This is Beau.
When we arrived at the gallery, there was a queue of people waiting to enter. Some of those in line made snide remarks as we went to the door and were let in by Kelly. He looked at Brian, "Now see what you've done, you rotten kid. You created a traffic hazard. Get your butt in here so Mr. Johnson can yell at you."
We went to the gallery where the young peoples' art was on display and Brian froze, "Kelly, the pictures I brought on Saturday are on display. I told you that wasn't necessary."
Kelly was enjoying this encounter, "Look at my hands, punk. They're bleeding from all the work that you caused me to do. Besides we had to have some more junk to sell to the uninformed, since we were able to pawn off most of your junk last night. Just look around, almost everything has a 'Sold' sign on it already."
For one of the first times in a long time, Brian was speechless. He regained his composure and grabbed Kelly and hugged him. "This is all your fault, so don't blame me."
Mr. Johnson approached us, "Brian, how do you want us to handle the finances of the sales?"
Brian looked at me as if he were asking for help. I answered even though I wasn't prepared. "Mr. Johnson, I suggest that any payments that are due to the four young men be made out to them directly since I don't have any idea what Chris and Chase's parents might want to have their sons do with the money. When we get back to the States, I will check on how any further money should be distributed."
The doors opened and we watched as people paid a pound each to enter the gallery. Mr. Johnson was watching and he whispered, "This is the most people that this gallery has ever seen in one day."
We were standing, watching the people when a young boy about Timmy's age came over to us, "Some of these pictures are of you people, aren't they?"
Brian leaned down, "Yes, they are, my young friend. Why did you ask?"
The little guy answered, "My Daddy's an artist and his people don't really look as if they are alive as you make people look."
Brian knelt down, "My name is Brian and I don't think you should let your Daddy hear you say something like that. It might make him feel bad."
A young gentlemen was standing there laughing, "Mr. Benson, you make my work look like I'm an amateur compared to you, and I have been making a living by painting for a number of years. I think I need to come take lessons from you. Ricky and my wife keep telling me that my people don't seem real."
Brian stood and shook the gentleman's hand, "Please call me Brian, sir. My Dad is standing right there, and he wouldn't appreciate being usurped as head of the Benson family."
The gentleman started to laugh, "I'm Richard Halliburton. I sign my paintings 'Halle'."
Brian was very diplomatic, "I've seen pictures of some of your works. Your still-life and your abstracts are very good, but I must agree with your son, your paintings of people seem to be a little wooden."
I looked at Brian, "Brian, you have no right to make a comment like that to Mr. Halliburton."
The gentleman looked at me, I assume you are Brian's Father. He has every right to make a comment like that. He has more talent than I will ever have. I am just amazed that he is so young. Now that I have met him and have seen some of his subjects, I realize how talented he is. The portrait of the two young men playing checkers has to be of the two young men standing over there. In fact I recognize many of you in his paintings. I can not believe that he can work in three mediums so well."
Our conversation was interrupted by Timmy, "Dad and Mother, can we leave now?"
Brian turned to Mr. Halliburton, "Sir, I think it's time for us to leave. My brother is getting bored of this gallery stuff and wants to go home and have some free time. We've had a rather busy day."
Brian looked at Becca and me, "Dad and Mother, let me tell Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kelly that we're leaving."
This is Brian.
I looked at the clock and went to tell Mr. Johnson and Kelly that we were leaving. Mr. Johnson nodded, "Brian, I'll bring the cheques when I see you tonight."
Kelly hugged me, "When you complete anymore of this junk, send it to us and we'll be glad to pawn it off on the unsuspecting public."
I kissed both men and I think they were surprised.
Thankfully Mother and Dad had rounded everyone up and we departed to where we were staying. When we walked in, Grandpa Nappy was having a cup of tea and Timmy and Chase sat down beside him and began telling them about our day.
Monsieur Lafontaine looked at me, "Honestly Brian, I can't leave you alone for a minute or you get into trouble. Timmy and Chase, grab two of those cookies and get changed into some comfortable clothes. Jacques is going to take you to the park so you can run before he takes you to get a burger and some fries."
When the three young men disappeared, Grandpa Nappy started on me, "Brian, don't be upset with anything that happens tonight. There is a reason for everything, Timmy and Chase will be well taken care of and you'll meet them at the airport with Jack, J.R., Chris and Angie for your flight home. You might want to freshen up before we go to our dinner engagement."
I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I felt like I had been through a wringer today. 'I'm fourteen. I can't handle much more.' I was coming out of the bathroom and Reggie was standing there. "Sorry sir, I was going to pack your clothes for you and the boys."
I looked at Reggie, "Mr. Stewart, let's cut this servant stuff and get on with what is happening. Why am I going to this dinner tonight?"
Reggie looked at me, "Brian, I am not at liberty to tell you. I suggest that you respond favorably to what happens, because Monsieur Lafontaine thinks extremely highly of you. Now might I add, you might want to charge admission when you come out of the shower."
I threw a pair of my clean briefs at him. "Like father, like son."
After I put on my clean briefs, I went and hugged him. "Reggie. I don't know how many times my heart can stand coming to London. I get in trouble every time I come here."
Reggie hugged me, "Master Brian, I'm sure that I'll be seeing you more than you can imagine. Now get dressed. I need to take you and Monsieur Lafontaine to the dinner."
While I was getting dressed, Reggie was packing our few clothes and took them and put them in the hallway. When I walked into the parlor, Grandpa Nappy hugged me, "Son, you are a beautiful person both outside and inside. I wish I could have met you sooner. We need to go, we wouldn't want to keep the people waiting, would we?"
We took the Mercedes since there were just the three of us. When we arrived at a nondescript building with no markings, I wondered what we were in for. We were met at the door by a man in formal attire, "Good evening, Monsieur Lafontaine. It has been some time since you have been here."
When we entered a large banquet hall, the people in attendance all stood. Grandpa Nappy was holding my arm as we walked toward the raised platform where Mother and Dad were standing with Uncle Rod and Uncle Hank. The people applauded as we walked by."
When we got to our seats, Monsieur Lafontaine raised his hand, "Wizards and Wizardesses, please be seated and enjoy the meal that has been prepared."
I looked out at the assembled people and I spotted Ben, Grant and Shamus. "Grandpa Nappy, where is Jaime. I thought he would be here."
Grandpa Nappy leaned over, "Brian, you are very observant, Jaime is going to make sure that the other young people get to the airport in time along with your luggage."
Mr. Johnson approached me, "Brian, I have the cheques for the sales of the artworks so far. I have them made out to each of you young men as you requested."
I looked at the cheques. I looked at my cheque, "Mr. Johnson, there must be some mistake. Did you take out the gallery's five percent and the fifty percent for the hungry and needy fund?"
Mr. Johnson nodded, "Yes, the check for the hungry and needy is there and it's made out to Mr. Cox so he can administer the fund with Mr. Peters' help."
I looked at the cheque for J.R. and it was for the full $25,000.00. "Why didn't you take the gallery's five percent from the sale of J.R.'s painting?"
Mr. Johnson looked at me, "Brian, you and your friends have made us more money in one day than we have made in many months. With the reviews that your works have received. It may be several months before we close the exhibit. Perhaps by then you and your friends could have another batch of junk as Kelly lovingly calls it ready to go up."
Our meals had arrived and I stuck the cheques into my jacket pocket except the one for the hungry and needy which I handed to Uncle Rod. He and Uncle Hank looked at the amount and Uncle Hank looked at me, "Brian, this should help the needy and hungry considerably." He showed the cheque to my parents and they winked at me."
As we were eating dessert, Minister Smyth approached me. "Brian, we have a reward for your catching the molester of patrons at the park where you were running today. The residents in the area have been afraid to go to the park in light of what that man had been doing. It seems as if he didn't care who he molested. What makes it so sad, is that he is the father of four children."
The waiters started to collect our utensils and the tables were removed. Three chairs were moved to the side of the platform and Mother, Dad and I were directed to them. I looked at them and I could tell that they were as confused as I was. Uncle Hank stood, "Wizards and Wizardesses, please get ready for the induction ceremony."
I watched as everyone donned the appropriate color robe. Grandpa Nappy appeared in a white velvet robe with what looked to be thousands of glittering diamonds. He took the microphone, "Fellow Wizards and Wizardesses, we are here tonight to induct three new members into our fellowship. The first two inductees are being inducted for two reasons. They both grew up in a life with many hard knocks and have landed on their feet and are serving humanity well."
"The second reason is that they are the first couple to have two of their offspring and a son-in-law in our elite society. Will Ben and Grant please come forward and put the robes on Mr. Beau Benson and Mrs. Becca Benson."
Ben and Grant were as confused as I was, but they did as they were told to do. Grandpa Nappy announced, "Mr. and Mrs. Benson, while you do not have any special powers that your sons do, we extend to you to the right of participating in the Council of Wizards."
The guys put the blue robes on Mother and Dad and I was totally confused.
After a round of applause, Grandpa Nappy put up his hand, "Now for the most important announcement of the evening which only a very few people know about. I am passing on the title of Chief Wizard of the Western World to our newest and youngest wizard. Mr. Brian Benson, please come forward."
I felt as if I was a zombie as I walked to where Grandpa Nappy was standing. Uncle Hank and Uncle Rod took the robe off of Grandpa Nappy and put it on me. I hugged Grandpa Nappy and he whispered, "Brian, make me proud. I love you. I wish I could have met you and my grandsons sooner."
I had my arms around him and I felt his energy surging into me. The last thing I heard him say was 'Son, continue to use your powers to protect people who are in danger, as you have done so far.'
I sank to my knees and I continued to hold Grandpa Nappy, and I could feel him slipping away and the tears started streaming down my face. I continued to hold him as he passed on to a better place. Reggie came to me, "Master Brian, Monsieur Lafontaine was only living for this night. I suggest that you get out of the robe and Shamus will take you to the airport to catch your flight. Jaime is there with your tickets. Monsieur Lafontaine has already arranged for his service to be conducted next Saturday so be ready to travel after your football game on Friday night.
This is Beau.
The people who had been assembled in the banquet hall stood and applauded as we exited. Brian waved but didn't say anything.
On the trip to the airport, Brian didn't say a single word. It was as if he was in a fog. He just sat there and Becca and I were beginning to get concerned. This was unlike Brian. When we got to the airport we were met by the rest of our group and Jack. Timmy ran to Brian, "Grandpa Nappy died, didn't he?"
Brian knelt down, "Yes, Timmy, he did. He told me that he wanted you to make him proud of you."
After we cleared security and customs, we went to the waiting area for our flight. Since none of us knew what exactly was happening, we were surprised when there was an announcement, "Will the Benson party please come to the desk?"
I lead the group to the ticket desk. I handed the young lady our tickets. She apologized, "Mr. Benson, there has been a big mistake in your tickets. I need to issue you new tickets."
It took several minutes and she handed the tickets to me, "If you will have your passports ready, you may board the aircraft now through the passageway on the left."
I handed everyone their ticket and Brian made sure that Chase and Timmy had their passports. When we entered the aircraft, the young attendant looked at the tickets. Mr. and Mrs. Benson you have the first two seats on the left. She proceeded to tell everybody where their seat was. Timmy and Chase were across from where Brian was sitting by himself for the time being.
This is Brian.
I was trying to comprehend everything that had happened. I watched as Timmy and Chase were practically straining their necks to look out the window at the same time. In fact they were both in the window seat. A young male flight attendant came by and looked at them, "Gentlemen, you need to put your seatbelts on."
Chase had obviously flown before because he flipped up the arm rest between the two seats and connected the two seat belts. The attendant was laughing, "Well they did what I asked them to do. Mr. Benson, I guess you have the luxury of having two seats to yourself tonight. A Mr. Lafontaine checked in, but he didn't show for the final boarding call."
I felt a presence beside me. I heard Nappy say, 'The man must be blind. Brian, I asked that you not grieve for me. Get on with your life and be your normal bossy self.' I felt pressure on my cheek and then the presence was gone.
For some reason, I felt much better after that encounter, and as soon as the fasten seat belt sign was turned off I stood up and went and sat on the arm of J.R.'s seat, "Dude, I have something for you."
I pulled out the cheques, as the British would say, that Mr. Johnson had given me. When I handed J.R. his cheque, he looked at it, "Brian, there must be a mistake. I thought the gallery was going to take out a five percent commission?"
"I questioned Mr. Johnson about that and he said he felt sorry for you since you were a poor starving college student."
J.R. looked at me, "Brian, you're lying."
When I told J.R. and Jack what Mr. Johnson had really said, they started to laugh.
I moved across the aisle and sat on the arm of Chris' seat and handed him his cheque with an itemized list of which of his photographs had been sold. He looked at the cheque and he got a funny look on his face, "Brian, stop playing mind games with me. There is no way that my photographs sold for this much money."
"Chris, I'm not playing mind games with you. You need to go through some of your other photos and send them to the gallery."
"Brian, you had better be ready to explain to my parents why I got so much money."
"Just tell them to check with my Dad and Mother. Angie, I'm going to give Chase's cheque to my parents, since I think they will be driving the two of you home."
I went and knelt down in the open area in front of Dad and Mother. I handed them my cheques. "Please keep these for me. We'll need to go to the bank and deposit them as soon as we can. We'll put the reward money in an account for Timmy since he was the first person to hear the young man's cry for help. Dad and Mother you really need to adopt him."
Dad looked at the cheques and laughed, "Brian, I guess I won't need to worry about paying for your college education." He handed the cheques to Mother."
She started to laugh, too, "Brian, we were talking about Timmy earlier. You've really fallen in love with him haven't you?"
I looked them, "I'm confused. I feel as if he is a son and a brother at the same time. I know that because of the age difference, he can't be a son. Monsieur Lafontaine explained to Timmy and Chase that they should never refer to me as Dad in front of any other people or they would think that I had done something bad."
Dad looked at me, "Brian, we've already decided to adopt him if we can. He is so refreshing. We realize that he looks at you as a special person and you are."
I hugged both parents. I had a sudden thought, "How are we going to get home from Newark since there weren't any tickets for a continuing flight?"
"Son, you worry too much. Here read this note that was in with the tickets."
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Benson,
You will be met at the Newark airport after you have cleared customs and taken to an awaiting jet to take you home. The crew has been instructed to drop the four gentlemen off at Ithaca and then proceed to Lincoln where Angela and Chase's parents will be waiting for them. The aircraft will then take you to Fremont where Chris' father will pick you up.
Take care of your four boys. They are all special.
N. Lafontaine
I started to laugh, "Grandpa Nappy had to have the last word."
Editor's Comment: What a wonderful chapter. Grandpa Nappy chose his successor well. I know that Brian will use his powers to help people. Will B.
Darryl's Notes: No he didn't. I get to have the last word, at least in this chapter.
Well, when I received this chapter from E Walk, the message said I would need tissues. He was absolutely correct. I didn't want Grandpa Nappy to die. That was very sad. It seems, however, that he was able to say good-bye and that is at least some comfort. I am very happy for Brian. I always knew he would be inducted into the society. He certainly deserves it. I expect it won't be long before Timmy joins him.
I want more chapters, but then I always want more chapters, so that is not a surprise.
Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher
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