This is Brian.
John and I walked to the room where the Art class met and Mr. Peters was pacing, "Brian, I was beginning to think that you weren't going to show."
I couldn't believe what I heard, "How could I not show up? They would probably try to expel me again if I hadn't been here. Mr. Peters, why don't you explain to the other students what is happening as soon as the bell rings, and perhaps, by this time tomorrow there won't be any people left in the class so I can have a study hall."
This is John.
Brian was a bundle of nerves. He sat down at the art station closest to the teacher's desk and his leg was visibly bouncing up and down. I leaned over to him, "Brian, relax! Everything's going to be fine."
The bell rang and Mr. Peters stood. He explained to the class that he would be in charge of the class, but that Brian would be providing the instruction.
Brian stood, "I will not be offended if you decide that you don't want to be in the class being told what to do by a snot nosed freshman. Now, if everyone will take the chalks that you have before you and follow my lead, we'll see what kind of artists you are."
Brian taught by example, and he had those of us in the class mimicking what he did. The result was that we all had a credible portrait of Mr. Peters. We were still working on our projects when the bell rang. Brian stood, "I hope you enjoyed today. Tomorrow, you will be on your own. I will be available to assist you in between my naps. Make sure you check with Mr. Peters or John before you wake me." The other students were laughing as they put their things away.
As Brian, Chris and I were walking to the locker room to get dressed for football practice, it was as if Brian was thinking out loud, " I sure hope that Timmy's going to be okay. I wonder what Dad might be able to find out about Timmy?"
His ponderings were interrupted by the Coach, "It's about time you showed, Benson. I was getting ready to send out the mounted patrol to look for you and lasso you and drag you here."
Brian flipped back, "Coach, they'd never be able to get to me on horseback. You'd better send out some dogsleds instead."
The Coach wasn't going to allow Brian to have the last word, "I'll just launch the armed helicopter forces and they can pick you up, fly you here as you dangle from the rope."
The coach looked at me, "John, are you going to be able to practice today?"
Brian watched to see what I would say, "Coach, I'll try but I'm still a little tender. I'll see what I can do."
After we did our warm up exercises, I practiced taking snaps from the center and Brian and Chris were acting as my wide receivers. After the second throw, I walked over to the coach, "Coach Mitchell, there is no way that I'll be able to play this week. If I try to play, I would probably make my injuries even worse. Put Brian in as the starting quarterback for the game this week and let him call his own plays when we wants to."
Brian looked at me and gave me the finger, "Coach Mitchell, I'll do the best that I can do, but I've never played organized football before. Please call the team together, so I can talk with them."
The Coach did as Brian asked. When the players and coaches were assembled around Brian, Coach Mitchell announced, "Team, Brian will be the starting quarterback this week, since there is no way John can play. Brian asked that I call you together so he can talk with you."
All eyes were on Brian. Brian looked at the guys and it was as if he was looking each one of the players and coaches in the eye, "Guys, I'm going to need all the help I can get from you. I have already informed Coach Mitchell that I have never played organized football. I know that our first game on Friday is against our biggest rival, Columbus High. If we can beat them we would serve notice to other Class A schools that we are not going to lay down and be run over like a doormat. I apologize for not knowing everyone's name, but give me until Friday and I will."
Brian looked at the coaches and team, "The numbers and signals that you use to call the plays mean nothing to me. Do you have a playbook or something that I could look at, so I know what is expected of me?"
Brian turned back to the team, "Guys, I'll give it my best shot, and we can make it work, if we all work together as team."
I watched as the Captain raised his clenched fist and yelled, "Charge."
That caused the rest of the team to raise their fists and yell "Charge."
That was to become the battle cry for the team when they ran onto the field at the start of each game.
The coach handed Brian a playbook and Brian looked at it. "Okay, guys, let's try the sweep left." Brian ran the practice according to coach's plan. I could almost see Brian's mind going a mile a minute.
After practice Brian walked around the locker room talking to the other players so he could get to know them. He kept telling them what a great job they were doing. I thought to myself 'Brian's good. He's making it so the team members will put out for him.'
As I was driving the guys home, Brian started, "I hope Timmy didn't wear Mother and Dad out today. I don't understand how someone could do something like that to someone so young."
Chris was lost, "Who's Timmy and what happened?"
Brian shook his head, "Chris, it's a long story. You'll get to meet Timmy, because he is going to be staying at our house and is probably going to be going to England with us."
Fortunately the conversation was cut short because we were at Chris' house. After Chris had departed from the car, Brian looked at me, "John, do you want to go to England with us or not?"
I wasn't sure how to answer. "Brian, let's talk about that later. It's only Tuesday and you aren't going until Friday. A lot of things could happen between now and then."
We were met at the door by an exuberant young boy, "Daddy Angel and Uncle John, come see what I got today. I've never had this many clothes before. Grandpa and Grandma even bought me this game I can play so I don't get bored. I get to start school tomorrow. I'm going to be in the second grade. Come see my backpack. It's so cool."
Brian picked Timmy up and hugged him, "Slow down Timmy. We'll look at all your things after dinner. What did the doctor say?"
Timmy held Brian's face, "Doctor Tommy said I was going to be fine. He said I needed to eat some good food and make sure that you behave. Dr. Tommy told me to tell you that you're beginning to act more and more like your Uncle Jeff did when he was young."
"Put me down so we can eat. We're having something that smells really good. Grandma Becca says we need to wash our hands."
Brian looked at me and put his hands up to indicate that he didn't know what to make of Timmy's excitement.
Dinner was extremely lively and I could see that Lauren and Morgan had all sorts of questions, but refrained from asking them because Timmy was present. Finally Morgan couldn't stand it anymore, "Timmy, why are you calling Brian, Daddy Angel?"
Mr. Benson looked at the girls, "We'll explain what's happening after dinner. Now, how was your day?"
Mr. and Mrs. Benson kept us talking about our days and I thought they were going to choke when Lauren told the Benson's about the sign out in front of the school when we arrived in the morning which read, "Brian Benson for President."
When the conversation turned to how Brian's day had gone, he answered, "Oh, it was very boring and at least I didn't get suspended or expelled again, at least not yet."
I had to say something, "Mr. and Mrs. Benson, Brian's day was not exactly boring. We'll tell you about it after we do the dishes. Come on Master Timmy, you can help us."
Brian chased Lauren and Morgan out of the kitchen so I knew he wanted to talk. As soon as it was just the three of us, Brian knelt and pulled Timmy close, "Timmy, when other people are around, you probably shouldn't refer to me as an Angel or even call me Daddy. I don't care if you call me that when it's just us, but other people won't understand. I'm too young to be your Daddy and I'm not an Angel."
Timmy started to argue, "But you just appeared out of nowhere and saved me."
Brian hugged Timmy, "Timmy, you just didn't see me coming. Please be careful or people will laugh at both of us."
The conversation was interrupted by the doorbell. Mr. Benson came into the kitchen, "John, your parents are here and would like to speak with you. Brian, Jason and Jeremy want to talk to you."
Brian, Timmy and I walked into the living room and Brian took charge, "Hi guys, why don't you come meet Timmy. I'll take you into the family room and you can watch some cartoons or something while your parents talk to John."
Brian left with the three young guys. My Father started, "John, we'd like to speak with you. Is there anywhere where we could talk in private.
This is Brian.
I had gotten the guys situated and had returned just in time to see what was happening. I watched as John took a deep breath, "Mr. Waters and Mother, whatever you have to say to me can be said in front of Mr. and Mrs. Benson and Brian. They know the full story of what happened to me and have made sure that I have had only the best of care. Mr. Waters, it is going to take me a very long time to totally forgive you for what you did to me? Now what is it you would like to speak with me about"
I went and sat down beside John and whispered, "John, please play it cool, or the hurt will never be healed. Please, listen to what your parents' have to say."
Mrs. Waters was starting to cry and I went and put my arm around her and whispered, "Ma'am, everything will work out. John is venting the animosity he feels towards his father right now. He was really crushed by what his father did to him."
Mr. Waters was visibly disturbed and I was almost afraid that he was going to blow any chance of reconciliation. He took a deep breath, "John, I am truly sorry for what I did to you. I can understand why you might hate me for what I did. I should have realized that you were telling me the truth because you have always been very honest with us. John, we want you to come home. Our house hasn't been a home since you left. Jason and Jeremy blame me, and rightfully so, for causing you to leave."
"I know that your Mother and the boys have seen you and that young Mr. Benson there put one over on me good."
I had to say something to lighten the air, "We did everything that the boys said we did. I read four or five words from the book of Genesis. We said a prayer asking that the boys enjoy their afternoon with their brother. We went to a movie about a piece of wood who turned out to be Pinocchio and I did make them take a bite of a raw onion. So everything they said was true. They just didn't tell you the rest of the story."
Even Mr. Waters was laughing, "John, please consider coming home."
John looked at his parents, "If I come home, I will never step foot in that church again. I don't care who the pastor is. After what Mrs. Conroy and Mr. Hogan tried to do to Brian, I want nothing more to do with the bigotry in that church. I am going to be going to the church where the Bensons go to church. Father Wanamaker sat down and spent almost two hours talking to Robin and me and assuring us that we had done nothing wrong. The entire Benson family and their friends have been very supportive of me and they didn't know me from the man on the moon."
"If I do come home, I will do my hardest to make sure that Jason and Jeremy never have to experience what I did. I think it is perhaps time for you, especially you, Dad, to remember that family should be foremost in your life. After all, you caused the three of us boys to be born, so perhaps God meant for you to take care of us properly and not the church and it's false pastors telling you how to raise your children."
I watched Dad and Mother as John was laying into his Father. I was proud of how John was handling the situation. Dad winked at me to let me know that he thought things might work out okay.
I stood, "I'm going to go check on the boys. Can I get anyone anything?"
John looked at me, "Brian, I'll have a beer please."
I went to where John was seated and pulled on his ear, "Forget that sonny, you're still wet behind the ears. Now get your butt into the kitchen and get the dessert ready for the boys while I change their diapers."
I looked at the other adults, "Can I get you something to drink while we are having our dessert."
Dad looked at me, "Brian, you and John take care of the young people and your Mother and I will worry about the adults."
John and I were sitting around the table with the boys. Jeremy looked at John, "John, when you come home, can we still come and visit Brian and Timmy?"
I looked at the guys, "You guys can come and visit any time you want."
We heard the doorbell as the guys were putting their dishes in the dishwasher. Dad came into the kitchen, "Brian, you have a visitor. Timmy, why don't you take Jason and Jeremy back to the family room for a few minutes? Their parents will be leaving soon."
John and I walked into the living room and Mrs. Conroy was sitting there. She didn't waste anytime. Brian, I came to apologize for putting you and your Mother through that ordeal last night. I am so embarrassed that I was completely taken in by that sex fiend. Brian, do you still have a copy of the report that you referred to last night? If so, might I see it?"
This is Beau.
I was curious as to how Brian might respond.
I was surprised at the maturity with which Brian responded, "Mrs. Conroy, I do have several copies of the information that I turned over to the authorities and I will gladly give you one. However, I think you might be more interested in some of the information that I didn't include in the package. Let me go get the report for you."
Brian left and when he returned, "Mrs. Conroy, I suggest you look through the small package first. That is my copy and I don't choose to let it out of my control."
Mrs. Conroy looked through the package and turned as white as a sheet. Brian reacted, "John, please go get Mrs. Conroy a glass of water."
Mrs. Conroy finally started to breathe normally again, She looked at Brian, "Brian, if you had this information last night, why didn't you use it?"
Brian shook his head, "Mrs. Conroy, there were only two issues before the school board last night. That was not the time or place to bring to the public's attention how much evil was going on in your church. I had no reason to ruin the lives of some innocent people who were totally duped by Ernest McCoy. Now, if you will please give me the papers, I will make sure that the people mentioned are never hurt by this report."
Brian looked at Mr. and Mrs. Waters, "Thanks for coming, I think you need to take your two youngest sons home so I can get Timmy to bed. He will be starting school tomorrow. John will advise you of his decision after he talks to his shrink, Doctor Brian."
Brian and John left and returned with three talkative young boys. As the Waters were leaving, Timmy yelled, "I'll see at school tomorrow. Bye."
Mrs. Conroy started to leave and she turned to Brian and hugged him and whispered something in his ear.
I watched as the three gentlemen disappeared and Lauren and Morgan resurfaced. Lauren started, "Who were all those people and what's going on?"
"It's as if ever since we got back from the dude ranch, this house is like a five ring circus with people coming and going. Why doesn't anyone tell us what's going on?"
Becca looked at the girls, "Ladies, only Brian knows. Hopefully he will stop bringing strays home and stop getting into trouble at school. Your Father and I are getting too old for all this activity."
This is John.
Brian and I had gotten Timmy settled and he was asleep. Brian was sitting at his desk doing some homework and I was sprawled on the easy chair reading one of my textbooks. We were both wearing just our briefs. There was a light tap on the door and I went to answer it. Mr. Benson was standing there in his pajamas. He whispered, "Guys, Brian's Mother would like to see the report that Brian shared with Mrs. Conroy. She's not going to take no for an answer because she is afraid it might come back to bite her."
Brian threw me a pair of walking shorts and I put them on. He put on a pair and here we were traipsing along the hallway to the Benson's master suite. Mrs. Benson was sitting on a settee in a robe. "Brian, may I please see what it was that you shared with Mrs. Conroy, so I'm not blindsided again?"
Brian handed the papers to his mother and after she read them she handed them to Mr. Benson. When Mrs. Benson finished reading she looked at Brian, "Son, I'm proud that you chose not to make this information public knowledge. You could very well have ruined the lives of many innocent people. What do you plan to do with this information?"
Brian took a deep breath, "Dad and Mother, I plan to keep it only until this mess and turmoil he has caused at his church is resolved. I have no desire to injure those who were taken in by the crook."
Mr. and Mrs. Benson both nodded. Mrs. Benson looked at me, "John, what are you going to do about going home? We certainly aren't trying to get rid of you, but you were rather brutal to your Father tonight."
Mr. and Mrs. Benson, I will be going home shortly, because I really do love my family even though my Father hurt me badly. I'm just pulling a Brian and making him suffer. I gave Jason a note to give my Mother, when he got home, telling her that I was planning to come home on Saturday. I wish my Father could be as understanding as Mr. Benson."
Brian sat up, "Johnny, baby, you ain't seen the mean old Mr. Benson yet. He's been on his best behavior while you've been here."
Brian hugged his parents and announced, "We need to get back before Timmy wakes up and feels like he is abandoned again. Love ya. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
I guess I was stunned to hear Brian talk like that to his parents. I hugged them and walked back to Brian's room. 'Why can't every home be like this?'
Will's Note:
I cannot imagine what makes this story so great. It must be the sports talk (and your humble editor is not a great sports fan), the great dialogue, the mature behavior of Brian, the hatred of hypocrisy, and most of all, the LOVE that permeates all of our esteemed author's writings. Yeah, I guess that's what makes this story so great. Will B.
Darryl's Notes: John is right. It would be wonderful if every home was like the Benson's I'm afraid though, that we have a long way to go before that happens. One of the reasons that I so much enjoy having a part in bringing you these stories written by E Walk is that each and every one of them brings us life lessons and makes beautiful sense. Please don't forget to write to E Walk and let him know just how much you enjoy reading his stories.
That is something that all the authors appreciate. Let your favourite author know you are enjoying their stories.
Now it's time for me to go read the next chapter. Oh yes that is another reason I like to help; I get to read chapters early. Grin.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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