When Brian gets home, we need to sit down and talk about many things."
Timmy stopped, "You aren't going to make me go with my Dad again are you?"
Becca leaned down, "Timmy, we need to find out what is best for you. Now, let's get you some more clothes, I'm getting hungry."
We made a start on some clothes and went to the food court, which is where Timmy wanted to eat. We had gotten our food and had just started eating when my cell phone rang. I looked at the number and answered, "Yes Brian."
"Dad, you're never going to believe this. Now they want me to teach the art class. Dad, I think you should notify the police that we have a runaway boy at our house. Have them check to see if there are any APB's out for a missing eight-year old boy. Dad, may I please talk to Timmy for just a minute."
I handed the phone to Timmy.
"Hi, Daddy Angel. … Yep! I'm eating a taco pizza with a chocolate shake. … Yep! I'm being good for Grandpa and Grandma. They said we gotta go to the doctor's this afternoon. … I miss you, Daddy Angel."
Timmy handed me my phone, "Daddy Brian says you are to see if you can get me into school so you don't have to baby-sit me all day."
After lunch, we stopped at a shoe store and Timmy almost had a fit, "But Grandpa and Grandma, I don't need three pairs of shoes. I don't need all of these clothes and things. My Dad will just take them away from me when he finds me, and my Mother will sell them at a yard sale so she can buy some more booze."
Talk about a kick in the stomach. Becca and I looked at each other. I was thinking, 'What kind of life has this poor little boy had? We have to do something.'
Will's Comments: I betcha anything that Beau and Becca are going to have an addition to their family, even if they think they are getting too old! Plenty of families have 'Unexpected Blessings.'
Darryl's musings: Well, I strongly suspect that Beau and Becca won't let Timmy down. Brian did the right thing by rescuing him. I wonder where his scum of a father is. I get the strange feeling that Brian is going to be taking care of Timmy for good.
I can hardly wait for the next chapter to find out what will happen next.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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