This is Brian.
When I woke up the next morning, I decided to do as Grandpa Nappy had suggested the night before. I climbed into the shower and did what most normal fourteen year old boys would do. I tried to clog the sewers of London. Hey, this might be the last chance I have for some time since Timmy and the entire world sleeps with me normally.
I just finished that endeavor when I heard someone snickering.
I looked and Jack was standing there watching me, "Nice show, Brian. Are you sure you're only fourteen?"
I started to get upset and then I realized how funny I must have looked. "Jack, how much did you witness?"
"I came to see if you wanted to go running and your bedroom door was open so I walked in. You weren't in bed and the bathroom door was open. I was going to call into you until I heard the shower start. Since you hadn't closed the shower door, there wasn't much I couldn't see and I was transfixed by what you were doing because I've never really seen someone else taking care of their physical needs before. You should work for a strip joint."
We were interrupted by the arrival of two little boys. Timmy looked at me "Dad, where's Grandpa Nappy? He isn't in bed and we can't find him. Get some clothes on and help us find him."
I started to get dressed and put on some running clothes, "Why don't you two boys put on some clothes, in case there are some women who might come to visit?"
When we finished dressing, we went into the kitchen and Jack shook his head, "This is odd. Dad is always up by this time."
Timmy saw a note and some keys. He handed the note to me.
Brian, Timmy, Chase and Jack,
Monsieur Reginald and I have left for Paris.
Jack, you make sure that the young men get to where they need to be today and feed them.
Brian, we should be returning on the four o'clock train. You are not to make any plans for tonight. Your parents and you will be attending a special dinner tonight. Chris and J.R. will make sure that nothing happens to my two young grandsons.
Have a great day,
I reread the note and was trying to figure out what was happening. I looked at Jack, "Why don't we take the boys for a short run in the park and then come back and fix some breakfast. I need to figure out who is going to be going to lunch with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip today. I told her I would call and let the staff know how many of us would be joining them. We know that the four of us are going, but I'm not sure who else will be."
Jack looked at me as if he was astonished, "Brian, I can't go. I'm just a commoner."
I wanted to smack Jack on the mouth, "What do you mean by saying you're just a commoner. What do you think Chase, Timmy and I are?"
He started to argue with me, "But Brian, I'm an English subject. The Queen didn't invite me."
I looked at Timmy, "Timmy, go put your hand over Uncle Jack's mouth so he can't scream when I kick him in the butt. Chase, you hold him still so I can't miss my target."
The two boys started toward him and Jack fell down on his knees, "I surrender. I'll do whatever you say, Lord Brian."
Timmy looked at Chase, "Make sure his fingers aren't crossed. Let's go run. I'm getting hungry."
We walked across the street to the park and there was nobody there so we started to run at a leisurely pace so Timmy and Chase would be able to keep up with Jack and me. We were rounding a curve on the walking path when a Doberman pincher started to run toward us.
Timmy and Chase had been in front of us, but they quickly moved behind us when they saw the dog approaching. The dog jumped up on me and started to lick my face. I looked at the dog and then I saw Minister Smyth approaching. "Rupert, get down. Timmy and Chase, come meet Rupert."
Minister Smyth looked at me, "Brian, Rupert must have smelled that you were in the area and he broke away from me. I apologize for any problems. I'm sorry I wasn't at the preview of your showing last night, but we have a problem that we need to resolve and that is why Rupert and I are here in this park this morning. My young grandson and his parents are on holiday. They won't be back until later tonight. Do you suppose you could take Rupert for a run while I sit and read the newspaper?"
Rupert sniffed the three newcomers and we started to run. All of a sudden Timmy stopped, "Dad, someone needs help."
We stopped running and I heard a voice crying, "No, mister please don't do that to me."
I dashed toward the voice and called to Jack, "Take the boys and go get Minister Smyth and tell him we need his help."
I knocked the man to the ground and Rupert was standing over him growling. I looked at the young man, "Fix your clothes quickly."
Fortunately Minister Smyth arrived with the others and took charge, "Young man, can you tell me what was happening here?"
Jack thankfully realized that he needed to keep Timmy and Chase back far enough so they couldn't hear what was being said.
The young man looked at Minister Smyth, "I was sleeping under the trees over there and that man approached me and offered to buy me breakfast if I would do certain things with him. Sir, I didn't really know what he wanted to do but he was going to ... well you know what."
Two of London's finest arrived and I looked at Jack, "We need to get the two boys back to the flat as you call it and have some breakfast."
Mr. Smyth called after us, "Lord Brian, you need to read this morning's newspaper. You and your friends made the headlines again."
Timmy was holding my hand as we walked back to the apartment and Chase was walking with Jack. Timmy looked at me, "Dad, how come you are always there when someone needs help like I did? You are an angel aren't you?"
I reached down and hugged Timmy, "Timmy, I'm no angel; now let's go get something to eat."
We fixed breakfast and as we were eating I looked at the paper. The headlines read, 'Four Young American Artists Take the British Art Community by Storm." There was a picture of the three featured pastels of me. (Thank goodness the picture was in black and white.)
The article read,
I was privileged to have the honor to attend the preview of an art show at the Johnson Art Gallery last evening. Upon entering the new exhibit there was a fascinating painting of a young man sun tanning on a rock with the title 'Meet the Artist.'
When we entered the exhibition hall, the featured works were three very different works. The first was an abstract, the second was a picture of a disheveled young man and the third was a self portrait with the title of 'Reflections' by Brian Benson.
The young artist is only fourteen years old and his friends who are also featured in the show are fourteen, seven and eighteen.
What made the evening even more spectacular was that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth and His Royal Highness, Prince Harry made more than an appearance. Young Mr. Benson had obviously met them before.
Mr. Benson announced that half of any money he earned from the exhibit would be put into a fund for the hungry and needy of England. That is not what we would expect from a fourteen year old, and one from the United States no less.
After Mr. Benson and his friends departed, it was as if a bidding war broke out to see who could get the artworks that were still available for sale.
If at all possible, this is one art exhibit that you should not miss. These four young artists are truly outstanding.
I had just finished reading the article when the phone started to ring. Jack answered, "Hi, Mr. Benson, yep, your lazy son is here reading the newspaper. ... Okay, here he is."
I took the phone, "What's up, Dad?
Dad answered, "It looks as if there will be only us foreigners who will be going to Buckingham Palace today. Mr. Cox and Mr. Peters had to go to work on some important case. Jaime said we would pick up the two young ladies and meet you at the palace at 11:55."
"Okay Dad, I'll call the Queen's staff and tell them that there will be twelve of us. Do you suppose you and Mother can refrain from embarrassing me today?"
Dad shot back, "Brian, you're going to get your butt grounded for talking like that. We'll discuss this after lunch."
I made my call and suggested that we get dressed. Jack followed us to the bedroom, "Brian, I have no idea what to wear for a lunch with the Queen and the Prince."
I looked at Jack, "Sir, I'll tell you what we're going to do. Several of us need to have our hair styled. I'll call Jaime and see if he can get us an appointment."
I picked up the phone and called Jaime, "Jaime, this is Brian. Would it be possible for the four of us to get our hair styled before lunch?"
Jaime called back, "Be at the salon at 10:00 o'clock. They will have four stylists standing by to trim your hair. When I saw you yesterday, you looked fine."
I answered, "It's not me I'm worried about, but I don't want to make anyone feel bad."
Jaime was laughing, "Brian, you are a piece of art. Here's the address and the appointments are in your name."
I gave Jack the address and fortunately he knew where the salon was located,
When we walked into the salon, there were four people waiting for us, the two young women took Chase and Timmy and the two gentlemen took Jack and me. The gentleman who was trimming my hair was all business. He looked at me, "Sir, I don't understand why you wanted your hair styled. You look good to me the way you are."
"I just want to make sure that I look good since we having lunch with the Queen, and I didn't want to tell some of my friends that they were looking rather ragged."
The gentleman looked at me, "What is your name? Why do I get the feeling I've seen you someplace before? You people aren't really having lunch with the Queen, are you?"
I decided to have fun with the man, "My name is Brian, and yes we're really going to have lunch with the Queen."
The gentleman went and got the paper and was looking at it, "Mr. Benson, your self portraits don't even begin to do you justice. I have a fourteen year old son, and he'd die to have a smooth complexion like yours. I'm not gay, but if I were, I would love to see you naked and see if you were packing as much as your self portrait suggests."
Jack leaned over from the adjacent stall, "Believe me mister, his portraits don't even tell the whole story. No one would believe the display if he portrayed his body as it really looks. I saw it in all it's magnificence this morning."
"Knock it off Jack, payback will be even worse than you can imagine."
When we got back to the apartment, I took the two boys into the bedroom and quickly showered and dried them. I laid out the clothes that they were to wear. As they were getting dressed, I took a quick shower and had just gotten into the room and picked up my briefs and was starting to put them on when there was a knock on the door. Timmy opened the door and Jack was standing there in his briefs.
"Brian, I don't have any clothes here that are suitable to wear to the palace for lunch. My good clothes except for my tuxedo are in Ithaca."
I shrugged my shoulders, "Let's raid Monsieur Lafontaine's closet. He's about the same size as you are. I'm sure he won't mind."
Grandpa Nappy's clothes fit Jack perfectly. We had our ties on and even if I do say so myself, we looked pretty darn good.
As we were going down the stairs, Jack asked, "Do you want to take the limo or the Mercedes?"
I looked at him, "Why don't we take the Mercedes? We don't need the limo for just the four of us."
I directed Jack to the visitor's gate and we were met by the guards. The young man on duty asked, "How may I help you?"
I spoke for the four of us. "We have a luncheon engagement with the queen. I believe Her Majesty is expecting us. I'm Brian Benson, the young man driving the car is Jacques Stewart and the two young men in the back are Chase Little and Timothy Benson."
The young man saluted, "The rest of your party has just arrived, Sir Brian."
I directed Jack as to where to park. We were greeted at the visitor's entrance and shown to the parlor. I was surprised to see that Prince Harry was present, also. He looked at me, "Grandmum wanted me to make sure you didn't steal the silver."
I formally introduced the three gentlemen who were with me and went and kissed the Queen's hand and shook Prince Philip's hand.
Timmy and Chase copied what I had done. I was talking to Vicky and Prince Harry. I had forgotten that Jack was a British subject, so he was very proper in his greetings.
He came over and whispered, "I feel a little out my element here."
Prince Harry heard what Jack had said, "Jacques. We put our clothes on the same as you do, so relax and enjoy yourself."
An attendant announced, "Lunch is ready to be served your Majesty."
This is Beau.
The Queen stood, "Brian, if you will escort me, we'll adjourn to the dining room. Harry, you make sure the two young gentlemen have everything they need."
Brian offered his arm to the Queen and Prince Philip offered his arm to Becca so I went and offered my arm to Vicky, "May I escort you, Lady Victoria?"
As we were walking to the dining room, I heard the Queen say, "Brian, I decided to eat in the less formal dining room today. I hope you don't mind?"
Brian smiled, "Your Highness, we can eat in the kitchen if you would like. Of course, the help would probably not know what to do if we did that, would they?"
The Queen looked at Brian, "Brian, you certainly are a refreshing change. You aren't awed by me at all, are you?"
Brian had the perfect response, "Your Majesty, I respect who you are and what you represent, but I am not in awe of you as you say."
When we entered the dining room, there was a round dining table that was elegantly decorated. Brian escorted the Queen to her seat and she motioned, "Brian, you and Vicky sit to my left. Mr. and Mrs. Benson, please sit the to the right of Prince Philip. Harry, you make sure the two young men get enough to eat."
We were eating our soup when the Queen dropped the first bomb, "Brian, I understand that you caught another unsavory character this morning. Maybe we need to confine you to the island. Minister Smyth informed me that the gentleman that you helped to apprehend has been positively identified by several of his victims."
Brian, being who he is, deflected the attention away from himself. "It was really Timmy who first heard the young man's plea for help. Fortunately Timmy and Chase didn't observe what had happened since Mr. Stewart was able to keep them away from the scene of the incident. Your Highness, I don't think your island could handle me being around. I seem to cause trouble wherever I am."
The Queen laughed, "Brian, me thinks you doth exaggerate."
Brian was watching his two boys to see how they were doing and Prince Harry and J.R. were helping Timmy and Chase. They even helped them cut their lamb chops. Timmy was talking to Prince Harry as if he was an old friend. Ben was sitting beside me and he leaned over and whispered, "Dad, it's easy to tell who the persons in our family that are going to make the biggest impact."
I looked at Ben, "What do you mean, Son?"
Ben smiled, "Dad, it's obvious to almost everyone that Brian and Timmy have taken control of our family. The funny part is, I don't resent that at all. I want to be laid back like Uncle Jeff was. Brian is more outgoing than I ever will be. Just look at how he and Timmy are conversing with the British royal family as if they were the next door neighbors."
As we finished the dessert, Brian smiled, "Your Royal Highnesses, I hate to eat and run, but Mr. Jonson would like for us to be at the gallery when the exhibit opens to the public at two o'clock. I doubt that there will many patrons."
The Queen stood, "Brian, I am very impressed that you have chosen to donate funds to the poor and hungry of our country. I hate to admit it, but the number is growing at an alarming rate."
She kissed Brian on the cheek, "Brian, please get in touch with us the next time you get to town."
Brian nodded, "I probably won't be back until Christmas. I'm hoping that Vicky can come to the United States for our Thanksgiving."
Becca looked at me with a questioning look and whispered, "I think we've lost control."
Brian thanked the Queen and Prince Philip for the lunch and the rest of us followed his example. As we were walking to the exit, Prince Harry had his arm around Brian, "Brian, here's my card with my email address and my mobile phone number. When you find out when you will be arriving the next time, get in touch with me, I'll relay the
information. Believe me, that would be faster than trying to get through to Grandmum."
After we said our farewells, Timmy announced, as we were going to the vehicles, "We're going to ride with Grandma and Grandpa. Ms. Vicky, you can ride with Brian. Uncle J.R., you ride with them to make sure that Uncle Jack keeps his mind on the road."
An exiting chapter to be sure. What's in store for our intrepid characters? I'll be waiting. Will B
Darryl's Notes: It looks to me as if Timmy, indeed, is following in Brian's footsteps. He is very bright and a real joy to know.
I know that Pinochle, the story, is getting close to the end. I can feel it happening, but I am sure that E Walk is not going to stop telling us about the wonderful people we have all fallen in love with.
Having said that, I would appreciate it very much if you would let him know what you think of the stories. It really does make him feel good to hear from you. Don't be afraid to tell him which things you like best or which things you would like to see. Believe me when I tell you that your input really does make a difference. I know that he has taken some of the things that I suggested and used them in the stories. I am not the only one he has received inspiration from either.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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