This is Brian.
When we arrived in front of Maxim's Restaurant, Reggie climbed out and handed me a key. "Take Monsieur Lafontaine in the front door so he can use the chairlift. I'll meet you in the apartment after I park the limousine."
I helped Grandpa Nappy into the restaurant and Timmy, Chase and I followed him as he went to the second floor in his chair. I sent the two boys to our bedroom and told them to take a bath while I helped Grandpa Nappy to his room.
Fortunately Reggie arrived and he showed me where Grandpa Nappy's bedroom was. He followed me as I supported Grandpa Nappy. I had Grandpa Nappy sit on the bed. I took off his sandals. I started to open the belt on his trousers and he looked at me, "What are you going to do? You trying to rape me or something?"
I looked at Reggie, "I think the grouch is feeling better. Grandpa, please rest. We've had a busy day and it isn't over yet."
Monsieur Lafontaine nodded, "You go take care of the little ones, and then I want to discuss something with you and Reggie."
I walked into the bathroom and there were bubbles everywhere and the boys were trying to clean the floor on their hands and knees without any clothes. Timmy looked at me, "Da...Uncle Brian, the bottle of bubble bath slipped out of my hand and fell into the bathtub while the water was on and the bubbles kept growing. Chase finally figured out that we needed to turn of the water to keep them from growing anymore."
I got naked like the boys were and drained the tub so the liquid would go down the drain. I started to run the water to get rid of the bubble bath solution in the tub with the drain open. There was a knock on the bathroom door and Jack was standing there.
He started to laugh, "Guys, what's going on?"
I explained what had happened and he started to take of his clothes and was standing in his briefs. "Brian, I'll help the guys clean this mess. Monsieur Lafontaine is waiting to talk to you. Dad says you need to get a move on."
I looked at Jack, "Why don't you take off your briefs and you can get in the shower and shower the young men's hair and make sure they get rid of all of the salt water. They've seen men before so they aren't going to be shocked."
I dried off and put on a pair of Bermuda shorts and a tee shirt and went to Grandpa Nappy's room. I knocked and was told to enter. I walked in and Nappy was sitting up in his bed with pillows supporting him in just his boxer shorts.
When he saw me he started to laugh, "I understand that the bubble bath exploded in your bath room. No wonder you smell like lilacs. Brian, I know I'm dying and don't have long to live and I don't want you to worry about me. I have led a long and wonderful life and I just wish I could have met you sooner."
Grandpa Nappy took a deep breath, "Son, the next couple of days are going to be some of the most exciting of your life so far. Enjoy them. Now the reason for this meeting is that I have been thinking about when you go home. We duped the uninformed one time, but I don't think we can get away with it a second time. I'm going to have Reggie make reservations for all of you to leave tomorrow night after the meeting."
I looked at Grandpa Nappy, I was confused, "What meeting? How is Reggie going to be able to make reservations when he doesn't have all the information he will need about our names and our passports numbers and everything else that is needed these days."
Grandpa Nappy sat up and motioned for me to sit down beside him, "Brian, that's what Reggie is paid to do and besides Jacques is going to be living with your brother and his mate and J.R. Just so you know, Jackie is an excellent chef and will be a fine addition to the staff at the bed and breakfast."
I threw up my hands, "How come no one ever tells me anything?"
Nappy pulled me close, "Probably because you were playing with the bubble bath. Now what would you suggest that we feed my two grandsons for dinner?"
I looked at Reggie and he was having a difficult time keeping a straight face. "Grandpa, I think they will eat anything as long as it isn't frog legs or French onion soup. They would probably be happy with a grilled cheese sandwich and some soup."
Grandpa Nappy looked at Reggie, "You heard what my son said. Now I'm going to rest for an hour. Brian, you might want to put suntan lotion on my two grandsons. They got quite a bit of sun today."
Reggie and I understood that Monsieur Lafontaine wanted to have some quiet time so we went to the kitchen where Jack was watching the two young boys eating a scone with jam and a glass of milk. He offered me one and it hit the spot. I wasn't going to be too hungry for dinner.
I insisted that Timmy and Chase take their dishes to the sink as we did at home. I think both Reggie and Jack were astounded when the boys rinsed their dishes and put them into the dishwasher.
Chase looked at me, "Uncle Brian, can we go see what's on the telly?"
I looked at the two boys, "I don't know why not, but first I need to put some lotion on your bodies since you both got a lot of sun today."
I took the boys to the bedroom and applied lotion to their face and upper bodies. Timmy was really hot because he had no suntan base. Chase still had his tan from the nude dude ranch. After I had put the lotion on them they were sitting on the bed watching some show on the telly.
When I walked into the kitchen, Jack smiled, "Brian, thanks for suggesting I go with the others today. I had a great time. I am really going to enjoy rooming with J.R. even though he's not gay. I came home this weekend to try to convince Dad and Mr. Lafontaine that I didn't really want to go to college in the United States."
"After meeting you and your friends, I'm excited to go back because I'll know some people and have something in common with some of them."
I suddenly realized what Jacques had said, "Jack, I think you just told me you're gay. I have the distinct feeling that J.R. isn't. If you're rooming with him won't that create a problem?"
Jack shook his head no, "J.R. and I talked about that today as we were walking around. We can make it work so that if he is shacking up with someone, then we will have to have a signal. If I get to the bedroom first, then I'll put up the alert."
I was having a difficult time with what I was hearing, "So did you talk to Ben and Grant about this, since Ben and my Mom own the bed and breakfast?"
Jacques nodded, "We talked to Ben and Grant while Chris and Angela were off doing something with Jaime. Ben said he had no problem with the arrangement as long as we didn't detract from the facility being an elite bed and breakfast."
Jacques added, "Money is not the issue here because Monsieur Lafontaine has made sure that I could go to college the rest of my life if I choose to do so. I just want to find someone who will love me for who I am."
I hugged Jack, "Man, you will if you don't look too hard. I'm not an expert in this stuff, but you need to be prepared for the unexpected when you least expect it."
Grandpa Nappy walked into the kitchen looking quite spry, "Where are my two grandsons."
I couldn't help myself, "They're outside catching blackbirds so they can bake you a pie. They want to be able to yell, 'Now wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the Grump.'"
Jack looked as if he were shocked at the way I was talking to Monsieur Lafontaine. I stood and hugged Grandpa Nappy and led him to the bedroom. Both boys were sound asleep on the bed with their arms around the other. I looked at Grandpa Nappy, "Grandpa, I think you wore them out."
Grandpa Nappy sat down on the bed and motioned for me to sit down. He put his arm around me, "Brian, they are two beautiful young boys, but they are as different as day and night. Chase is not one of us, but Timmy is. It is too early to determine if they are going to be gay or not. The important thing is that they have found someone in their own age group that they can relate to."
He wasn't done, "Brian, while I will never get to meet this John person, who you have gotten to know, he and you are going to become very good friends even though he is older than you. He is a wonderful young man. Please stand by him because he could be facing some tough times in the future. Don't ask me what they are, because it is just a feeling that I have."
Grandpa Nappy hugged me again as if he needed to hold me, "We need to wake the two little ones so we can eat before we get dressed. We can have more to eat when we get home this evening after your unveiling?"
I looked at him, "Grandpa Nappy, what are you suggesting? What did you mean by my unveiling?"
He pulled me closer, "All I meant was that your artworks are going to be seen by the public for the first time."
I looked at him and let out a deep breath, "Good, because I thought you were inferring that I was going to be on display naked."
Nappy looked at me, "Well, we could do that too, to insure that your opening got rave reviews from the critics. I'm afraid it would cause a riot of people trying to get closer to the exhibit."
I was laughing so hard I could hardly talk, "Just remember to put up a sign, you can look all you want, but please don't touch the merchandise, or it will fall off."
Nappy pushed me away, "Brian, you are evil. Now wake the boys so we can eat."
Our antics had awakened Timmy, "Grandpa, Brian's not really evil, is he?"
Nappy grabbed Timmy, "Timmy, no I don't think that anyone will ever be able to call Brian evil. He may make some people very angry because they might not like what he is doing or has done, but he won't be evil. Now I suggest you wake your friend so we can eat before we get properly dressed for the evening. We will be eating in the kitchen so you are dressed just fine. Reggie will lay your clothes out for you while we are eating."
When we got to the kitchen, Jack was dishing up our food. He served each of us a bowl of home made chicken noodle soup with some fresh baked French bread. Timmy even asked if he might have more soup. The next course was grilled ham and cheese sandwiches with a bowl of fresh fruit. The two boys were struggling to finish their sandwiches and Grandpa Nappy suggested that we would have dessert after we returned from the gallery. That was fine with the two boys.
Jack and I took care of the cleanup while Reggie took the two boys to get dressed. As Jack and I were finishing, Jack asked, "Brian, would you have any objection if I attended the showing tonight?"
I was perplexed by the question, "Why would I have any objections to you attending the showing?"
Jack shook his head, "Well, it is by invitation only and I haven't been invited."
I was totally confused, "Jacques, I haven't received an invitation either, so I guess we won't be going. This is ridiculous, you will go as Timmy and Chase's aide."
When I got to the bedroom, both boys were dressed in tuxedoes. I looked on the bed and my tuxedo pants and shirt were waiting for me to put them on. While I was getting dressed, Reggie took the two boys to the bathroom and fixed their hair so everything was in place. When they returned, Reggie started to help me and fixed my ascot so it was just right after I put my vest on."
I looked at Reggie, "Why can't I wear a bow tie like the boys have on?"
Reggie fixed my cummerbund, "Because Monsieur Lafontaine wants you to stand out. Now stand still."
When we were dressed, we went to the living room and Grandpa Nappy and Jack came in dressed in tuxedoes also. They had different colored ties and cummerbunds than the two boys. Grandpa Nappy approached me and made an adjustment to my ascot and leaned down and whispered, "You are absolutely handsome. You'll wow the critics with your looks if nothing else. Make sure they don't follow you to the bathroom."
Before I could respond Reggie advised us that the limo would be departing for the gallery immediately. Timmy was walking with Grandpa Nappy and Chase was with me and Jack. Chase looked at me, "Brian, why is everyone wearing these silly suits. Why can't we wear jeans?"
I looked at Chase, "Chase, I have no idea what is happening. I think the world has gone bonkers. Let's see what happens at the gallery."
Grandpa Nappy turned around, "Brian, you don't have your medals on. Reggie, go help him put on the awards that the Queen presented to him. He absolutely must wear them tonight. We'll meet you in the car. Reggie and I went back to the apartment and I pulled out the stupid medals. He carefully pinned them on my jacket in the proper order.
I looked at Reggie, "Why am I wearing these honors? They have nothing to do with my art works."
Reggie looked at me, "Brian, do you know how many people would very gladly wear these honors. Even I didn't know that you had them. You're wearing them because Monsieur Lafontaine wants you to wear them."
When I crawled into the limo, Jack practically went into a state of shock when he saw the medals on my jacket. "Oh, Lord Brian, I'm so sorry that I didn't recognize that you were a Knight of the Order of the Bath."
"Knock it off Jack, I was in the wrong place at the right time and everyone felt sorry for me. Stop calling me Lord Brian. I can't be called Lord, because I'm not a citizen of the United Kingdom."
Grandpa Nappy looked at Timmy and Chase. We'll talk about what those teenagers are talking about later. We're almost to the gallery so make sure that you smile for the photographers."
When we got to the gallery, Reggie opened the door for us to exit. I watched as he gave his son, Jacques, a funny look.
Jack looked at him, "Dad, I'll be fine. I won't do anything to embarrass you or anyone else."
When we arrived at the door to the gallery, we were met by Kelly, "It's about time you got here. Good, you didn't bring anymore of the awful pieces of junk for me to take care of."
He leaned down hugged Timmy and Chase, "I hope you gentlemen had a good day. What kind of trouble did the monster get into today?"
Kelly looked at Jack, "I don't think I know this handsome stud."
Jack extended his hand, "I'm Jack Stewart, I'm here to make sure that Brian and Monsieur Lafontaine don't get into any trouble. Timmy, Chase and I will be patrolling to make sure that these pieces of junk as you call them aren't stolen."
Grandpa Nappy poked me in the side. I could hardly wait to see how Kelly answered. "Well, why didn't you say so. The critics will probably be building a bonfire in the middle of the gallery before the evening even gets started."
Shelby and Mr. Johnson arrived and stopped any more fun. Mr. Johnson looked at me, "Brian, I think your opening is going to be a phenomenal success. Kelly and Shelby and their people have done an outstanding job with the excellent works that you provided them. We will be able to tell the results within the first ten minutes."
We walked to the gallery and everyone else was there. We were the last to arrive. Mother and Dad came to talk to me and Dad started, "Son, the show is going to be just fine. I don't know how you found time to do all of this with everything that has been happening."
I looked at my parents, "Mom and Dad, I think that the painting of me on the rock could bring a lot of money for J.R. if we could convince him to sell it. Kelly has already offered to buy it, but J.R. informed him that it was a gift to you. I'm sure that he could use any money that he could make from it's sale and it could launch his career as an artist if it were to sell."
"Monsieur Lafontaine has decided that we should fly home on a commercial flight. We fooled the unsuspecting one time but he doesn't think we can do it twice."
Mother looked at me, "Brian, if someone offers to buy J.R.'s painting of you then tell him to sell it. He can always do another one of you later and give it to us. We already knew that we were going to be flying home on a commercial jet because Reggie called and got the information he needed. So relax and meet your critics."
Editor's Comments: Our EA (Esteemed Author) certainly knows how to keep our interest. Will Jacques/Jack find some one? Who is this mysterious one that Grandpa Nappy keeps mentioning?
Darryl's Notes: Well, it looks like we are finally at the gallery. I am certain that Brian's work will indeed wow the critics. I can hardly wait to see what happens next, and as it turns out, I won't have to wait all that long. I just checked my Email and I have the next chapter in my hot little hand. Thank you E Walk for writing this wonderful story.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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