This is Brian.
At seven o'clock, Mr. Johnson beckoned for J.R., Chris, Chase and me to come talk to him, "At 7:30 most of the critics and guests should have arrived. I will formally present you at that time to those people who are assembled. You need to understand that if any offers should be made for any of your works that you would be willing to sell, the gallery will get five per cent of the sale price."
He continued, "The gallery will send any items that are sold to the purchasing party when the exhibit closes. Brian, if you should get a reasonable offer for the abstract of you in the featured grouping, take it. I know that I bought it. We'll discuss the financial arrangements later. The first guests are arriving so mingle and listen to what they are saying."
I whispered to J.R., "I talked to my parents and they agree that if per chance you receive an offer for your painting, you should take it. You can always do another painting for them later."
J.R. started to argue with me but he was interrupted by Kelly, "Get ready for the massacre, guys."
I laughed, "Well, it's all your fault, you know."
Kelly laughed, "Lord Brian, me thinks not, Sir."
I was walking to where the guests were studying the different works. I noticed that nearly all the guests stopped and studied the painting which J.R. had done of me.
Timmy was sticking close to Grandpa Nappy and Chase was with J.R.
It was about 7:25 when there was an announcement, "Ladies and gentlemen, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and her grandson, His Royal Highness, Prince Harry."
This is Beau.
I watched as most of the men bowed and the ladies curtsied. I watched to see what Brian would do. He nodded his head and walked forward to meet the Queen and the Prince. He kissed the Queen's hand.
The Queen smiled, "Sir Brian, I had to come and see your show after I saw the outstanding work that you did."
Brian shook Prince Harry's hand and the Prince clasped Brian on the shoulder, "Sir Brian, you're looking very dapper tonight. It's good to see you again."
Brian offered his arm to the Queen and brought her and the Prince to meet Becca and me. "Mother and Dad, I'd like to present Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, and His Royal Highness, Prince Harry. These are my unfortunate parents, Mrs. Becca Benson and Mr. Beau Benson."
Prince Harry started to laugh, "Mr. and Mrs. Benson, I am under the distinct impression that your talented son is being a little theatrical."
The queen laughed and shook our hands. "You must be very proud of Sir Brian."
Our conversation was interrupted by a gong. Mr. Johnson was standing in front of the three featured pieces of the exhibit. "Your Majesty and honored guests, thank you for attending the opening of this the first public showing of these talented young artists. I would like to present the primary contributor to tonight's show. I watched this young man work, and he truly is an amazing talent. Tonight, you have seen his works in three different media: pastels, oils and charcoal. He is indeed a talented young man. Ladies and gentlemen, I present Sir Brian Benson. He will introduced the other young artists.
Brian took a deep breath, "Your Majesty, we are deeply honored that you could attend this showing. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. I will be introducing the other artists in the order I met them. I've grown up with the young man who did the fantastic photographs that you see on the wall. He and I are like cousins, Mr. Christopher Jameson. He, like me, is 14 years old. Chris."
Chris went forward and was greeted by a round of applause. When Brian introduced Chase there was a gasp from the audience when they saw how young he was, and he received a big round of applause.
Brian made a big production out of introducing J.R., "I met the last of our artists when we went to the ranch for our family vacation after I returned from my trip to England this summer. His father was the camp director and the young man started to pick on me. Ladies and gentlemen, the young man who caught me sunbathing on the rock, Mr. J.R. Champion. He is a very talented artist to make me look so good."
J.R. was embarrassed by the round of applause.
Mr. Johnson stepped forward, "It is very refreshing to see so much talent in young people even if they are from the States. Mr. O'Brien, do you have a question?"
"Yes, I noticed that Brian is wearing a medal indicating that he is a member of the Order of Bath. He also looks very familiar, but yet he says he is from the United States."
The Queen had stood and walked forward and looked at Mr. Johnson, "Mr. Johnson, I would like to respond to Mr. O'Brien's remark, I was very proud to have presented Brian with the medal saying that he was a member of the Order of Bath along with Lady Victoria Mason and the medals to Mr. Ben Benson and Mr. Grant Garrison for their role in breaking up the slave marketers who were abducting our young people."
"He not only was involved in that incident, but he also saved the life of a young man while swimming at Brighton. If that wasn't enough, he and his brother and Mr. Garrison were responsible for the arrest of some very unsavory people who had been harassing patrons at Wembley Stadium."
I looked at Becca and whispered, "How come no one ever tells us anything?"
The queen returned to her seat. Mr. Johnson started to close the introduction segment, but was interrupted by a voice, "Lord Brian, I would like to purchase the three main pictures of your show for a hundred thousand pounds."
Brian went white and I was sure that he was going to pass out. The entire group of people who were assembled looked to see who was speaking. Mr. Johnson took the microphone, "Sir Charles, did I understand you correctly? You did make an offer of one hundred thousand pounds, is that correct?"
The gentleman nodded yes.
Brian took the microphone, "Sir Charles, I accept the offer. Your Majesty and other guests. I would like to announce that one of half of the proceeds that I derive from the sale of any of my works will stay here in England to help the poor and the needy. The funds will be administered by Mr. Hank Peters and Mr. Rod Cox"
The Queen looked at Becca and me. "You must be very proud of your son. I can't imagine too many young men who would even think to make such a generous gesture."
This is Brian.
As Mr. Johnson was making his closing remarks and offering the guests hors d'oeuvres and punch, Vicky and I had just gotten to the queen and she started, "Lady Victoria and Sir Brian, I would like to invite you and your families and friends to join us at Buckingham Palace for lunch tomorrow at noon. We had such a good time the last time Brian was there and it would be fun to be able to do it again. Brian, this time, make sure that you dress casually. Maybe you could dress as you did when you were displaying your body on the rock for J.R."
I could feel myself turning red, "Your Majesty, we would be honored to have lunch at your home tomorrow. I will need to check to see what plans the others have and I'll let your staff know first thing in the morning."
The Queen stood, "We need to leave now. Brian, will you walk us around the exhibition before we leave?"
I had just returned from having escorted the Queen and Prince Harry to the exit when I was approached by a gentleman, "Mr. Benson, I'm Tom Dailey. I'm the curator of the Art Institute of Chicago. I would like to speak with you and the other artists."
I took him to where J.R. and Chase were standing and motioned for Chris and Mr. Johnson to join us. I introduced Mr. Daily and he started, "Mr. Champion, I would like to offer you $25,000.00 U.S. dollars for your painting that introduces the show. Brian, I would like to buy the painting of the two young men playing checkers for $25,000.00. I would also like to buy the pastel drawing of you talking to the Queen for another $20,000. Chris, Chase and Brian I would like to also buy two sets of your photographs and charcoals for $15,000 thousand per set."
I would like to set up an exhibit that displays your outstanding works so that the visitors to the Art Institute will realize that there is talent in the young people of America today."
The deal was agreed upon and Kelly came up to me, "Holy smackers, kid. These people have to be blind. You owe me big time since you let my painting get away."
I hugged Kelly, "Kelly, if it hadn't been for you and Shelby, this show would have been a disaster."
Kelly laughed, "I hardly think so, Son. I can hardly wait to see your next pieces of junk. You don't know how refreshing it is to see paintings that seem to be of real people who come to life."
I looked at Monsieur Lafontaine and he was looking tired. I went to him and suggested, "Grandpa Nappy, why don't we get you and the boys home so you can rest for tomorrow. We've been invited to Buckingham Palace for lunch."
He didn't resist and called Reggie to tell him that we were ready to leave. I went to Mr. Johnson, "Sir, you and Mr. Kelly can make anymore deals for us. We need to get Monsieur Lafontaine home."
I sent Ben and Grant a message, 'Jack and I'll met you at Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank's house after we get the boys settled. We can go get some pizza or something. We'll pick up Vicky and Angie on the way.'
I advised Vicky what was happening and told her we would pick her and Angie up in approximately thirty minutes. I looked at her parents, "I promise that we'll have her home by 11:00. Will you be able to go to lunch at Buckingham Palace with us tomorrow?"
Mrs. Mason looked at me, "Brian, I think it would be better if you and the other young people went with your parents. We've been there and done that, so the Queen doesn't want to talk to us. Besides tomorrow isn't a holiday for us. I am scheduled to do some volunteer work at the hospital."
When we got to the apartment, Jack and I took the boys to get undressed. I carefully hung their tuxedoes on the hangars they had been on while Jack helped them brush their teeth. Jack went to change clothes and I got out of the formal garb that I had been wearing put on some casual clothes.
I had just gotten the boys settled when Reggie knocked, "Brian, Monsieur Lafontaine would like to speak with you and the two boys."
The boys climbed out of bed and we went to Grandpa Nappy's bedroom. He motioned to the two boys, "Why don't you two boys keep me company while Brian and his friends go partying. Brian, I won't be going to lunch with you tomorrow. I have some things I need to do. I won't be back until just before we go to dinner tomorrow night."
"Brian, hand me my money pouch there on the vanity."
I handed his wallet or whatever and he handed me two fifty pound notes. "You are to pay for the refreshments tonight as long as they are nonalcoholic. This should cover any cover charges if you should go to one of those fancy discothèques."
I bent done and kissed my three men on the lips. As I walked away, I wasn't feeling real good about anything.
When I got to the kitchen, Reggie was reading the riot act to Jack, "Son, I don't understand why you think that you have the right to go with these other young people."
I made my presence known, 'Mr. ... I don't even know your last name. What is it?"
Jack looked at me, "Brian, our last name is Stewart. Dad, if it will make you happy, I'll stand by while the others do what they want to do."
I shook my head, "Listen to me and listen to me well, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Stewart. Jack will be joining us as an equal tonight. He isn't anyone's servant. After all, if he is going to be going to Cornell and to be a Cornie like my brother and our friends, then he has every right to join us for a snack or whatever. We don't care who anyone is, as long as we enjoy their company. Mr. Stewart, Jack told me he was gay up front and it doesn't bother me because we have some other gay acquaintances."
Both Reggie and Jack were standing with their mouths open. Jack finally spoke, "Brian, do you realized that you just outed me to my Father?"
I suddenly felt as if I had been hit in stomach, "Jack, I apologize. I assumed that your Father already knew because you confided in me."
Reggie started laughing, "Brian, I've known for a long time that Jacques was gay and have been waiting for him to tell me. You just made it easier for us to coexist. I too am bisexual and that is why Jacques' Mother and I separated many years ago. Guys just go have a good time tonight and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Don't stay out too late and don't wreck the limo."
Jack and I went and got the limo and I started to apologize but Jack stopped me, "Brian, I have been trying to tell my Dad for several years that I was gay and just didn't know how to do it."
Our discussion was interrupted by our arrival at the Mason house and I went to the door. Minister Mason answered, "Brian, the young ladies will be here shortly. Whose driving the limousine tonight?"
I didn't know why he was asking so I answered, "Jacques is driving the limo tonight, sir. Is there a problem?"
Mr. Mason left and returned with Jack, "Son, do you have a chauffeur's license?"
Jack pulled out his wallet, "Yes, sir, I got it when I turned 18 so I could take Monsieur Lafontaine where he needed to go when he was in London."
Dad was standing there, "Brian, do you need any money for tonight?"
I looked at Dad, "I haven't spent a cent since we've been here and besides Monsieur Lafontaine gave me more than enough money to cover our expenditures for tonight."
Fortunately Vicky and Angie arrived and we escaped any further inquisition. When we arrived at Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank's house the guys were ready so we all climbed into the limo with J.R. sitting in front with Jack.
We drove to a more affluent part of town and pulled in front of a some sort of club. The doors of the limo were immediately opened and we all climbed out. The young man who crawled into the driver's seat said, "We'll make sure nothing happens to Monsieur Lafontaine's limousine."
I had all sorts of questions going through my head. When we walked in, the host looked at us, "I gather that you are the Brian Benson party. I was informed that eight of you would be arriving about this time. If you will follow me, I'll take you to your table."
We were shown to a table right next to the dance floor and a young waiter brought us pitchers of soda, containers to drink from and some snack food. "I'll be right back with your pizzas and other food."
I looked around, "Will someone explain to me what is happening? Jack, why did you bring us here?"
I heard a voice, 'Shut up and have a good time.'
Jack answered, "Monsieur Lafontaine told me I should bring you here. That's why."
The band started to play and Vicky and I started to dance and that got the others in the mood and they joined us on the dance floor. In between sets, the food just kept coming even though none of us had ordered anything. It was about 10:30 when I realized how late it was and I went to the host. "I would like to pay for what we ate tonight."
The young man looked at me, "Sir Brian, it's on the house."
I looked at the young man, "Does Mr. Lafontaine happen to own this establishment, per chance?"
The young man laughed, "Yes, but don't tell him I told you so, or he'd fire my butt."
I handed the young man one of the fifty pound notes, "Could you at least give me ten five pound notes so I can take care of the people who served us?"
The young man went and got me the five pound notes and I handed him one, "If you don't tell, I won't tell."
I went to the table and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, we need to go."
I plopped down four more five pound notes for the young people who had been waiting on us.
When we walked out of the disco, it seemed as if the limo was ready before we were. I handed the driver two five pound notes and crawled in the back as Jack crawled in the driver's seat. Jack drove us to the Mason's house first and Chris and I walked the two young ladies to the door. I could hear a clock chiming eleven o'clock as I kissed Vicky goodnight.
When we stopped in front of Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank's house the other four guys climbed out and I got in front with Jack. "Jack, when did Grandpa Nappy tell you to take us to that disco?"
"While you were getting the two little guys settled. He really upset my Dad by suggesting that I drive. That is a point of contention between my Father and me. Brian, don't ask why."
When I got to my bedroom the two little guys weren't there. I went to see where they were and they were curled up against Grandpa Nappy. He sent me a message, 'Brian, they're fine. Just go do what any healthy fourteen year old would do given a chance. I trust you had a good time tonight?'
'Yes we had a very nice time. I think this healthy fourteen year old is just going to crash. It has been a long fun filled day. Good night, Grandpa. I love you.'
As I was crawling into bed I heard, 'Goodnight my son, I love you too.'
Will's comments: This was quite a chapter with outings to the museum and pizza parlor, a planned outing to Buckingham Palace on the morrow, and an unplanned 'outing' that turned out to have worked out well after all. Okay, esteemed author, bring on the next
Chapter, please. Will B.
Darryl's Notes: I must say that this story has captured my heart very deeply, and to be very honest, I have no idea what grabbed me first. I think that I fell in love with Brian the moment I met him. He is definitely a chip off the old block so to speak. After all, I fell in love with Beau the moment I met him too. Timmy and Chase are adorable as well, and I see them both exhibiting traits similar to those of Brian.
I will be biting my nails waiting for the next chapter to find its way into my mail box. Thank you again E Walk for another wonderful chapter.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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